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The cool air helps clear her mind along with a sweet melody playing from some unknown place. The music surrounds her and she lets her mind go blank, simply feeling each note and letting it wash over her.
"Hello, Ma-Ma-Marinette."
Turning swiftly, Marinette startles at the new voice. She should have known that the relaxing music was coming from Luka. He has an amazing talent to put together a tune that perfectly matches her mood. Immediately, his calming presence helps the remaining tension from her previous conversation with her friends melt away.
"Hey, Luka." It was so easy to be comfortable around Luka and he was such a kind boy that it was impossible not to like him. They interacted a few times over the years when she it her came over to Juleka's house or if her and her friends went out to see him play in his band, but it was always just in passing after their double date with Adrien and Kagame at the ice rink a couple years back. Juleka and Rose kept hinting that he liked her, but she made a point to not encourage or discourage him either way. He is just a friend, after all.
Marinette stands quietly, and walks over to take a seat on the lounge chair next to him.
"I can sense you are feeling something like this…" His gentle melody suddenly picked up tempo into a confusing rush of notes and rhythms. As always, Luka can read her perfectly and he captures the chaos and frustration along with a little pain from the simple thought of ever having to choose between her life and Chat Noir. The music swells into a climax where it where emotions reach their peak.
"You deserve to feel like this."
The chaotic melody resolves into a peaceful sweet melody of an answer given, a promise kept and friendship stronger than ever. It reminds her of the nights Ladybug and Chat Noir simply exist together in harmony without any risks or akumas. Marinette closes her eyes and sighs happily, her emotions adopting the music as her own. It is all a silly game and nothing that she should let herself worry about. Chat Noir could be a bit reckless, but he would never leave her for good. Whatever the obstacle, they could conquer it together.
The sweet melody faded and Marinette found herself looking at Luka with wonder. "How do you always know just what I need to hear?" she asked.
Giving a shy smile and a slight blush, Luka let out a small laugh and quietly replied, "Music is easier to speak than words. I've always been good at reading the emotions of others." Closing his eyes, he continued to play, the swell of the music embodying a sense of peace and simple companionship. Her body sways side to side with the beat and they sit together until they hear Alya's voice.
"There you are, Marinette! We got worried when you didn't come back right away." The last note hangs in the air as he stops playing and glances between the two girls looking like he wants to say something else, but he holds back.
Marinette gives Luka her signature grin, heart bursting at his kindness. "Thank you for cheering me up. I was just being silly over a game, but I appreciated your kindness."
She stands and faces her best friend who is almost at her side now. Marinette goes to follow her, but turns back right to glance at Luka right before she goes through the doorway. His expression is hesitant, but she can see in his eyes that he is disappointed that their moment was interrupted. The silence she leaves behind is deafening and with each step she expects him to continue playing. He never does.
Once back with the girls, they continue laughing and chatting, acting as if nothing happened earlier and Marinette couldn't be more thankful. They joke and play for another hour before one by one they each begin to head home. Alya announces that she and Nino have special plans together and heads out, leaving just Marinette with Rose and Juleka.
Giving the last hugs goodbye, Marinette begins to head out before making a source of the moment decision. She turns down the hallways and makes her way to the room where she knows Luka and Juleka stay wanting to say goodbye to her other friend. He had looked so down when she left him to return to her girlfriends and she wants to make sure he isn't still upset.
Marinette lifts her hand and knocks lightly on the door frame before entering. Everything feels reminiscent of their first ever meeting two years back. Luka is sitting on his bed with legs crossed and hands resting loosely on his knees. His left hand holds a familiar guitar pick between his fingers. His eyes are closed and he looks at peace as he slowly inhales and exhales. Just like last time, she startles when he suddenly opens his eyes and smiles gently.
"Hey! I… uh… I just wanted to goodbye you, I mean say to see you… I mean say to you goodbye?" The tone of her voice lifted slightly at the end making the words sound like a question rather than a statement. Once again, he lifts his hand over his mouth and giggles softly. She relaxes at the sound and shifts to sit next to him on his bed. "I just came by to say thank you again, for helping me feel better earlier. You're a good friend." For some reason the words taste like both truth and a lie.
"I'm always happy to see you, Marinette, and I always want to make you happy." There is no waver in his voice, but a hint of hesitation is in his eyes and he bites his lower lip, not sure if he should continue. All the hints from Juleka and Rose that he had a crush on her come flooding back and she find herself looking down at her hands clasped together in her lap when he finally finds the courage to speak.
"Sometimes I wish we saw each other more"
It wasn't a big confession, but it still made her feel wanted even if only as a friend. Marinette grinned wide and nodded in agreement. "I would like that."
Never before had she ever seen him smile so wide as he did that moment and his entire body shifted closer to her, making sure she knew she had his full attention.
"Really? You should come to the band practice tonight. I wrote a couple new songs and I'd love to here what you think." The sparkle of excitement was in his eyes. Honestly, she was not sure if she was ready to move on, but she did enjoy having Luka in her life and as a friend. Perhaps they could just get to know one another for a while and let things happen naturally.
"Oh, um. I'm not sure if I can tonight. I'll let you know later?" Her emotions are far too confusing to make a spur of the moment decision, but the idea of hanging out with Luka more is definitely tempting. Perhaps it won't hurt anything and he could help heal her heart.
Luka reaches over behind the orange amp at his beside and sits back up holding a price of paper and a pen. He scribbles a quick note and wraps her fingers around it, keeping eye contact as long as their skin is touching. "I hope you can make it."
Constructive criticism welcome. I am looking for a beta for this story so I can get it out quickly.
Also, if you are inspired to create fan art from this story, I would love to include links so send them my way so everyone can enjoy!