Darling in the FranXX: Gods Rising

Chapter 7: Travel

Gran Crevasse

Location: Hospital

It took two weeks for Jonasan to wake up, two weeks too long for Reaper Alpha and Beta. Reaper had to be sedated multiple times in order to prevent him from shifting into the Consumed state. Despite Jade's warnings that it would not work, Reaper Alpha and Kurisu wanted to try and see if their attacks would break through the reality barrier. Despite their best attempts, the barrier refused to yield, and they had no choice but to wait for Jonasan to wake up, much to Kurisu's annoyance.

When Jonasan finally came to, he felt like a destroyer had dropped on his head, something he, unfortunately, had personal experience from. However, given the amount of power behind the attack, that was probably close to accurate.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooow, did anyone get the registration of the ship that hit me?"

"It wasn't a ship that hit you but Kurisu did yes." A voice replied.

Jonasan opened his eyes and realized that he was in a hospital, the beeping of a heart rate monitor was heard off to his right. Jonasan turned his head toward where he heard the voice and saw an exhausted Madam Misfortune.

"My Lady?" Jonasan asked uncertainly, usually whenever he ended up injured enough to go to a hospital it was Luck that he woke up to.

"It is good to see you awake again our Chosen. We were beginning to get extremely worried."

"I don't mean to sound rude Misfortune but, what happened to Luck?"

"There is no need to apologize our love, we appreciate the concern. Luck is simply resting; it had taken all of her energy and most of mine to keep you alive these past few weeks."

"Weeks?" Jonasan asked in confusion. "I knew I got hit with something nasty but strong enough to take me down for that long? What did she hit me with?"

"She hit you with a Divine Class Life Song." Misfortune replied. "Without our intervention, you would have died."

Jonasan paled when she said this, and for good reason. Life Song was Life's trump card, a very powerful and very dangerous spell. One that was hyper lethal to both the Chosen and Death's Riders. The spell bypassed the physical body and assaulted the soul directly with primordial energy, anything not a divine entity would fall under the assault and their soul would be destroyed.

The spell was made for one purpose, to permanently kill Death's Riders. Without a soul, Death couldn't bring his Riders back from the dead when they fell, thus greatly weakening his strength. Life used this spell to great and terrible effect during the last Great War and was responsible for killing 3/4 of Death's Riders at the time, the remaining quarter being slain by Lucifer, thus causing Death to choose a new species to select his Riders from.

Misfortune brushed a stray hair out of Jonasan's face. "There is no need to panic our love, we have kept you alive and that is all that matters to us."

Misfortune then stood up from her chair and climbed into the bed with Jonasan, setting him into a bit of a panic.

"Misfortune, what are you doing!?" Jonasan whisper shouted.

Misfortune flicked her hand towards the light switch and the already dim lights in the room turned off. She then snuggled into Jonasan's chest.

"As we said earlier, we have used most of our energy to keep you alive, so we need to rest."

"But, Misfortune I could..."

"I don't care." Misfortune snapped. "I am tired, and this is the closest bed. Now hold me."

Jonasan sighed and wrapped his arms around Misfortune, making sure to keep his hands away from dangerous places. Misfortune sighed and grabbed his left arm and placed it on her right breast before letting out a moan of contentment. Jonasan internally panicked again and tried to jerk his arm back to where it was but Misfortune locked it in place with her hand.


"Relax our love. Our body is yours to do as you please, intimacy is expected and welcomed. We know that you like our form and are nervous about getting caught but we are getting impatient. Touch us, tease our body mercilessly, bring us so close that we beg you for release, ravish us, we do not care. But do not leave us waiting or we will move first and damn the consequences. We have waited for 4 millennia but we won't wait much longer. We have needs and we will fulfill them, one way or another. Enjoy us and deal with the consequences later."

With that not so subtle threat in mind, Jonasan quit trying to move his hand, and Misfortune relaxed.

"That's better. Don't hesitate to feel us up whenever you like; in public, in private, we don't care. This will do for tonight unless you want to go further." Misfortune paused and waited for an answer. When none came, she mentally sighed at the missed opportunity but continued. "Then rest our love, you will have a long day ahead of you tomorrow.


"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Was the first thing that Jonasan woke up to the next morning.

Apparently, at some point during the night Misfortune changed into a loose purple Kimono and had put his hand on top of her breast under her clothing. Couple that with the fact that Misfortune was laying in bed with him to begin with, and it looks bad no matter how you look at it. This is what Havana stumbled upon when she came in to check up on Jonasan in the morning.

