Following the Raikage's departure, two months passed by "Something's going to happen today" Nioi told her summoner on the way to the academy the morning she and the others in her pack turned three and Sakura tilted her head down at her in confusion.
"Like what Nioi-chan" Sakura asked, looking around warily as she did so, on the alert for anything that might be tickling at Nioi's senses, whether it was non-threatening or dangerous she didn't know so it was better to be careful.
Which meant hurrying the rest of the way to the academy as if the hounds of hell were nipping at her heels "Don't know, I can't tell if it's good or bad" the russet red miniature schnauzer finally said when Sakura slid into her usual seat.
The row completely empty since the others hadn't made it yet, unfortunately this also gave her other classmates the chance to bother her, one in particular, Kiba Inuzuka, his bonded ninken atop his head like a parrot as the boy marched determinedly towards her.
Before plopping down unceremoniously next to her in Naruto's usual seat "So Hatake…why do you have a ninken" Kiba demanded to know, casting a wary glance at the door to make sure Iruka wasn't about to come bursting into the classroom and catch him bothering Sakura.
"Nioi is one of my summons Kiba, it's a tradition to have your own ninja hound pack in my adoptive family and I was fortunate to be accepted by the leader of the ninja hound summons" the pinkette informed, scooting over a little bit so he wasn't practically on top of her.
She did however keep their gazes locked to prove that she wasn't one to back down despite his somewhat intimidating appearance "Hmm so what all is she good for beyond being pint-sized" the Inuzuka heir prodded.
Earning a sigh "Many thanks Kiba, don't let Nioi's size fool you, she's the alpha in my pack and can be very aggressive, her size also lets her perform evasive maneuvers the others couldn't pull off and get into places she shouldn't be in" Sakura glared at her summons in mock exasperation.
Thankfully the miniature schnauzer knew that she wasn't really angry with her so simply got comfortable under the desk as she'd gotten use to in the past three months "Okay then so why was Uzumaki allowed to sign on" Kiba tapped his nail on the desk as he asked the next question.
Shooting another glance at the door, no Iruka yet to his relief, before focusing on Sakura again "For protection, Chiharu-sama that's the leader of the summons gave Naruto two pups, that means he didn't sign on, they're technically a part of my pack but under his command" the rosette said.
Kiba threw his hands in the air clearly frustrated with her even though she'd answered his questions then stood and stalked his way back to his usual seat in the nick of time as Naruto burst into the classroom nearly face planting as he did so.
"Haikyu said something weird this morning, said that something was going to happen today, when I asked what he said he didn't know and that he didn't know if it was good or bad" Naruto rambled as he joined her at their usual desk.
At the admission though Sakura was very surprised as she shot Nioi a confused look "You know Naruto, Nioi said the same thing, it's better that we stick together this weekend just in case" Sakura frowned wondering what was going on with the ninken.
Naruto nodded his head seriously and scooted even closer as he gazed around the classroom warily, five minutes after he arrived another of their friends showed up "Geez did you come super early or something, what a drag" Shikamaru groaned as he took up the last seat.
Laying his head down on the desk as he did so "Probably, but Nioi's been on edge since we woke up so I got here as fast as possible that way in case someone was seeking harm I was somewhere with Chunin who can protect us" the pinkette explained in a hushed whisper.
Casting another stare at Nioi who'd curled up in a ball under their desk feigning sleep, the only way she could tell the mini schnauzer wasn't asleep was the way her ear twitched lightly as she eavesdropped on others conversations.
Shikamaru raised a brow at that when even Naruto nodded "Haikyu to" the blonde relented to the stare, last to join them was Sasuke who looked like he'd been through hell that morning, his clothes were ruffled, his hair was a compete and utter wreck.
And he kept casting death glares over his shoulder "Sorry if I'm late, a cousin of mine came back to the village today to announce his engagement and I had the misfortune of being seen by him and being subjected to his affection" Sasuke grumbled.
Practically throwing himself into his seat "And what's worse is that he'll be picking me up today after the academy even though I told him that it wasn't necessary" the Uchiha scowled throwing a regular ole fit.
Only calming down when Iruka entered the classroom and they got started on their first lesson of the day, and before they knew it, it was lunch and they were all gathered on the roof "Hey do you think what your ninken are feeling is related to Sasuke's cousin coming back" Shikamaru asked.
Having been thinking about what the duo had said that morning the entire time no doubt "Feeling what are you talking about, is something wrong with Nioi, or the others" Sasuke panicked, already having such a bad day as it was and now something was wrong with the ninken.
Sakura blinked "Calm down Sasuke, Nioi is just fine so are the others, they've just been a little on edge today is all and I don't know Shikamaru" Sakura soothed before answering Shikamaru's question while getting comfortable enough to eat her lunch.
