The Beginning

The Mother Abbess sent Maria back to the Captain's villa to find her life. But no one came to the door after she rang the bell. She decided to walk around back. There she discovered the Captain's car was gone. Tears rolled down her cheeks; her heart ached.

And she asked. "God please help me."

Suddenly a breeze blew and she thought she heard a voice telling her to walk to the gazebo. She did begin to walk there. The closer she came she noticed a bright light. From this light she heard. You are not alone. A great peace came over her. The voice continued. Walk down the path which goes around the lake.

Maria didn't hesitate; briskly she walked on the path. There she saw a car and a familiar face. And her walk became a run. "Get in the car." She heard. And as soon as he shut her door, he hurried and took his seat behind the steering wheel and made dust as he sped away.

Georg drove them into the hills where all the others were waiting. The little girls were in tears as they came running to her. They simultaneously hugged her around her hips. And Marta told her in a stutter. "We, we tried to sing about our favorite things but we..we just couldn't."

Georg watched and thought. Now my children will have a real mother.

"I'm here now. We can sing once we're in the car."

Maria sat up front with the two little girls and it didn't bother her a bit that she was close to Georg. And once Georg drove them away, the children and Maria sang about their favorite things and they truly were no longer sad.

The road Georg took wasn't traveled often; he had to be on lookout for big holes and fallen branches. Still they made good time getting to Switzerland.

Upon crossing the border, which wasn't guarded, he stopped at a country store to ask directions to a city named Chur.

He was pleasantly surprised it wasn't very far from the border. Having visited this city before, Georg knew of an inn where they could stay. No one was very hungry but they did eat a light snack before finding their room for the night.

Maria had the little girls with her. Louisa, Lisel and Brigitta were together and there was another room for the boys and their father.

The sun was barely peeking over the horizon when Georg woke. He didn't know Maria was also awake; it was the time when all postulants woke to attend morning prayers.

The two met in the hallway. "Did you sleep well Maria?"

"I did. How about you?"

"A navy man learns to sleep anywhere and usually wakes before the first watch begins at sunrise. Are the girls still asleep?"

"Yes, neither usually wakes up on their own. Is their coffee this early?"

"I'm sure there is. Let's go to the desk and ask."

They didn't need to ask. One corner of the lobby had a breakfast nook filled with various kinds of coffee and breakfast pastries. Juice and milk were also available. They each enjoyed a cup of coffee before Georg suggested they return to the bedrooms and check on the children.

Maria found the girls still asleep. Liesl emerged from hers as her father was coming to knock on her door. Did you sleep well, Liesl?"

"I did. Louisa and Brigitta are getting dressed."

And Georg heard the boys before he was close enough to knock. He opened their door and heard Kurt. "Is it time for breakfast?"

"Yes, get dressed."

They found the little breakfast nook had an adjoining room which had Oatmeal, scrambled eggs, crispy fried bacon and toast. Along with three kinds of juice, milk, hot water for tea and more coffee.

After everyone was finished, Georg found a small private sitting room where they could talk. "Children, Chur is very close to Austria's border. I want to drive north to Zurich; it's a beautiful city. Liesl and Friedrich, it also has a University.

"Sounds exciting, Father."

"I'm glad you think so. As soon as everyone is ready we'll check out of the hotel."

In a matter of a few minutes the family was ready to leave.