Claudio Joaozinho, a Portuguese missionary working in Japan during the Sengoku era, was out and about in the wetlands traveling back to the church after giving a sermon to some villagers. It was then he noticed what he thought was an empty boat, but as he got closer, he noticed a bundle inside in it, appeared to be a baby with no skin or eyes. Joaozinho backed off in fear, but his curiosity got the best of him. He looked again, noticing that the baby was breathing.

'This is an unholy demon.' he thought to himself, 'I must get rid of it.'

Joaozinho got out a dagger and was about to stab the cold when Father Xavier, who had come out from the church, ran over and stopped Joaozinho by grabbing his wrist.

"What are you doing?!" asked Father Xavier.

"This demon has to be vanquished, Father." said Joaozinho "I am sending him back to Hell where he belongs."

"Don't you see?" said the Father, "This is a test from God. If you were to kill this innocent, you would be doomed to Hell yourself."

Joaozinho struggled to get his arm free, but looking back at the child, fear began to overtake his body. What if Father Xavier was right and if by killing the child, he would be doomed to Hell himself.

"What must I do?" asked Joaozinho.

"Care for the child and raise him as your own."

Joaozinho shuttered at the idea of raising such a hideous creature, but he sighed.

"Very well. He'll live with us in the church. Our Lord DOES work in mysterious ways." said Joaozinho, "If this baby were meant to be, then perhaps he would be of some use."

And so Joaozinho took the child in and named him a name which, in Japanese, meant "Little Monster": Hyakkimaru.