Hello everyone. With some help from music and inspiration from my Grandma, I managed to cobble this together from a loose set of ideas that have been floating around in my head. I hope the description of Dante's shop will be satisfactory later on. I really wanna give it a solid image.

WolfWingsRandomWritings: I'm happy to be back. I really want to keep giving to the small fanbase this fic has. I wanted to give Dante and Vergil some time in the light after my absence. The safe was an idea I thought of on the spot, and I decided why not.

Please enjoy the chapter!


Nero sat quietly, the thought of his father and Dante storming out of the office still fresh in his mind. It made him wonder what exactly happened when their father; his grandfather, disappeared.

He tapped away at his phone, sending a message to Kyrie who was still adjusting to her new smart phone. Most of her questions pertained to operating the piece of technology. He had asked how she had gotten his phone number, which she replied with 'I have my ways'.

Nero looked up from the screen. The shop still felt lively, despite the absence of anybody else. The absence of any kind of entertainment was admittedly annoying to Nero, since his attention span was short and his temper shorter.

He immediately opened his phone browser and typed in a few key words. Within seconds, images of the latest gaming consoles filled the screen along with various prices ranging from four hundred dollars at the most, and two hundred and thirty for the least expensive.

Nero weighed his options as he scrolled through the pictures, eventually settling on a certain console and bookmarking the site he could buy it from.

A message from Kyrie popped onto the screen and the young quarter devil was quick to pull it up fully. A small log of his previous messages showed as well.

'Hey Kyrie, you up?'

'Nero, you know I don't go to bed until ten.'

'It's polite to check.'

'Looks like mom's lessons stuck with you.'

'Kind of hard for them not to when she spent three months teaching me.'

'That is true. So, what are texting me so late for?'

'You know that money I have saved up for a console? I'm thinking about ordering it. Dante's place is really empty.'

Nero quickly took a photo of Dante's shop and sent it to Kyrie before flipping his phone back to the side. Her response didn't take long to reach him.

'Oh my. That is really sparse. What are you sitting on right now?'

'He has some furniture beneath the stairs. It's really neat that his stairs have a little living space under them.'

'Oh really? It sounds comfy.'

'It is. You should visit sometime.'

'I probably will. If not to visit Dante.'

'... that hurts.'

'You know I'm kidding.'

'Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt platonically.'

Nero soon received a smiling devil emoji, which he couldn't help but chuckle at. Kyrie might have been a polite churchgoing girl, but she had a bite to her once she became comfortable. Dante learned that first hand during his first visit to their home when he almost knocked over a cabinet full of Nero's adoptive mothers China. Kyrie chased the red-coated man all across the house with a ladle held tightly in one hand.

'Anyway, do you plan on buying him a TV as well?'

Kyrie's next message said. Nero snapped out of his recollection and sent a quick text back.

'I will probably have to. He says he can't afford one.'

'Really? He should've gotten a lot of money from the demons around Fortuna when he visited.'

'I thought the same thing.'

Nero sighed before letting his hands fall into his lap. He wanted to tell Kyrie that he met his real father, but if he told her now she would simply become worried for his relationship with his newly found relatives. After the worrying she would then beat Vergil with the same ladle she chased Dante with, mostly because the blue half-devil having been absent from his life.

Kyrie had sat with Nero during his adoptive mother's therapy sessions, helping him though the trauma of the orphanage and his issues with family. It really was remarkable that his adoptive mother was both religious and learned, especially in Fortuna. Kyrie had inherited her skill of determining how people felt simply by how they acted around each other.

He decided to put it off until later. When he had talked with her a little more about it and made sure that she wouldn't attack Vergil upon visual contact.

'Nero, I'm going to bed. Have a nice night, okay?'

'Okay. Goodnight, Kyrie.'

With that last text Nero clicked the button at the side of his phone and let it go into sleep mode. He set the piece of technology on the coffee table before getting up and stretching. He moved towards the kitchen, determined to find something to eat before he went to bed.

Walked into the kitchen briskly, turning on the light.

He light flickered on with a flash, giving Nero a real look at the area. The kitchen was an admittedly small room, being around six feet wide on all four sides and around eight feet tall from the floor to the ceiling. The floor itself was made of tile and the walls were a pristine white. A small chandelier hung from the cieling, which held the two light bulbs that illuminated the room.

The refrigerator sat to the left corner of the room, being two feet shy of reaching the ceiling. Next to it sat the stove, which held four burners. Next to that was the counter with two cabinets suspended above it. A knife rack held a few knives and cooking utensils and many spices were lined up neatly to the right it.

At the right corner of the room the counter curved, giving way to the sink and the dishwasher underneath. A few plates were stacked in the sink, looking to be recently cleaned. A rack sat to the left of the sink, situated in the corner. It held many clean plates, bowls and plastic containers along with their corresponding lids. Spoons and forks were also set on the rack, held neatly on the second floor of the three rung rack.

