There was a little girl with brown hair, a big purple top hat, a purple clothes, and a yellow cape inside a spaceship. For simplicity, she shall be called Hat Kid. Hat Kid was hopeless, alone, and scared. She scanned her surroundings for any planets or other spaceships. She was almost ready to give up. Just when she was about to give up on finding another planet or her way home, she spotted a solar system from the corner of her eye.
Full of glee, she set course for the planet, engaged her hyperdrive, and set sail toward the planet, but the smile was wiped right off her face when she saw the state of the sorry planet. It reminded her too much of her own. She got her (unnamed) ship to scan the stability of the planet, and the news was not good. The core was damaged and the planet was going to explode in minutes.
Knowing she wouldn't forgive herself for not trying, she landed on the surface of the planet and searched for people she could help evaccuate. She searched, and searched, and searched, until she came upon a little girl, about the same age as herself, with dark skin, a green shirt, blue skirt and bow, and purple eyes. The girl seemed lost and scared, much like she was. It reminded Hat Kid too much of herself. She ran towards the little girl, who panicked and tried running, but tripped and fell.
"Wait!" Hat Kid said, "It's ok, I just want to help." When the girl had calmed down, who we shall call Bow Kid, Hat Kid continued explaining.
"I'll help you get off the planet safely," Hat Kid continued.
"B-but... My friends... My family..." Bow Kid cried
Hat Kid heard beeping. She checked the planet's stability again. 30 seconds until self destruct.
"I'm sorry, but it's too late. If we stay here any longer, we'll all be destroyed with the planet," Hat Kid confessed.
Hat Kid offered her hand to Bow Kid, and pulled out a glowing hourglass, which she held up to the sky. Hesitantly, Bow Kid took her hand, and Hat Kid prepared to rocket into the sky.
"Okay, whatever you do, DO NOT let go of my hand," Hat Kid warned. Bow Kid nodded, still nervous about the event.
Just as Hat Kid and Bow Kid started shooting up into the sky, followed by screaming from Bow Kid, Hat Kid heard more beeping. 10 seconds until self destruct. As the duo neared the spaceship, much to the shock of an already shocked Bow Kid, the hatch of the ship opened and they climbed inside, and Hat Kid sprinted to the control seat and prepared the ship's hyperdrive.
"You might want to grab hold of something or sit down," Hat Kid said.
Bow Kid sat down next to the giant window and watched to her dismay as the spaceship took off and the planet split in two and exploded.
Hat Kid spent the next hour trying to console the sobbing child.