While working on the homework she'd been assigned so far, Shikamaru mumbled his usual under his breath but started eating himself "This cousin of yours Sasuke, what's he like" Naruto asked randomly when Sakura and Shikamaru were starting up the first game of shogi.
Sasuke rolled his eyes "Just plain weird to be honest and the amount of times I've met the guy I can count on one hand, he's about as goofy as your brother Sakura" the second Uchiha heir snorted looking at Sakura as he said this.
"Kinda sounds interesting if I'm being honest" the pinkette commented, making the first move as she always did because Shikamaru was nice like that, his words, and then she sat back waiting for him to make his own first move.
Their game got heated pretty quickly after that "Only you would say that Sakura" the knuckleheaded blonde sniggered, watching the game of shogi progress to nine moves, the highest number they'd ever gotten to.
And just like that the game was over, another tie to Shikamaru's frustration "Gah and I was so sure, what a drag" the Nara heir grumbled but dutifully reset the board, putting the pieces back in their starting places so they could go another round.
By the end of lunch three more games had ended in the same way so they packed up and headed down for their physical lessons and then finally the day was over "Ugh this is going to be such a pain" Sasuke grumbled, moving at a snails pace practically as they left the classroom.
"Such a whiner you are Sasuke it won't be as bad as your making it out to be I'm sure" Sakura scoffed unsympathetic now that she'd heard the same whining for hours now, past her limit of being tolerant and he quickly straightened up his act.
Off to the side Naruto covered his mouth to keep from laughing while Shikamaru smirked "You know out of everyone I'm glad it's her I'm friends with, cause I'd really hate to be on her bad side" Naruto whispered to the lazy Nara at his side.
Who nodded solemnly "Agreed, behind that forehead of hers is a tactical mind that could put some of my clan members to shame" Shikamaru yawned, quickly waving to the other kids that he hung out with most of the time as he spotted his Father.
Leaving Sasuke alone with Sakura and Naruto until his cousin stumbled upon them "There you are pint-size, you weren't trying to get out of me picking you up were you" the Uchiha that they didn't know the name of grinned.
As he marched up to Sasuke who let out a long suffering sigh "Obito like I tried to explain to you this morning I go over to Sakura's after academy lets out to do homework and come home for dinner" the ebony haired eight year old grumbled.
Unhappy that the man simply wouldn't listen to him "Whoa, whoa, whoa your friends with a girl after you swore up and down that you never would befriend a girl because I quote their annoying your exact words" Obito looked down at his cousin incredulously.
Followed by another long suffering sigh "Let's not forget what you said about the pink haired g….wait you actually befriended the girl you called freakish and the worst out of all your classmates and the fan-club, are you stupid befriending a fan-girl pint-size" the older male chided.
By this point Sakura was done "Excuse me Obito-san I am not, nor will I ever be a stupid fan-girl nor am I freakish and for another matter I am standing right here thank you very much" the rosette snapped, not happy that she was being insulted and ignored.
As such with Nioi on her heels she left the others in the dust "Well that could have gone better" the knuckleheaded blonde grimaced watching his best friend stalk off until he remembered her warning from that morning and scurried after her.
Sasuke shot Obito a glare for upsetting Sakura then did the same leaving Obito scratching his head in confusion "I don't get it" Obito said when he wandered into the main household and sat down at the table with Shisui and Itachi.
"You don't get what Obito" Itachi raised an ebony brow in question as he watched his mother pad back and forth preparing ingredients for that night's dinner, Obito scratched his chin as he tried to come up with a way to properly explain.
Until he decided to just go for it "Pint-size, you know little Sasuke, when I came round before a couple years ago, he was ranting and raving about some pink haired girl in his class said that she was the absolute worst and now he's friends with her, how did that happen" the older Uchiha frowned.
Clearly confused and Itachi didn't blame him "Ahh it was the last week of summer before they went back to the academy, Sasuke-chan apologized for all that, wait you didn't say anything in front of her did you" Shisui chuckled.
Before his eyes widened in horror "Course I did now I understand why she got mad and little pint-size threw me a death glare and what's worse I can't find Bakakashi anywhere" Obito sighed, having searched all day.
Mikoto shook her head "I wouldn't know where Kakashi-san is but surely the person you should be more worried about is Rin-san, she is pregnant isn't she" Mikoto reminded and Obito shot into a standing position before disappearing in a swirl of leaves.
Her eye twitched at the mess before Itachi went and fetched a broom and dust pan "Got it Mother" the thirteen year old smiled kindly when all the leaves had been swept up and thrown in the trash before he took his former place at the table.
"Thank you, you're a life-saver Itachi-chan" the Uchiha Matriarch couldn't help herself as she hugged her oldest then focused on finishing preparations for dinner that way it would be ready for whenever her youngest returned.
Across from him Shisui sniggered "Suck up" the seventeen year old teased, only to get scuffed over the back of the head by Mikoto since he wasn't nearly as quiet as he thought he'd been prompting him to pout and Itachi to chuckle softly under his breath.
