Part of this chapter is lifted directly from The Lost Hero, which means I have to say this—I don't own any of these characters, they belong to Rick Riordan, and belong to the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus Series owned by Hyperion Publishing/Hachette Books.
Chapter One
"He's burning himself out," someone muttered during dinner, "it's been three days and he's made it as far east as Texas and back in one day."
Hazel ignored the whispers, keeping her eyes trained on the man in question. Percy Jackson, Primus Pilus. Centurion of the First Cohort. Son of Neptune. Her cousin. It was odd, realising that she had someone who considered her family. It wasn't a feeling that she was used to. But looking at him now, she could see just how tired he was.
Percy was normally a tall, broad, and energetic fixture in the legion. That wasn't who she saw now, seated with the First Cohort. He was haggard, and there were dark circles around his sunken eyes. He looked as if he hadn't slept in days, which, she realised, he probably hadn't. She wasn't the only one who was concerned. Michael Kahale, the optio for the First, had been forced to help Percy sit lest he collapse before he reached his table, and Reyna, the Praetor, was studying him with a concerned gaze.
Gwen, her Centurion, sat down beside her silently, a plate of food materialising in front of her.
"Percy's tough," she said, almost as if she was reading her mind, "but he's also hard like iron, in that he'll break before he bends. This… this won't last a day longer. Reyna will straighten him out."
"Are they… are they dating?" Hazel asked cautiously. She had heard the things the others said, but she wasn't sure if it was rumour or truth. Gwen, however, would. More importantly, she wouldn't lie to her about it.
"They are," she confirmed, "have been for… close to a year now, I think. No one's quite sure when it started, because the only officers who knew died during the Siege of Orthys. But yeah, I think a year is about right. Didn't anyone tell you?"
"I'd… heard things," she said slowly. Hazel didn't want to admit what those things she had heard were, "but I wasn't sure if they were true or not."
"Legion gossip," Gwen sighed, "I've tried to stamp it out, but it happens regardless. The Praetor and the Primus Pilus have a relationship that's stronger than anything I've seen before. It's sweet. You'll see it at some point."
"They're… public with it?" Hazel asked in surprise, "they're allowed to do that?"
"Why wouldn't they be?" Gwen blinked, "there's no rules against it that I'm aware of."
That's not what I meant, Hazel wanted to say, but she knew better. Things were different here than she was used to. She would need to adapt.
"I see," she said instead, "Percy and Jason were, close, yes? I've heard people refer to them as either rivals or as brothers. Which is it?"
"Some would say both," Gwen laughed, "but I know Jason about as well as Percy does—they're family in all but name. Those two would rather die than hurt each other. It's why Percy's working so hard to find Jason—harder than the rest of the legion, for that matter. Even I've not done nearly as much as he has."
"But how does he know where to look?"
"Percy's far kinder to the Fauns than anyone else, and in return, they supply him with information given to them by the dryads," Gwen explained, "so every time he's gotten a whisper about a blond, he's taken off to find him."
"And the Faun's aren't messing with him?" Hazel asked.
"None of them are nearly stupid enough to try," Gwen stated, voice completely blank, "they fear death far too much."
"Percy wouldn't, would he?" Hazel gasped.
"Honestly?" Gwen shrugged, "if they were malicious in intent, then yes, he would. Percy's merciful but only to an extent."
"But…" Hazel drifted off, looking at Percy. He had always been quick with a smile and a laugh, but now, he was silent, broody, and by the gods did he look depressed. "… he needs help."
"He does," Gwen nodded, "and when he asks for it, we'll give it to him. Or, more likely, when he needs it, we'll be there for him. For now, trying to get him to stop would only cause him to lash out. Don't worry about it, Hazel. It's an issue for the officers, not for you. Let us handle it."
Hazel just nodded, quietly eating her food as she watched Percy almost be force-fed by Michael Kahale. The Son of Neptune looked like death, and Hazel would know better than most what that meant. But despite his haggard and emaciated look, there was still a vitality and… energy in Percy that almost no one else had. He was completely burned, that much was true, but he wasn't down, not by a long shot.
She just hoped he realised he couldn't keep this up before something bad happened.
"We've picked up a new recruit, Hazel," Gwen informed her, "Frank Zhang, parent currently unknown, but we're thinking maybe Apollo. He's a good shot with a bow, but he needs to learn legion tactics."
