Rosalie Hale: Three Different Choices

"Rosalie wait" i called after her.

She stopped walked toward the patio and turned back to look at me. "Yes Bella?"

"Can I ask you something, without you get mad?" i mumbled. Rosalie stared at me for a long moment, until she nodded her head and walked back over to me.

"Do you really think you'd be happy if you were still human?" I looked her dead in the eye as i asked.

"What do you mean? Of course, i would have been happy, i would have had my perfect life, a husband and children." Rosalie said looking at me like i was crazy, she looked like she wanted to get mad but she was trying to control herself.

"What would you?" I asked again.

"What do you mean?" She asked again.

"I mean, if you were still human right now, what would you life be like?"

"I-" Rosalie started to say

"Because i don't think you would get what you want." I told her sadly looked over at her, as she leaned on the patio rail, her blonde hair moving in the wind.

"If Carlisle hadn't taken you from the road, what would have happened to you?" I asked her. I watched her open and close her mouth multiple times, while she thought it over.

"The way i see it, there's four things that could have happened. One, you just die. Two, youmet Royce on the road and they do what they did, but you live. You live but to Royce you're spoiled good and he refuses to marry you. What would your family have done? Three, you don't meet him on the road and you marry him. What kind of marriage do you think that would have been? Not a happy, at worst it would be an abusive marriage. Is that the kind of marriage you've dreamed of? What kind of father would he have been? Four, you don't meet him on the road and you break off your engagement. What would you family have said? Im guessing disowned you, what kind of life would that have given you? Without your family support what would have happened to you? Which one of these choice would you have prefered to the life you have know?" i took a deep breath after all that. I can talked so fast that i was out of breath.

"I- you" Rosalie stuttered, i had never heard a vampire stutter before.

"I understand that you have a dream about what you want your life to be, but i think you should be more realistic about what would have happened if Carlisle hadn't changed you. I honestly don't think you would have gotten the things that you wanted."

Rosalie stared at me in stunned silence for a moment.

"I have never thought of it like that before." she said quietly.

"Rosalie, i'm sorry i didn't mean to upset you, i just thought that maybe i could give you some closer or something. I don't really know." I shrugged helplessly.

"I'm not upset Bella, thank you for talking with me." Rosalie said. She gave me a little smile and walked back into the living room.