During this time Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke had arrived at the Hatake House and found it deserted "Huh that's strange, even the rest of my pack is gone" Sakura frowned, spreading out her senses, one of the things they were working on in the advanced chakra control class.
"Yeah it's kinda spooky if you think about it, maybe we should go to mine" Sasuke rubbed his arms as a chill crawled down his spine, just as they were turning, the front door flew open and Sakura let out a frightened scream.
This was followed by a familiar voice "Sakura-chan what's the matter what happened you aren't hurt are you" Kakashi came running into the living room, eye flying left and right looking for the intruder and only spotting the usual kids.
Until the knucklehead got in the mind to explain "You scared her by throwing open the door like some kind of bull" Naruto scolded one of the few times he ever did so and Kakashi had the grace to flush in embarrassment.
And apologize as well "Though saying it's all his fault is a stretch, she's been on edge since this morning from something Nioi said" the second Uchiha heir informed, not wanting to let that go because he doubted everything that was going to happen had happened.
Kakashi frowned "Oh and what did Nioi-chan say this morning Sakura-chan" the silver haired male questioned gently as he crouched before his adopted sister who looked as pale as a ghost and he felt really bad about scaring her.
"That something was going to happen today and then Naruto comes running into class saying Haikyu said the same thing and they don't know if it's going to be good or bad" the pinkette rambled nervously.
Latching on to her adoptive brother, more than a little frightened obviously "And then when we got here no one else was here and the others in Sakura-chan's pack are missing as well" the blonde chimed in also spooked.
But able to refrain from clinging like Sakura was because he hadn't been as badly frightened "Right Dad took them out for some training, I guess he hasn't gotten back yet, but the reason I only just got back was because my old teammates are back" Kakashi explained.
Prompting the kids to let out relieved sighs and right at that exact second the door swung open again "Sakura-chan, Kakashi-kun I'm home" Sakumo called from the foyer, followed by the sound of thunder indicative of paws pounding on the wood flooring.
Until Juko, Biko, Kaori and Kosui rounded the corner, spotted their summoner and practically pounced on the poor girl "We practiced" Biko declared in a proud tone of voice hoping to get praised by Sakura.
Who always treated them right, "Very hard Sakura-sama" Juko, Biko's twin, both of them gray with blue eyes, added, the two standard schnauzers standing side by side completely identical yet Sakura was able to tell them apart easily.
As she patted their heads, "Us to and I think our alpha will be surprised at how much we've improved" Kaori piped in, the other giant schnauzer in the pack and the only other female as well not counting Kitei that was.
Nioi perked up "Then this weekend" Nioi looked at Sakura hopefully, also wanting to get in some training for herself since she was the alpha and couldn't be out-done by the others in the pack, someone had to keep them in line after all.
"Agreed, we can even work on more evasive maneuvers" Kosui suggested, pleased when they each got more than one pat on the head by their young summoner, even Nioi, Sakumo stood back smiling at them in a fond manner.
Before he noticed the position of his children "Everything okay, you look a little pale Sakura-chan" the White Fang asked gently crouching down carefully himself as Sakura looked up at him surrounded by her pack as she was.
"Just got frightened is all, Kakashi-ni kinda flung the door open a little to hard and it scared me, plus Nioi has been acting weird today" Sakura admitted, unafraid to do so because chances were the adults knew what was going on.
She was right to as Sakumo and Kakashi shared a look "Well we have a couple guests from Hidden Cloud staying for the next week to commemorate the treaty, some of the Hyuga's aren't to happy about it to say the least, it's nothing to do with you kids understand" Sakumo soothed.
Ruffling each child's hair gently then straightened and headed into the kitchen to get started on making dinner "That's right Dad, I invited my old teammates for dinner, I gave Rin this address" Kakashi informed also straightening from his crouch.
Glad that the whole issue had been resolved "Yikes maybe I'll go home and have ramen for dinner" Naruto grimaced not wanting to get in the way of the Team reunion that would be conducted in the Hatake House.
Sakura eyed him sadly "Let's just get started on our homework" Sasuke sighed, exhausted and he still had to get through dinner with his own family and his cousin, unaware that his cousin was one of Kakashi's old teammates but that would come later as the three of them sat and worked.
Clear up to twenty minutes before dinner, Naruto packed away all his books and finished homework "I'll take them back Sakura-chan" the Copy Ninja stood seeing Naruto and Sasuke do the same seeing as they were done.
"We'll see you tomorrow for class Sakura and I'll make sure my idiot cousin apologizes for what he said then" the ebony haired eight year old declared marching down the streets to his clan's compound and though he was curious Kakashi pressed a hand down on Naruto's shoulder.
The knucklehead waved "See you tomorrow Sakura-chan" the blonde said before he to was gone, swept away in a plume of smoke and clear across the village to his apartment where Haikyu and Kitei greeted him until the door was locked.
