Chapter 25 – New Parents

Friday, May 26th, 2023

Gabi's POV

My eyes pried open as I reached up to rub the sleep away from my eyes. The past week had been…rough. I had dealt with a lot of gas pain in the hospital from my c-section and when we got home, I was struggling with stairs and just the adjustment of having an infant eat at your boobs every other hour. I was exhausted and I think Troy saw it last night as he told me to get as much as rest I could manage. He only gave me Knox when he needed to eat and he took care of everything else.

I winced as I sat up in bed realizing my son and my husband were gone from the room. My abdomen ached and I closed my eyes and I took in a deep breath trying to calm myself. Things didn't go as planned for my birth but all of the snuggles with Knox after he was born…that That was worth it. We stayed an extra night because of my c-section and it was well worth the extra night. Even if I did miss my bed. I finally pushed up and out of bed as I took several steps as today felt a little easier.

Navigating down the stairs, I heard Troy talking to Knox and my heart fluttered in my chest. "That's a lay-up and if you are going to fake directions make sure you split it 50/50 or your mom will get onto you about it." I felt my smile spread across my face as I saw him sitting in the living room watching ESPN highlights. I was sad one week of his time was already gone but excited knowing that he had three more. Troy was shirtless and only in a pair of basketball shorts with his facial hair growing in thick as he hadn't shaved since a few days prior to his birth.

Knox was resting on his chest in his little blue sleeper with his head snuggled against his dad's chest. I grabbed my phone and snapped a picture of them before I made my presence known. "Look at those handsome boys," I said and Troy lifted his head to look at me. "Hey beautiful," I rolled my eyes as I was in his t-shirt with breastmilk stains and my hair hadn't been washed in days. "Don't roll your eyes at me," he said and I smiled before I sat down on the couch next to him.

I rubbed my lips together as I let my head rest on Troy's shoulder. "Feeling better?" he questioned and I nodded. "Yea, I needed some rest." Troy smiled before leaning over to kiss the top of my head. "I love you, I'm glad you got some rest. How about you snuggle with him and I'll go make coffee and breakfast." I looked up at him, "I do need some snuggles with my little boy." Troy picked him up and gently placed him in my arms while kissed the top of his bald little head. He snuggled right into my body and he curled up to me. My heart soared with happiness at that little tiny movement.

"God damn, momma, you are so fucking pretty." I smiled as he tilted my chin backward and planted a quick kiss to my lips before he disappeared into the kitchen. I watched ESPN for a few more moments before I began to flip through the channel as Knox fell asleep on my chest. I could smell the coffee brewing in the kitchen and the bacon frying on the pan from here as there wasn't much on the TV on a Friday morning. I slowly stood up as I walked into the kitchen and Troy twisted his head around to face me.

"You should stay on the couch," he said and I laughed, "There's nothing good on TV," I commented. "I would much rather watch my husband cook shirtless." Troy sent me a smile as he returned his attention to the stove. Once he had a moment, he went over and poured me a cup of coffee. "A little bit of cream," I started and Troy sent me a look, "A little bit of cream with a drop of vanilla," Troy said with a look at me and I shook my head with a smile.

"I'll take him for a car ride after breakfast and go get us Rents while you take a shower," Troy said and I felt my heart skip a beat in my chest. God, he was amazing. I swallowed back on the emotion as I stared at his tiny little face as he looked a lot like Troy. Jessie had spent the past several days with us and they finally flew home yesterday. They were coming back as soon as Audrey was out of school and Jake moved back home. She had sent me pictures though and I was convinced I birthed my husband.

Yet, those blue eyes were starting to develop a hint of brown around the edges. I could only hope that he would have brown and blue eyes. Troy handed me coffee and dropped a kiss to my head before returning to the food. My eyes followed him in the kitchen as I tried to find the correct words. "I'll feed him after breakfast and then I'll get into the shower. I just…thank you, Troy." He sent me a wide smile as he plated the bacon and started in on the eggs.

"I want to pamper you for the next four weeks. You deserve it. The end of pregnancy was rough, the birth was rough, and I just…I want you to recover. You deserve that much from me." I smiled as I blinked away the water that was collecting in my eyes. Yea, the emotions haven't gone anywhere. They were even more chaotic now that he was here but Dr. Wilson sat me down before discharge and reminded me that my body was all over the place with hormones. To call the office if I felt desperate. Troy was given a lot of things to look for and I knew he was trying his best to help me adjust. God bless him. "B," I lifted my head and he reached up to wipe the tear that shed.

"You okay?" I nodded my head as he slid a plate of food in front of me. "Let me see big guy," Troy said and I looked at him and he held his hands out to receive him. I pouted as I kissed his tiny little head as Troy took him and put him in the swing. He buckled him in and turned it on as Troy came over and hugged me to his chest. "Enjoy your hot breakfast and then we'll snuggle up so he can eat his own breakfast before you take a shower."

