(A/N) AHHHH, super sorry I haven't updated this story in a while! Been busy but, hey, here's a longer chapter than usual. It's about...8 pages long on a google docs so...yeah! Enjoy!
Morty couldn't believe what he was seeing. This girl, this hella cute girl, standing before him, was the same girl he had been chasing in the Citadel with Rick. She had olive skin, chocolate hair, emerald green eyes, and pink lips with a smirk dancing on them. A baggy rose-colored hoodie hid her curves while her jeans accentuated her shapely legs. She wasn't a red-head, but she was very cute in Morty's eyes.
After a few moments of staring, Nicole dropped her hand, seeming to sense Morty's inability to do anything but gape.
"So, um," Nicole awkwardly said, looking anywhere but the staring teen. "Nice to meet you. Morty Smith C-137 huh? Nice being popular." Frowning, she tucked her hands into her hoodie pockets. "Say something, dammit! It's awkward and impolite when you stare at someone! Especially their boobs!"
Morty snapped from his stupor with a loud pop as his mouth closed. A blush spread across his cheeks as he turned his eyes to meet hers.
"S-s-sorry," Morty chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah, ni-*burp*-ce one, Morty." Rick stated, rolling his eyes as he took a sip from his flask. Morty jumped, having not heard his grandfather enter the room until he spoke. "Great job of getting the girl, Morty."
"I'm not some prize, Rick," Nicole stated simply, narrowing her eyes.
"N-n-nice to meet you," Morty blushed sticking his hand out.
Nicole glanced at it and gave it a quick slap then quickly wiped her palms on her jeans. "A bit of a delayed reaction."
Morty, noticing his sweaty palms, chuckled nervously and proceeded to wipe his hands(quite vigorously) on his pants.
"What a great start," Rick said as he scooted past Morty to stand beside the female brunette, "anyway, get used to seeing her around."
"W-what do you mean?" Morty asked as his gaze snapped to the blue-haired man.
"She'll be s-staying with us, Morty."
Morty's eyes widened in shock as he let out a loud "What?!".
How can this impossibly cute girl live with us?! Morty thought frantically, thinking to his dysfunctional family, his sister, his parents, and...Rick. How will she survive? Morty blushed deeper when something else came to his mind. How can I?!
"It won't be that bad Morty," Nicole snickered at the boy's reaction. "I'm not a bad person!"
Morty gulped.
"Will you chill out, Morty?" Rick said, "It won't be so ba-*burp*-ad."
"Won't be so bad?" Now Morty was panicking. What would his parents say? "We can't let some strange girl live with us!"
Nicole crossed her arms, her lips pursing at Morty's statement. "Yeah, speak for yourself. You're all strange to me."
"But how are we goanna convince mom and dad…?" Morty trailed off.
"I already made a solution," Nicole smirked as she quickly tapped the finishing lines of text and submitted the document. "I introduce myself as a foreign exchange student from Romania, use a memory wiping gun, edit the memory and give it back to them. Simple." She blinked away the screen after submitting and tampering the document on a foreign exchange student site. "Honestly, Mortys." She shook her head with a smirk.
Morty's face looked like it came straight out of a cartoon. Comically wide, shocked eyes and mouth hanging open like it would drop to the floor and shoulders hunched forward.
"See Morty," Rick said, taking a swig from his flask, "nothing to worry about. Just a little memory editing."
"W-what about me? Or Summer?" Morty questioned, slowly coming back to reality.
"Nah, Summer most likely won't care enough and you will keep your mouth shut about this, Morty." Rick pointed a threatening finger at Morty as a warning.
Morty gulped and nodded. This is bad… Morty thought.
As the day went on, Jerry returned from his "job" (where he got fired) and was immediately presented with the memory gun to his face. Before Jerry could utter a word, a memory from a few weeks ago was swiped from his mind. He landed with a thump on the ground, passed out. The memory gun's original purpose wasn't to erase a memory from more than a minute ago, so it took a bit of a toll on the human body.