During the time that he was gone a knock echoed throughout the house "Can you get that Sakura-chan" the older silver haired male called from the kitchen, putting the final touches on dinner before plating the food.
And since she was such a good girl Sakura went to answer the door "Uhhh you were not who I was expecting, what are you doing in Bakakashi's house" only to find Sasuke's cousin Obito on the other side with a pretty brunette.
Sakura blinked at him for a moment "I live here, Tou-san's in the kitchen and Kakashi-ni took Naruto home cause it's not safe for him to walk alone at night" the fuscia haired eight year old informed moving out of the way so they could come in.
For she gathered that these were Kakashi's teammates "Did you just call Kakashi your brother" the brunette at the Uchiha's side frowned in confusion, this obviously being the first time she'd heard of her teammate having a little sister.
"That's because I adopted Sakura-chan, you two left before I did so that's why you didn't know Rin-chan, Obito-kun, welcome it's been a long time since you've graced my house with your presences" Sakumo rounded the corner with a smile.
Greeting the duo that had been his son's teammates "Adopted…..oh god Kakashi's going to kill me" Obito groaned in realization because siblings always tattled to their older siblings, Sakumo frowned in confusion, it was a look he shared with Rin who was about as lost as he was.
"Pray tell why is Kakashi going to kill you Obito, we've barely been back for a day so I highly doubt you could have anything that would warrant that sort of reaction out of him" Rin as she'd been called pointed out.
But her fiance wasn't listening in the least while Sakura rolled her eyes at his antics and simply returned to working on her homework and getting it done "Yes pray tell Obito" Kakashi randomly appeared and Obito jumped a foot in the air.
And so before Sakura could tattle Obito hung his head "I kinda insulted your sister a little, I didn't mean anything by it because all I remember is little Sasuke ranting and raving about her back when he started the academy" the man sighed.
Kakashi snorted "Over and done with, their friends now" the silver haired nin shrugged, not to bothered, Sakura didn't seem to be to upset over it anymore though now he didn't have to wonder about what Sasuke had said before he'd left.
The answer was glaringly obvious who the idiot cousin that had said something was "Can't believe you Obito" the brunette shook her head at her fiance as they headed into the living room where Sakura was already sat.
Surrounded by five ninja hounds, one of which was curled in her lap "So any chance you could forgive me kiddo, I can admit to mistakes since I was unaware of the situation" Obito rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as he sat down nearest to Sakura.
Who focused intense green eyes on him "Please Sakura-chan I'll even give you something sweet that I have in my pouch here, it's a sand rice cake, authentic from the Hidden Sand Village itself" Rin bribed to Kakashi's amusement.
"I don't need it Rin-san thank you though and of course Obito-san, forgiven" Sakura shrugged after a moment seeing no point in holding a silly grudge, at least Obito hadn't gone around spreading rumors about her like Sasuke had.
Obito blew out a sigh of relief while Kakashi chuckled "Just a reminder, Sakura-chan's not your average sort of kid" Kakashi announced to his teammates not wanting them to underestimate her in the least she could outsmart them if they weren't careful.
Just then dinner was declared officially done "Come and get it while it's hot you lot" Sakumo called from the kitchen yet again as he finished plating up the food, Sakura was the first one on her feet and the first one in the kitchen, sitting in her usual spot.
Right next to Sakumo who was already sat at the table and Kakashi took the seat next to her sandwiching her between them "Protective much" the Uchiha snorted as he took the chair directly across from the young girl.
Leaving the last which was next to Kakashi to Rin "Nah, that's what her pack is for" the older Hatake informed with a chuckle, earning a small smile from Sakura who waited patiently for him to take the first bite as was proper.
"Pack I thought they were regular dogs, you mean she signed on with the ninja hound summons contract" the brown eyed brunette burst out, shooting a glare at her old teammate for allowing someone as young as Sakura to sign on so young.
Especially since he himself hadn't signed on until he was much older "That's right and their vicious" the younger Hatake grimaced having seen the five hounds take down a clone of his in fifteen minutes flat, it was frightening.
Sakura giggled at him knowing what he was thinking about probably and got her bangs ruffled, her eyes lit up at that and she scooted even closer to Kakashi to the engaged couples amusement as dinner progressed and they all moved back into the living room.
For once though it seemed Sakura still had a bit of homework to do "We're going to be having a test next week so they gave us extra our usual amount" the pinkette explained when her adoptive Father gave her a look of confusion.
Which morphed into understanding "Need any help Sakura-chan, I know it's been awhile but I'm sure I could help you if you have any questions" Rin offered, sitting at the low table with the only other girl in the house right now.
"I'm good Rin-san" Sakura flashed the brunette a smile and buckled down to get the rest of her homework done to Rin's absolute frustration because the girl was silent during this time and didn't utter another word to anyone.