"I love you," I whispered and he smiled, "I love you, more." He sat down next to me as my eyes zeroed in on Knox. I got up as I tucked a little blanket around him before I went back to take a sip of my coffee and started to eat my breakfast. Knox stirred in his swing and let out a squeak of a cry. My breasts immediately responded as Knox let out another cry. I stood up as I went and pulled him out of the swing after stopping it. "Seems like somebody wants his breakfast now," I said and Troy grimaced as he nodded with a sigh wishing he could have prevented it.

I wasn't pumping yet as I wanted him to get used to breastfeeding before we introduce bottles. I rubbed my lips together as I got him to latch on after a couple of attempts and I sipped my coffee while I watched him, nurse. I grabbed a few bites of food as Troy finished, kissed his head, and then mine before he started to clean up. "How about we get out of the house for a little bit today?" Troy suggested. "He's eating, I'll run him for a car ride to Rents while you shower and when you're ready we can go to the park or something for fresh air."

I smiled, "I'd like that." He smiled before washing the dishes while I finished eating and switched him to the other breast. He handled it well as I just watched his little face. His eyes were starting to droop closed as I couldn't stop staring at him. I stroked his face gently back and forth with my thumb. His tiny little lips and his long eyelashes drag me under. "He's perfect," I whispered and Troy kissed the back of my head. "That he is." Troy didn't rush me as I just stared at him and when I finally stood up, Troy slipped him into the car seat.

"Go take a long shower," he gave me one more kiss before he slipped the car seat onto his hand and walked out. I couldn't stop my smile as I walked upstairs. I turned the shower onto hot and I ditched all of my clothes and stepped into the hot water. I felt my muscles relax underneath the water and my eyes were heavy. Knox was waking up several times throughout the night and Troy was trying to help but he couldn't grow breasts magically.

My stomach still ached and next week I had a two week follow up to make sure it was healing properly. I washed my hair, twice, and conditioned it before soaping my body up and down. I attempted to shave my legs without causing any extra pain. Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and went to brush my teeth, I brushed my wet hair, and slowly got dressed in a pair of leggings with a t-shirt. I braided my hair and walked downstairs to hear Troy on the phone. I slipped my Birkenstocks on my feet before going into the kitchen.

"No, Jason. It's no trouble. Knox is sleeping and Gabi is in the shower. I can help troubleshoot for a few minutes." I smiled as I walked around the corner and Troy caught sight of me as he kept his phone pressed to his ear. "It's okay," I whispered to him as I reached for my coffee that was sitting there. Troy gave him a thankful smile as he troubleshot with one of his co-workers while I sipped my coffee and watched Knox sleep.

He twitched in the car seat and I stroked his little hands. "Yea, I think you might have to contact Hanson for that part." Troy chuckled, "Yea, I'll talk to you soon." Troy hung up the phone and he came around. He kissed the side of my neck. "You look better, do you feel better?" I nodded as I turned around and I hugged my husband. I buried my face against his chest and he wrapped his arms tight around me. His lips dropped a kiss on my wet hair and I felt him breathe in.

"How did our friends at Rents like little Knox man?" I asked unwrapping my arms from around him. "Loved him. He was already asleep by the time I walked in the door but they can't wait to hold him in the future." I smiled as Troy rubbed my back with his hand. "C'mon, let's go to the park for a bit. I think the fresh air will do all of us some good." Troy encouraged as we had been locked in the hospital and we really haven't left since we got home.

I couldn't wait for my belly to heal a little bit more so I could start taking Knox on walks through the neighborhood. "Yea, I'm ready to go and he still has a while before he needs to eat again." Troy reached over for the diaper bag that was stocked with all the baby supplies. Troy picked up the car seat as we went to get into the car. His car seat clicked into the base while Troy made sure the sun stayed out of his eyes.

My eyes looked over his tiny little face as he slept peacefully in his car seat. Troy went to the front seat as I snapped a picture of him like yesterday, we took his newborn pictures and I could not wait to see how those turned out. I took another sip of my coffee, "Work missing you?" I questioned and Troy chuckled. "A little bit. They will survive another three weeks without me." Those blue eyes met mine in the rearview mirror. I smiled back at him because I was thankful that we were getting this time together as a family.

"I'm just glad I don't have to worry about school right now. I do have to start thinking about where I am going to go interview though for residency." I said and Troy and I had not really talked about the subject. Getting an orthopedic spot and eventually go on to specialize in Sports Medicine was going to be a seven-year journey that I was hopeful Troy was ready to take. "That's a one day at a time thing," Troy said with a shrug and I smiled as I looked at Knox.

"He'll be in Kindergarten when I'm done," I said as I brushed my fingers over his forehead. "I hope I can get my two years of specialty in the same city; I don't want to move him from his world." Troy shot me a look, "He'll be six. I don't think he'll care all that much. We gotta do what's best for you." I felt my chest well with his support and when he pulled into the park, we both climbed out and Troy grabbed the car seat while I grabbed the backpack. Troy even grabbed a blanket as he led us to a safe spot in the shade underneath a tree.

