It has been what feels like an eternity since I've updated. But because today is the 1-year-anniversary of watching the third movie for the first time, I decided to try to defeat my writer's block with this story. Et voilà: I did it. So enjoy this long-overdue update!


Guest: Me too. But it will take quite a while until I finally get to write that part.

Astrid Erica Lokison: Thank you!

queenpinky2: Here it is. I hope you're still there to read it :-D

burou: Thank you. And you're welcome ;-)

Pittbull (Guest): What?

Chapter 15

(Scene cuts, back on New Berk with the Dragon Riders.)

(The Dragon Riders arrive back at New Berk.)

Gobber: Thor Almighty. Guess we won't be needing this then, huh?

(Gobber points at a wooden structure)

„That's a cage, right? Looks like we were sure we would manage to capture Grimmel." Fishlegs stated.

Hiccup: I led us right into his trap.

Tuffnut: Yeah, nice work, Chief. Right, Ruff?

„No need to ask me, I'm not there." Ruffnut dead-panned, unusually quiet.

(However, they realize that Ruffnut is not standing next to Tuffnut.)

Hiccup: Wait...

Tuffnut: Uh...

(Tuffnut's eyes widen at the sudden realization.)

Hiccup: Where is Ruffnut?

Fishlegs: We-we left her behind!

„Fishlegs seems worried for her ..." Astrid observed in a slightly mocking voice.

Astrid: How could you not notice she was missing? You ride a two-headed dragon.

Tuffnut: Oh, yeah. I feel like how Ruffnut is everyday... Dumb.

„HEY!" Ruffnut smacked her brother across the face. „You're way more dumb than me!"

Gobber: Odin be spanked! This just gets better and better.

Tuffnut: I try to avoid looking at her because she gives me acid reflux.

Hiccup: O-Okay guys! Just keep your helmets on! Toothless and I will fly-

Viking: Toothless has the Light Fury now! He's probably not even coming back.

„What?" Hiccup asked simoultaneously with his on-screen self.

Hiccup: What?

Astrid: You gave him his freedom, Hiccup. What were you expecting?

Hiccup: I never thought he'd stay away for good! I-I... Ah... Look, I'll figure it out. I just need more time.

The eyes of several people around me widened in empathy.

(Hiccup walks away on his own.)

Valka: He thinks he has to lead alone. Well, because his father had to.

„What other choice do I have?" Stoick asks quietly.

(Hiccup, still walking away, drops his helmet onto the ground.)

Valka: He doesn't realize the strength you have together. Do you still believe in him?

Astrid: Of course. I wish he did, but he thinks he's nothing without Toothless.

„Oh, he IS nothing. The dragon doesn't-" Snotlout was interupted when Tamina's fist collided with his shoulder, sending him to the ground.

Valka: Then help him realize the truth.

(Hiccup looks stressed and struggles to think. Astrid suddenly appears in front of him on Stormfly.)

Astrid: Get on!

Hiccup: What?

Astrid: We're going to find him.

(Astrid offers him a ride by holding out her hand.)

Hiccup: Really?

(Hiccup grabs her hand. The Riders hear a sound and turn around to see Hiccup and Astrid flying on Stormfly.)

Hiccup: Everybody, stay put! We will get Ruffnut back! Don't worry!

Tuffnut: Pffft. Worry? If they're stuck with Ruffnut, I'm more worried about them. (chuckles)

„Oh yeah!" I joked, looking at Tamina.

She laughed. „Yes! This is going to be hilarious!"

(Scene cuts, with Ruffnut, Grimmel, and the Warlords in another base.)

(Ruffnut has been captured and is standing in a prison cell, relaxed.)

Ruffnut: Why the long face? (laughs) I mean, mine's long, but yours is really long. All face and no brain. Like you got stretched at birth. Do you have a twin, too? Tuffnut took up all the room in Mom's belly.

Laughter erupted all around.

Ruffnut: Otherwise, I'd have a rounder head and more brains, that's science.

„I'm actually not sure if this is actually true." I heard Fishlegs point out.

(Grimmel starts getting annoyed at her but keeps working on what he's doing. Ruffnut sits down.)

Ruffnut: My braids are like little Zipplebacks, see.

(Ruffnut starts playing with her braids.)