"Are you asking me?" she blinked in surprise, "I've only been here a month and a half!"
"No, no, sorry," Gwen sighed, "I was just letting you know. Coming here with unknown parentage is… it's a stigma. Some will look at him differently, treat him differently because his parent didn't even bother to reveal themselves to his mother."
"Oh. Oh, okay," she said, "what's he like?"
"Painfully shy, by the gods, it's like Percy all over again," Gwen laughed, "though that shyness only lasted the first day. After that, it was like a switch had been flicked. Frank… I'm not entirely sure he has what it takes, but Lupa let him come, so she must've seen something that I missed. Wouldn't surprise me, to be honest. I didn't see much in Percy till he put Octavian in his place."
"…What?" Hazel blinked, "I've never seen either of them have a rude conversation with each other?"
"Oh, Hazel," Gwen muttered fondly, "there was a time when those two couldn't stand each other. Octavian went as far as to insult Neptune in front of his shrine. The gods ordered a duel between the two, first to yield. Percy was still in the Fourth at the time, still a probatio, but he absolutely demolished Octavian. It… it wasn't pretty. Over the years, there was some tension between the two, but when Percy became Primus Pilus, he and Octavian had a… heart to heart, so to speak. This was just a little before you arrived. That's why you haven't seen anything."
"Ah," she said, "Percy didn't… hurt him, did he?"
"I don't think so," her centurion admitted, "but at the same time, it's possible. I try not to think about it. But enough of this! You're helping Reyna with the unicorns today. She said something about you always looking at them?"
"They're pretty," she mumbled, "and they're all so sweet."
"Not many people here are fans of them, except for Reyna, Percy and… well, now you, I guess," Gwen said, "that's probably why Reyna asked for your help. Anyway, you don't want to keep her waiting. Run along now."
Reyna met her by the stables, leaning against the fence as she fiddled with a ring on her right hand. It was beautiful, wrought from silver with the symbol of Bellona, the sword crossing a torch, engraved on the face. Clearly a gift, and with what she knew now, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out who gave it to her.
"You're here, good," Reyna greeted as she approached, "do you know much about Unicorns?"
"Uhm, no, not really, Praetor," Hazel admitted, "but I'm willing to learn!"
"I figured as much," Reyna conceded, "but I'm willing to teach. Besides, with you here, I've now collected a child from each of the Big Three. I'm pretty sure that means I win a prize."
Hazel blinked at her, and it took Reyna's grin for her to realise she was joking. Still, she felt the need to clarify.
"That's… that's a joke, right?" She asked shyly.
"Of course it is!" Reyna chuckled, "I may not be quick with a joke like Percy or J-Jason, but I have been known to tell a joke once or twice."
The stumble was subtle, but the fact that he voice caught over Jason's name told her enough—that Reyna wasn't as unaffected as people believed her to be. Still, Hazel knew that this wasn't the time to question her about—for that matter, she didn't have any right to question her about it anyway. Reyna was her Praetor. That was a position of extreme authority. Probatio's had no right to be asking them anything personal in the slightest.
"Alright, here's the first thing about Unicorns, Hazel," Reyna told her, "they're, in essence, horned horses. They like the same thing as horses, and they act exactly the same way. The only difference is that while a horse can run you down, a unicorn will impale you first. If something spooks them, the best thing to do is get out of the paddock as fast as possible, no matter what, okay?"
"Yes ma'am," Hazel nodded, "what are we doing with them today?"
"We're just letting them roam a little today, stretch their legs and all that," the Praetor explained, "our usual wrangler is in Texas for some ranching conference, so I volunteered to do this, and then I voluntold you to come here and help me. It's nothing too difficult, we just need to let them out, and then encourage them back in after an hour or two."
"That… sounds easy enough, actually," Hazel admitted. Reyna just gave her a warm smile.
"C'mon, Probie, let's get to work."
They slid the gate open, and the unicorns came out of the stable slowly, almost nervously, as if they didn't quite think that they were being allowed out. Hazel frowned. Why would they be so confused by being let out. She glanced over to Reyna, who had a similarly puzzled look on her face. Still, once they were out, they began frolicking happily, running around the paddock, grazing, and otherwise being unicorns. Hazel watched them from the fence, enjoying the playfulness of it all.