Once we were all settled, I nestled between Troy's legs as we just let Knox sleep in his car seat. "Do you think we should stay close to here or your family for residency?" I questioned allowed. "That way you can continue to work and Knox has people here. Family. I'm not opposed to nanny's and babysitters but…family is nice, too." Troy exhaled as he let his hands run down my legs. "I mean, yea, it would be nice to have family around. We could do Washington, we could do here, we could move to Chicago. It doesn't matter to me; we'll figure it out. We always do."

"Duke has a good orthopedic program. It might not be the very best but it's good." Troy dropped a kiss to my head, "You have to make the decision, Gabi. I married you knowing that these years might be hard. That we might have to move. That we might not have family around us to help. Whatever happens, as long as I have you and Knox…I'll be happy." I exhaled as I turned to face him. He dropped a quick kiss on my lips before I could speak again.

"Just having him here makes me really think how much I want to be there for him." Troy smiled and kissed me softly, again, "You will be. It will be hard but we got this, baby." I watched Knox breathe in and out with the little rise and fall of his chest. I had a hard time sleeping sometimes worried that something was going to happen to him but Troy was always good reminding me that he was right next to us in the bassinet with the Owlet on his foot.

"I love him," I whispered as I reached forward and stroked his little foot that was hidden in his footie jammies that he was still in. "It's very easy to love him, he really is a good little man." I smiled as I took in a cleansing breath of air. "I didn't realize I would be this tired," I whispered as my eyes were having trouble staying open as the breeze blew past us on this warm May day. Troy chuckled behind me as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I feel that. Who knew parenting was so exhausting," I giggled as I faced him to kiss him, "I love you, I feel like I haven't said it enough in the last week," I told him and Troy cracked a smile in my direction, "You carrying Knox and then going through everything – that showed me how much you love me."

"That was partially for me, too." I teased and Troy laughed as he looked at Knox. "What do you think he is going to want to do when he is older?" Troy questioned and I sighed, "I don't know. I hope that he grows up to be everything that he dreams to be. I could see him playing sports, playing instruments, singing, dancing, being a little book nerd…I don't know. I think he has the possibility for it all." Troy's blue eyes focused on Knox and Troy sighed, "I see him in the giving profession – firefighter, police officer, nurse, doctor, etc. Something in that line of work."

"Really?" I questioned, my gut twisted thinking of my little boy running into fires in twenty-five years. "I don't know if I want him to be a firefighter," I said and Troy chuckled in my ear. "Make momma a little nervous?" I nodded my head without taking my eyes off him, "Yea, a lot freaking nervous." Troy brushed his fingers down my arm and he breathed in, "I just feel like Knox is going to be a daredevil of sorts with a big heart."

I couldn't disagree with him on that because I wasn't sure what Knox was going to be like in the future. He was only a week old. My eyes peered at him when Troy dropped a kiss to my shoulder and breathed in the fresh air around me. "I feel like this past week has been the craziest." I laughed, "It's because it has been." I reminded him. Troy sent me a smile and he pulled me back to lay flat on the ground. I winced and he sent me an alarmed look, "I'm okay," I reassured him.

My head rested on his shoulder while we both stared at the sky together. "Mmm…would you rather climb Mount Everest or skydive over Australia?" Troy asked and I smiled at his little game as I thought about it for a minute. "Skydive over Australia," I responded to him. "Germany or Switzerland?" I threw back at him.

"Germany, can we make that our next trip together whenever we both get the chance? Germany, France, UK, Ireland…we can take Knox. I want him to have experience in this world instead of objects." I smiled as I cuddled into his side and smiled up at him. "Yea, I do. I also know we need vacations for each other as well." Troy smiled up at the sky and nodded his head, "I wouldn't even be mad if we just did local vacations for us. Wherever the world takes us,"

"What are some local spots you want to go to?" I questioned and Troy thought about it for a moment, "I think exploring Florida a bit more without having basketball responsibilities, Texas, Georgia, New York, Maine, North Dakota, etc. I don't know. I want to go to more places." I smiled happily, "I can't wait to do this life with you. Right now, this is my favorite part but the future is also my favorite part." Troy kissed me and breathed, "I just want the right now's," Troy told me. I couldn't help but smile because I could agree with that, too.

Sunday, May 28th, 2023

Troy's POV

I gently bounced Knox in my arms back and forth as he cried in my hold. His face beat red with the look of pure anger on his face as he thrashed around again trying to get out of his swaddle. "Knox, c'mon buddy," I tried to coax him back to sleep after he finished nursing with Gabi and I promised I would get him back to sleep as she was up with him a lot last night nursing him. She needed sleep. Dr. Wilson reminded me that if she didn't sleep it would just make everything worse. I vowed to protect her and making sure she got sleep was protection for all.

I rested Knox on my shoulder and I bounced him gently and patted his back hoping he just needed to burp. He screamed in my ear and I just rubbed his back while I went to the front door and opened it up and took a step outside. Knox almost instantly quieted and I raised my eyebrows as I went over to our little porch swing and sat down as Knox rubbed his face against my shoulder. "So, you like to be outside, alright, alright," I said quietly as I put him back in the crook of my arm as he looked up at me with those big eyes.

