Hello, readers! The sequel to "Alice in New Vestroia" is finally here! The first chapter, at least. I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Bakugan or the characters.


Chapter 1: A New Battle: Part One


It had been around six months since New Vestroia was freed from the Vestals, and the Resistance each went their separate ways.

On Vestal, Mira, Baron and Ace immediately went on press to make it a widely known fact that not only were Bakugan intelligent, but that the royal family and the Vexos broke the law by invading New Vestroia and enslaving the Bakugan.

Afterward, Keith turned himself in as a member of the Vexos and confessed everything, reluctantly backed by Gus. As he expected, he got a deal and escaped imprisonment, even being able to keep Neo Helios.

The royal family and the Vexos were forced to retreat in the mother palace, taking the mysterious "Project A" with them. Vestal authorities had been unable to either find them or figure out what the project was, so Vestal remained on high alert.

(Recap end)


Marucho, Runo and Julie were currently on a deserted field, battling with Preyas, Elico, Tigrerra and Gorem.

Marucho held up his hand. "Ok, time!", her called. "We can take five, have some lunch!"

Runo and Julie promptly collapsed upon hearing that. "Thank heaven! We've been brawling for four hours!", Julie complained.

"If I wanted to be worked to death, I wouldn't have quit waitressing at my parents' restaurant!", Runo agreed.

"We have to stay in tip-top brawling shape", Marucho reminded them. "I know we haven't heard from the Vexos since we freed New Vestroia and the Bakugan, but I can't help but think this is just the calm before the storm."

"Does that mean you have to keep us brawling for four freaking hours?!", Runo demanded.

"Well… no", Marucho admitted. "I guess that was kinda dumb. Sorry."

"It's alright", Julie said. "I'd rather be too prepared than not prepared enough."

Marucho nodded, leaving the girls to eat their lunch.


Mira, Ace, Gus and Keith were in Keith's lab on Vestal, which was formerly belonging to the now fugitive Professor Clay, and examining Neo Helios, in ball form. Keith had changed tone to a bold red T-shirt and brown pants, discarding Spectra's attire. He was studying a holo screen detailing information on Helios.

"This is interesting, at least", Keith remarked, sounding troubled. "It appears that, due to the changes made to his DNA, Helios's evolutionary growth has been stunted."

"Repeat that in an understandable language, please?", Percival asked on Ace's shoulder.

"Basically, he's saying that Helios can't evolve further through any natural means", Ace answered.

"Correct", Keith said.

"Master, why did we invite these… new allies?", Gus asked, about to say something besides "new allies". "They're only in the way right now."

"Gus!", Keith chided. "We are part of a cohesive team, now. We can't simply hide information like this from them."

"Not to mention," Ace reminded, "There's a government agent right outside this room. If it's not us here to listen, it's the authorities. Remember your deal?"

Gus grit his teeth, but stayed silent.

"There's no need for hostility", Mira said, trying to ease the tension. "Maybe we should take a break. It's been a long day."

"Perhaps my dear sister has a point", Keith suggested, earning a glare from Mira that clearly said 'don't call me your sister. You haven't earned that yet'.

The four Vestals left the room, Mira and Ace going through one door, and Keith and Gus going through another to greet the government agent assigned to keep an eye on them.


"Big brother! Can you help me with my homework?"

"Baron, can I see Nemus?"

"Can we go play in the park?"

Overlapping voices of Baron's little siblings were nauseating, even as he tried to accommodate them to the best of his ability. Eventually, Baron didn't have a choice but to retreat to his room and lock the door.

"Everything alright, Baron?", Nemus asked, getting out of Baron's pocket.

"Yeah, it's just…", Baron started. "I'm kinda overwhelmed. I mean, I love my family, don't get me wrong, but they can be… a little much." Baron sat down on his bed, clearly exhausted.

"Is that why you volunteered to be one of the colonists?", Nemus asked. "To get some time away?"

"...Yeah", Baron admitted. "But it wasn't only that. My family did need money, and I thought leaving would give my siblings some space to grow. Please don't tell anyone, Nemus."