Rick, unfazed by his son-in-law's current state promptly pulled out the memory with a clink.
"Alright off to, off to edit this bi-*burp*-tch," he stated loudly as he walked off toward the garage.
Morty, who was in the living room, walked over to his passed out dad with Nicole just behind him.
"Aw geez," Morty mumbled.
"Take his right and I'll get his left," Nicole said in a bored tone, crouching down and slinging one of Jerry's arms over her shoulders.
Morty followed suit and took his father's other side and together they hauled the unemployed man to his room.
If Morty was being honest with himself, he was internally freaking out when he saw his father passed out in front of the door and Nicole was there witnessing it. He felt like apologizing, saying something for his crazy hell of a family. That she deserved at least a decent family to hide out in or something. Not his crazy shit.
Looking over to the girl, who looked bored as hell, he gulped and opened his mouth to say something when he realized his mouth was bone dry. Where was a glass of water when you need one? But his body was sweating like crazy, some of it getting on his father's suit. He hadn't realized they made it to his parent's room until he smacked into the doorframe. A squeak of pain escaped him as well as a curse. Remembering that a cute girl was watching, he mentally smacked himself in the forehead for being so stupid. He risked a glance at the girl and found her...raising an eyebrow?
Usually, girls would laugh at him or look annoyed with him at the very least but she was just...bored. Nothing else except pure boredom. How can she be bored? She just witnessed my father pass out with Rick aiming a gun at his head and going to the garage. How is she so fucking calm?
"Are you done?" Nicole asked as she eyed him internally freaking out.
"O-oh, ye-yeah!" Morty chuckled nervously and guided them into the bedroom. Together they hauled Jerry across the foot of the bed unceremoniously and quickly left the room.
"Jerrys man, am I right?" She smirked, smearing her hands together as if she had done a good day's work.
Morty was still blown away by her nonchalance. Sure Jessica was impressed with his grandfather's science, but he doubts that she would be onboard with hauling a passed out Jerry into his bedroom. Wait, did she say Jerrys?!
"Do you guys have any wafers?" Raising her hands above her head, she wandered off to the kitchen. As if she knew the place she reached for a cupboard and brought out a package of Rick's favorite wafers. Opening the new box, she proceeded to stuff her face with the rectangular cookies, much to Morty's awe.
Morty was, indeed, on cloud nine. In fact, not for the first time, he was okay with Jessica being with Brad. He now wanted her.
After Rick had edited Jerry's memory, he started on Beth's. Deciding not to wait until she got home to take a memory, he simply grabbed a random 'Beth' memory and started editing that. Rick couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of guilt bite his gut, but he brushed it off as "for science." When he was finished, he had two vials labeled 'Jerry' and 'Beth' in two hours. Now, Rick had some time to kill, so he wandered back into the living room and found Nicole and Morty watching Ballfondlers on interdimensional cable. As he got closer, he spied an empty box of wafer cookies sitting in between the two brunettes and crumbs scattered around.
"What's this?" Rick grunted, making Morty jump.
"Ohh, Rick uhh…" Morty stammered.
"I ate the last of the wafers. Sorry not sorry," Nicole butted in, letting out a loud burp.
"You owe me more wafers," Rick said, narrowing his eyes and taking a sip from his flask.
"Uh, Rick?" Morty asked.
"Yes, Morty?"
"Did you, uh, finish the m-memory altering?"
"No, Morty," Rick replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes, "I came in here to ask you for help."
"Then shouldn't we, uh, implant the memories or something?"
"We have plenty of time," Nicole said, waving away Morty's question. "My question is, do you have any soda?"
"Ya know what, missy?" Morty said suddenly, jumping up and standing in front of Nicole. "No, freeloading okay? If, if, if you're goanna stay here, then-then you can't do this!" He gestures to Nicole.
Nicole raised an eyebrow and stared directly into Morty's eyes. After a moment or two, Morty began to start sweating, hating the intense gaze she's giving him. Then, she broke out into a barking laugh, surprising the anxious boy.