"All you had to do was say," I pointed out and Knox just blinked causing me to smile. I wouldn't lie, the little sleep was hard but these moments with Knox – just the two of us in the quiet dark was priceless. He finally released a burp and a content sigh before letting his eyes start to lure shut. My foot pushed us back and forth on the swing while he started to fall back asleep. "Tummy full finally burped, and you like the cool breeze – noted buddy."

To say the last week hadn't been crazy would be a lie. It was an adjustment for sure and I was worried about Gabi more than I was worried about anything else. She was still taking her medications and she appeared to be doing okay. I wasn't going to examine her mind because I felt like that would only make things worse but God, she was so scared that day. She was terrified and I was waiting for her to just…have a moment about her labor and birth of Knox.

It wasn't ideal or what we wanted but he was here. Breathing. And I think that truly helped her. That he was here and okay. That it was all worth it because we have him. I was thankful for that mindset but fearful of what could come. Dr. Wilson had pulled me aside and said we were lucky that we got to him in time. That I got Gabi to calm down in time. Everything happened as it was supposed to but it was still scary.

Rocking back and forth I watched Knox as he began to fall back asleep and I knew I should go back upstairs. I knew I should go lay him down and cuddle with my wife. The front door cracked open and I turned my head to see Gabi stepping out with her arms crossed over her chest and sleep in her eyes. "What are my boys doing out here at three in the morning?" she questioned before plopping down on the bench next to me. Her body snuggling into mine almost instantly. "He was pretty upset after he was done eating and I found out he likes fresh air." Gabi smiled, "Takes after his daddy in that regard," Gabi teased as her fingers wrapped around my bicep and her eyes lowered to stare at him.

"Our first trip to Seaside will be fun," I said with a laugh as I couldn't wait to take him kayaking, on hikes to my favorite spots, and just show him how I grew up. I couldn't imagine letting him grow up somewhere where he couldn't go outside and play in the fresh air. "It will be fun. We should go before the summer is over if you have any breaks or anything," she said and my stomach twisted because I was out of leave after these four weeks off and wouldn't be in the offseason until she was back to school.

"Maybe I'll interview out there in October and we can make it a trip." As if she was reading my thoughts, "Where would you interview?" I questioned. "The University of Washington has a good residency program for orthopedic." I raised my eyebrow, "Seattle?" I questioned and she nodded her head in my shoulder. "That's still four hours from my family, that'll do." I joked and Gabi let out a laugh as she reached to stroke Knox's cheek.

"Washington University in St. Louis is good, Duke, Rush in Chicago…there are so many and I don't know. I feel like we should stay close to family, an adventure sounds like fun, I just…" I turned to face Gabi and I squished her face with my two fingers, "Baby, stop stressing about this. We have a while before anything happens. Match Day isn't until March. You don't start interviewing until October. Just…breathe." I reminded her and she sighed with tears welling in her eyes.

"Hang on," I got up as I took Knox inside and I laid him down in the swing before turning it on and going back outside as Gabi had tucked her legs up underneath of her as she stared ahead. I sat back down next to her and I pulled her into my lap. "I just want to do right by him. He makes me more anxious about that decision to make the right choice for our family. I mean…I have to get into the programs of course and me just…" My fingers stroked her hair, "Just having you is doing right by him, Gabi. If we move to Seattle, we find random babysitters with it easier for my parents to come help. If we stay here, we still find babysitters and have your family close, if we go to Chicago, Dallas, Saint Louis…it doesn't matter. It will all be the same. Us three against the world."

Gabi rested her head back on my shoulder and sighed, "It just feels so big," I smiled kissing her forehead, "Because it is big. I just don't want you stressing about that and when you look back on this time with Knox that's all you remember." Gabi smiled, "I try to push it away, I do." I rubbed her leg back and forth as I watched the stars. "Knox will be happy wherever we go, I promise." I kissed her shoulder and she looked at me. "Will you be happy?" she questioned. Those brown eyes giving me that look, to be honest with her. I smiled, "I'll be happy because I have you. That's all I need. You and Knox. That's what makes me happy."

Gabi exhaled and just stared up at the sky as I kept her in my lap. We rocked back and forth on the porch until she fell back asleep. I scooped her up as I took her back to our bedroom upstairs and then went back to get Knox. I laid him in the bassinet by Gabi as he continued to sleep before I went to lock the front door and climb into bed next to Gabi. My fingers pulled her closer to me as I snuggled into her body and breathed in her scent.

Wednesday, May 31st, 2023

Gabi's POV

I laughed with Troy as we were cooking dinner together while my mom was snuggling Knox in the room over. She had come over to allow Troy and me both to nap and shower earlier before he had to eat again and it was bliss. I was thankful for my family for stopping by and helping every few days. It wasn't overwhelming but it was helpful. Troy let his fingers grip my skin and he dipped to kiss my collar bone before stirring the pasta next to me while I strained the broccoli.

