Disclaimer: I do not own any franchises
I had a long day at the office so random ideas popped into my head. These will probably be more like my random ideas and prep writing since I haven't planned about anything.
Warning: I don't know much about FGO - bits here and there so give some leeway please!I have watched Fate/Zero, FSN/UBW/LE/Apocrypha(for the most part)
Some OOC may occur!
"Servants?" Rin whispered to herself. Her blue green eyes got impossibly large in her small face as she looked more closely at the crowd of people who had gathered. They were all looking at the small magus curiously. No one knew where the young child with pigtails had come from. Though she was clearly magically inclined as her mana was practically radiating off of her in waves.
Tall, short, male, female, old, young and even some weird looking ones. Some were dressed in head to toe armor and some barely clothed all which normally would make her blush if she wasn't so excited. Rin almost smacked herself in the face in excitement. It had worked!
"Yes they are, we requested potential magus candidates to be Masters and you just appeared little one..." said a tall man with weird orange pink hair. But Rin had stopped listening already. Dozens and dozens of servants- she just needed to find the right one. Rin was downright giddy- she would definitely find who she needed. Rin was mentally cataloging who looked like what and who would benefit her cause the most.
Darting around the man who was talking she ran up to a nearby handsome blonde man with pretty eyes in silver battle armor. He didn't have a sword but Rin figured he was probably saving it. Father always said servants could summon weapons when needed.
"Are you a knight?" Rin exclaimed loudly drawing more curious stares. Her blue green eyes stared intently into his. He looked startled at first but then his eyes softened as the small child continued to look up at him. Her gaze was full of determination like so many young ones he had encountered in the past. He lowered himself onto a knee in order to be level with her. Her small hands twisting her red skirt anxiously.
"Yes, I am little one. Why?" Rin's hands suddenly splayed out against his armor.
"I need someone strong! Strongest in the world!" Rin's words carried hung in the air. Her words rang true and pure to the heroes that surrounded her- she really believed what she was saying. It could have been due to the fact that she was such a young girl. Not yet corrupted by the world but brimming so pleasantly with magic it almost felt like the air was humming. Gently, he put a armored hand over hers. "And tell me, why do you need someone strong?"
Rin opened her mouth to speak when she suddenly stopped- her entire being went still as if she suddenly remembered she was surrounded by strangers. As if she hadn't just appeared in a swirl of powerful magic. Her eyes drifted back to the handsome man holding her hand and then carefully pulled her hand back. She bowed her head as she shook slightly. Slowly, vertebrae by vertebrae she straightened up, head held high by sheer will and forced herself to walk away from the man who she thought could clearly help her.
"I apologize. For my manners- on behalf of my house." Rin steeled herself as the man seemed startled at her sudden change of demeanor and maybe just a touch sad. Rin's clenched her hands so hard that she thought she might draw blood as she calmly walked back to the weird orange pink haired man who first spoke to her.
"You said you needed a magus. I am Tohsaka Rin-head of the Tohsaka family. Protector of Fuyuki City. How can I be of service?"
Because I always need a touch of angst in there :)