Clumsy at Love

Chapter 1: Marry Me

Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma ½

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Akane's chin resting over her right palm while her left hand's fingers were busy tapping the table.

"Stop that Akane!" snapped annoyed Nabiki, looking elegant and beautiful in her revealing, emerald green dress.

Akane rolled her eyes and turned to her father. "I want to go home." She whined. "I'm not needed here anyway." But her father didn't even look her way. "As usual, I'm being ignored." She muttered.

"Please, Akane... be patient. It'll be over soon." Kasumi said softly. "Our presence here is important for our company's future."

And because it's Kasumi, Akane shut up. She could never go up against her eldest sister. She's way too nice. Akane looks around the venue, trying to find something that would ease her boredom while unceremoniously stabbing the steak on her plate until her attention was caught by the emcee on stage.

"...holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineering in Stanford University US and an MBA at Columbia University in New York." Akane's lifted an eyebrow.

"Impressive." She muttered. "Hopefully, he's also good looking."

"...ladies and gentlemen... straight from Narita International Airport, Saotome's one and only heir..."

…Saotome's one and only heir? Her body stiffened.

"Saotome?" She repeated, puts down the fork she was using playing her food and stood up. "...the dashing debonair himself... Ranma Saotome!"

She somehow made her way to the stage, amidst deafening clapping and cheering. She stopped and peered between the last rows of beautiful ladies near the stage as her heart pounds hard and fast against her chest.

And then, there he appeared... from the left side of the stage, followed by the bright spotlight... with all his might and glory... Taller and handsome as ever... Did that jerk take a modeling course in the US? The way he dressed and walks and smiles... she hates to admit it but he looks like a real-life model... amazingly gorgeous and very manly, even with and still, his black long hair still in a braid... BRAID! Click!

She quickly turns her back on him, right at the exact moment his eyes looked her way.

Inhale... Exhale... Inhale... She calmed herself as she readied herself for the run of her life. Run? Why should she run? Running would surely get her family's attention, would make her a crowd's laughing matter and will only make Ranma notice her presence... and it will be a major, terrible disaster.

She let out another mouthful of air then took a step forward. She got to be careful... be very, very careful. But then she caught a glimpse of her father coming towards her direction. She instantly glides to the side, taking the complete opposite path she'd taken coming near the damned stage.

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Akane couldn't remember how she manages to escape and how long she's been sitting on the cold floor of her favorite spot in Saotome's 1st Tower's rooftop. Because the only thing she's concerned about earlier is to just DISAPPEAR. Luckily, her feet brought her here... in this particular place.

So, he's back... After seven long years, Ranma Saotome's back, back with his numerous accomplishments and perfected handsomeness. How did that stupid jerk grow up like that? She grumbled.

She knew that it shouldn't matter to her whatever he is now. She shouldn't care and should not be affected at all. But here she is... hiding because she's seriously affected by his mere presence.

Her head and shoulder sagged down low as she sighed a defeated kind of sigh. The truth is... she's jealous of what he had become now, she admits. She then hugged her knees closer to her chest and wonder.

While she found him as brand new, sparkling Ranma Saotome... she's still the same old Akane Tendo, still PLAIN and SIMPLE. No accomplishments and still living in her world. Still has this hateful character and most of all, still this unpretty. She felt that familiar throbbing pain in her heart. She knew she would only look pitiful in his eyes. Or worst would be his laughing matter like it was before.

Her head turned instinctively towards the direction of the gray steel door. She heard footsteps. Who could it be? It couldn't be him, right? She listens as footfalls get closer. Her eyes open wider as the gray steel door slowly open until it reveals a black male figure. She couldn't move a muscle until it speaks up.

"Hey!" She heard the figure said as it steps out of the dark.

"Oh, no!" Her palms automatically slapped over her face.

"Akane..." Her heart beats seems louder than his husky voice.

"Tendo, Akane!" Her body stiffened.

"Akane..." He tried again, there's a hint of humor with his voice.

"What!" She shouted irritably but did not dare to look up. He did not answer but took steps closer then squatted beside her.

Silence. Just soft breathing and loud heart beating. She waited. Expecting him to break the deafening silence.

Moments go on but still, no words came out of him.

This is odd. She thought. The silence between them was peculiar. Afraid that she might fall into whatever tricks he was planning, she looked up. Her eyes fell straightly into his deep blue eyes and were caught up there. She couldn't look away. He seemed like a dream, a prince who came out to reality and found her. She blinked.

"Hi!" He greeted softly while flashing her a heart-stopping kind of smile. "I see that you still love to hide yourself up here..."

"Huh?" She uttered like an idiot, fascinated by his charm.

He laughs.

Whoosh! She felt like she has been splashed with a bucket of cold water. Her brows furrowed, lips pouted then stood up and stomped away.

He laughs even harder. "You haven't changed at all." He commented.

Whatever! She grumbled, dusting her little black skirt. If she only knew he would be here today, she would have at least tried to be pretty by letting Kasumi put on some make-up on her face and borrowing one of Nabiki's fancy dress.

She caught a glimpsed of him standing up with grace and taking careful strides towards her. "You know, I've been trying to reach you for years but failed to do so. I only heard about you from some of our close friends, and your sisters, once or twice from your father, but never from you." He said looking as far away as he could.

"That hurts, you know."

"I'm sure there's nothing about me that will catch your interest."

Odd. No response. Usually, when she threw snide remarks like that, he bounced back with harsher words. He then looked her way and caught her staring at him. She felt her face burned in shame and knew that its awfully all red. She figured what would come next... he'll make fun of her. She waited but, it never came.

She watches his expression changed from uneasy to firm then he said calmly. "Akane Tendo... marry me."

"What?!" Then everything around her becomes oddly hazy.