"Can you believe it's been almost two weeks?" Troy questioned and I sobered up the thoughts. "No, I can't. It's been so fast." I pouted as Troy smirked, "Do you want both of us to go to your appointment on Friday, or do you want a solo trip?" he asked me. Troy had been nothing but considerate of me these past two weeks. Calming down all of my fears, always getting up with me, always being right there when I needed him. He made sure I got fresh air and time alone and I couldn't be more thankful for him.

As if I was surprised.

"I don't know. I guess it'll depend on how it's going on Friday." I said and Troy smiled over at me with that charming look. "Maybe Saturday we can go out on a date? At least go get dinner together at a restaurant without Knox?" I threw up there and Troy turned to study me for a moment and his lips turned up, "I think that's a good idea. Gives us two hours together." My chest tightened with happiness as I love Knox with everything but I knew that I had to keep my relationship with Troy a priority. Plus, he would probably sleep the entire time.

Troy stirred the alfredo sauce and I chopped the broccoli up before throwing it into the pasta as Troy dumped the alfredo over top. He stirred it together while he got plates down and I grabbed my water and his water. "Brooke, would you like some?" Troy called into the living room and my mom appeared with a sleeping Knox in the crook of her arm. I smiled looking at them and my mom smiled down at her grandson. "I'm okay for now. You guys eat and I'll continue to hold this little guy."

"Thank you, mom." I said and she gave me a big smile, "Oh honey, I remember these days. Eat the food while it's hot and I'll eat after you are done." Troy thanked her again as we both sat down to eat and my mom sat down with us as Knox barely even stirred. "How are you guys doing?" my mom asked as we dug into our meal. "Good. I think we're adjusting okay. He's amazing and really only cries when he's hungry or overly tired but…he's amazing." I gushed and I felt those blue eyes on me. Troy gave me a smile when I looked at him.

It was going to be a hard four more weeks without touching him. Watching him be a dad to our son was…a turn on I wasn't expecting – especially two weeks after having a baby. "Gabi is a beautiful mom, that is for sure." I squeezed Troy's thigh, "Mom would you be interested in watching him on Saturday for about two hours? We would plan around his feeding and then go get some dinner before being back for his next feeding."

My mom grinned, "Yes, of course, I just love him and his little snuggles. It will be so good for the two of you to get out of the house together." My mom gushed, "We had to force Vivian out of the house but she was so thankful when we did for her to get time with Trevor. I'm glad you both realize it," Troy shared another smile with me as we stuffed our faces. I refrained from yawning at the dinner table as I took Knox from my mom as she went to make herself a plate of food. Knox snuggled right into my arms and I stroked his tiny little bald head.

Knox yawned and his little eyes flickered open with a squirm in my arms. "Hi baby," I whispered to him. Knox wiggled in my arms again and stretched his arms overhead. I soaked in these little moments with him and how much I loved how he curled into my chest. "There is my big man, hi buddy," Troy leaned over and tapped his little nose. I couldn't stop my smile while watching him. He wiggled and squirmed in my arms as I kissed on him some more.

"You two are beautiful with him," my mom said as she stuffed her mouth, Troy and I shared a look of appreciation with each other. We understood that we had a lot to learn still but conquering these first few weeks felt like we were doing something right. My mom raved about the pasta dish while Troy and I held a conversation while also looking at Knox. His little eyes looking around in wonder and I kissed his little face again.

"I'm going to get out of your guy's hair unless you need something else?" my mom asked and I shook my head, "No, I think we're all going to go upstairs and just chill," I said and my mom gave a smile. "Good. I'll text you about Saturday." I nodded as I gave her a side hug while she stole a kiss from Knox while Troy showed her to the door. I stood up as I headed upstairs with Knox as Troy locked up the house and cleaned up the kitchen.

I took a picture of him after I changed his diaper and into a pair of PJs for him to wear. He barely made a noise and when we reclined back into bed for him to eat, Troy stepped into the room with a smile on his face. I loved seeing how happy he was and I knew that was a mix of me and Knox together. Troy dove into the bed and I laughed as he reached up to kiss me and kiss Knox's head. "Wanna watch Outer Banks?" he questioned and I laughed with a nod of my head as we had watched it several times over the past few years but it was a personal favorite.

"I am thinking on Saturday we go to a little diner and just shoot the shit and make out," Troy commented and I couldn't stop the laugh that escaped my mouth. "Yea? You want a make-out?" I questioned and he smirked, "Of course I want to make-out. I mean, truthfully, I'd like to do a lot of other things but we are absolutely not doing that so yes, I want to make-out." I couldn't stop my laugh again as he gave me his little grin on his face.

"Yea, let's act like teenagers," I poked back and he chuckled, "Yea, that's the plan."