"Don't worry", Nemus promised. "My lips are sealed." Baron laid down on his bed, immediately falling asleep.


Alice was standing in front of a gravestone, in the shadow of the Moscow Gehabich mansion, reading the gravestone for the umpteenth time:

Here lies Michael Gehabich, it said. A kind man. A revolutionist in science. A caring father and grandfather.

"Grandfather", Alice muttered. "You raised me to be the best person I could be. I know… I know you'd be disappointed to see how I ended up after you died. I'm trying to remain a good person, I really am." She started to tear up. "But… it's too much. I can't do this without you. But… I'll try. I promise you I'll try with everything I have."

Alice felt a hand on her shoulder. "Alice, you alright?", Shun asked.

Alice nodded. "Yes. I'm ready to go now."

Shun moved his hand to grab hers. "If you ever need to talk, I'll listen."

"I know", Alice said, genuinely smiling, though her eyes were still red from crying. "Thank you, Shun." The two walked toward the wooden cabin in the clearing, hand in hand.

"Do you understand what's going on between those two?", Leonidas discreetly asked the other Bakugan present: Hydranoid, Ingram, and Skyress.

"I honestly don't", Ingram replied.

"Humans are so strange sometimes", Hydranoid said.


King Zenoheld was currently in his decadent bedroom in the mobile Mother Palace, watching a massive ship from his window. It had the shape of the Vestal Destroyer, but with several dozen more armaments, pointing every direction, not to mention a massive cannon on the ship's nose. Zenoheld heard a noise behind him, and turned to see Professor Clay entering the room.

"King Zenoheld, sire," Clay said, kneeling and looking down. "As you may have guessed, construction of the Vestal Annihilator has finally been completed. As you know, the primary weapon, at least in theory, will have enough power to vaporize an entire planet in one blast."

"Very good, professor", Zenoheld responded. "Phase one is finally complete. Have you finished calculations on Phase two?"

"I have, sire", Clay answered. "As I've previously explained, Bakugan have inherit energy from their life forces. I calculate that the life force energy from the fabled 'Six Legendary Soldiers of Vestroia', the superpower Attribute energies of Pyrus, Ventus, Aquos, Darkus, Haos and Ventus, will be enough to charge the primary weapon for a single blast."

"And you have the means to contact the Ancient Warriors?", Zenoheld demanded.

"I believe so, my King", Clay responded.

"Then get to work!", the ex-king ordered. "I want the Annihilator at full power as soon as possible!"


In the mysterious chamber of the Perfect Core, populated by the masked forms of the Six Ancient Soldiers surrounding the Perfect Core, a strange wave reached them.

"What is this… a message?", the bearded, masked form of Frosch asked.

"I believe so", the elf-like masked form of Lars Lion responded. "It appears to originate from the former King of Vestal, Zenoheld."

"I hear no message, Ancient Warriors", Drago's voice resonated from the Core. "What is he saying?"

"He is broadcasting his location to us", Exedra answered. "Demanding that we accept his challenge of a battle."

"He is also telling us that he has the capability to destroy New Vestroia", Oberus added. "Saying that he will do so unless his challenge is accepted."

"I find that unlikely", Clayf retorted. "If he had the means to do so, he would have already. In my opinion, I believe that it's a trap."

"Your logic is sound, Clayf", Apollonir said, with the finality of a judge. "However, we must at least investigate, in case the threat is legitimate."

"Be careful, Ancient Warriors", Drago said. "The Vexos are devious. Don't underestimate them." Hearing that warning, the six transported to the coordinates given to them.


King Zenoheld was transported to the surface of a nearby moon moments before the Six Ancient Warriors appeared.

"My, my", he said, somewhat surprised. "I didn't expect you to accept my challenge so quickly."

"Don't mock us, old man", Exedra warned.

"We have come only to address your threat against New Vestroia", Oberus said, as the six looked into his mind, seeing the Vestal Annihilator. How it could, in fact, destroy a planet. But they also saw something else:

"Your Annihilator can only be powered through our life forces. Our Attribute energies!", Clayf stated.