There were no tables or chairs in the kitchen, but it still felt homely. Nero allowed himself a grin at the prestine condition of the room before walking towards the refrigerator.

He opened the door with a gentle pull, gazing into the cold box. Many unopened beer cans and bottles of alcohol sat inside, taking up most of the space. Two small drawers sat at the bottom, which Nero opened.

A sack of apples sat lonely in one of the drawers. Nero reached in and grabbed one of the apples of the bag. The expiration date on the bag said that they were to expire by the end of the week, which meant they were bought the same day. He closed the drawer and looked closer at the contents of the refrigerator.

He spotted something else behind the beer and he moved said refreshments to the side. He found two plastic containers full of spaghetti, which he would assume Trish had hid to get back at Dante while leaving something for Vergil and himself. Nero reached in and grabbed one of the containers before closing the refrigerator door.

He walked over to the counter, where he noticed that a small microwave was suspended above the clean dish rack, held up by white painted boards that were drilled firmly into the wall. It faced outward into the kitchen instead of facing the same way as the wall, most likely for convenience.

Nero popped the lid off the plastic container and opened the microwave, setting the timer for a minute and a half before closing the door and pressing start.

While the spaghetti warmed, Nero grabbed a knife from the rack and sliced the apple into twelve neat pieces, grabbing a clean plate and fork from the rack to place the apple slices on and eat the spaghetti with.

A ding echoed through the kitchen as the microwave finished bombarding the plastic container with waves of heat. Nero opened the door with his Devil Bringer, as it was resistant to heat and pretty much everything else. He grabbed the plastic bowl gently before pulling it out and closing the microwave door with his elbow.

He walked back out into the main room, placing his plate of apple slices and bowl of spaghetti on the coffee table before moving back to the kitchen and shutting off the light.

Nero sat back down on the couch with a sigh. It was a quiet night, which was nice. The strange lively feeling in the air made it more than enjoyable, which was a nice change from Fortunan sunsets. The sunsets on the island radiated a melancholy tone. Neither Kyrie nor Nero liked feeling sad when they went to bed, so they normally spent the night watching TV together instead of watching the sun disappear over the horizon.

Nero lifted the plastic bowl from the table, taking a bite of the spaghetti that Trish had made. It was good. Almost on the level of his adoptive mother, but lacking the nostalgia of the original dish.

Nero reached out, but sighed silently upon realizing that he had forgotten to get a drink. Oh well, a meal was a meal.

He took another bite of the Italian dish before reaching out with his free hand and lifting one of the apple slices, eating it in one bite.

It was an enjoyable meal, one that he had normally resorted to when the food in the house hadn't been restocked in a while. Nero had learned the valuable skill of making a meal of the most unorthodox things, such as combining rice with ravioli, which was surprisingly tasty in his opinion.

The sound of footsteps sounded behind the door of the shop, making Nero pause for a moment.

The door opened gently, revealing Dante and Vergil as they walked in from whatever mission that had been called upon to perform. Vergil's coat was slightly stained with blood and Dante's coat had been covered in soot at the back.

Vergil quickly removed his coat, folding it neatly before hanging it on his arm. Dante took off his coat with a flourish, sending some ashes onto the floor. Vergil sent an icy glare towards his twin, who made up for it by taking Vergil's coat and walking towards the door that they had used to enter the Bloody Palace a few hours earlier.

Vergil meanwhile took off his boots and set them neatly by the door before closing said set of doors.

Vergil looked up from the floor, meeting Nero's eyes for the first time since his outburst.

"I see you found the leftovers."

Nero offered an affirmative mumble in response before swallowing his most recent bite. He then proceeded to eat another slice of apple.

"How is it?"

Vergil asked calmly as he walked over to Dante's desk. Nero gave a shrug as he chewed the apple and swallowed. Vergil circled around the desk, taking a look at the pages of debt that had been left to be paid at a later date. Vergil grabbed Dante's chair and decided that this was an appropriate later date.

"It's not as good as it could be, but it's still good."

Nero finally answered. Vergil nodded as he sat down at the desk and took his pen in hand.

"Tell that to the blonde demon when she visits. Perhaps you could be her taste tester."

Nero nodded. He wasn't adversed to the idea, considering how good the spaghetti was at present. He took another bite of the meal as Vergil began to write away at the financial papers once more.

Dante emerged from the room a few minutes later, his and Vergil's coat noticeably absent. He leaned Rebellion against his desk before walking over to a nearby display case. He placed Ebony and Ivory gently in the case before closing the lid.

He turned towards the couch before walking towards it, his gaze locked onto Nero, who continued to eat his dinner.

"Hey kid! Where'd you find the food?"


Nero mumbled past the food in his mouth. Vergil lifted his hand without taking his eyes off the papers on the desk.

"The second container is mine, Dante."

Dante sighed. Of course they got to the food before he did. He walked to the kitchen, resigning himself to a night of happy drinking.