(A/N: So someone asked me to do a Villain!Izuku fic. And as I was ironing out the plot for that idea... that isn't completely overdone *Cough* Joining the League of Villains *cough*. Not that those are bad, but they're a dime a dozen. Now... I have a personal headcanon with Izuku being a villain. He wants to do be a villain... but his Mom actually taught him to be good in the name of villainy and he is naturally bad at being bad, so much so that his actions, while he thinks are evil are actually good. And I immdiately wanted to write that. So here it is. Oh, and I will do an actual Villain Izuku fic... the minute I iron out the kinks, but for now, take this dumb yet cutsey story idea.)
"Bye Mom! I'm going out to start my Villain Empire BWAHAHA!" Izuku said laughing maniacally at his declaration.
"Okay dear, just be back in time for dinner okay?" His mother asked, while watching T.V.
"Okay!" He called out as he closed the door behind him. Izuku decided that every Sunday at 9:00 A.M he would do something nefarious to spark his evil crime career.
'Alright, this is my time. Time to show the world that they should fear... umm... what's my villain name? Very Bad! Perfect that will strike fear into the hearts of man and woman. But it's time... for my ingenious plan! To kidnap Endeavor's Wife!' Izuku thought as he began laughing, "Now, I believe she was being held in a hospital in Hosu... perfect, time to capture her!" Izuku proclaimed.
After muttering his plan to himself in the train he made it to the hospital in Hosu, now all that's left is to achieve his goal.
Or not...
"Hmm... she must be scared of me, so scared that she starts saying she's a monster. As a damsel should. But this will not do..." Izuku muttered to himself, before he got an idea, "Mom always said to treat damsels right, with flowers, sweets, and to take her some place fun! Perfect!"
Izuku left the hospital and entered the little local flower and chocolate shop across the street. After buying an abscene amount of flowers and chocolates... and gaining the gratitude of the owner... much to his behest, he headed back to the hospital.
"Okay, I won't take no for an answer..." Izuku said as he entered the room.
"W-Why are you here?" She asked trembling.
"Because I am here to kidnap you." Izuku said, as he handed her the flowers and chocolates, "My Mom told me that you must treat those you are kidnapping well, with flowers, chocolates, and taking them somewhere fun."
"A-Are you serious?" She asked.
"Yes!" He exclaimed, "Which is why I will give you all these flowers and chocolates to make you happy, because that's how villains treat the people they are kidnapping... right?"
"Y-Yes... that's how they should do it." She said as she brought the flowers close to her, "These flowers... they're my favorites."
"Really?" Izuku asked, "Then I'm doing amazingly as a villain! HAHAHA!"
She found his mannerisms amusinging, "So... what's your name?"
"I am Very Bad. It acts as an adjective and a villain name! Perfect!"
She stiffled a laugh, "So, Mr. 'Very Bad'. Why do you want to be a villain?"
"Because I like villains." Izuku said with a smile, "I always see villain in old cartoons, and I told my Mom that I wanted to be the best villain in the world. She nodded and taught me how to be a villain!"
'Explains how he's not very threathening. But I shouldn't tell him that.' Izuku's 'Damsel' thought, "So, Mr. Very Bad, what's your next move now that you have captured me?"
"Oh right!" Izuku exclaimed, "I gave you the flowers and chocolates... now it's time to take you somewhere nice! Then afterwards I will take you to your home to hold you for ransom! I saw it in a movie once it's perfect!"
'So nothing villanous, aside from the ransom portion.' She thought, "So where do you plan to take me, Mr. Very Bad?" She asked playing along with his antics.
"Ah- Hmm... I don't know. I didn't think that far ahead. If anything I was expecting a hero to come and stop me... but no one has come yet." He muttered.
'Play along Rei.' She thought, "It must be because you are excellent at entering stealthily, that the heroes don't know of your nefarious schemes."
His eyes widened, "Exactly!" He exclaimed, "Now I can take you somewhere fun without any interruption, HAHAHA!"
'How can he be so innocent?' She thought, "Pardon me, but how old are you?"
"I'm 15, a prime age for villainy." Izuku said with a proud pose.
"Yes, the prime age for villainy." She said playing along.
"Hmm... Aha! A petting zoo, movie theatre, and amusement park all in one place. Such a location so unsuspecting that no one would notice a kidnapping! Let us go... what is your name?" Izuku asked.
"Rei... Rei Todoroki." She said.
"Okay Rei Rei Todoroki, let us go!" He said taking her hand gently.
"R-Rei Rei?" She asked.
"Yeah... you said Rei Rei Todoroki, that's your name correct?" Izuku asked.
'I would say no... but I rather like that name.' She thought, "Yes, my name is Rei Rei Todoroki."
"Then let us go! Time is wasting, and so is the ransom!"
"Rei Rei look! The sheep!" Izuku exclaimed as he was frantically looking at the baby animals, all the while Rei was watching with amusement.
"Yes Izuku, those are sheep." Rei said with a smile.
Izuku told her for the sake of keeping his secret villain identity, he told her to refer to him as Izuku in public. Something she gladly did.
"Want to join my empire?" Izuku asked.
"Baa..." The sheep replied.
"No? You're working on your own plan for world domination?"
"Okay, I wish you luck my friend!" He said before walking towards Rei, "I don't trust that sheep..."
Rei laughed, "Afraid of a little competition?"
