Welcome to my new story. I've been in the process of writing it for a long time, and was inspired to write it after watching the old Blue Lagoon (1980 film). I wondered what would be different if instead the story revolved around the development of a young Bella and Edward. Of course there will be a LOT of character development, emotional turmoil, angst, and themes of love & innocence, and trauma. Hope you enjoy. AH; Please R&R.
Chapter 1: Terminal
It was packed. Waves of travelers were pushing and pawing forward with their bags, suitcases, purses, or children in tow squealing for a sticky cinnamon bun or pulling on their mother's hand for a candy bar at the local Rio Newsstand. An inconsolable baby was crying two rows over. The air was a stifling haze of orange and yellow; who knew the airport air conditioning system would blow out only 24 hours before the hottest day of the year in Rio de Janeiro?
Bella held onto her own mother's hand as she sat glued to the plastic chair. Her bottom was starting to sweat against the seat, but she dare not move. Her wide eyes watched the crowds, her other hand closed around her mother's first edition of Wuthering Heights; an old family heirloom. It had been hours. Eight to be exact.
"We apologize for the delay, but the connecting flight has finally landed. We will begin the boarding process in less than half an hour."
"Finally!" the woman exclaimed behind Bella and her mother. Renee turned around, eyeing the rushing crew beyond the jubilant cheers from the stranded passengers. Bella knew that look.
"Honey, I'm going to check on the status of the plane, okay? You stay put." Renee left her 12 year-old daughter behind to look for the plane's personnel.
Bella watched her mother approach the native flight attendants and attempt to communicate with her hands.
"I hope it's ready for take-off, it just landed."
The ethereal voice drew her attention away. It belonged to a statuesque woman in the row of seats across, clad in flowing white pants and a tan tank top to match her large floppy straw hat. Her hair was a copper color, cascading in thick, shiny curls down her shoulders and framing her high cheek bones and thin face. Her brilliant green eyes kept peering around the terminal, her hand clasped around a gentleman who looked the same age with a dark brown mustache and tan suit. If Bella hadn't known better, the couple's conservative nature acted a lot like the characters in her book – as if from another time.
"Oh, there you are!" the woman pointed in the distance and made a gesture. Bella followed her gaze.
A young boy not much older than her ran towards them. Copper wavy hair flitted across her vision; her senses hazed by the smell of earth and fresh rain.
Her thoughts returned to a scene of Heathcliff traversing the wild English moors to reach Catherine.
"Boarding will begin in a few minutes"
The loudspeaker drew her out of her reverie.
Blinking several times, she noticed the boy starring at her. Startled, she flattened herself back in her seat, lips sealed tight, eyes wide. His chest was still heaving, hands at his sides, head tilted as he evaluated her cautiously. A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.
"Edward! There you are," the woman reached out and brushed the sides of his arms, drawing his attention away. "Please don't go off again, they've decided to board the plane."
"Son, would you help me with these?" the gentleman Bella supposed was his father, gingerly lifted the luggage and gave the smallest pieces to his son. The boy named Edward took them immediately, hauling them close to his chest to prove his strength.
The mother followed the father and son to the boarding line.
"Bella" Her mother's hand on her shoulder made her jump. "You alright honey? Ready to go?"
The tiny brunette nodded, and made move to get up, tripping on her polyester backpack. Her father had given it to her as a present; a waterproof backpack for when they went fishing and camping.
"Woah there, clumsy!" her mother's hands pulled her up, but the sudden clamor of the fall had caught the attention of the surrounding passengers, including (to her mortification) the copper haired boy who stood in line with his parents.
Heat rose in her face. She clung to her book as she walked alongside her mother to the 3rd line; coach passengers. She peeked through the lines when the telecom announced the boarding process had started.
"First class passengers, please" a thick accent announced overhead. The boy and his parents started moving up the first line.
The large windows that framed the west side of the airport were fogged from the humidity. Everything beyond the airport was a shade of brown or orange. Bella could barely make out the shape of the large white 747, with its' spinning black pinwheels and tiny windows.
"This is exciting" her mother smiled half-heartedly. Bella could tell something was bothering Renee, but what? She reciprocated with a full set of teeth, and gave her mother a consoling arm rub.
"Phil will be waiting for you" her tiny voice barely made it to her mother's ears through the congested sound of the terminal.
"Aw, honey" Renee gave her a side hug "he'll be waiting for us. You're right, I should be excited. I'm more excited you won't have school for another two months! We're going to have so much fun, just you, me, and Phil."
"Second class passengers please"
Bella squeezed her hand. "Thanks mom, for this trip. I really liked having just you and me time. Rio is beautiful, I don't want to leave." She scanned the terminal; ironic, this was hardly the place she'd like to stay. But she understood her mother's incentive to take this trip; even if her mother thought she was blind to the nights Phil stayed over, or the diamond ring in her underwear drawer, the evenings Bella would be up reading till 2 am waiting for her mother to come home. She knew, even if her mother thought she didn't. They were engaged. And Renee didn't want to break the news to her yet. Instead, she took her on this trip, just the two of them, so she could spend more time before springing it on her.
"Third class passengers please, come forward."
Bella wanted her mother to be happy, and she was happy around Phil. She didn't mind him, really. He brought home pizza on Friday's (which she was incredibly thankful for to replace her mother's weekly grilled tofu). He didn't smell bad, he smiled a lot, was obsessed with the ESPN channel and his job in baseball; generally, Phil seemed like a good guy and they both got along well. Bella knew when to exit the room, even at 12 years old. But in the back of her mind, she kept wondering about her own Dad. Why didn't it work out with her mother? The last time she visited him was…was it 1 year ago? Last summer? She missed him. He was quiet, and she liked quiet. But he knew the things she liked; sleeping in on Saturdays, the diner was fun to go to, biking around Forks area. She didn't even mind going fishing on Sundays with Harry and Billy sometimes. Maybe she should spend more time with her Dad while Phil and her Mom were on the honeymoon?
"Tickets please"
Bella handed over the long white piece of paper. He tore off one end and handed her the short slip. Rio de Janero, Brazil to Jacksonville, Florida. Then it was a connecting flight from Jacksonville to Phoenix, AZ. And if she were going to her Dad's, (she had a sudden panging to see her father), she'd take the connecting flight from Phoenix to the small Port Angeles Airport. It was over an hour drive to Forks from there, but it was better than going straight to the precarious Forks Airport or Quillayute Airport 10 miles away.
Her mother was already far down the terminal, waving her on. "You're a real space cadet today! C'mon, let's go find a seat!"
"Sorry" she muttered, sprinting down the carpeted pathway to the plane.