Off to the side Kakashi chuckled earning a glare "Don't take any offense Rin, Sakura-chan's just unique, one of the smartest of her age group to be exact" Kakashi explained lightly watching as Sakura checked over her work one last time before smiling in satisfaction.
Rin sighed "Oh yeah how smart are we talking here" Obito questioned, eyeing Sakura dubiously as she put away her books and placed her pack by the door before coming back to cuddle in Sakumo's side which was absolutely adorable.
Sakumo who chuckled "Very smart, straight A's, plus Sakura-chan here is in three advanced classes, have been since she started the academy pretty much" Sakumo stated, pulling the girl closer not that she minded as she grabbed a book and started reading it.
"Not sure how though but I am" Sakura hummed, flipping through her book lazily, it was one she'd already read like a million times, but this was familiar as she wound down for the night, feeling much more exhausted than usual when tiredness did hit her.
Her eyes drooped and she began leaning more heavily into Sakumo "Look's like kiddo there is about to crash" the visiting Uchiha pointed out and she jolted at the unexpected voice followed by a smack and a scolding.
"See what you did Obito, Sakura-chan was about to fall asleep and you disturbed her" the brunette scolded, just a little disappointed because she wanted Sakura to like her and with the way things were going she didn't see that happening any time soon.
As the girl blinked heavy lidded eyes "Go on to bed why don't you Sakura-chan" the older silver haired male of the family shooed her off and Sakura smiled sleepily at him, but nodded in acceptance as she closed her book and hopped off the couch.
Waving as she did so "Night Tou-san, Kakashi-ni, Obito-san, Rin-san" the rosette bid all those in the living room a goodnight and disappeared into her room, five ninken on her heels as the door shut and Sakura didn't reappear after that.
Rin sighed "Don't take it personally Rin, it takes her awhile to get use to new people, kami knows that it took her forever to get use to us after all" the Copy Ninja groaned quietly, even though he thought back on those days fondly.
The conversation continued for a little while longer and somehow Obito and Rin ended up sleeping in Kakashi's old room, seeing as he was crashing at his own apartment that night, imagine their surprise when they woke up though.
And found Sakura cooking breakfast "Ahh that's dangerous Sakura-chan" Rin panicked rushing forward to stop the girl before she hurt herself or worse burnt the house down attempting to cook, to late though as Sakura hissed as oil popped on her hand.
"Owww well that hurt" Sakura frowned running her hand under cool water as Rin freaked out even more at the non-reaction, then after that Sakura simply returned to making breakfast, as the others emerged.
Including Kakashi who entered through the front door like a normal person for once "Looks delicious….hey what's that Sakura-chan" Kakashi frowned seeing a red mark on Sakura's hand as she plated up the food for them.
"Did you get burned" Sakumo asked also seeing the same thing, Sakura pointed to the oil and they both instantly understood, accidents happened no matter how culinary inclined one was, sometimes one couldn't stop oil from popping on them.
Poor Rin was practically having a nervous breakdown though "Do you normally allow her to cook" Obito questioned worried because anything could have happened to his horror though both Sakumo and Kakashi nodded.
While Sakura smiled obviously proud of her skill "Cause I've been cooking for a long time" the rosette informed lightly, looking at the clock to check the time before eating quickly, once she was done she started cooking again, this time lunch for her and Naruto as usual.
"Surely you aren't going to eat all that by yourself are you Sakura-chan" the brunette frowned seeing the amount that was being made and put into two bento's, Sakura shook her head but concentrated mostly on cooking.
Until she was done and the bento's were placed carefully in her backpack "One of them is for Naruto-kun who would eat nothing but ramen if it weren't for Sakura-chan" the White Fang chuckled as Sakura hugged him.
Preparing to head out now that she was done cooking and eating, the dishes done up as well "You taking Nioi-chan as usual" the Copy Ninja reminded when it was his turn to be hugged and Sakura nodded her head, whistling for the ninken in question.
Who emerged from the bedroom and took a running leap straight into her summoners arms "Well seeing as I've got a meeting with the Head of my clan I'll walk you" the ebony haired male stood also finished with breakfast.
There was no point in arguing "I'll see you after my after hours class Tou-san, Kakashi-ni" Sakura waved, grabbing her pack as she did so while heading out the door with Obito and Rin on her heels since Rin had to be a part of the meeting.
Fifteen minutes later she was at the academy "Morning, did you find out what was up with Nioi" Shikamaru yawned when Sakura sat down next to him, barely lifting his head from their desk that he was sprawled over.
Sakura giggled at him lightly "Yeah, there's visiting Cloud Shinobi and the Hyuga's aren't happy about it, plus Kakashi-ni's teammates came back to get married, one of them is the same cousin Sasuke was whining about all day yesterday" the pinkette rolled her eyes.