"Why would we ever give you an opportunity to take them?!", Lars Lion demanded.

"Well, to be honest", Zenoheld responded. "You don't have much choice."

"Foolish old man", Frosch mocked as they teleported away. However, they just as quickly reappeared. "What… what have you done?!"

Zenoheld smirked. "This entire moon has been previously encased in a dimension barrier", he explained, gesturing to a tower behind him. "Try as you might, you won't be running from this battle." He strapped a red and black Vexos gauntlet on his arm.

"Do you seriously believe you can beat the six of us on your own?", Apollonir questioned. "Your arrogance will be your undoing!"

"It's the other way around!", Zenoheld boasted, activating his gauntlet. "Gauntlet, Power Strike!"

"So, the battle begins", Exedra remarked.

"Gate Card, set!", Zenoheld called, shooting a Gate Card from his gauntlet. "I call Pyrus Farbros! Bakugan, brawl! Bakugan, stand!", he continued, shooting a Bakugan from his gauntlet.

A mechanical Bakugan that somewhat resembled a Dragonoid stood, with giant claws on its shoulders, cannons on the knee joints, and green eyes waiting to analyze the opponents.

"Ancient Warriors, attack!", Apollonir ordered. The masked forms disintegrated, allowing the six Bakugan's ball forms to stand on the field.

Farbros: 800

(Apollonir: 500, Clayf: 500, Lars Lion: 500, Exedra: 500, Frosch: 500, Oberus: 500)=3000

"Let's see what your Attribute energies can really do!", Zenoheld roared, putting an ability into his gauntlet. "Ability Activate! Hyper Cell!" Farbros opened his mouth, firing a laser beam at the Six Ancient Warriors.

Farbros: 800+500=1300

(Apollonir: 500-100=400, Clayf: 500-100=400, Lars Lion: 500-100=400, Exedra: 500-100=400, Frosch: 500-100=400, Oberus: 500)=2500

"Fool!", Apollonir cried, flying up. "Burning Enforcer!" He spouted a stream of fire from his mouth that countered the laser blast.

Farbros: 1300-500-200=600

(Apollonir: 400+100+200=700, Clayf: 400+100=500, Lars Lion: 400+100=500, Exedra: 400+100=500, Frosch: 400+100=500, Oberus: 500)=3200

"Battling one oh one, Zenoheld", Frosch mockingly advised. "Save your better abilities for later. Oceanus Pulse!" He summoned a wave at Farbros, forcing him back a few steps, as well as causing a had fin to be detached.

Farbros: 600-200=400

(Apollonir: 700, Clayf: 500, Lars Lion: 500, Exedra: 500, Frosch: 500+200=700, Oberus: 500)=3400

"You'll pay for that, insolent fools!", Zenoheld promised, putting two abilities into his gauntlet. "Double Ability Activate! Twin Horn Pulsar and Fire Spartan!" Farbros shot lasers from its shoulder claws at Apollonir, and fire streams from its knee cannons at Frosch.

Farbros: 400+400+300=1100

(Apollonir: 700-400=300, Clayf: 500, Lars Lion: 500, Exedra: 500, Frosch: 700-300=400, Oberus: 500)=2700

"It's time to show you how outclassed you truly are!", Exedra exclaimed. "Thanatos Enforcement!" He engulfed his entire team in purple energy, allowing them to withstand the incoming attacks.

Farbros: 1100

(Apollonir: 300+200=500, Clayf: 500+200=700, Lars Lion: 500+200=700, Exedra: 500+300=800, Frosch: 400+200=600, Oberus: 500+200=700)=4000

"You increased all of your power levels at once?", Zenoheld questioned.

"Surprised?", Oberus asked. "Tempest Riot!" She blew a powerful wind at Farbros, strong enough to make hurricanes look like mild breezes in comparison.

Farbros: 1100-500=600

(Apollonir: 500, Clayf: 700, Lars Lion: 700, Exedra: 800, Frosch: 600, Oberus: 700)=4000

Zenoheld smirked, putting an ability into his gauntlet. "I believe that it's my turn. Ability Activate! Gallium Shield!" Farbros blocked the winds using a red energy dome.

