Hello! I have been debating on posting this or not but as you can see i did!

Hopefully you guys enjoy this chapter.

Back at Fox's place.

Lying on the floor Kuroko could feel her muscles returning back to normal but it was much to late for that, she had already lost way to much blood. Is this how I'm gonna die? By a fur suit that turns you into a loyal fox zombie. Fox Propped Kuroko's bloody body up against a pillow he brought and then sat down beside her sipping on a glass of wine before he began to speak.

"You should be able to talk pretty soon Shirai-san that shot I gave you should be worn off by now. The fur suit will give you immortality if you survive Shirai-san its not that bad actually." Kuroko was getting infuriated by his buddy buddy act.

How does someone kidnap you then act like there friends? Still… I want to know his motive. Kuroko attempted to talk but all that came out was mix of slobber and mumble.

"Was that your attempt at speech Shirai-san?

Kuroko responded with something somewhat legible. "What is your intentions?"

Fox chuckled and started to play with his butterfly knife. "Fuck me in the fox ass! That's a good one Shirai-san."

What was I expecting? This is a terrible last conversation to have! I would almost rather talk to that ape One-sama loves so much. Speaking of which... I wonder if his power could stop this Fox guy?

"Looks like your friends have no idea your even missing! That's fine with me this just gives me even more time to plot."

I can't really understand what he's saying now… I was burning up in this fur suit earlier but now all a sudden I'm freezing cold. That must mean It's near the end of taking over my body. I hope that One-sama was able to see that I attempted to call her. Fox left Kuroko to herself as he set out to get a head start on his plans.

Touma and Misaka.

They approached the house that Uiharu said Kuroko's phone was last detected at.

"This is were Kuroko's cellphone was last used Misaka?"

"The address matches I hope she's still here I'm tired of walking." They knocked on the door hoping for someone to answer it. When no one did Misaka worriedly glanced at Touma.

"What do you wanna do? Break the door down?"

"Jeez Misaka, why don't we see what's in this bag Accelerator gave us?"

"Alright let's see." Misaka said as she unzipped the bag, inside was two 9mm pistols and spare clips, some other weapons but something caught Touma's eye.

"Hey lemme see that!" Touma reached into the bag and grabbed the crowbar that caught his eye and immediately starts prying on the door.

"Good idea Touma I'm gonna get ready for when it opens." Misaka grabbed one of the pistols and was in a ready stance for when the door opened just in case there were people waiting for them. After a couple minutes of prying Touma had made easy work of the door and it flung wide open. Misaka immediately seen a dark figure standing in the room looking at them. She fired three times at it hitting it in what appeared to be its head. Except the figure didn't move at all.

"Misaka that thing didn't even move! I'm going in, hand me one of those guns just in case."

Touma put his phones flashlight on and began to look around. Misaka followed closely behind him.

Touma was a little scared but he powered through it and approached the enemy. When he got close enough his flashlight revealed it was just a store mannequin. "It's just a mannequin Misaka."

"I can see that but I got a bad feeling, somethings not right Touma..."

Eventually they came to one of the bedrooms and the light was still on inside. Touma whispered "I'm gonna barge inside are you ready Misaka?"

"Be careful Idiot it might be a trap." Touma busted through the door and to his surprise there was no trap or anything Just a messy room with bunch of half full wine glasses everywhere. Then Touma saw it. Why is there a bloody stuffed animal doing laying against the wall? Touma walked up to Kuroko to inspect what he thought was a stuffed animal. He soon realized what was actually going on.

"Misaka I found her! She's not looking good I thinks she's been hurt!"

Misaka ran to Touma and quickly started fumbling around in her bag for first aid. "Touma call an ambulance she barely even has a pulse!" Touma could see that Misaka was really worried about Kuroko. This Isn't good, whoever done this is gonna pay big time.

The ambulance took Kuroko to the hospital and that's were Touma and Misaka was currently running to. It was pitch black outside now and the rain was starting to fall. Even for Touma this was a lot of running. Soon he had grown tired. "Misaka! Wait up…"

"Why are you stopping all a sudden?"

"We have been running for 20 minutes none stop! Lets catch are breath."

"But Kuroko-" Touma put is finger over her mouth cutting her off mid sentence. He could tell something was wrong with her ever since they had found out Kuroko was missing. "We done the best we could… Its up to the doctors now."

"I know, it's just I can't help but think if we got to her sooner that she wouldn't be in this situation." Touma was going to say something but decided it would be better to just hug Misaka. There was nothing he could say to make the girl feel better. There clothes were soaked and sticking together only making the situation more awkward until Touma broke the silence.



"I'll go with you."

"Go with me were?"

"Don't act like you don't want revenge! I'm going with you to find them and make them pay."

"But w-why?"

"Why? I don't want to see any of are friends die! Especially in a dirty old fur suit."

At the hospital

Misaka went up to the front counter to ask about were Kuroko's room would be.

"No one is allowed to visit that patient right now. Sorry."

"What! Why not? We are her friends we are the ones that found her and saved her!"