"Now this one's got balls!" Nicole laughed. "Ah, I hate a spineless Morty. Not bad. Okay, no freeloading, only because you managed to grow a pair."
She grabbed the box and dusted the crumbs into the box of empty wafers. She stood and stretched and walked out of the room. Morty looked over to his grandfather with wide, anxious eyes
"Is she still staying here?" Morty asked.
"Yes, Morty." Rick sighed, getting irritated with Morty's constant questioning. "And no, she isn't interested in having sex with you."
Morty blushed furiously and he clenched his hands into fists. "That's not what I'm talking about."
"Oh, really, Morty?" Rick raised an eyebrow, straightening himself up so he towered over the adolescent. "Watching you drool over her from the time she's been here? You really don't want her? Don't try and lie to the smartest being in the universe, Morty."
"Why do you care Rick?"
"Rick, I got bored so can I just implant Jerry's memory?" Nicole asked, breaking the silent tension between grandfather and grandson. Their heads snapped to the female who casually held a blue vial with a name tag in one hand and 'Morty's Mind Blowers' in the other.
"Sure," Rick shrugged, nodding his head toward Jerry's room.
She strolled casually along, passing Morty and ignoring them until she was at the doorway.
"Oh, and by the way," she said, back turned toward the two males. "I'm not interested in having sex with any of you."
Somehow, Morty blushed harder than before. When Morty looked at Rick, he saw that Rick was wearing the biggest shit-eating grin he could muster.
"Shut up, Rick." Morty mumbled.
Nicole approached the unconscious Jerry with caution. She is aware that Jerrys aren't dangerous, in fact, they are betas if anything. But she would be damned if she ever dropped her guard around anyone, especially a Jerry.
Placing Morty's Mind Blowers on Jerry's head, she inserted the vial and stepped back. The helmet glowed and hummed, signaling it was implanting the memory. She leaned back and crossed her arms as she waited, tapping her foot. After about a minute, the glowing ceased and she removed the helmet and the vial, quickly exiting the room. She went back to the living room and found no one there. Plopping on the couch, she opened her personal screen and started scrambling and erasing any traces of her. She found a brainwave similar to hers across dimensions and galaxies and made it trace from the Citadel to a random planet then proceeded to erase her original canceled brainwave. With a Jerry and Morty nearby, it wouldn't be hard for her to hide.
Once she was finished, she then proceeded to sign up at Harry Herpson High School with the same exact classes as Morty. The added brainwaves plus Morty, thought Nicole, would help me blend in. She signed her name as Nikki Savano as to not be too suspicious nor a complete lie (so to speak). Finally, she submitted the document and then accessed Principle Vagina's (Nicole couldn't help but snicker at the name) and accepted her own document. Smiling triumphantly, she closed her screen.
Beth arrived home a couple of hours after Jerry. Nicole had personally knocked her out and implanted the memory then dragged her to bed. Once she was finished, she took the helmet and vial back to the garage for Rick. Upon entering, she was greeted with chaos. A beaker filled with strange liquid sailed over her head and smashed behind her, a small explosion followed suit. Judging by the scene, Rick had multiple neon pink and green snail looking alien with skinny arms (Flippynorps, Nicole noted) which been in a container, likely containing space aids or something. Morty, being the clumsy idiot he was, knocked the container over, releasing the flippynorps. For something that looked like a snail, they moved pretty fast. One of the naughty creatures grabbed something off Rick's workbench and tossed it at her. She dodged and captured it with an empty beaker nearby. The little son-of-a-bitch screamed pathetically at the brunette as she grabbed another container and secured it in its new home. Another flippynorps was scurrying around her feet.
"Morty, grab the thing!" Rick shouted.
"What thing? There are a lot of things around us!" Morty shouted back.
"The one that looks like a vacuum," Nicole interjected.