Shikamaru raised his head a little higher at that but didn't comment "Speaking of visits, mind if I hang out this weekend at yours, their going on a little trip and I'd ask Choji's but they seem to be busy and there isn't anyway I'm asking Ino's, that would be troublesome" the Nara heir asked.
Just as Sasuke plopped down in the row below them "What would be to troublesome" Sasuke inquired taking out his completed homework and putting it on his desk before him, before turning around in his seat to see the two above him.
"Yeah I'd like to know as well" Naruto chimed in, seconds behind Sasuke making them all a little early for once as he plopped down in the row with the other two and quickly pulled out what he needed for their first class of the day.
With a groan Shikamaru explained "Oh I see, that would be to troublesome" the second Uchiha heir grimaced, after what Ino had done to Sakura, the blonde had stayed far away from them like Sakura had told her to.
Naruto nodded "Agreed, I wouldn't want to ask anything of that screeching banshee either" the blonde commented, eyeing the girl in question, who had been having mandatory visits with the principal for her repeated bad behavior towards others and not just Sakura.
She and Ami were no longer allowed to hang out with one another during the academy as well either to Ino's frustration, then he quickly looked away and focused his gaze forward as Iruka appeared to start class.
Before they knew it the day was over, Sasuke and Naruto headed for the Hatake House on their own since Sakura had her after hours class "Hold it pint-size where's the girl" Obito stopped them as he came to walk the kid home.
Even though he didn't need to, she was important to Kakashi which meant making sure she was safe at all times "After hours advanced class for chakra control" Sasuke explained, really hating that nickname but that was besides the point.
As he looked up at his cousin in confusion "Advanced class for chakra control" Rin gasped, chocolate orbs wide in surprise at the admission and Sasuke rolled his eyes lightly trying not to let their surprise bother him to much.
"That's right, she's been in it since a couple months after starting the academy, the sensei approached old man Hokage about it" Naruto nodded his head, keeping real close to Sasuke as they headed down the street to the Hatake House.
And about forty-five minutes later Sakura bounded through the door, on her heels were two familiar people "Gai-san and Genma-san came to say hello" Sakura called cheerily from the foyer, clearly over the moon that two of her favorite people were back from an extended mission.
As such when they were done taking off their sandals she practically drug them into the living room "We're staying for dinner, oh hello there Obito, Rin" Genma waved, chuckling at the antics of his somewhat charge.
Even though they didn't watch her near as much as they use to "The power of youth is strong in you Sakura-chan" Gai crowed softly, squishing the girl in a hug as he did so to Rin's horror but did Sakura mind, not in the least.
For she simply returned the hug by throwing her arms around Gai's neck and squeezing back "What about me, I'm youthful aren't I" the knuckleheaded blonde sulked wanting a little attention for himself and Sakura snickered at him.
With that they were both being squished in a hug "Of course you are Naruto-kun, two of the most youthful children I've ever known" the taijutsu specialist declared loudly, nearly bursting the others eardrums with his loud exclamations.
Sasuke shook his head with a snort "Let's not forget baby Uchiha there Gai" the special jonin smirked, messing up Sasuke's hair before the boy could get out of range, which earned a glare, though it was half-hearted.
Because he knew how much these two meant to Sakura "Takes awhile for her to warm up to people huh, what's that then" the brunette huffed under her breath watching how Sakura acted towards two of her former classmates and fellow shinobi.
Unfortunately for her Kakashi heard "Gai and Genma having been coming around for a very long time Rin, just give Sakura-chan some time okay and try not to let it get to you so much" the Copy Ninja soothed his teammate.
Getting the feeling he was going to be doing that a lot "How long are you talking about exactly Kakashi" the older Uchiha questioned also watching the duo interact with Sakura, allowing her to drag them to the floor with her practically.
Where they were no doubt uncomfortable but they grinned and shared amused smiles with one another over the girls head "Since way before I adopted her, Lord Hokage assigned them as her guards" the older silver haired male chimed in.
Similarly amused at the antics "Guess who we ran into while we were off on our mission" Genma suddenly questioned as he reached for his pouch at the same time, knowing that the kids were about to be very surprised.
Emerald eyes focused on him as Sakura tapped her lip in though "Cee-san and Darui-san" Sakura guessed after a few minutes because she couldn't think of anyone else that the duo might have run into while on an outside the village mission.
"Very good Sakura-chan quite smart indeed" Gai clapped, ruffling Sakura's bangs gently as he did so, wishing they got to spend more time with her as they use to, but missions were quite demanding nowadays.
Peridot orbs lit up "Really what did they say" Naruto abandoned his homework like Sakura had, having taken a great liking to the Cloud Shinobi himself who hadn't hated him like most other adults in the village had with the exception of a few.
"Come on don't leave us hanging" even the little Uchiha got in on their antics for once, causing the adults to chuckle as Genma finally stopped stalling and pulled out some souvenirs, one for each of them surprisingly.