Ruffnut: Rawr-rawr. Yeaaah. Even the mold spots look like eyes. So cute. They even have little horns and everything just like Barf and Belch. Except me and Barf can't stand Belch so they're really just Barfs. It's warm in here.

(Ruffnut stands up and walks to the cage door.)

Ruffnut: I know what you're thinking. You've never had a prisoner this hot.

(Ruffnut sits down again. Grimmel looks more annoyed.)

Ruffnut: All the boys love me. Except Eret, who totally lost his chance. That ship has sailed, boys, sorry. And Hiccup is practically married to that round head, Astrid.

„Hey!" Astrid exclaimed. „My face is not that round!"

I turned to her. „Sorry to say that, but it actually is."

Ruffnut: But Snotlout and Fishlegs, they're basically in my hand.

(Grimmel's pencil snaps and he becomes even more annoyed. Ruffnut is now swinging upside down.)

Ruffnut: Just can't choose, you know. Snotlout's a beef cake but almost too pretty, you know.

Snotlout was seated again. Upon hearing Ruff's statement he turned to Astrid.

„Even though she seems to like me too, I prefer you over her."

Astrid stood up and walked over to him, before another punch struck him.

Sometimes I think he's more in love with himself than me. There's only room for one beauty in this relationship. (laughs and walks to cage bars between her and a Scuttleclaw's cage) Fishlegs would keep me alive longer if I had to eat one of them. Stranded on some glacier somewhere. But he never shuts up about dragons. Do you hate it when people never stop talking?

Grimmel: Yyyeeessss, I dooo.

(Ruffnut swings again.)

Ruffnut: Bleh, bleh, bleh. It's sooo boring.

Griselda: Can't we just feed her to your dragons?

Ruffnut: What do you have to eat around here? I'm allergic to fish, you should know that. That's all they have in that stupid new island.

„First: since when? And second: You shouldn't have said that, just look at his face." Tamina pointed out.

Ruffnut turned her head to her. „Why not?"

Everyone around collectively sighed. „Because he's going to send you away to follow you to that new island." I answered a little exasperated.

(Grimmel looks alert when Ruffnut says this.)

Ruffnut: Do you have any clams? They're like little mouths with slimy food inside that's already chewed like the way Mom used to do it.

Grimmel: Enough!

(Grimmel shoves everything out of his way.)

Ruffnut: Until I turned twelve and she was like... "CHEW YOUR OWN FOOD!" And I was like, "NO I DON'T LIKE IT!"

(Grimmel opens Ruffnut's cage door.)

Grimmel: Most annoying creature ever to cross my path!

Ruffnut: Awww…

„Sure, Ruff. Go ahead and take an insult as a compliment!"

(Ruffnut strokes her hair and starts poking Grimmel's face with her Zippleback braids.)

Ruffnut: Oops. You let the dragons out. Gonna get ya. Gonna get ya. No, this one's gonna get ya.

(Grimmel stops Ruffnut by blocking his face with his hand. He then opens the Scuttleclaw's cage and throws Ruffnut's helmet at her.)

Grimmel: Take him and go, please! I beg you! The Deathgrippers will have to forego dinner.

Ruffnut: Ewww. You feed your dragons... dragons?

„Why not. Seems nothing wrong to me about dragon cannibalism." Gobber piped up.

Grimmel: Go!

Ruffnut: Where's your bathroom? I gotta... (makes click sound)

(Grimmel turns and looks at Ruffnut, angrily.)

Ruffnut: Okay! Gods! No wonder you have grey hair.

(Ruffnut puts her helmet on and sits on the Scuttleclaw's back.)

Ruffnut: Stress is not good for you. Ha ha ha! So long, losers!

(Ruffnut has flown off and Grimmel looks devious.)

„Oh no. He's actually gonna follow her, isn't he?" Hiccup asked quietly, dreading what would happen after this.

I have no idea how long it will take for me to update again, but please be patient with me. If you're interested in what it was that started the writer's block, go ahead and blame Ruffnut's hilarious prison scene. I love that scene, but it was so hard to make the characters react to it. I'm still not satisfied with how it turned out and I'm definitely going to rewrite it at some point. But not as long as this story is still ongoing. It might trigger another writer's block and I don't want that.

So for now, have a nice week and until the next update :-D