"Yes! I'm the one who will rule the world... not some sheep." Izuku muttered.
"Well I wish you luck Izuku." Rei said.
"HAHAHA! I don't need luck! I have pure skill on my side." He boasted.
With a roll of her eyes Rei smiled.
"Oh of course, how could I forget."
The romantic comedy the pair watched was terrible, but the terrible the pair can make fun of.
"Hahaha! That movie was so bad!" Izuku exclaimed laughing his head off.
Rei wasn't faring much better, "I agree... the plot was rather sup-par." She said while stiffling her laughter.
"Sub-par is generous!" Izuku exclaimed, "The comedy aspect wasn't even that good, but the movie itself was funny."
"I agree, but was it worth 1100 yen?" Rei asked.
"Oh definitely."
"Bahaha! HAHAHA!"
The pair were riding one of the rollercoasters of the amusement park. Both were laughing in amusement like a mad man and mad woman.
"That was awesome! Let's ride again!" Izuku yelled.
"But we rode it 11 times already." Rei said, though she wasn't against the idea.
"Hmm... you're right. Let's ride that one instead!" Izuku yelled, "We must assert our dominance over everyone. We shall ride all of the rides!" Izuku said raising his fist into the air
"Let's go!" Rei said equally as excited.
"These games are rigged, an act of villainy! That's my job. So as such we must take them down." Izuku said.
"And how do we do that?" Rei asked sipping on her bevarage.
"Simple... we win all of their prizes... then hand all of them out for free in front of them! Perfect! That will show them." Izuku proclaimed.
'Why didn't I see that coming?' She thought as she smiled, "Yes, Izuku. Let us do that."
"Alright! Let's go!"
"Here you go!" Izuku exclaimed handing off the last stuffed animal to the last kid, "Now don't forget that amusement park games are rigged so they steal your money!"
"Thank you mister!" He said as he left.
Izuku gripped his chest, "Praise... is a small price to pay, and now I am the most evil guy in the amusement park! HAHAHA!"
Rei rolled her eyes and smiled, "Yes Izuku, you are the most evil guy in the amusement park."
Izuku gave her the biggest smile he could muster subconsciously, "AWESOME!"
'So bright...'
"And now it's time to ask for the ransom!"
"Hmm... do I bang on the door? No... that would make it seem like a stick up. The door bell! Yes, they would never suspect it!" Izuku exclaimed as he pushed the door bell button.
*Ding Dong*
"Yes- Mom?!" A young girl with white and red hair asked.
"Hello, I am here to ask for a ransom for your mother!" Izuku exclaimed.
"He's trying to be a villain... but is very bad at it, play along." Rei mouthed, "He didn't hurt me... he actually took me around the town."
"O-Okay, come inside." She said as Izuku led Rei inside.
"Fuyumi, who's at the do- Mom?" A boy with entirely white hair asked.
"Hello Natsuo. Mr. Very Bad here is holding me hostage for a ransom." Rei said, 'Play along.' She mouthed.
"O-Oh... well how much does... Mr. Very Bad need?" Natsuo asked faking fear.
"50,000 Yen!" Izuku exclaimed, "And all on Endeavor's tab, that will send a message."
Natsuo couldn't help but smile, "Y-Yes Mr. Very Bad." Natsuo said as he rushed into Endeavor's room to hand him 50,000 yen.
"Excellent, she is yours now." Izuku said as Rei walked over to her children. But Rei decided to play along until the end.
"Now, Mr. Very Bad, what will you use that money for?" She asked.
"Hmm..." Izuku pondered, "Oh! I know, I'll donate it to charity, but I won't give him the credit, so his money will be wasted! HAHAHA!"
"Well if I may make a suggestion." Rei said, "Would you donate it towards a charity for mental patients?"
"... Of course! The irony will be too much for him! Perfect idea!" Izuku said as he began running towards the door, "I'll kidnap you again sometime!"
"I won't be waiting for it!" Rei yelled back as he turned towards the door, "Oh wait, Mr. Very Bad! Come back!"
"H-Huh? What? Did I forget something in my evil plan?" Izuku asked as he walked back to her.
"Yes, you did." Rei said as she bent down to his level.
She pecked him on the forehead
"H-Huh?!" Izuku asked red in the face.
"Thank you, for showing me a good time. You're a real he- I mean, evil villain." She said.
Izuku blinked a few times... before smiling a massive smile, "YES! I'M A VILLAIN! Mom will be so proud! I gotta go tell her! Bye Rei Rei, bye Rei Rei's children!" Izuku exclaimed before leaving.
"He's a good kid." Natsuo said.
"Yeah, he is."
"And then, we saw this movie, it was really bad. And then we rode on the rollercoasters, and won all the prizes at the games only to give them away in an act of spite. I then got ransom money from Endeavor's family, it mainly came from him. I then donated it to a charity of mental patients as an act of irony." Izuku said going a million words a second.
"Well look at you, my little villain. Commiting your first act of evil!" She said, 'I'm surprised he still thinks these are all acts of villainy.
"Yes, and it's only the start." He said as he leapt out of his seat, "Heroes will quake in fear once they hear the name 'Very Bad'."
His mother stiffled a giggle, "All hail very bad!"
"All hail!" Izuku exclaimed, 'My first act of villainy was a success!'
"But now I must keep my public image intact, I have a test this week!"
*End of Chapter*