They really were like horses, albeit ones that could gore you without a second thought. She had always liked horses, and they had always liked her. Most animals didn't take to her as easily, but horses… horses always had. It made her feel better about herself, that at least the horses liked her. Dogs, cats, even birds would avoid her, but horses? Horses never ran away. And the Unicorns didn't run from her either.
"Alright," Reyna said after nearly two hours, a small smile playing across her face as she watched the herd, "let's start wrangling them back into the stable, yeah?"
Hazel nodded and jumped down off the fence, walking with Reyna to the gate, and helping her pull it open. The Praetor gave a loud whistle, and the unicorns all turned back to face them. She tilted her head towards the stable, and very reluctantly did they agree to begin heading back to the building. Still, they were very clearly annoyed at being forced to go back inside. Still, they were docile enough.
For all of ten seconds, before she heard the cry. A unicorn let out something very close to a scream, and soon, all of the herd was rushing towards them, with no intention of stopping, nor any desire to let them move out of the way. She could hear Reyna swearing and calling for her Pegasus, but Scipio wouldn't reach them in time.
Hazel thrust her arms out, letting her senses reach out for the metal in the unicorn horns, and diverting them around the duo, the herd parting like a river striking stone, flowing to either side. Dust was flying in the air, but Hazel kept her eyes closed, and held her breath as long as she dared.
"STOP!" The voice was like a thunderclap, and instantly all the unicorns ceased moving, some sliding into each other, but otherwise still. It took Hazel a moment to realise that the reason the command had been so loud was that it had been accompanied by a thunderclap. It wasn't just Percy striding into the paddock, flanked by Michael Kahale and Larry Byrd, Centurion of the Second. Legionaries ringed the paddock, some with bows pointed at the now immobile herd.
"Hazel, Reyna, are you okay?" Percy called out as the unicorns parted before him, some bowing their heads nervously.
"We're fine," Reyna assured him, her hand just barely brushing over his, "Legionary Hazel just saved my life. She's officially in the Legion as of this moment."
"By your command, Praetor," Larry nodded.
"What caused this?" Hazel asked quietly, "they were fine a moment ago?"
"Someone's in pain," Percy said, cocking his head to the side. He still looked haggard, but better than the last time she had seen him, nearly four days prior. Reyna had refused to let him out, and apparently his Pegasus, and any other in range, had refused his summons, forcing him to stay in camp. He slid past more unicorns, before stopping and swearing. Hazel caught a glimpse of a unicorn whose hind was covered in blood, an arrow sticking out of it.
She couldn't hear what Percy was saying, but she was assuming it was soothing words as he gently led the wounded unicorn into the stable. The others followed silently, re-entering their stalls, and waiting for the gates to be closed behind them. Only once they were in their stalls did they begin braying to each other.
"They're worried about the foal," Percy explained as he guided the unicorn onto its uninjured side, "they're confused, and they're scared."
He was silent for a few moments, before he swore again.
"The wrangler's been hitting them when they get too loud. Hasn't been letting them out, either," he said, voice surprisingly cold, "they were surprised and a little suspicious when you two let them out, and then when the foal was hit… well, I don't blame them for stampeding. I just wish it had been the wrangler, and not you two."
"I'll handle it when he returns," Reyna told him quietly.
"Respectfully, Praetor, I would like to handle this myself," Percy replied, "unicorns are a magical offshoot of horses—a species my father created. This is—"
"Personal, I know," Reyna assured him, voice still soft, "but this is my job. Let me take care of it. Help the foal now."
Hazel had never seen anything like it. Percy kept a hand on the foal, kept whispering to it as he quickly yanked the arrow out of its side. The unicorn twitched, but otherwise remained still. The braying in the stables became louder, before settling again, save for one mare, who kept braying and braying until Percy turned and looked at it.
"Your foal will be fine, Claudia, so please, shut up," he said. The unicorn looked at him for a moment before snorting. "Yeah, yeah, I know. He'll be fine in a few weeks. Wrangler Johnson won't be returning, you have my word."
The unicorn huffed and snorted some more, as Percy gently stitched the wound back together. Michael and Larry watched the exchange between Centurion and Unicorn with some amusement, but no surprise. Reyna's expression hadn't changed when Percy began speaking to the unicorn either.
"You can talk to horses?" Hazel couldn't help herself.