Saturday, June 3rd, 2023

Troy's POV

I could see her nerves building from here. The closer that we got to our date tonight the more anxious and nervous she was getting. I almost called Brooke twice to tell her never mind because I didn't want this whole night to be of Gabi in an anxiety spin not being with him. We were only going to get dinner and it was eight minutes from here. I know she needs to get out of the house without him for just a little bit to feel…normal.

Her appointment with Dr. Wilson went really well yesterday and Gabi had asked me to come with her and stay with Knox in the waiting room. Dr. Wilson was glad I showed up so she could ask me some of what I was seeing as well and I think she relaxed a little on how Gabi was feeling but knew that it could still turn around. Gabi fussed over Knox in the swing as he was sleeping, "B," I called out to her as I watched from the couch.

She spun around to face me as she was in a pair of jeans with a t-shirt on her hair all up in a crazy bun but she was fucking beautiful. Those brown eyes looked at me wide with a place of fear, "What if he misses us?" she questioned, I got up and I gently pulled her into my grasp. I tilted her head back and her eyes focused on me and her lips stopped moving, "He will miss us but we're going to go get dinner. You deserve a dinner without worrying about him in the next room." I reminded her.

Her brown eyes just held mine, "But what if he needs me?"

"We'll be eight minutes away." I reminded her.

She huffed out a breath of air before her head landed in the center of my chest. She inhaled deeply three times and then wrapped her arms around my waist. "Two hours and we'll be back right here. I promise." I whispered into her ear as I kept her close to me. "You aren't nervous?" she questioned, her eyes looked up at me and I shrugged. "I mean, yes, I am nervous to leave him but we have to do it at some point and most likely he'll sleep the entire time. This is the time to go out for just a little bit."

She exhaled and nodded her head, "Okay, I can do it." I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I know you can do it. Trust me, I've watched you pace and worry all day. If I thought you couldn't handle it I would have called your mom." Gabi blinked her eyes and gave me a tiny smile before she reached up and kissed me softly. "I love you," she whispered against my lips. "I love you, too," I whispered right back to her. "Thanks for always dealing with my crazy," I chuckled as I kissed her again, "I'd take your crazy any day of the week."

My fingers released her as she went back to grab Knox to feed him. Tomorrow, she was going to start pumping after her feedings to start building up a supply. I was excited to get to feed him and Gabi knew I was excited but I was also patient to allow her to get used to breastfeeding. A knock at the door had me turning back around and I went to answer it. Brooke and Coach were standing on the other side, "Hey," I said with a smile on my face.

"Hello, where is my little man?" Eli walked into the house as I chuckled, "He's upstairs eating." I said as I shut the door, "You know, this almost didn't happen." I said with a smug smile as I took my opportunities to rub in his face that I married his daughter.

Eli rolled his eyes, "I'll tell Knox one day that you broke the rules and married my daughter and had him. That his fighting personality came from his father and mother equally." I couldn't stop my laugh as I smiled, "I wasn't letting her go without a fight."

"I just can't believe you almost walked away from basketball for her." I shot him a look, "You're surprised? I would do just about anything for my girl." Eli smirked, "I'm glad it was you." Brooke shook her head and went to the kitchen as she started to clean. "No, Brooke, you don't have to do that," I said. She scoffed looking at me, "Please, you both need to be spending time with that baby. If I am able to do a load of dishes and a load of laundry I am going, too." I gave her a smile of appreciation. "Thank you, Brooklyn," she smiled back as Eli was already flipping through the TV.

"Will you be back in time for the finals?" Eli asked and I smirked nodding, "Yea, we should be. It kind of just worked out that way with his feeding schedule." I went up the stairs and peeked in on Gabi and Knox as she was rocking him in a chair but was whispering into his little ear. My heart warmed watching them together as Gabi smiled down at him. Knox was getting up twice a night to eat but you couldn't tell by looking at her. You couldn't see the worry in her brain and the anxiety tipping at the edge about leaving him but we all knew it was good for all of us.

I knocked gently and Gabi lifted her head, "Hey, we're almost done." I smiled as I leaned against the dresser. "It's okay. No rush. I think your dad is going to stay and watch the NBA finals here after we get back. Your mom is already doing dishes and laundry and I can't wait to kiss you." She laughed as they switched breasts and Gabi shook her head. "Will you grab me some water?" I nodded my head as I went to our bedroom and grabbed her Hydroflask.

After handing off the water, I went downstairs and made sure I had everything so we could just go after she handed him off. "How has she been doing?" Eli asked and I smiled, "Good, she's anxious about today but I think once we get out of here it will be better. For the most part, she's adjusted really well." Eli smiled, "Those pregnancy hormones were struggling." I chuckled and nodded, "I don't think we would have traded it for anything."

"He is pretty damn cute," I laughed as Gabi came back downstairs and I smiled as Brooke was first in line, "Oh hi sweet boy,"

"He needs to burp but he should just fall asleep. He's pretty sleepy," her mom smiled as I looked at her. "You ready?" I questioned and she twitched nervously but nodded her head. "We'll call if anything is wrong," Eli said standing up and he hugged Gabi and kissed her head. "He's going to be okay; I promise sweet girl. We'll take good care of him." Gabi smiled, "Thanks Daddy," I went over and kissed Knox's head before I looked at Gabi.

