The spell;

She wasn't goanna allow her brother's to continue to treat her like their human livestock. She was half witch and half vampire. She was the offspring of a very powerful pure blood vampire here in the Northern of Japan aside from the Sakamaki family. Yes she was born more mortal then her half vampire brothers. Yes she healed a lot faster then the girls they brought home. But she still needed a daily 8oz of blood a day to live. Not like her brothers who feed when the thirst hit them.

She looked at bit marks that scattered across her shoulders as she stood in front of her full length mirrorin her room. They showed an angry red in contrast to her light complexion that was littered with freckles. The twins Daiji and Eiji took to much blood from her before school, causing her to black out and not able to attend the school they went to. Which gave her the opportunity to get as far as she could get from them. They always found away to hurt her even with out the use of their fangs. Glancing at the grimwald that she inherited from her mother at her passing. She found a spell that she could completely change who she was; looks, age, nearly the DNA of her blood; but it had a few drawbacks. Like it would make her completely vampuric, and lock away her magic, and cause her memory loss. She was fine with losing her magic and the horrible memories that she has of her torturer here. She also placed a teleporting spell on a necklace she got from her mother when she was small from a visit to a beautiful manor that reminded her of a birdcage with many windows. She thought about all her imprudence that she has been collecting as she walked to her closet to change.

A vial of her brothers blood, which coasted her a week of being his personal blood bank.

white rosed herbs to make the change from dark hair to light.

And a item that would lock her magic inside that she will never open again, a locket that could never open would work.

The pure vampire blood would make it so that she became a mortal turned vampire. From what her brothers and other pure bloods said, they smelled off to them. So having that scent would through them off if she ever ran into them after she ran away. Pulling on an ice blue sweater that left her shoulders and neck bare, she grabbed a pair of her white diamond printer tights and slid them over her legs. She looked between her black shirt and shorts internally debating about which to wear. Finally deciding on the shorts, which seemed more practical to run in. She rampaged around her sock dower to find her black knee socks with the thick bank of blue lace at the top.

Once dressed she walked over and grabbed an old gray purse and placed what she needed inside it; with her white rosed herds and blood mixed up and crocked in a bottle. She didn't need the mortar and pestle to crush and mix the items. She mixed them before she got ready for school that morning or evening since they went to night school. Putting the necklace around her neck she grabbed her gray calf high combat boots. She silently creped passes all the family familiars that served to clean and make the food in the manor.

As soon as she reached the front door, she ran. Letting her feet take her to the spot her and her mother used to perform spells on the nights of the full moon like that night was. She quickly worked since she only had about 20 minutes till the full moon reached its apex at midnight. The right time to perform every spell. She quickly grabbed the chocker that had the moon stone on a blue ribbon that had her transport spell ingrained for a one time use around her neck. She took out her chock and began to draw the symbols she always drew when she casted a spell under the moon. The symbol of the goddess; two crescent moons on each side of a full moon at the north, the blessing symbol; a crescent moon turned on its side with 3 diamonds hanging from it to the south, the protecting to the west and purification to the east. Then she found the rocks she prepared the night before with the symbols for spirit, fire, air, water, and earth drew upon them. She then drew the pentacle in the middle of her other symbols. She looked up at the moon, she had 5 minutes to place the stones and get ready.

She placed the stones, spirit under the goddess, fire to the northeast, air to the northwest, earth to the southeast, and water to the southwest. She stepped into the center as the moon reached the apex. The energy of the circle she casted causing her heart to beat rapidly, both in anticipation and in excitement. She was leaving her horrible life to start a new.

Believe in the Goddess;

Who creates the night.

Believe in the wonder;

That stars and the moon show.

Believe in the magic;

That flows throw from above.

I drink to become my Father;

Reject of thy mother.

Free to walk the night;

Free of fear of my fathers blood.

I agree to the life of blood not to know magic of my mother.


Glancing at the vial between her fingers she held to the sky, which glowed a light blue, she knew the goddess granted the blessing to drink and be free of the tortures she left behind. As she drank the contents, she felt the weight of her magic leave her body. As the world began to go black she felt the pull of her last spell activate and she was gone.

Yuma Mukami was already pissed after running into Shu Sakamaki in the halls sleeping again, and then at dinner when Kou grabbed the last shrimp tempura he had his eyes on. As he walked to his vegetable garden to check the tomato's to see which plant to pick from the next morning, he punched a wall causing a crater there. He was more of an aggressor of the four brothers. He showed his anger more then the others. As he approached he noticed that a book was thrown out in the middle of the walkway next to the roses. Looking over to the plant bed, he saw something or someone he wasn't expecting to see.

A girl that looked like she crashed landed there. He quietly walked over and knelt next to her. Moving the pale blue hair that covered her face, he noted the bit marks along her shoulders. Must have been turned against her will. He thought. He also noticed that she had freckles dusted across her nose, cheeks, and shoulders. As he went to move her, the girl's eyes popped open showing the clear white eyes that then glowed red. "What Happened?" She whispered before she passed out once more.

Yume noticed that her voice was airy and timid as she asked him. But seeing the glow of red confirmed that she was like his brothers and himself. Picking her body up, which brought her small bag with her. He walked back in, with another reason to be pissed. The flowerbed was ruined, but they may have gained another family member.