I want you for a lifetime

By: TheDeadGirlRisen

Beta'ed by: N/A

Author Notes: Inspired by the song "Don't think twice"

Word Count: 327

Date Written: 2/12/19

Date Posted: 2/12/19

"There's a high price to pay for all of this…. But Sora, you're done now. Your journey ends here. Good-bye Sora."

Kairi smiled and laughed as she and the others played on the beach together. She looked over at Sora who was chatting with everyone, one by one he made his way through everyone. Soon the only person he hadn't spoken to was her.

Their eyes met and he grinned as he ran over and gently grabbed her hand. He laughed and started tugging her away. He led her to the tree where they usually hang out. He smiled at her, and she couldn't help but to grin back. Despite of what she knew. She wanted Sora's last day to be happy.

The last memories they would have together. A tear slipped out of her eye.

Sora gave her a worried look as his hand cupped her face and he used his thumb to wipe away the tear. "Everything will be alright." Sora whispered.

Kairi wanted to believe that, but how could it be alright when she would never see Sora again. Her expression must have conveyed her feelings, as Sora wrapped his arms around her. "Hey, don't cry Kairi, you'll see me again."

They both knew this was a lie. Yet Kairi choose to hope, chose to pray, that it was true and she would see Sora again. They started to talk, and laugh, remembering everything they had done. Everything that had happened.

The sun was starting to set now.

Kairi's eyes met Sora's.

He was giving her a soft look. His hands grabbed hers again. He seemed hesitant about something before he leaned forward closer to her. His eyes closed and he pressed his lips against hers.

Kairi pressed her lips back and her eyes closed.

When she opened her eyes a couple of seconds later, Sora was gone. Kairi let the tears fall from her eyes. Sora was gone now. This was his price to pay for saving her.

She looked up at the sky, and she could imagine his face there, watching over her.

End Note: I hope you all enjoyed.