"Get your hands off of her!" Havana shouted as she marched over to forcefully remove Misfortune from the bed.

In situations like this, it is always assumed that the Chosen initiated contact and not the God/Goddess, because, why would they take interest in a mortal?

"Havana, don't you dare touch her. I can't move my hand because she still has a grip on it, give me a minute to get out of it." Jonasan said.

With his right hand, Jonasan lightly pinched a spot on Misfortune's neck, just to the right of the jugular, causing Misfortune to shudder and relax her grip on his arm, freeing him. Jonasan quickly got up from the bed before suddenly being smacked by a wave of nausea, nearly causing him to fall to the floor.

"Jade, help." Jonasan said as he fought the urge to vomit.

On it.

Jade quickly instructed the nanobots to inject small amounts of carbonic acid and high fructose corn syrup mixture into his system, Jonasan recovered a few seconds later.

"Thank you, Jade."

You're welcome

Jonasan suddenly found himself slammed into a wall and found himself on the business end of Havana's scythe.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't decapitate you where you stand for violating a goddess." Havana threatened.

"Because if you do, your entire bloodline will experience and unfortunate accident at age 30." A tired, pissed off voice replied.

Turning around, Havana saw that Misfortune had awoken. Her silky purple hair was a mess, her Kimono was barely keeping her from looking indecent and she was glaring at Havana through tired eyes.

"I was enjoying sleeping with my Chosen Havana." Misfortune spat.

"That is not allowed Misfortune and you know it."

"Silence mortal. I am tired and you woke me up from my restful sleep. Don't continue to annoy me."

Misfortune then walked over to Jonasan.

"I appreciate the wake-up call but..."

Misfortune crowed Jonasan into the wall before kissing him full on the lips, with Havana standing there gaping at her.

"...not so hard next time. Or I will make you finish what you started." Misfortune whispered that last part in his ear before turning to Havana.

"My threat stands Havana, kill him or report him to the Creator and none of your family will live past 30."

Then, she was gone. Off to the Council Chamber to rest and recuperate. Jonasan blinked a couple of times before shaking his head, trying to clear the cobwebs.

Havana gave Jonasan a wary look. "Do I want to know what you did to make her let go?"

"Unproven facet of biology that Luck showed me." Jonasan said as he thought about just how he found out about that particular fact/fetish, he still wasn't sure which it was.

"Okaaaaay. Just going to end that line of thought there." Havana said.

"Good. Now, where are my clothes and weaponry, and what happened while I was out?"

If you don't mind Havana, I'll fill him in if you go get his clothing and weapons.

"I can tell him thank you." Havana said annoyed.

Without devolving into rage-fueled hysterics? I think not.

Havana grumbled but conceded the point and walked out of the room to fetch Jonasan's items.

By the time Havana returned, Jade had filled Jonasan in on what had transpired and was projecting an aerial view of the Shifted area onto the wall.

"Jade, I'm going to need you to pull Complex 57 out of hyperloop orbit and move it into position over those coordinates."

On it.

Jonasan then noticed that Havana returned. "Ah thank you, Havana. This will take just a minute, wait there." Jonasan then went into the bathroom and changed into his clothing.

"Who all is going with us?" Jonasan asked as he emerged.

"Us, of course, Kurisu, Liz, and yourself. Reaper Beta wants to go as well seeing as they grabbed Zero Two's daughter as well, but they will be more of a hindrance than a help." Havana replied.

Jonasan rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Not necessarily. Those mechs that they used to pilot, the FranXX, are they..."

"No, Jonasan." Havana quickly cut him off. "They are inoperable, and even if they were, we would never allow them to pilot them again. Too much risk of injury."

"Is that so?" Jonasan said still thinking. "Have everyone that's going meet me outside the city in an hour. I need to ask something of Knowledge."


An hour later, Kurisu, Liz, Reaper Alpha were outside the city waiting on Jonasan. Kurisu was preparing for a long flight, most of Reaper Alpha was working on putting a saddle on Draco, Draco and Zenith, who was to be Liz's ride, were discussing the finer points of air travel over long distances in a mixture of Avian and Draconic, and Reaper was explaining, yet again, why Reaper Beta can't go.

"I've told you guys, you have no combat experience outside your FranXX, and even if you did, I still wouldn't let you go as you have no weaponry that's effective against demons." Reaper said.

"As much as I hate to say this, there is also the fact that you guys are still mortals. You aren't as resistant to damage and injury as we are, we don't want you getting hurt. You guys have your hands' full keeping the other ex-parasites operational. Let us do some work for once." Liz said.