Farbros: 600

(Apollonir: 500÷2=250, Clayf: 700÷2=350, Lars Lion: 700÷2=350, Exedra: 800÷2=400, Frosch: 600÷2=300, Oberus: 700÷2=350)=2000

"My power…", Lars Lion said as they collapsed on the ground.

"And now, stay down!", Zenoheld ordered, thrusting out his hand. "Gate Card Open! Land Pressure!" As the Gate Card glowed white, the Six were forced to the ground, unable to move.

Farbros: 600

(Apollonir: 250-200=50, Clayf: 350-200=150, Lars Lion: 350-200=150, Exedra: 400-200=200, Frosch: 300-200=100, Oberus: 350-200=150)=800

"We have to do something before he can attack us!", Apollonir said.

"Frosch, will you give me your strength?", Exedra asked to the Soldier closest to him.

"It's yours!", he allowed.

"Very good!", Exedra said, the eyes on his eight heads glowing purple. "Final Wizard!" His eye on his body opened, draining Frosch of his energy. Purple energy seeped into the Gate Card, rendering it useless. But Frosch remained as still as the statue he was just turned into.

Farbros: 600

(Apollonir: 50+200=250, Clayf: 150+200=350, Lars Lion: 150+200=350, Exedra: 200+200+300+100=800, Frosch: 100+200-300=0, Oberus: 150+200=350)=2100

"You may think that was clever, nullifying the Gate Card", Zenoheld mocked. "But by incapacitating Frosch, you've only made it easier for me!"

"Clayf! Cover me!", Lars Lion requested.

"Got it!", Clayf said, pointing his axe at Farbros. "Graviton Axe!" Orange energy started pulling Farbros toward the ground.

"Sagittarius Arrow!", Lars Lion proclaimed. She summoned a bow and arrow of light energy, shooting the arrow at the sky. This caused light particles to rain down on the Six Ancient Warriors. Frosch turned back into flesh, and the rest, excluding Exedra, seemed invigorated.

Farbros: 600-500=100

(Apollonir: 250+250=500, Clayf: 350+150=500, Lars Lion: 350+150=500, Exedra: 800, Frosch: 0+500=500, Oberus: 350+150=500)=3300

"You… resurrected him?!", Zenoheld questioned, aghast.

"You were a fool to think your mechanical abomination was any match for us!", Apollonir roared. "Maximum Pyrus!" He fired another stream of fire at Farbros, this time incinerating the shoulder claws.

Farbros: 100

(Apollonir: 500+200=700, Clayf: 500, Lars Lion: 500, Exedra: 800, Frosch: 500, Oberus: 500)=3500

"I won't let it end this way!", Zenoheld roared, putting another ability into his gauntlet. "Ability Activate! FARBAS XM!"

Farbros roared as it easily endured the flames, all the damage done to it repaired.

Farbros: 100+200+200+500+500=1500

(Apollonir: 700, Clayf: 500, Lars Lion: 500, Exedra: 800, Frosch: 500, Oberus: 500)=3500

"You recovered your damage?", Oberus questioned.

"Then we'll just have to hit harder!", Clayf said. "Earth Striker!" He slammed his axe on the ground, causing a rock formation to trap Farbros by the lower body.

"Aquos Cyclone!", Frosch called. His mouth shot a water vortex that trapped Farbros in it.

Farbros: 1500-400-100=1000

(Apollonir: 700, Clayf: 500, Lars Lion: 500, Exedra: 800, Frosch: 500+200=700, Oberus: 500)=3700

"How pathetic", Zenoheld mocked, putting two abilities into his gauntlet. "Double Ability Activate! Twin Horn Phaser and Hyper Cell!" Farbros fired lasers from both his shoulder claws and his mouth at the Six Ancient Warriors, overwhelming them all at once.

