"Over here, Zuma!"
The distant sound of Marshall's voice eased Chase from his restful sleep.
"Marshall…?" He stretched and yawned.
"Good morning, Chase!" Ryder greeted cheerfully.
"'Morning…," Chase responded sleepily, observing the empty room, "Where's everyone at?"
"The other pups woke up a while ago, they're outside playing. You were sleeping so soundly they didn't want to wake you up."
"How are you feeling?"
"A little better… My headache isn't quite as bad."
"Glad to hear it!" Ryder smiled, "It probably has something to do with that mountain of food you inhaled last night!"
"Heh," Chase looked away in embarrassment, "I did kinda scarf it down like a wild animal… Sorry about that."
"Don't be sorry, Chase; I was only kidding!" Ryder laughed, "A pup's gotta eat!"
Chase laughed along.
"Speaking of which… Do you want some breakfast?"
"I think I'm good for another three days after last night…"
"Somehow, I don't think that's gonna fly with Marshall, Chase… He about choked on his food when he heard that."
"Till lunch, then…?"
"I think that's a fair compromise," Ryder scratched behind the pup's ear.
"Alright! Go Rocky!"
Playful yelling filled the momentary silence.
"Ryder…," The pup looked up at the boy, "Can I go outside and play too…? I promise I'll be careful!"
"Chase…," Ryder frowned, "You know I can't let you do that… The doctor said you need to keep off your paws for at least a week while those cuts heal. On top of that, it could be really serious if you hurt your head again right now."
"Right…," Chase sadly laid his head back down on his bed.
"Don't' worry, Chase. I'm sure the other will be -," He was interrupted by a commotion.
The group was led back into the watchtower by a limping Rocky, shifting weight off his right front paw.
"What happened?!" Ryder hurried over to the other pup.
Rocky whimpered.
Chase lifted his head in concern.
"We were playing ball and he tripped over a toy Zuma left out in the field!" Rubble reported.
Zuma hung his head in shame.
Ryder gently picked him up and sat him on the pup bed next to Chase's.
"Go get your gear and check him out, Marshall," Ryder ordered.
"On it!" The Dalmatian ran off.
"That was a pretty bad fall, Rocky…," Skye began, "I hope it's not broken!"
The other pup sniffled; Chase could tell he was in pain.
"Let me see it, Rocky," Marshall returned with his gear.
Rocky held out his swollen paw.
"Hmm… That looks pretty bad…"
Rocky gulped in anticipation of the 'V' word.
"But… The good news is that it isn't broken."
Rocky exhaled in relief.
"The bad news is that it's a pretty bad sprain… You'll have to stay off it for a least a few days while that swelling goes down."
Marshall wrapped his paw.
"Ouch!" Rocky yelped, "Not so tight!"
"Sorry!" Marshall loosened the bandage a little.
Rocky gingerly lowered his paw to the ground, lifting it immediately as a result of the pressure.
"Relax for a bit and keep this on it," Ryder placed an ice pack down, "It'll help with the swelling and pain… Looks like you and Chase are going to be keeping each other company for a few days."
"B-But what if someone needs rescued?! We're already down Chase and now me!"
"Everything will be fine, Rocky," Ryder assured, "We've made do with more than two pups out of action before… It's been pretty slowly lately but if something does come up the PAW Patrol is always ready to handle any situation," he turned to the others, "Isn't that right gang?!"
"You got it, Ryder!" The others responded with enthusiasm.
"You two just focus on healing up so you can get back in the action."
After a brief silence Zuma finally found the courage to approach his friend.
"You okay, Rocky?"
He nodded, "I think I'll be okay..."
"I'm sorry I left my toys out…"
Rocky could see the guilt on his face.
"It's okay, Zuma. I know it was accident…," Rocky tried to smile, "I forgive you."
"Thanks, Rocky," He gave him a big hug, "Let me know if there's anything I can do to make you feel better."
"Well… There is one thing…," Rocky mused.
The Lab looked at him intently.