"Okay, let's do it." She said with breath and I smiled, "That's my girl. C'mon," she said good-bye to Knox as I picked up her hand and took her to the car. I got her all the way to the passenger seat before she reached for the car door handle. "No, he's okay," I reminded her and she sighed, "Are you sure?" I laughed, "Yes, I am very sure. Your parents are going to be just fine." Once the door was shut, I was backing out of the drive.

My hand rested on the console and she reached over and let her fingers find my pulse as I drove. "Wow, okay, so we are out of the house without a baby. This is weird." She commented and I chuckled, "This is good, baby. We need our time, too."

She threw a fry at us and I laughed as I ducked out of the way. The moment we got into the diner and ordered – she opened up. She relaxed a little bit and her smiles were non-stop. "Troy, please, stop making me laugh. It still hurts." I couldn't stop laughing again and winked over at her. "What?" I asked with innocence. Gabi sent me a look with a laugh, "Uhm…fried Oreos or fried pickles," she questioned while dipping her fry in ketchup.

I chewed on my burger as I thought about it for a brief moment, "Uhm – fried pickles." I gave her the answer and she thought about it for a moment. "Yea, I'd agree." We shared a smile with each other as we tried to keep the conversation from too much Knox but it was hard to not talk about him. "Lauren and Grey are going to come up tomorrow during the day." She told me and I smiled. "I am assuming Lauren needs Knox snuggles,"

"If you and Grey want to go golfing that's okay," she said quietly and I looked at her, "We don't have, too," I said quickly. "If you want me at the house," she giggled, "No. It's okay. I'll have Lauren and Knox and I will have to learn how to work on our own." I frowned but nodded my head, "Maybe Lauren and I can go to Target after you two get home." I smiled softly, "If that's what you want." Gabi nodded her head. "Yea, I do. I want you to get some friend time and I want to go wonder the aisles of Target."

I chuckled as I took another bite of my food before tossing my napkin as my stomach was full. I got up from my side of the booth and slid into her side of the booth. She smiled as she locked her arms around my neck and I went in for the kiss. My hand went up and gently cherished her face while her thumb stroked my forearm. "I do miss this," I whispered as I pulled away from her. I trailed a path of kisses down her neck. "We need to make time for kisses again,"

A chuckle escaped my lips as we found each other again and I coaxed her mouth open. "Maybe we should take this to the car, I don't remember doing this as teenagers," she said and I laughed, "Yea because you were always on the basketball court." I reminded her with a loud laugh, she let a twinkle dazzle in her eyes. "What time is it?" she questioned and I picked up my phone to see that we had about forty-five minutes left.

"Can we go to the court for a few minutes?" I grinned and nodded as I threw down cash and we raced to the car, well, gently because she was still struggling with her belly but it was getting better. I raced across town to our little court and when we got there Gabi grabbed a basketball. "No, you are still healing."

"Just a couple of shots," she pleaded, "Please if I make three in a row then you can kiss me until we have to leave." I smirked, "I will be a dumb man not to take that bet." Gabi giggled as she took the ball and bounced it a couple of times. "If it hurts too much all you have to do is ask and I will still kiss you until we have to leave." Gabi laughed loudly and nodded, "I think I can handle it." She winked over towards me and I walked over to the goal as she took a quick shot and it fell through.

"Any pain?" I questioned and she shook her head. "Just a little tugging. I promise, Troy. I am okay." I just nodded my head and she made the next shot before walking around the court trying to find the sweet spot. Her sweet spot. She shot the next one and made it easier. I rebounded the ball back to her and she accepted it. "You pick my last shot," she said and I raised my eyebrow before smirking, "Make a free throw," I said and she rolled her eyes.

"You just want the reward," I gave her a shrug, "And?" I questioned causing her to smile before she shot the free throw and made it without effort.

"Momma still has it," I chuckled, "As if you were going to lose it," I walked over and captured her lips. She breathed in deeply allowing me access to her mouth in every single perfect way. My hands cupped her face while her fingers ran down my back. The taste of the shake she had with dinner lingered on her lips. "Fuck, B, you taste so good," I murmured causing her to laugh. I kissed down her neck and to her collarbone as she threaded her fingers through my hair.

"I love you," she whispered against my mouth while she tugged on my shirt. My fingers brushed her hair away from her face, "I love you, too. I am thankful that you wanted to do this tonight. I know it was scary for you but we did it. We got some time together and when is the last time I got to kiss you this much?" I questioned her and kissed her again. Her giggle-filled my body and I closed my eyes as I took a step back as I had to remain in control of my body.

Gabi gave me the devil smirk and shook her head, "No, I need a moment." I said with a laugh and she reached for me. "Why?" she questioned laughing and I shook my head, "Because I want to fuck you but…" She kissed me one more time, "Yea well you wanted a baby," she taunted back as she pulled away and headed for the car. "C'mon, I miss my baby." I chuckled as I unlocked the car and chased after her.