For Sakura she got a unique looking weapon that she could add poison to, Naruto got a book and Sasuke he got a book as well "They got us souvenirs, why did I get one though" Sasuke asked confused over the book.
Both Gai and Genma shrugged "Since you were such an integral part of their visit they felt it necessary, they also mentioned a visit was in their foreseeable future" the tokujo explained, adding that last bit for Sakura.
Who brightened and practically threw herself at them "Can't wait and I know it's only been a couple months but I've still missed them" the pinkette cheered, then a moment later she turned and started working on her homework.
"Good grief I don't know where she gets her energy" the taijutsu expert chuckled, but he was pleased to see her doing so well, Naruto especially who managed pretty well on his homework by himself nowadays, rarely asking for help, math was still his worst subject though.
But at the very least he had good grades "Me either but we love her nonetheless right Kakashi-kun" Sakumo commented in a fond tone and Sakura flashed him a happy smile as her adoptive brother nodded in agreement.
"So when did you two get back in town" Genma looked to his former classmates who'd been out of the village and wandering around for several years now, it was honestly a surprise to see them there in the house really.
Obito and Rin jolted at the sudden question "Yesterday, we're staying permanently to, we've got a baby on the way and we're properly engaged now" Obito informed, also intending on taking up the mantle of shinobi again to keep himself busy, perhaps even be a sensei to genin.
"Congratulations then on both your upcoming nuptials and pregnancy, the power of youth is strong in you two as well Obito, Rin" Gai flashed the duo a thumbs up ranting once more about youth to the children's amusement.
Especially Sakura's "Yeah even though we don't have our own place yet" Rin muttered with an exasperated glare at her fiance, already affected by mood swings it seemed since she was about three months into her pregnancy.
"Their staying here in my old room that I stay in sometimes" Kakashi explained when Gai and Genma looked confused which morphed into understanding as the two continued to sit and chat with Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke.
More the former two than the last but that was just as well because eventually their homework was done, at some point during the conversation Sakumo had vanished into the kitchen to make dinner and right as Sasuke was packing up it was declared done.
"See you guys tomorrow" the second heir of the Uchiha clan waved, tugging on his sandals, which prompted Gai and Genma's departure from the house as well leaving the others to head into the kitchen to eat supper.
Obito and Rin were very surprised at Naruto's presence at the dinner table "I just didn't feel like ramen tonight" the blonde huffed feeling the need to explain himself for some reason until Sakura gently patted his hand.
The both of them squished in a chair together to Sakumo's eternal amusement "Alright here you go Naruto-kun, Sakura-chan" Sakumo put two plates full of piping hot delicious looking food before the two growing kids "Eat up" the White Fang of Leaf chuckled.
Naruto didn't hesitate simply dug right in after giving his thanks of course but Sakura waited until everyone had a plate and Sakumo had taken the first bite before eating herself "Mm did you change the recipe" the younger silver haired male commented after a moment.
But Sakumo shook his head and twenty five minutes later all the food had been devoured and Naruto was taken home "So….Sakura-chan what do you like to do for fun" the brunette asked when they all got comfortable in the living room again.
Like the night before Sakura was cuddled in Sakumo's side reading a book but at the sudden question viridian orbs focused on her "I'm sure you have tons of girly things you like to do right kiddo" the raven haired male prodded gently.
To their surprise though the girl shook her head "Hardly, I like training and studying poisonous herbs and playing shogi, my dream is to be a world-renowned poison mistress" Sakura admitted with a light smile.
"Po..Poison Mistress well I should just be glad your only studying poisonous plants and the like" Rin sighed, having hoped that there was something she could do to bond with the girl but apparently that was to much to ask for.
Sakura raised a brow "Actually Mikoto-san helped Sakura-chan make her first poison a few months ago" Sakumo informed to Rin's horror and she felt faint, because it was to much for her obviously while Sakura sighed quietly.
"A very mild one Tou-san and Mikoto-sama didn't let me touch the plants barehanded, by the way Shikamaru wants to have a sleepover here, something about Shikaku-sama and Yoshino-san going on a trip and not wanting to ask Choji or Ino" the rosette deadpanned.
Before remembering what Shikamaru had mentioned that morning "You'd allow a boy to come over and sleep in her room" Obito asked incredulously when Sakumo shrugged in acceptance, he also picked up on the dislike in Sakura's voice when uttering the name Ino.
And he wondered what that was about "It's Shikamaru, the most he'd do is go to sleep cause he's to lazy to do anything else" Kakashi returned in the nick of time, having heard the statement as well as the smoke dissipated.
Obito raised a brow "Unfortunately Kakashi-ni's right, he sleeps practically all day during the academy, skips with Choji sometimes and rarely turns in homework, it's a wonder how he's even still in the academy" Sakura huffed.
Kakashi snorted out a laugh at that "But as for an actual answer no I don't mind if he comes spends the weekend Sakura-chan" the older silver haired male gave his verbal assent to the request because it was so rare that Sakura asked for something he couldn't help but agree.