"You could go win that ball game for our team! The score is tied after all…"
"Tied even though your team had one extra pup!" Skye interjected, "Rubble and I would be ahead by at least ten points in a fair 2v2!"
"Yeah!" Rubble agreed.
"It's 2v2 now…," Rocky noted.
"Please!" Zuma dismissed, "Rocky, Marshall, and I were going easy on you… We'd be ahead by at least 20 points if we were playing to win!"
"You think so?!" Skye confronted him.
"I know so!" Zuma declared.
"Wanna bet?!" Rubble stepped in.
"Right here, right now!" Marshall retorted.
"Alright, you're on!" Skye and Rubble yelled in unison.
"Let's do this!" Zuma and Marshall countered.
The zealous pups sprinted from the room.
"Guys…," Ryder quickly followed the rambunctious group, "Let's not get carried away…"
Chase and Rocky looked at each other curiously as if they were totally forgotten.
"What was that?" Chase wondered aloud.
Rocky shrugged, "Competitive spirit…?"
They both laughed listening to the racket move outside.
"Man… I wish I could go outside and play…" Chase stared at the door.
Rocky sighed and laid his head down, "This is what I get…"
"Huh?" Chase turned to him.
"I deserved this…"
"What do you mean?"
Rocky looked at his bandaged paw, "I mean I deserved to get hurt like this after my carelessness hurt you…"
"Your carelessness…?" Chase was confused, "It's not your fault I wasn't watching where I was running…"
"But it was my fault I didn't clean up that broken glass right away…," Rocky looked away from Chase, "Because of that you had to spend the night at the vet and can't even walk for like a week or more!"
Chase thought for a moment, "Rocky, are you mad at Zuma for leaving that toy you tripped over out?"
"Of course not!" He shifted the ice pack on his paw.
"Why not?"
"Well… I know he didn't mean for it to hurt me when he left it there… It was an accident…"
"And…?" Chase prompted.
"And… I really wasn't watching where I was going either…," He nervously laughed.
Chase chuckled, "I know what happened was mainly my fault… And I know that the other part was an accident… I forgive you."
"I…," Rocky smiled as if the weight of the world was lifted from his shoulders, "Thanks, dude…"
Rocky shifted the ice pack again, "Is it just me or is it c-cold in here?"
Chase could see him shivering.
"Ryder does have the air conditioner on," He looked at the nearby vent blowing cold air in their direction, "It is a bit chilly in here… I think you're a little extra cold right now, though…," Chase scooted closer to him.
"You don't have to -," Rocky couldn't finish his sentence before Chase draped part of his blanket over him.
"There! It's big enough to share… Is that any better?"
Rocky snuggled into the warmth, "Yeah… Thanks."
"So…," Rocky began, "What do we plan on doing to not die from boredom for the next few days?"
"Well… We could -," Chase was cut off.
"I told you!" Zuma led the group back inside with a hop in his step.
"Lucky break…," Rubble dismissed the gloating pup.
"Luck?" Marshall grinned, "That was all skill!"
Skye rolled her eyes, "And that part where you tripped over your own paws and let Rubble score?"
"Well… I….," Marshall stammered.
"All skill," Skye mocked.
Everyone laughed but Marshall.
"I take it you won?" Rocky looked at Zuma.
"We sure did!" He announced victoriously, "It was a close game, though… We only won by one point!"
"Cool! Good job!" Chase congratulated.
"It was a pretty good game…," Skye admitted.
"Definitely!" Rubble agreed.
"I know just the thing to celebrate…," Marshall headed off to another room and teased, "Winners and losers!"
He returned a few minutes later.
"Puppy pops!" Rubble announced excitedly.
Marshall dropped the box in the center of the room and distributed them, "Chase and Rocky too, if you want one?"
Both Chase and Rocky nodded their heads.
"I thought you were cold?" Chase looked a Rocky quizzically.
"I'm never too cold for ice cream!" Rocky slurped on his treat.
Everyone laughed.
Maybe this won't be so bad after all.