Farbros: 1000+400+500=1900

(Apollonir: 700-400-100=200, Clayf: 500-400=100, Lars Lion: 500-400=100, Exedra: 800-400-300=100, Frosch: 700-400-100=200, Oberus: 500-400=100)=800

"Give it up!", Zenoheld ordered. "You're outmatched!"

"No! Not… yet!", Apollonir yelled, spreading out his wings and engulfing the field in a bright red light. "Dispel Roa!" Once the light faded, Farbros ceased its attacks, and the Six Ancient Warriors remained standing.

Farbros: 800

(Apollonir: 500, Clayf: 500, Lars Lion: 500, Exedra: 500, Frosch: 500, Oberus: 500)=3000

"You brought all Bakugan back to base power level?", Zenoheld questioned. "Ha! Impressive."

"Our experience outclasses your power!", Exedra declared.

"Then perhaps I should treat you as real opponents", Zenoheld said. "NOW!"

"Bakugan, brawl!", voices on either side called out. "Bakugan, stand!"

"Rise, Haos Boriates!", Volt announced, introducing a samurai like mechanical Bakugan.

"Go, Aquos Macubass!", Mylene ordered the stealthy mechanical Bakugan.

(Farbros: 800, Boriates: 700, Macubass: 700)=2200

(Apollonir: 500, Clayf: 500, Lars Lion: 500, Exedra: 500, Frosch: 500, Oberus: 500)=3000

Zenoheld laughed at his adversaries. "You were wrong, Ancient Warriors", he told them. "I wasn't on my own. I simply ordered my reinforcements to wait until I told them."

Both Mylene and Volt put an ability into their gauntlets. "Ability Activate!", both called.

"Prometheus Cannon!", Volt continued. The gauntlet on Boriates's left arm transformed into a double cannon. Boriates shot two yellow lasers out of it toward the Six Ancient Warriors.

"Mouser Barracuda!", Mylene continued. Macubass flew around the Six Ancient Warriors, barraging them with blue energy orbs while avoiding Boriates's attack.

(Farbros: 800, Boriates: 700+300=1000, Macubass: 700)=2500

(Apollonir: 500-100=400, Clayf: 500-100=400, Lars Lion: 500-100=400, Exedra: 500-100=400, Frosch: 500-100=400, Oberus: 500-100=400)=2400

"They're overwhelming us!", Oberus exclaimed.

"We can't let them win!", Lars Lion stated. "Valkyrie Barrier!" Lars Lion generated a dome of yellow energy over them, defecting the barrage in every direction. Lars Lion managed to sustain it until the barrage ceased.

"Blast Storm!" Oberus called, sending powerful winds at Macubass, forcing it away.

"Graviton Wizard!", Exedra called. His chest eye opened up, blasting Boriates with purple fire.

(Farbros: 800-400=400, Boriates: 1000-400=600, Macubass: 700-200=500)=1500

(Apollonir: 400, Clayf: 400, Lars Lion: 400, Exedra: 400, Frosch: 400, Oberus: 400+200=600)=2600

"Go on!", Zenoheld ordered the Vexos. "I want them destroyed!"

"As you wish, my King", Mylene said placatingly, but Volt only nodded in affirmation as Mylene put another ability into her gauntlet. "Ability Activate! Moby Cannon!" Macubass whirred its claws, turning them into cannons that fired at the Six.

Volt then placed another ability into his gauntlet. "Ability Activate! Tempest Arrow!" Boriates angled his cannon upward, firing lasers that rained back down on the Six in a barrage.

(Farbros: 400, Boriates: 600+300=900: Macubass: 500+400=900)=2200

(Apollonir: 400, Clayf: 400-100=300, Lars Lion: 400-100=300, Exedra: 400, Frosch: 400-100=300, Oberus: 600)=2300

"Maximum Revolution!", Apollonir called. He started glowing in a red aura that engulfed his allies, strengthening them all.

"Valkyrie Heavensword!", Lars Lion called. She created a blade of light and prepared a close range battle.

(Farbros: 400, Boriates: 900-500=400, Macubass: 900)=1700

(Apollonir: 400+200=600, Clayf: 300+200=500, Lars Lion: 300+200=500, Exedra: 400+200=600, Frosch: 300+200=500, Oberus: 600+200=800)=3500.

