Tokyo Mew Mew AU

Ichigo x Ryo


Ichigo followed the voice that kept echoing her name and to follow it.

She new this was a bad idea after she could no longer see the house.

What was she getting herself into?

"Come this way." The voice said.

Ichigo finally stopped. "Where are you taking me? Why are you telling me this?" She asked the voice.

The voice stopped.

Ichigo looked around. She really was lost. And there was nowhere for her to go.

What was she to do?

She couldn't see the house. Just how long was she walking listening to the voice?

This really was bad. All her friends and Keiichiro were there. And they didn't know what happened to her?

"Hello." Said a voice. It wasn't the same voice. It was closer and more deep and scary.

Ichigo turned around slowly. When she looked at the face, she knew.

"No!" Deep Blue Sama. The son of the Alpha. Masaya had sent him into exile after she became a part of the pack.

Why was- "Your the one who killed him. You killed Masaya. Your own father!" She screamed.

He just leagued.

"Oh. Trust me. That wasn't me. the elder who said I should be Alpha did it. He told me who my father planned on naming as the new Alpha. He said he'd make a plan to get you to come out of the pack's protection and I could finish you and blondey off." He glared at her.

Ichigo couldn't move. She was froze in place.

"What's wrong? Can't fight me?" He then grinned.

"Wh-what hav-have you-d-done?" She asked.

He laughed more. "I used something to paralysis you. It doesn't effect me. But now," He grinned more. "I can do whatever I want with you."

Ichigo didn't like the sound of that. But she had to try and stay strong.

So she glared back at him.

He looked at her puzzled. But then smirked. "You think putting on a brave face will give you want you want? Freedom form me?"

Ichigo closed her eyes to focus on herself and not on him. Breathing in and out like she was meditating. Just like Masaya taught her.

But a face comes to mind.

"Ryo." She shouted. She was in a panic.

"He'll be dealt with after you. Or... I could simply say to the elder that he suspected Ryo to be the killer and made it look like he was the good guy. But he really wanted to kill you." He smiled. "I like that. I'll go with that." He said.

Ichigo tried to not let it get to her. But she couldn't help it. Ryo came to her mind. She closed her eyes. Hoping he could hear her.

"Please. Ryo. Don't come for me. I'm so sorry for yelling at you but please." She began to cry.

Deep Blue grabbed her face and squeezed it. "You really think he can hear you? Save you?" He laughed. "No. It'll be too late once he finds us. You'll be done for."

Ichigo had tears falling from her cheeks. Please! She screamed in her head.

Then suddenly, Ichigo wasn't on her feet. She didn't feel Deep Blue's hands on her.

She opened her eyes to see... "Ryo!" He was holding her while glaring at Deep Blue.

"You will NEVER touch her again." He said.

Deep Blue glared back but took a step back. With a chuckle he vanished.

"Are you alright?" Ryo asked as he put Ichigo down.

She hugged him tight forcing him to fall back onto his back on the ground. "I was so worried. I thought you'd not come for me after what I said and did." She cried.

Ryo slowly hugged her back. "I will always come for you." He said.

After some time... Ryo took Ichigo back to the house and left to explain to the pack what was really going on.

He came back a few days later with the rest of the pack behind him.

"This is a nice place." A few said.

"So Ryo. Since the elder was the only one who could say...Ichigo to be the new Alpha. What will you do? Pick a mate?" Someone asked.

Ryo didn't knew what to say. But when Ichigo came running down the stairs... He knew.

"Maybe. But I think I'll wait for now." He gave Ichigo a hug and she lead the pack around the house.

"Maybe one day." Ryo said staring at her.

"You really like this girl" Keiichiro said.

Ryo blushed and went off to join the others.

The End.

Finally! This is done. Hope you like this five part one shot.