"They took my daughter Reaper!" Zero Two shouted. "Darling and I are not going to stay behind while she's in danger!"

"We can help Reaper, let us help." Ichigo said.

Reaper sighed and was about to explain again when someone interrupted.

"Ah good, everyone is here." Jonasan said as he approached, Knowledge appearing beside him.

"Took you long enough." Raven said.

"Had something to take care of." Jonasan replied. "Reaper, they're going with us."

"What?! Jonasan they are not prepared nor equipped for this!" Reaper protested.

"I've got a plan for that. Knowledge, if you will."

"I need the cores and materials." Knowledge responded.

With a wave of Jonasan's hand, two portals appeared about 300 feet away. One dropped several tons of Angelic Metal ingots and the other dropped 5 large cores.

"There you go. 30 Metric Tons (30,000 Kilograms or 66,138.679 lb) of Angelic Metal ingots and five FranXX cores."

"Jonasan..." Havana growled. "Why do you have 5 FranXX cores?"

Jonasan glared at her. "Giving them the ability to help." He jerked his thumb at Reaper Beta.

While this was going on, Knowledge was getting to work. He flew over to the two stacks and opened his book, flipped a few pages before reading for a bit. While he was still reading, he waved his hand and the metal began to liquefy, with another wave the 5 cores began to float, and the liquefied metal flowed to surround the cores and began to make 5 familiar shapes.

"Are those..." Miku said quietly.

Jonasan nodded. "They are. Knowledge knows how to do and build everything, including building complex structures like the FranXX."

Once Knowledge completed his work, 5 FranXX stood in front of the group; Strelitzia, Chlorophytum, Genista, Delphinium, and Argentea. The FranXX was a lot shorter than the original, a FranXX originally was *10 stories tall, the new ones were 3 stories tall. Knowledge flew back over.

"Five fully rebuilt FranXX. Rebuilt and composed entirely out of Angelic Metal to allow for demon-slaying. The fuel cores were replaced with quantum entangled probability matrixes and are entirely self-fueled. The FranXX are designed to be piloted by two people, one male, and one female with a third seat for your original FranXX personal assistants. In all, rebuilt like the originals but without the detrimental side effects."

Jonasan turned to Reaper with a smug smirk on his face. "Will you stop them now?"

Reaper glanced over at Reaper Beta before facepalming. "I hate you sometimes. You know that?"

"I've been told that from time to time." Jonasan said as Reaper Beta made their way to the rebuilt FranXX while calling their respective androids.

"Is everybody ready now?" Kurisu asked.

Reaper Alpha was loaded onto Draco, Reaper Beta was settled into the FranXX, Kurisu was already in the air. The only one who was on the ground was Jonasan and Liz.

"Come on Jonasan, you're riding with me." Liz said as she made her way towards Zenith.

"Nah, I'm good." Jonasan replied.

"What do you mean you're good?" Liz said, confused. "I know you can run pretty fast but there is no way that you can run fast enough to keep up with a dragon and a thunderbird. Now get over here and get on." Liz said as she got on Zenith's back.

The moment she did Zenith immediately took to the air much to Liz's surprise.


"He can handle himself, child, now let's go." Zenith said, and headed off quickly followed by Kurisu and Draco, leaving Jonasan behind.

"Jade, track their distance." Jonasan said as he settled into a crouch.

On it. five miles out.

"Play Track 5 in the Pursuit Playlist."

Playing BT - Feed The Monster (Blue Stahli Remix). 30 miles out.

Nanobots began to build two headphones and as the music began to pump into his ears, Jonasan prepared to run.

60 miles out.

The air around Jonasan began to crackle with static.

90 miles out.

"Just a little more."

120 miles out.

With a loud boom and a large cloud of dust, Jonasan took off at Mach 1 towards their destination, dodging past trees and other obstacles without slowing down, looking like a white blur as he tore across the landscape.


Now 150 miles out from Gran Crevasse, Liz looked back worriedly as she had yet to see anything remotely resembling her brother-in-law following behind them.

"Zenith, are you sure Jonasan is able to catch up with us?" Liz asked.

"Of course I am child, I've traveled with him for several millennia so I do know what he is capable of." Zenith responded.

You need not worry Liz, my master is only about half a minute behind you, you should see him coming over the horizon now. Jade said.

Glancing back again, Liz did see something appear from over the horizon, a white blur that was quickly catching up to them.