Volt snarled, putting another ability into his gauntlet. "Ability Activate! Firebolt Axe!" The dual cannon on Boriates's left arm turned into a battle axe used to engage Lars Lion in close range.

Mylene placed another ability into her gauntlet. "Ability Activate! Indignation!" Macubass disappeared using its stealth tech, blasting reach of the Six with a sneak attack Moby Cannon.

(Farbros: 400, Boriates: 400+300=700, Macubass: 900)=2000

(Apollonir: 600, Clayf: 500, Lars Lion: 500-100=400, Exedra: 600-100=500, Frosch: 500, Oberus: 800-100=700)=3200

"Infinity…", Apollonir started, then was unable to finish. "What? My abilities are blocked!"

"How astute you are", Mylene mocked. "As long as Indignation is active, none of you can activate any abilities."

"Then… we're finished", Clayf said.

"Haha!", Zenoheld mocked, putting another ability into his gauntlet. "Ability Activate! Twin Horn Phaser!" Farbros fired lasers from both his shoulder claws at the Six Ancient Warriors, making them all cry out in pain as it struck them.

(Farbros: 400+400=800, Boriates: 700, Macubass: 900)=2400

(Apollonir: 600-400=200, Clayf: 500-400=100, Lars Lion: 400-400=0, Exedra: 500-400=100, Frosch: 500-400=100, Oberus: 700-400=300)=800

"This might be it", Lars Lion realized.

"Wait! Look!", Oberus exclaimed, gesturing to the tower that generated the dimension barrier. It was completely destroyed.

"What?!", Zenoheld demanded. He then remembered that Lars Lion's Valkyrie Barrier deflected several lasers in that direction.

"Ancient Warriors, retreat!", Apollonir ordered. All Six started glowing their attributed colors, disappearing.

"They're gone!", Mylene exclaimed.

Zenoheld took out his communicator. "Professor Clay", he said. "What's their condition?"

"Judging by the data I recorded," Clay said. "and the fact they chose to retreat in the first place, I'd say severe. They most likely won't survive the day."

"Then find them!", Zenoheld ordered.


As Marucho, Runo and Julie were having their lunch break, Marucho started clutching his head. "Oh… my head", he groaned. Unknown to him, Elfin started glowing blue.

"What… what's going on?", she asked.

"Elfin, you ok?", Preyas asked, but there was no response, because both Marucho and Elfin went unconscious.


As Baron was snoring, Nemus started glowing yellow. "What is this…?", he asked, right before falling completely unconscious.

"Baron! Can you come here, please?", Baron's mother called, but there was no response.


While Mira, Ace, Gus and Keith were still leaving the lab, Keith and Mira each started clutching their heads.

"Mira? You ok?", Ace asked.

"No… my head…", she groaned.

"This is… odd", Keith admitted. "I almost… never get headaches."

Meanwhile, Wilda and Neo Helios began glowing orange and red, respectively, as all four collapsed.


Shun had just walked Alice to the cabin's living room when both humans started to clutch their heads.

"Agh!", Alice groaned. "I… what's going on?!"

"My head…", Shun empathized, getting himself and Alice to rest on the couch.

"What is happening?", Ingram asked, glowing green.

"What are you referring to?", Skyress questioned him.

"Ugh, what's this rise of my energy?", Leonidas asked, glowing purple.

"Ingram? Leonidas?", Hydranoid demanded, worried. "Are you two ok?" He got no response, however, as Alice, Leonidas, Shun and Ingram all fell unconscious.


Before anyone asks, yes. I am combining the BT System arc and the Alternative arc into one. You don't have to like it, but that's what is happening.

I owe Insane Dominator a lot, and I mean a lot, of the Ancient Warriors' ability names.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! I certainly hope I didn't disappoint, and if I did, I'm sorry. If you did enjoy, feel free to follow or favorite this story. If you have anything to say, feel free to leave a review or PM me. Until next time, goodbye!