"Horses, donkeys, unicorns, Pegasi, and most aquatic animals, mammals or not," he rattled off, "These unicorns like you, Hazel. They keep calling you 'kind-heart.' That's good."
"It is?"
"It means they don't blame you for this attack," Percy explained as he rose, walking over to the sink and washing the blood off his hands and the arrow. "Nor Reyna, for that matter. They panicked is all. Saw danger where it doesn't exist."
"What do they call me?" Reyna asked with a curious expression. Percy turned to her, his smile soft.
"Our lady," he told her, "quite an accomplishment for someone who can't speak to them."
"And, uh, what is it they call you, Perce?" Larry asked with a knowing look.
"This arrow isn't from our armoury," Percy deflected, "it's not even made from legion stockpiles. Look at this—Celestial Bronze arrowhead, crudely formed. Shaft came from branch that was whittled to shape, and the fletching is made from bird feathers. That's why it didn't penetrate too deeply. It's a bad arrow, and if I had to guess, whoever fired the shot isn't using a proper bow either."
"Monster?" Michael offered.
"Shot would've been more powerful," Reyna shook her head. "maybe they made the arrow, but whoever fired it is mortal."
"Fully mortal," Percy nodded, "a demigod wouldn't have missed that shot," he paused for a moment, "well, I would've but that's not the point. That's admittedly not a large list of subjects."
"You think someone in the city did it?" Larry asked slowly.
"I'm willing to bet someone in the city organised it," Percy said slowly, "and someone else tried to carry it out. This was an assassination attempt."
"Percy," Reyna sighed, "it might've been an accident—"
"I've seen an arrow like this before," Michael cut in, ignoring the glare that Reyna shot him, "Mount Orthys. The Dracaena fired these. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of them. It wouldn't take much of a forager to find them at Tamalpais."
"It also would've made it look like a monster attack if it had succeeded," Larry added, "respectfully Praetor, I think that Percy's actually right in this case, and not speculating. I think he's right—and not just because he's worried for you."
"Fine." Reyna conceded, "there may be some basis behind this. For now, this stays between the officers and Hazel. No one else knows. Once everything is settled here, head to the Principia. Officers meeting. Shut the building down, too, no one in or out."
"Do we… do we invite the augur?" Larry asked carefully. Reyna glanced at Percy for just a fraction of a second.
"This is too sloppy to be Octavian," the son of Neptune said, "he'd have used someone far more efficient and likely to succeed. But he values living more than ambition, so that also eliminates him. Invite him, don't invite him, either way, he didn't do it."
"We'll keep this strictly among the officers then," Reyna decided. "Hazel, I'd like it if you kept what you heard to yourself for now."
"Of course, Praetor," Hazel assured her, "my lips are sealed."
"Thank you," Reyna tipped her head, "we'll confirm you in front of the senate this weekend. Head to the medicus, let him look over you and make sure that you're okay."
That was the dismissal she had been expecting. She slipped out a back door, before making her way to the medicus. No one noticed her, and she didn't stop to talk to anyone. She didn't want to break her word to the Praetor, no matter what.
"An assassination attempt?" Leila blinked, "we're certain that's what this is?"
"It's looking more and more like it," Larry nodded, "everything points in that direction, and we've got no indication to the otherwise. Why else fire an arrow at a herd that the Praetor was wrangling?"
"Let me rephrase it, then," the Centurion of the Fourth said, "we're certain the Praetor was the target?"
"No, we're not," Percy admitted, "Hazel being a daughter of Pluto does make her a possible target, but, not to diminish my cousin in the slightest, I'm the larger threat. Why not go after me instead? No, this is looking like Reyna was the target."
"There's going to be a very quiet investigation," Reyna said, "Leila, you'll be in charge of it."
"What?" Percy and Leila said at once, before looking to each other.
"Everyone knows we don't have the… best relationship, to say," Reyna said carefully, "so they won't think about you searching for whoever did this. They'd expect Percy, or Larry, but not you. The others will run interference, make it seem like our focus is somewhere else."
"We should place bodyguards on Hazel, then," Gwen spoke up, "make the assassins think that we mistook who the target was."
"Misdirection," Percy nodded in approval, "I love it."
"Keep a centurion near her at all times, too," Hank offered, "rotate us out, too. Obviously Leila gets the least amount of shifts, but…"
"But it reinforces the image," Reyna nodded.
"Do we tell Hazel?"