"What the...?" Liz asked.

"Sup guys. Told you I have my own way of keeping up." Jonasan said as he flew by them on the ground.

"How fast are you going?!" Delphinium asked in shock.

"Uhh, about Mach 1 I think?"

Yes, Mach 1. Jade confirmed.

"How!?" Zorome asked.

"Planets are exactly that small Zorome. When I was looking for Kurisu, I needed a method of rapid transversal and Lady Luck and Zenith weren't always around. Now granted it did take me a long, and I do mean long, time to build up to this but in the end, it's worth it."

"You are insane dear brother." Kurisu remarked.

"I haven't been diagnosed with insanity and you know it."


"Jade, about how fast are they going?" Jonasan asked as he ran.

400.235 miles per hour. Jade replied.

"So that would take them... what? 8 hours to get to the coast?"

Standby... 8.85 hours exact.

"We left at 10 so that gives them an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) of..."

7:45 PM assuming that they won't stop for lunch, which they're going to have to.

"And my current speed puts me there at about 2-ish."

2:17 PM to be exact.

"Alright, that gives us about 5 hours to set up camp and get food ready. I can work with that."

(A/N: I've placed the city of Gran Crevasse near the western border of China so they have to cross the entirety of China as well as the East China Sea in order to reach the coordinates which are in Japan.)


Time skip: 4 hours

Four hours into the flight, Jonasan's voice came across communicators again via Jade.

"Hey guys, I've reached the coast and found a good place to stop for the night."

"'We're not stopping.'" Reaper and Zero Two said at the same time.

Jonasan sighed. "I understand that you guys are worried about your children, I really do, however, you have to think about conditions. By the time you get to me, you will have been flying for 8.85 hours, you're going to be tired and stiff and you don't want to be fighting like that. Now I don't know about Draco, but for Zenith flying for 8 hours straight at near maximum speed is exhausting. By the time you guys get to me, she isn't going to want to fly any further. It's also going to be near dark by the time you get to me and demons are stronger during the night so it's not the best time to attack."

Reaper growled but conceded the point. Zero Two took a bit more convincing from her squad mates before she finally agreed.

"I promise, you guys will thank me for this." Jonasan said. "Jade will guide you to me. By the time you get here I should have the camp set up and dinner almost ready."


Time Skip: 4 hours

"I hate to sound like a whiny brat Liz but are we almost there?" Zenith asked.

Zenith's wingbeats had become sluggish, her flight pattern becoming unstable as she grew more tired, even her voice indicated her exhaustion. Draco wasn't faring much better.

Liz patted Zenith's back. "One more mile Zenith. We're almost there."


Another mile passed before the group came across a large artificial clearing, a small group of tents was set up on one side along with a massive tent with a smoking chimney sticking out of it. The other side of the clearing was completely empty, the perfect place for the exhausted flyers to land. As they came in for a landing, Jonasan stepped out of the large tent to greet them.

As Liz hopped off of Zenith, Jonasan walked over to Zenith. She was minutely trembling.

"Are you alright mother?" Jonasan asked worriedly.

"I'm fine child. Just get me some food and let me rest." Zenith replied.

"Alright." Jonasan muttered before turning to Draco. "Hey Draco, do you eat deer?"

Draco rumbled an affirmative and two white portals opened and 14 dead deer dropped out into two piles. Draco gave a nod of appreciation and lumbered over to a pile with Zenith not far behind him.

"Do you just have piles of dead deer in your storage?" Cypress asked.

Jonasan shook his head. "Not at all. They were just a herd that got spooked when I started to make the clearing, I knew they would be hungry when they landed so I killed them with magic and threw them in my storage."

"This is quite the large clearing Jonasan, there's even a small lake, was all this space really necessary?" Goro asked.

"Necessary? No. Wanted? Yes. I could have created a much smaller clearing, but it would have been very cramped, and Zenith likes her space. If it bothers you, I can cast a Reality Patch over the area to restore it when we leave."

"Reality patch?" Miku asked.

"I'll explain over dinner, come." Jonasan started to walk back towards the large tent. "I've made stroganoff!"

"You have just made my day." Kurisu said, practically drooling.

"What's stroganoff?" Futoshi asked.

Kurisu chuckled. "Oh, you're in for a treat. My brother makes the best stroganoff."


It was late in the night, nearly 11 PM. Reaper Beta had already gone to bed leaving only Reaper Alpha, Kurisu, Liz, and Jonasan awake within the large cook tent. Jonasan was finishing up cleaning the last of the dishes while the others were gathered around one of the tables strategizing. Jonasan had just finished cleaning the last pan when Reaper called him over.