Morty grabbed it and flipped the switch. When the rectangular hose part got near a flippynorps, they were sent screaming into the Tiny Pest Exterminator 3000. In no time at all, the aliens were safely stored away. Meanwhile, sticky pink goo was everywhere in the garage.
"When's Summer supposed to be home?" Nicole questioned as the boys slumped on the workbench.
Morty shrugged and said, "I dunno, five or six."
Nicole pressed her lips together as she brought out a silver cube with a red button on top from her hoodie pocket.
"What's that?" Morty pointed toward the box.
Nicole just smirked and pressed the red button. It made a few alarm noises and glowed before forming a miniature robot about two feet tall and half a foot wide with pinchers for hands and a screen for a face.
"Mr. Box, clean this mess," Nicole said.
"Yes, ma'am!" The robot replied, giving her a salute and started cleaning the mess.
The three of them watched as Mr. Box transformed his limbs into what appears to be a brush with soap on it. It is quickly revealed that the soap was actually some special alien soap Nicole had given the robot so it can do her chores for her. When the robot's limb brushed over a spot with a stain, it came back sparkling clean.
"Mr. Box?" Rick asked after a moment, raising an eyebrow at the female.
"I was ten!" Nicole retorted.
"I could've gotten my Mister Meeseeks box."
"Yes, but are they equipped like my machine?"
"Ha, your little tinker toy? That's ama-*burp*-teur hour for me! I could build something far more advanced in an hour! How long did it take you to build this?"
"Two days," she said, crossing her arms.
Morty watched the exchange between Nicole and his grandfather with wide, amazed eyes. More like his attention was on the brunette across the way. He still couldn't believe this girl, this teenager, could build something like that in two days! He couldn't even build a butter robot without instructions in a month!
"Is that all it can do?" Morty asked.
"No," Nicole replied, breaking away from her argument with the 70-year-old man to answer his question. "It can do more."
"Like what?" Morty leaned toward her in interest.
"You'll just have to wait and see." She smirked, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Morty frowned, wanting to know what else her little invention can do when Rick scoffed.
"Morty, this is childs play compared to the things I've done. I've built a freaking portal gun and you're amazed by a self-motorized mop!"
"Yeah, but she is a teenager! I can't imagine a teenager doing this!"
"Oh yeah, Morty? I've been creating inventions since I was five!"
Morty sighed and left the garage, shaking his head and muttering under his breath about his grandfather's pride.
"Want to reign in your Morty?" Nicole smiled.
"Every day."
"Ahh, Nikki Savano, it's nice to finally meet you. Come in!" Beth said pleasantly, inviting "Nikki" into the house.
"Mrs. Smith, it's nice to make your acquaintance," Nicole said, smiling pleasantly as she stepped into the house once more. After the whole incident in the garage, Nicole had dragged Morty to several shops in order to grab some "essentials." Spare changes of clothes, some toiletries, random trinkets from the thrift store, and a backpack.
"Oh, please, call me Beth," Beth insisted as she guided the brunette to the living room where Jerry, Summer, Morty and Rick sat. "Guys, I would like you to formally meet Nikki Savano. She is the exchange student that will be staying with us."
"Exchange student?" Summer said indifferently, raising an eyebrow and scanning Nicole. "I'm surprised if she could last the duration of her stay."
"Summer!" Beth scolded the ginger.
"Ahem, yes," Jerry coughed as he got up and stood before the teen, "my name is Jerry Smith. Nice to meet you. This is Summer and Morty." He gestured to each of his kids while saying their names.
"Likewise Mr. Smith," she dipped her head and smiled. She turned her head to the flustered Morty. "Bună seara." Morty blinked as she giggled. "Miss Beth, where will I be staying?"
"Oh, of course! You must be so tired," Beth said and escorted the girl to a spare room upstairs.
Once Beth and Nicole left the room, the rest of the family dispersed except for Rick and Morty.
"Oh geez," Morty mumbled as he wiped the sweat off his hands.
"Get used to it Morty," Rick said, sipping from his flask.