"No," Percy said, "let her think that this is true. She already knows it was an assassination attempt, and like us, she thinks it was against Reyna, but if we begin shadowing her, protecting her…"
"She'll get the other idea, making her reaction more genuine, and thus throwing the assassins off." Reyna finished for him. Percy gave her a small nod. "Alright, let's get to it then. Gwen, I need you to take the first shift with watching Hazel. Hank, you take tomorrow, Larry you'll have Wednesday, and Percy'll have Thursday. Leila and the Fourth will take Friday, and then we'll repeat the process, looping centurions around a few times, okay?"
"Sounds like a plan, boss," Gwen nodded.
"Leila, Percy, hang back," Reyna ordered. The two in question didn't rise with the others, who saluted her before leaving. It was odd, having so much power concentrated in her. With Jason missing, she was easily the most powerful person in New Rome, especially since Percy was supporting her unconditionally. Larry, her optio for all of four days, was doing the same thing. The rest, Hank, Leila, and Gwen followed Percy's lead. Either way, she had the Centurions, and that meant she had the Cohorts.
"Perce, wait outside a moment, please?" She asked him. He blinked at her, but rose without complaint and stepped outside, closing the door behind him.
"You'll need to do this investigation alone, Leila," Reyna told her, "Percy will try to help—Gods know how hard he'll try, but you can't let him. The moment he gets involved, it becomes personal. That'll make it more difficult for you to do this."
"I've never seen him so angry," Leila admitted, "it's not like what I'd expect from him, but you can feel the anger radiating off of him. He needs an outlet, and sooner rather than later."
"Why do you think I asked him to stay behind?" Reyna arched an eyebrow, "I've got a job for him, and it's something he'll really enjoy."
"Yeah, just remember that we also use this room," Leila muttered.
"Not that!" She cried out, feeling her face flush, "my sister sent a request for legion aid in a matter. Well, more specifically they requested Percy's help, which means it's something they need him in particular for."
"Are you sending him because it's the Amazons who asked or because it was your sister who asked?"
"That's borderline insubordination," Reyna pointed out, "but I'll allow it. Yes, the fact that she's my sister came into account. No, it is not why I made the decision. Look at it this way. The Amazons—a kingdom of women renowned for their dislike, their hatred, of men—have asked for Percy's help. Not the Legion's. Not even mine. Percy. That tells me whatever the issue is, it is important. Important enough that they ask for a male's help."
"That's… that's a fair point," Leila admitted, "forgive me for my scepticism, Praetor."
"There's nothing to forgive," Reyna assured her, "if you need anything for this investigation, you only have to ask."
"We were friends for a while, Reyna," Leila said softly after a moment, "I know that friendship became strained but… someone tried to kill you. If you need to talk to someone, I'm here."
She gave Leila a small smile.
"I might take you up on that," she admitted, "could you send Percy in?"
"Of course."
Percy had a quick, hushed exchange with Leila at the doorway, and though she didn't hear it, she got the gist judging from the way the daughter of Ceres rolled her eyes. Let me help, he had probably said, I'll help however I can.
"Take a seat, Percy," Reyna indicated to the chair in front of her once the door was closed. Her boyfriend gave her an incredulous look before doing as she said. "I have a mission for you."
"You have a what now?"
"Hylla and the Amazons reached out to me, asking for your aid—I don't know what for, but they asked for you by name," she explained, "You leave in three days. And during these three days, you will be here, in New Rome, either attending senate meetings, handling logistical issues for your cohort, or resting. Nothing else."
"Are you ordering me to stop searching for Jason, Praetor?" Percy asked. It was hard to hear the betrayal in his voice, and the hurt in his eyes didn't help. Regardless, Reyna steeled herself.
"I am ordering you to postpone the search for Jason, Primus Pilus," she corrected him. "Percy, you're ruining your body by not resting. You've gotten better these past three days, but frankly, you look like shit, and I'm not going to let you kill yourself via exhaustion. I love you too much to do that. DO you really think Jason would be happy to come back and found out that you had dropped dead searching for him?"
"I need—"
"No, he wouldn't," she cut him off, "in fact, I think he'd be incredibly angry that I stood by and let it happen. But let's forget Jason for a moment. How do you think I would feel if you just… dropped dead? In the five years I've known you, you've had two times where you were one millimetre from death. I remember the Trojan Sea Monster. I remember Orthys. I won't let there be a third time. Not if I can stop it."