Sunday, June 4th, 2023

Gabi's POV

Lauren was snuggling Knox as I drank my coffee while we sat on the deck under the shade, "God, Gabi, he's freaking adorable," I smiled as Grey and Troy were at the golf course. I had to reassure Troy fifteen different times that I was going to be okay. Lauren was here, he was a phone call away, and it felt good to know he was out doing something besides constantly worrying about me. "Are you and Grey talking about it yet?" I asked her.

"No, I think Grey wants to wait a few more years. Or maybe next year. I don't know. He isn't ready yet." Lauren smiled at Knox as he grunted in his sleep before she looked over at me. "How did you know you were ready?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I didn't really. I just knew that I wanted to have a kid before I went to residency and 4th year was probably the easiest year to swing it. We planned it pretty well by being at the beginning of the summer."

Lauren smiled, "I think I want to have the baby in early May if I can swing it." I grinned, "That would be perfect for you. You'd get done with school early and have the entire summer off." A little smile pulled at her lips. "I'm scared mostly,"

"I was terrified," I said with a laugh. "I still am terrified but getting to hold him and snuggle him and point out the look of Troy and I…it's fun." Lauren laughed and she smiled, "Grey asked me about it not too long ago since our first anniversary is this month but I think I want a little bit longer." I squeezed her knee, "You can have as many snuggles as you need from him until you are ready. I love him and he's such a sweet baby."

Lauren just stared at him for a few beats and she breathed out thinking hard about what she was going to say. "After everything you went through…would you have another?" she asked me and I cackled and looked at her. "I mean, I'm sleep deprived, I'm still in a little bit of pain, and my boobs fucking hurt but I would say yes a million times. It's worth it." I shook my head, "His tiny little cry, his bald head, those blue eyes that have a hint of brown behind them, the little gas smiles and just…knowing that he's going to grow up in front of me is enough to make me want to do it again."

She smiled, "Yea, I can understand that a little bit."

"You are going to be a great mom, Lauren. If you want more time though…then get more time. I don't think Grey is in a rush." I told her and she laughed, "He loves to practice but said he is in no hurry to do the real thing." I shook my head with a laugh. "Yea, that sounds about right for Grey." Lauren just rolled her eyes with a laugh. I continued to sip my coffee while Lauren rocked Knox. She told me about her new teaching job and I filled her in on my last year of med school.

"Do you think I should stay here?" I questioned and Lauren blew out a breath. "It sounds like the easiest option." She told me straight forward. "I think it sounds like the safest, easiest, and best option but are you going to miss out on better training somewhere else?" I nibbled on my lip while I thought about her question. "I think I am going to receive a good education wherever I go. Duke isn't a low name school or anything." I offered to her.

Lauren nodded in agreement, "I agree with that. I just think you need to go into this process with an open-heart and not going for what might be the easiest but what will be the absolute best for you. This is your career and if you find something in Texas or Missouri or California or Washington that makes sense then go for it. Do it. Achieve it." Lauren encouraged me and I looked at Knox as I smiled watching him sleep.

"I just want to do the best for him."

Lauren reached over and squeezed my hand gently, "You being happy? That's the best for him. Are you getting the best education? That's the best for him. You doing those big things and showing your son what women can do and what he can do? That's best for him." I felt the tears well in my eyes as I reached over for Lauren and I hugged her tightly. "Thank you," I whispered to her. She laughed as Knox squished between us. "Thanks for making me an aunt," she whispered and I giggled with a laugh.

"He loves you,"

Lauren winked at me and I breathed as Lauren smirked, "How's Troy as a dad?"

"So, fucking hot,"

Lauren busted out in laughter and I shook my head with a laugh, "God, I wish he would be less sexy but he isn't." Lauren snorted and she looked over at me. "I'm glad you found him. You deserve the happiness he gives you. He told Grey and me everything that happened the day Knox was born and I just kept thinking…it was all meant to happen. All of it. The abortion, the secret-keeping, the birth went crazy…I think it was meant to bring you to all of this. To see Troy giving you this happiness."

"I feel like I don't deserve it though,"

"You do, Gabi. I promise. You deserve all the happiness from Knox and from Troy." I smiled as Knox wiggled and cried. "Oh, do you want to go see momma?" she deposited Knox in my arms and I smiled down at him as he instantly quieted. "For a new parent, you seem to have this down." Lauren teased and I just laughed.

Woof. Long time no write. I wish I could have gotten this out to you so much sooner but woooooofffff on the writer's blocker/life got a lot busier again. I hope to get the next chapter out faster! For those that were frustrated with the constant giving of dates and not meeting them - I apologize. I never want to let you down. Those dates are mostly to motivate me and knowing that you know gives me that motivation to write. It just didn't work this time.

So I hope you enjoyed the update! Only three chapters left! Crazy how fast this story came to an end!

Thank you for your patience and love! and if you haven't checked it out - go read Coach Bolton!