"Misaka we don't know who it is who done that too her and neither do they. That's why they can't let anyone in to see her."

"Still I want to see her!"

"I know but it's for the best Misaka! This way she will be safe from further attacks." Misaka stormed out in a rage. Her friend has never been In worse condition and now she wasn't even allowed to check up on her. If blocking off all visitors is what it takes to keep her alive then fine.

"You know Misaka I was thinking, about that guy on the bridge yesterday... We should go make a plan to find that guy. He was a furry and wasn't Kuroko wearing a similar outfit when we found her?"

"Were do we even start? They aren't letting us talk to Kuroko."

"Why don't we just go back to my place and think things out. Index isn't even at my place right now so you won't have to put up with her."

He's really asking me to stay at his place? It could be bad if I stayed the headmistress would not be happy. But when or rather will I ever get a chance like this again?

Misaka looked up and seen Touma patiently waiting for her answer. Her heart was racing she had to answer him before it got weird, her face was rapidly getting redder before she softly said.

"Alright fine."

"What was that I didn't hear you."

"I'll stay at your place I guess… But only because I don't want to walk that far in the rain and all."

There eyes met, both of them realizing that they would be spending an entire night together. Touma knew he had messed up. I didn't think this through at all. God know what she is plotting! Touma looked over at Misaka and seen a slight grin on her face, it was raining and hard to see but Touma definitely seen a grin which only worried him more.

Touma's dorm

Touma walked into his quite dorm and tossed the heavy backpack Accelerator gave him to the ground. "It's been a long day, Finally I can relax!"

After a second Touma noticed Misaka was standing outside his door looking pretty nervous. What is she doing? Is he she scared to come inside my dorm? "Hey biri biri you can come inside you know."

Instantly her expression went from shy to angry. "I know I can! Its just..."

"Just what?"

"Nothing I'm just soaked from the rain." Misaka looked around the dorm. To her surprise it was actually pretty clean for a guy who was always out fighting magicians and taking care of a nun.

"You want to use my shower? I'll find you some clothes you can sleep in while yours drys."

"Sure but If I catch you trying to peek in ill kill you!" Touma handed her one of his white button up shirts and Misaka went into the bathroom.

"You better not try anything weird or it'll be the last thing you do!"

"Jeez Misaka I get the feeling Kuroko has made you a little too paranoid."

Misaka stood in the mirror with a shirt Touma had gave her to wear, looking at all the little details of it. She began putting on the shirt and to her surprise it was so big and it went all the way down to her knees. This shirt smells kinda like him… Why cant he tell I have feeling for him? Ugh he's so dense! Misaka opened the door poking her head out to see Touma in the living room reading one of his manga he had laying around. Touma seen her and asked

"Well did the shirt fit?"

"You tell me."

Misaka walked into the living room showing how big the shirt was on her.

The shirt revealed Misaka's collar bones and to Touma it was clear she didn't have on a bra. He couldn't help but wonder. Does she have underwear on? God what am I thinking? I might be delusional she would kill me if I tried anything. Having her stay over might not of been the best of my ideas. Touma grabbed his pillow and blanket and headed to the bathroom to sleep while saying.

"You can have the bed Misaka."

"Wait, you don't have to sleep in a bathroom."

"Were am I going to sleep then?"

"We can sh-share the b-bed."

"Um isn't that something couples do Misaka?"

"Shut up and just listen to me you idiot! I don't want you getting a spine injury sleeping like that!"

She's getting angry I better listen to her or she might start an argument and I really don't got the time or energy for it. "I guess its fine since your technically my girlfriend right?"

"Y-yeah that makes it alright." Misaka said while holding her arm in her hand looking down at the ground blushing. God what am I saying? Knowing him he will try something insane. Misaka climbed into the bed and laid on the far right side of it. Nervously she said "See there's enough room for b-both of us right?"

Touma started rubbing the back of his neck, things were awkward now. Which wasn't uncommon when he was around Misaka. I can never get a reading on her… She always seems to be hiding her true self from everybody. Scared of what might happen if he didn't listen to the girl Touma reluctantly got in the bed.

"Are you going to sleep with the lights on or what?"

"Oi it don't bother me did you forget? I'm used to the bathtub!"

"Guess I'll get them then."

Misaka climbed out of the bed to turn off the lights but when she climbed back in she couldn't see and her knee landed on a certain someones nether regions. Touma was now reduced to the fetal position.

"OH! Misaka you s-smashed my-"

"Oh shut up it wasn't that bad idiot."

This is gonna be torture. Touma thought to himself while trying to hold back his whimpering. It didn't take long for Touma to fall asleep considering how late it was and how worn out he was. In the middle of the night though he was awoken by Misaka. Her body was slowly inching closer to his throughout the night and now she was completely wrapped around him.

Shit what do I do… If I stay like this she'll freak out in the morning when she sees it. If I wake her up it will be even worse. Man she is really hot and sweaty. How am I supposed to get a good nights rest like this! Such misfortune. Eventually Touma got used to being the small spoon and fell back asleep.

Alright guys that's all i got for now don't be afraid to comment I love all the comments!