"What's up?" Jonasan asked.

"How do you plan to break the barrier?" Cypress asked.

"I suppose now is as good of a time as any to explain. Jade, can you make a holoscreen for me?"

One moment.

The nanobots quickly built a disk in Jonasan's hand and he threw it on the table, causing it to project a screen into the air.

"I won't try to explain it the proper way as that involves delving into quantum physics and explaining how the clashing of two realities causes micro fragmentation of the reality sphere which could lead to total collapse of all reality and instead explain it in terms of gravity." Jonasan said as the screen began to display the micro reality.

"The best way to think about this is like two opposing forces of gravity. Our reality exerts a force on the micro reality and the reality, in turn, exerts a stronger force back. Our reality reeeeeeeeealy doesn't like other realities forming within its domain so its constantly trying to destroy the micro reality but the micro reality is being supported by its caster so there's no real way for our reality to win without some outside help. To break the micro reality, it requires a two-step process. The first part is to introduce a random element into the barrier protecting the micro reality."

The screen showed a simulation of Jonasan casting a spell on the barrier.

"In this case, the random element will be chaos energy, which will throw the barrier into a state of flux, attempting to expunge the energy. The second step involves Jade and Complex 57."

"And what is Complex 57?" Raven asked.

"I was getting to that." Jonasan reassured. "Complex 57 is an orbital refinement facility that processes solar radiation to make something called Sterile Neutrinos. **Sterile Neutrinos are small particles that can warp reality."

"Hold on." Snake interrupted. "How come I've never heard of these particles before?"

"Sterile Neutrinos are a rare particle, but they aren't man-made if that's what you're wondering. Instances of sterile neutrinos are often confused with dark matter so most don't think that they exist. Sterile neutrinos are often what causes black holes to form that isn't from a collapsing star. Getting back on topic, once the barrier is thrown into flux by the chaos energy Jade will fire a short burst from Complex 57. This will look like a silvery black beam that will bore into the barrier, creating a hole. Once the hole is made, our reality will do the rest in destroying the barrier. Jade, how big is the barrier again?"

The barrier is an oblong shape. About 5 miles long, 3 miles wide and about a mile high.

Jonasan muttered to himself for about a minute. "That should require about 1/3 of a tank. How much is in storage?"

We have nearly a full tank.

"Ehh, won't hurt to have extras lying around."


It was now 1 AM and the only ones awake were Havana and Jonasan. Havana pulled the first watch and Jonasan was awake tinkering with some kind of plasma shotgun thing, his right eye turning electric blue occasionally. It was during one of the times Jade was examining the gun that Havana spoke up.

"Jonasan?" Havana asked.

"Hm?" Was his reply.

"Do you mind me asking a personal question?"

"Ask away, the answer will depend on the question." Jonasan said, distractedly.

"How did you lose your eye?"

"Ah, that." Jonasan said as he subconsciously touched below his cybernetic eye.

"I was out on a void world, a void world is a planet that is composed of nothing but its core and several large islands that are floating mid-air, and got attacked by a porcupine lizard thing about the size of a bus, called a Najevaka (Nah-Je-Va-Ka), by the locals. One of its attacks is that it fires a cloud of 30 cm needles and well, you can guess what happened."

Havana winced.

"The needles shredded my eye. Since magic can't heal heavily damaged complex organs, I numbed the nerves and staunched the bleeding before destroying the damn thing and hightailing it to the nearest galactic empire to seek treatment. Due to my status, I was immediately taken into surgery and had the eye installed."

"What all can it do?" Havana asked.

"Thermal, Bio, Xray, Night, and Jade Integration which gives me a HUD as well as zoom and enhancement functions."

There was silence for a while and Jonasan went back to work on his gun.

"Are ever going to go to bed tonight?"



*Camera shows Code 089 passed out at his desk in the Nexus with Emotion sitting quietly beside him*

Emotion: Ah hello. I have to apologize for our dear Author here. The last two months have been rather tiring for him due to the virus so if the chapter is sub-par he apologizes. The other Gods have been banished from the Nexus until 089 recovers so no craziness this time. 089 appreciates any reviews or criticism and any flames will be used to help kill the virus. Ciao!

*Credit to Reddit user KYZ123 for figuring out the height of a FranXX

**Yes, I know that this is not how Sterile Neutrinos are rumored to work in reality but this is how they work in this universe.