"It's our life, Reyna," Percy sighed, "but… you're right. I'm no good to Jason dead. I'll do as you command, but once I'm done with this errand, three things are going to happen."
"Oh please, enlighten me."
"One, I owe you a dinner date. That's my priority after my return, whenever that may be," he said solemnly, "two, if this investigation isn't over by the time I'm back, I will do things my way. Three, keep looking for Jason."
"So long as you don't burn yourself out again," Reyna told him, before rising. He mirrored the movement automatically.
Neither said anything as she slotted into his chest, and his arms wrapped around her, pulling her tight to his body.
"I could hear the unicorns crying out in fear and anger," he admitted, "I had already been coming to see you, and I knew you would be putting them back in the stable. I just… I was so worried. My heart stopped. I didn't think I would reach you in time. Thank the gods for Hazel."
"I'm okay," she said gently, moving one of his hands so that it rested on a pulse point. "See? Still beating."
"I know why you're doing this. You don't want me assisting Leila in the investigation. Clever move, it'll draw attention away from her if I'm not involved," he murmured into her hair, "and by sending me on a mission, you reinforce the belief that the attempt wasn't against you. With me gone, you'll lose your most dedicated bodyguard. A message in itself. I mean, sure, you were probably planning to send me anyway, but now you have a really good reason to do it."
Gods, she forgot how politically astute Percy was. She knew he wouldn't have eavesdropped, which means he had come to this conclusion on his own.
"Stop being so smart," she said into his chest. He laughed, the vibrations a pleasant feeling.
"I wish I could, sometimes. When's the next senate meeting?"
"Today," Reyna answered, "in about three hours, why?"
"You told me I need to rest," he said, "I'm going to take a nap. I humbly request that my Praetor joins me for it."
"Were you planning on napping in my bed?"
"By Neptune, yes, it's so large and comfortable. It's amazing," he sighed, "truly one of the best benefits of being the Praetor's boyfriend."
"Oh, so you're taking advantage of my status, is that it?" Reyna grinned at him, tilting her head upwards.
"You're beautiful," Percy murmured, the topic change catching her by surprise. He was looking at her with nothing but adoration, and it made her heart flutter in ways that she loved. Only Percy could compliment her and get this type of reaction. Others had tried. They had failed, but not this stubborn, selfless Son of Neptune. He was different. He was more. "I love you, Reyna. Never forget that."
"I love you too Percy," she said, kissing his jaw, "make sure that you never forget that."
"I don't think I ever could, Rey," he chuckled, "and I don't think I'd ever want to."
Even before he was electrocuted, Jason was having a rotten day.
He woke in the backseat of a school bus, not sure where he was, holding hands with a girl he didn't know. That wasn't necessarily the rotten part. The girl was cute, but he couldn't figure out who she was or what he was doing there. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to think.
A few dozen kids sprawled in the seats in front of him, listening to iPods, talking, or sleeping. They all looked around his age … fifteen? Sixteen? Okay, that was scary. He didn't know his own age.
The bus rumbled along a bumpy road. Out the windows, desert rolled by under a bright blue sky. Jason was pretty sure he didn't live in the desert. He tried to think back … the last thing he remembered …
God damn this was a bitch to write. Just over 5,000 words, which makes it about forty percent longer than what I usually write. As I have stated, my goal is for each chapter to be about this length, so the chapters will come out every few weeks, rather than once/twice a week. In addition, I am a college student and I don't have as much free time as I did over the break. These will not be fast updates, and I can't promise that I'll be as consistent as I normally am.
We get some Hazel, some Reyna, and we get the first few paragraphs from the Lost Hero at the very end. The next chapter will be Percy in Seattle with the Amazons, as he finds out what the quest he's being sent on is.
Again, I'd like to take the time to remind y'all that I am a college student, so my time isn't exactly abundant. I write when I can, normally to the detriment of my sleep schedule, but I do it because A.) I love it, and B.) I love all of you who read my stories. But this is important because I generally write what I want to write. That means that sometimes stories will be neglected for a while because I just cant find the drive to write for them. Will this happen for this story? Maybe. It's already happened before with others. I just wanted to put that out there.
As always, please, please, leave a review, and send me a PM about what you think!
Vale, CombatTombat