Disclaimer: I don't own Fruits Basket nor any of its components. Sad as it may be, the best I can do is make up stories in my diabolical little mind. MWAHAHAHAHA!


The Sohma Diaries
An Archive of secrets made by the Sohma family
What are the Sohma's thinking in their silly little heads???

Archive one~Summer thoughts~

Case One
Yuki Sohma

April 25

Dear Diary,

Diary, I do not think that I can confide in anyone else. My self confidence has worn down to a neb. With the warm season in full bloom I am very self concious T_T. Oh Diary! I have never seen it before really, but that stupid cat has a nice body. When we enter a pool, what am I to do? Do I have to expose my chest for the world to see? I am too shy to wear T-shirts because it shows my lanky arms! And that stupid cat goes around half naked so girls can gawk at his chest.

What am I doing wrong?! I try my best to get muscle! I steal Hatori's weights when I can! I help Miss. Honda carry the shopping bags! T_T... All the guys act so...well...manly. I feel like I am too feminine... What am I to do?

O.O What If I'm gay, and I didn't realize it until now? Is that why? Is that why I am slim and not muscled like everyone else? Was my sex changed when I was in the early growing stages and I am a missing link? Maybe thats why I looked so good in the dress the seniors got me. I DID take it to offense when I was called cute...but the truth was... I was flattered... Maybe I just put up that front so I don't have to believe that I am...well...
Now I feel uncomfortable and self concious as if someone is reading over my shoulder and laughing at me. T_T Now my diary isn't safe too. I bet Shigure is going to go through my things so he can read this and tease me until the end of time

Well damn you Shigure! Get your own diary to write in! Dumb dog...

Oh no. That stupid cat. Knowing him, he will get a big neon sign that says "Yuki Is Gay" and put it on the schools front if he reads this. Then he will snap some sort of picture of a girl looking at herself in a mirror with a dress on and use Photoshop to put my face on it then he will print out one million copies and hand them out.

T_T. So its either I accept my fate or get a plot of land where I can be buried when I commit suicide.



Yes. It deserves flames. I know. The Yuki one was difficult to write but it is important for other characters entries.

Please Review! If you review (flames are fine with me) you can suggest ideas for other characters entries.


~Yami LinkMaster~