Just a heads up here a certain someone who people have been requesting to be in Smash make their grand appearance. I don't own Smash or RWBY.

"So they weren't defeated after all" the holder of the Triforce of Wisdom, Princess Zelda asked.

The hyrulian princess was brought to Master Hand because he had some dire news to tell her, the news being that Galeem and Dharkon weren't actually defeated but used the last of their power to retreat to another world and recharge their strength no doubt to continue their fight in that world.

"Yes which is why I'm sending you and a few others to this world to defeat them for good" Master Hand explained "Who else is going to come with me?" the wise princess asked, then Master Hand snapped his fingers and three other fighters appeared who the princess recognized as Young Link the holder of the Triforce of Courage, Richter Belmont the vampire slayer, and Lucina the Hero from a Doomed Future.

"How did we get here?" Lucina asked looking around then her eyes fell upon Master Hand "Well that explains it" she finished up "Any reason why we're here Master Hand?" Richter asked, to which Zelda informed them of the situation.

"Huh… do you think the four of us will even be enough" Richter brought up "Yes even if they are weakened Galeem and Dharkon are still formidable opponents" Lucina added in and Young Link nodded in response.

"Hmm… I suppose that is a good point. Alright then" Master Hand then snapped his fingers again and two more fighters showed which were Mega Man the super fighting robot and Ken Masters "Hey what's the big idea Ryu and I were sparing" Ken complained thought Mega Man had no comment on the situation other then "Umm… why am I here?" the blue metal hero asked "To put it simply Galeem and Dharkon have retreated into another world to restore their power I need the power of all of you to stop them" Master Hand explained to the group.

"You may also need the help of two others one of which has experience in dealing with powerful deity's such Galeem and Dharkon" Master Hand snapped his fingers yet again and a girl who looked to be around the age of a teenager and wore red belly dancer clothes and had long purple hair in a ponytail, though Master Hand seemed to get her at a bad time because she had her eyes closed and was singing a song to herself "…take me lead and I'll start it to the beat of my heart, I will never give up in my fight till the future… is… bright" she slowed down when she realized she wasn't where she was supposed to be.

The mysterious girl let out a small scream of surprise while everyone took a slight defensive stance "Where am I? Who are you people?!" she shouted pointing at them "At ease Shantae" Master Hand said trying to clam her down but it didn't work "What are you?!" she shouted "Umm… who exactly is this?" Zelda asked wanting to put this meeting to an end "Everybody I'd like to introduce to Shantae the Half Genie Hero" Master Hand introduced.

Thankfully everyone welcomed her warmly "So you're the famous Shantae" Richter commented "How's she famous exactly?" Ken asked a bit confused "You'll get it if you've been to these things awhile" Zelda explained Ken wanted her to elaborate on it but just decided to shrug it off for now.

"And now for the other" Master Hand started snapping his fingers yet another time. This time a girl who like Shantae looked to around the age of a teenager she had a hat that was purple and gold with a feather on it and a midriff shirt that was purple and black with a red crescent moon necklace and a light blue scarf, she also wore purple short shorts, brown boots and black socks that went up to her thighs but her most recognizable feature was her black and white hair in the peek-a-bangs style the white half covering the left side of her face leaving only her red eye.

The girl sighed in annoyance "Why am I here?" she asked "Great to see you too Zizou" Master Hand said "You know I really hate how Mati just offered me to help you whenever" Zizou said still slightly annoyed "Looks like this our group" Mega Man said "Yes it is. Now I'm counting on all of you to stop Galeem and Dharkon once and for all" Master Hand said opening up a big portal behind them.

They were all about to go in before Master Hand stopped them or rather Young Link in particular "Wait, Young Link you might need this" Master Hand then sent on white orb of light to the Young Hero, it materialized then a mask clattered to the ground, he picked it up and instantly recognized it "… the Fierce Deity Mask…" he said under his breath "It is up to use if you chose to use its power or not" Master Hand told him "Now go on heroes" he said as all of them went into the portal to stop Galeem and Dharkon for good.

So yeah I know people want Shantae in Smash a lot and I became one of those after playing her games and Zizou is from a game series called The Legend of Dark Witch it's very Mega Man like if any fans are interested and she's someone I wanted to bring in for the sake of bringing in to spice things up hope people enjoy this fic.