Happy Valentine's Day, you guys! Welcome back returning readers and welcome to the new.

Now let's get into it!




"Everything's gonna be alright, angel."

The young girl looked at her mother with tears in her eyes."Please...No....."

Weakly, she nodded her head. "It's okay, angel. Everything's....everything's going to be okay." She caressed her daughter's face. "No matter what happens, I'll be with you. You will never be alone." Her breathing began to slow. "I love you, Angie." She looked over to her best friend. "Tony....take care of her for me." Her eyes began to droop. "I love you....little brother...."

"I will, I promise," he replied, tears running down his face. "I love you too, sis."

She weakly nodded and took her last breath.

"Momma? Momma, no!" the girl wailed, crying into her uncle's shoulder.

"Shh....it's okay, I got you." He picked up the crying child and looked at his friend. "Goodbye, Jeannie. Everything will be okay."



"And that wraps up today's lesson. Any questions on tomorrow's assignment? None? Okay y'all are free to go!"

My kids began to scurry to their next class, giving their goodbyes.

I slouched into my chair, closing my eyes for the few moments of solace.

My phone blared to the styling of AC/DC and their highway to hell.

"Hello?" I yawned.

"Angie? It's Pepper. You need to get here as fast as you can," she said, panicking.

My brow furrows in confusion. "Pepper, you're scaring me. What's going on?"

"It's Tony. He's missing. Haven't you watched the news?"

"All I saw was he was doing a weapons demo for the army. I..." He couldn't be gone. He promised me.

"Sweetheart, it's gonna be okay. Me and Rhodes will catch you up on everything. Just get here."

"Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can. Bye, Pep." Click. Knock. Knock.

"Hey, everything okay, Ange?" Logan asked, as he walked through the door.

"I really don't know, not this time." I let out a shaky breath, tears brimming my eyes. "Tony's missing and I don't know what to do." I sat up and tried to collect my thoughts. "I gotta leave tonight, could you cover for me until I get back?"

"Sure thing." I sighed in relief. Well, that was….easy? Was expecting a little more resistance, but….

"Okay, we just finished-" He held up his hand to stop me.

"I know what your lessons are. It's not like I can't improvise something," he replied, grinning widely. I raised a brow. Yeah, like last time, bud….

He was my best friend, I couldn't just dump all this on him.

He must've caught on because before I said a word, he put his hand up. "Go be with your family."

Finally, I gave in and grabbing my things. "Thank you, Loge. Just-"

"Go, Ange. Don't keep 'em waiting," he answered, shooing me out the door.


After packing my belongings, I walked to the Professor's office to say my goodbyes. As I went to knock, he called me in. Damn those telepaths.

"I'm sorry, my dear. But I could hear your thoughts all the way from your room." He said as I walked in.

"I guess I don't have to tell you I'm leaving for a while." I asked, setting my bag down. "I'll tell you how long when I know the situation."

"Take as much time as you need."

I gave him a questioning look. "Are you sure? I can-"

"Your class will still be here when you return." He chuckled, realizing my other worries. "I'm sure Logan will not torture them too much."

I raised my eyebrows. "Remember last time?"

He smiled. "Everything will be fine."

"Thank you." I stood up and turned to leave. "Goodbye, Chuck."

"Goodbye, Angie. Try not to let Logan rub off on you."

"Can't promise anything!"


This chapter's a little short just to kick this party off. I promise that the following chapters are going to be longer than this.

See you next time!
