I own nothing about twilight. SM does. I love twilight and thought I'd make a different story then your typical ones. There are some add on characters that our mine though. Hope you like it. Leave comments please.

Bella's pov:

Isabella Marie Swan,that's me. But please call me Bella. I don't like my full name. Bella suits me better. Even thought I was named after my great grandmother Isabella. Even though I never met her I was told we looked a lot alike. So I wanted to go by Bella so one would make fun of my name.

I also don't really like Isabella because people think I'm Italian. And I'm not. Or at least I don't think so. But it has been on my mind to look into our family history.

I'm 17 years old. i am moving to Fork,Washington to stay with my father, Charlie, because my mom got married a couple years ago to Phil. He is a minor league baseball player and travels a lot. Mom stayed with me at first but missed him. So when he had to leave this time I suggested that I go stay with dad.

Sure I had only spent a limited amount of time with my father since my mother left, and sure it would take some getting used to for us; but I loved my dad and he loved me, so I knew I'd be taken care of.

My mom on the other hand worried about that. She had said he was never good at sharing his emotions or giving a lot of love. He gave me tons of love when I saw him. Which wasn't often.

She also said she had to take care of him. Ever time I visited though, he seemed to be doing fine on his own and would show me he loved me and hugged me. Maybe he just couldn't stand her. Or at least that's what I thought.

"Be careful honey. If you need me or anything don't hesitate to call me or Phil. I will come back as fast as I can." I rolled my eyes. I would never call. It would just upset her. And she would blame my dad.

"Mom I'll be fine. Don't worry so much. Have fun." I hugged them both and got on the plane. I would miss them of course, but I wanted my mother to be happy and it was time for a change.

Dad picked me up and we set in for the hour drive back to his house.

"Your look different. Is your cut?" Dad asked as we turned on the highway for Forks.

"No it's longer. I haven't cut it in three years." I said twirling my hair with my finger.

We talked like that all the way back to Charlie's.

-Time skip-

My dads house was just like it was always. He never changed it. Just repainted or repaired things when they fell apart. His house was a small house. White with green outlines. And a green door. (I just made up the outside of his house.) brown and tan on the inside with yellow kitchen cabinets. Mom painted them yellow when she lived here with him. He has kept them the same. Poor guys need to get himself a woman

My room was upstairs to the right of the bathroom. The only things that had changed in that room was the bed got bigger and my dad added a computer for me. Probably so I could keep in contact with my mom. Other than that my room was the same.

I sighed as I laid my suitcase on the bed. This is going to be the longest two years of my life.

After unpacking and a quick shower I joined dad in living room. He had ordered us some pizza for dinner.

" I signed you up for school you start Monday. And if you want to we can go school shopping tomorrow for clothes and school supplies." Ugh taking the cruiser around wasn't my idea of fun that's for sure.

"Oh and before I forget BillyBlack and his son Jacob are stopping by in the morning. You remember Billy don't you."

"Yeah dad. He's your on the Rez right. The one whose wife died."

"Yes but don't bring that up it still very sad. And it hurts the family to think about."

I mean really that happened like ten years ago. It was the one time I ever went to the Rez. Not that I would not be sad if the love of my life died but people had to move on. Life happens wether you want it too. My dad was a perfect example of that. But I didn't comment because I was nothing but respectful of those who passed and the family who was left behind in the wake of it.

"I won't dad. I remember how tough it was for them. Plus Billy is your friend and I would not want you two to hate each other because of me."

"Well thanks. I'm going to go to bed now ill see you in the morning."

"Night dad. I think I'm going to watch a bit of tv and read before bed."

"Okay well don't stay up too late. See you in the morning." He was gone. I turned back around facing the tv. Vampire Diaries was on so I started watching that. Damon is such a hottie. I thought. It was 10 when I quit watching tv and decided to go to bed.

Morning came quicker than I liked. I heard Charlie talk to some one with a deep voice and figured that was Billy. So I got up took a quick shower then after getting dressed headed downstairs.

"Morning dad." I said as I turned to go into the kitchen.

"Morning Bells." He came over to hug me. I hugged him back.

"Come on Billy and Jacob and I have a surprise for you." He said as he walked out the front door.

"But-" I did not get to finish cause he was already in the front yard talking with Billy.

I sighed. I hate surprises he knew this. What would he even have that I can't get in the house? Ugh. I gave up and went out side. I gasped as I took in the scene.

There in the driveway next to Charlie's cruiser was a beautiful navy blue f-150. My eyes glazed over.

Charlie and Jacob was standing by the truck and Billy was in the beat up pick up that he must have driven over. (I'm not making Billy in a wheelchair in my story. He is going to be able to move around on his own).

"SURPRISE! I found it for sale and had Jake here fix it up for me. I know you don't want to ride in the cruiser to school and back. So this for you." I ran to my dad and hugged him.

"Thanks dad. I love it so much." I hugged him again. Now I wouldn't have to take the cruiser to school.

Jacob showed me the end and outs of the truck. We even took a test ride. After about 20 minutes we went back to the house. I hate to say I loved my new truck.

-Later that night—

Dad had let me go shopping by myself. Giving me his card to buy everything that I needed. I guess he had been saving up for my visit. I felt bad about using his card but I really had nothing for Forks weather. And no school supplies so I got me the cheapest school supplies and warmer clothes for little to nothing. Mom always taught be how to be frugal. When your poor you have to find a way to make money last.

At least I would be ready for when school started on Monday. I hoped I wasn't on anyone's radar. But small town life sucks. Well Monday should be fun. Um not.