HEy everyone. This is my newest fanfiction idea. I got it the day after a was HttyD3 for the first time. The basic idea behind it is pretty common: The vikings from Berk watch their own story. But: In this one, they watch the third movie, before the events of the first even happen. Enjoy!
Preparations are made
„Luna? Hey, Luna! I need to watch Dragons 3 again. Would you accompany me again?"
My best friend Tamina was literally jumping up and down because of her excitement.
"Hey, would you just calm down? Of course I'm going to accompany you. Don't you dare going to the theater without me, okay!"
She nodded, and seemes to calm a bit. Then I continued.
"I've got an idea! What if we used my time travel thingy to call some of the Berkians over to watch it with us?"
Tamina got the cue:
"And I know exactly from when to call them: Before the first movie even starts. Like, let's say the day when Hiccup shoots down Toothless but the afternoon before the raid starts!"
"Yeah. Oh they will be so confused of the events", I continued. "So let's do this. We rent one of the theater halls for a "birthday". That would possibly be the only thing they would believe. And once we're inside we call the future dragon riders, Stoick and Gobber. Anyone else we should invite?"
"No, I think that's enough. And no dragons. You know, people would ask questions because of it."
The rest of the day we were pretty busy booking one of the halls, getting out the time travel machine my great-grandfather had invented about a hundred years ago and simply getting ready for the cinema.
"Don't forget your tissues. And please bring your plush furies. I'll take the light fury", Tamina called from the other side of the apartment, just as I was stuffing Toothless and Nubless into my backpack. A few minutes later we were ready to leave the house and headed to the cinema.
"Okay. We're in number 8. Why shouldn't I book the smallest theater. We're only 10 people anyway."
We headed down the hall and entered the theater.
"Close the door! We've only got a few minutes left", I whispered to Tamina while getting my machine ready.
"Select the movie, choose the characters, give the time", I whispered as I typed in the information. Then I hit the enter button.
I saw a flash of white light and then 8 people stood in front of us, looking rather confused.
"What happened?" "I was just getting ready for todays raid" "Would somebody just explained what's going on?" The vikings were all speaking at once.
I stood on my chair and cleared my throat.
"If you're willing to listen I'll try to explain everything."
The vikings hushed and I continued.
"First: I want to welcome you all. I'm Luna and this is my best friend Tamina. You're here to watch a movie called How to train your Dragon: The hidden World. I won't explain what the movie is about but you can ask any other question and I'll try to answer it."
"What is a movie?" "Why won't you tell us what it is about?" "How did we get here?" "And where are we?"
"Okay, Fishlegs..."
The husky boy interupted me: "How do you know my name?"
"Um … you'll see later. Okay. So, a movie is basically moving pictures with music and sounds. You can for example hear people talk. And Astrid, I won't tell you because it would ruin the surprise."
Tamina continued: "You got here thanks to a device Luna's ancestor invented a long time ago. It allows anyone who knows how to work it to time travel themselves or to call people from other times into their own."
"Exactly. And right know you're in the year 2019 somewhere in Germany. Where exactly I won't tell you. You wouldn't know the place anyway."
The vikings seemed to understand. Then I heard Snotlout talk:
"What is Hiccup doing here? I mean,we are all really important. But him?"
I turned around and got the last glimpse of Tamina pulling back her hand. Snotlout was pressing a hand to his aching cheek.
"Don't you speak about Hiccup like that ever again! Or you'll never see the end of it", Tamina warned him and then turned to me. "Don't you think we should start?"
I nodded and pulled out the remote control the theater employee had given to me.
"Okay, everyone! Take a seat and put on the glasses in the cupholder. We're starting a movie night."
As soon as I finished I sat down in a chair. Tamina took a place two chairs away from me and pulled Hiccup down in the middle of us. Then I pulled the plush furies from my backpack and handed Nubless to Tamina.
"It's go-time"
So. What do you think of this idea? I know, the first chapter usually isn't really interesting, as it just explains everything. But I'm sure the story is going to be fun to write and for you to read. See you at the next update.