Once Beth left Nicole to her devices, Nicole started unpacking. Random t-shirts, jeans, socks and underwear were haphazardly thrown into drawers while her "family treasures" were stored in somewhere to be forgotten. Her toiletries she didn't even bother to take out of her bag because, why bother? Finally, she takes out her treasures: her inventions. Placing various weapons she had made inside drawers around her room in case of emergencies. She clipped a silver pen looking laser/whip to her belt. Feeling satisfied, she flopped backwards onto the bed. A minute of silence passed when a knock broke the peace.
"Come on," she said lazily, already knowing Morty was at the door.
"H-hey," Morty stammered as he entered the room. His eyes roamed the room and found the room fairly sparse. "So, um…"
"'Um' could mean many things. Care to specify?"
"Oh um, your room looks nice…"
"Not like I have a lot."
"I, uh, didn't know you spoke indian."
"Romanian, Morty." She sat up and patted the bed beside her. "I am fluent in ten different languages."
"R-really?" Morty took a seat beside the female teen.
"Yeah, besides English and Romanian, I can speak Spanish, French, Russian, German, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi, and Latin."
Morty's eyes bulged out of his head. "F-fluently?"
"Mmm-hmm. But those are only the Earth languages. I can't count how many alien languages I can speak fluently."
"Morty, when somebody has a gigantic brain and access to the infinite universe, you got to use some of your brain space for something like language. Honestly Morty, can you speak Krutabulon?"
"Chaimuntolo," Morty said.
"Chaimuntolo!" Nicole laughed.
"So, I'm guessing this foreign "exchange student" thing will be a breeze."
"Bingo." She turned two of her fingers into guns and made a "bang" gesture.
"So…" Morty slid a little closer to Nicole, "I was wondering…"
Nicole raised an eyebrow, noting Morty's position was closer to her than before.
"In your universe…"
Nicole leaned forward so her elbows rested on her knees and her chin rested in her palm.
"Is there a Jessica?"
"There is an everyone in my universe." Nicole thought for a minute. "Except for the Smiths."
"Oh." A minute passed in awkward silence until Morty said, "I'll be in the living room."
When Morty shut the door behind himself, Nicole instantly went to work upgrading some of her inventions and her software for her "Eyepad" until she was called for dinner. Dinner was normal for the Smith household. Jerry started talking about his job while Summer played on her phone. Beth, wanting to make a good impression on the "exchange student," started asking Nicole about her hobbies. Nicole answered by straying as far away from her usual hobbies and going for a...girlier approach. Of course, Nicole couldn't help but cringe on the inside a bit, but she did state in her profile that her parents were very "18th century." Her clothes consisted mainly with long dresses (to make her profile as "true" as possible) but stuffed some jeans/cargo pants just in case.
Finally, dinner was over and the family decided to watch some interdimensional cable. Nicole politely declined and headed to her room. Making sure she was alone, she turned on her projection and started surfing through the Galactic Federation forums (both legal and illegal) and the Citadel. By the time she had finished, it was 12:03 AM. Turning off her projection, she shut off the lights and turned onto her side, not bothering to change clothes and fell asleep. With Rick and Morty, Nicole knew her life wasn't going to be any easier.
(A/N) Okay, so this is going to be a bit of an experiment. If you guys prefer longer chapters (3,000+ words 5-10 pages) that take about 3-4 weeks to update (until May 24) or shorter chapters (1,000-2,500 words 2-4 pages) then let me know in the comments.
Savano is a nod toward W.A.R.P The Reluctant Assasin (the book I'm reading). Romania because I like their language. And the Wafers are a nod towards the episodes (S1 Ep8) Rixty Minutes and (S3 Ep7) The Ricklantis Mixup plus any other Wafer references. The Chaimuntolo was a reference to (S3 Ep 9) The ABCs of Beth about Morty speaking Krutabulon. And, lastly, Morty's Mind Blowers! That's a lot of references! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!