"Answer me this then kiddo, you don't seem to like this Ino girl very much" the Uchiha questioned carefully unsure if it was a touchy subject and judging by how Sakura went rigid he would guess that was the case.
For she curled her lip "Ino Yamanaka, a bully, an antagonizer, a liar and the person who pushed me hard enough that when I fell my nose got broken and she still hasn't learned her lesson since then" the pinkette scoffed in dislike.
Beside her Kakashi pat her shoulder gently "Now, now she'll wake up and smell the roses eventually Sakura-chan, in any event you should probably head off to bed yeah" the Copy Ninja noted the time then sent her off to bed.
Like the night before she bid everyone goodnight and disappeared into her room with her pack on her heels, this was followed by the others "Sakumo-san better be careful otherwise the next altercation could end with Ino-san hurt next time" the brunette whispered and Obito nodded.
Then it was morning again and Sakumo was cooking this time "Hasn't woken up yet" Sakumo chuckled at their confused faces because they'd obviously thought the girl cooked every morning, apparently that wasn't the case at all.
Just as they sat down Sakura emerged from her room looking like death warmed over "You feeling okay Sakura-chan" Rin asked in concern as the girl plopped down carefully, having very little energy for some reason.
And because he was also worried Obito reached forward to feel Sakura's forehead only to hiss at the heat he felt "I don't think she's going today, kiddo's got a fever" Obito stated but Sakura raised her head by will alone.
"Can't skip, got to turn in my homework and Shikamaru's coming over today for the weekend" Sakura informed stubbornly while Sakumo shook his head with a laugh and lifted her despite her protesting and took her back to bed, promising to get some medicine later.
When he returned to the kitchen Kakashi was sat at the table "Sakura-chan's sick huh, this must be the first time right, I actually thought she was incapable of getting sick but now we know, she's probably stressed out I guess" Kakashi grimaced.
Sakumo shrugged not really knowing himself but turned to finish making breakfast and once it was devoured Kakashi stood "I'll go hand in her homework and tell those boys to take notes and collect what homework she'll have for the weekend" the younger silver haired male said.
Before he completely disappeared with Sakura's homework in hand Sakumo stopped him "Get some fever reducer from the store would you Kakashi-kun and some peppermint tea, also plenty of tomatoes for tomato soup" the White Fang listed.
Handing over a list just in case that Kakashi took "This can't really be the first time she's ever gotten sick right" the pregnant brunette frowned but Sakumo shrugged again, it was the first time she'd ever gotten a fever with him that he was certain of.
"Come on Rin, we have another meeting to get through" the ebony haired male sighed, shooting a glance at the closed door then with Rin on his heels headed out the door leaving Sakumo alone with a sleeping Sakura.
Kakashi had made it to the academy in record time "Uh where's Sakura" Sasuke was the first one to notice the pinkette's absence, plus she usually always came alone with Nioi the few times he'd practically been seconds behind her in arriving anyway that was.
"She won't be coming today Sasuke-kun, got a fever, I suspect with the amount of things that have been going on lately it all finally got to her, I'm getting some medicine after this so she'll probably feel better by the time academy ends" Kakashi explained.
Sasuke nodded in understanding "Right, I'll tell those two, take notes and whatnot and collect her homework for the weekend" the second Uchiha heir declared to Kakashi's amusement before turning on his heel and marching into the academy after taking the homework from yesterday to turn in.
The first person he found was their homeroom teacher "Sakura's got a fever, she won't be coming today, here's her homework" Sasuke informed Iruka who looked surprised then concerned for one of his best students.
But the man did nod "Of course thank you for telling me Sasuke-kun, I assume one of her adoptive family members told you right…very well" Iruka took the homework, making a note to hand it off to the appropriate teachers and collect other homework and such for Sakura.
With that Sasuke headed towards his usual seat to wait and fifteen minutes after Naruto burst into the classroom "Hey where's Sakura-chan" Naruto immediately noticed that his best friend wasn't there ahead of him like she usually was.
"Got a fever, her brother said that she should feel better by the time academy lets out, all we have to do is hope that is the case, otherwise it's going to be a boring weekend" Uchiha snorted as the blonde plopped down in the row above him.
Looking extremely upset and last to make his appearance seven minutes later nearly late was Shikamaru, he trudged through the classroom's sliding doors, yawning only to pause and narrow his dark eyes on the empty spot that Sakura usually took up.
He turned sharply to look at Sasuke demanding an answer without even asking "Has a fever, I suspect your still able to go over though, Kakashi didn't say otherwise" Sasuke explained with a roll of his eyes.
As Shikamaru sat down "Good because I had no intention of going anywhere else for the weekend" Shikamaru scoffed "Though I do hope Sakura feels better by the time academy lets out for the day" the Nara heir frowned, worried.
"Me to Shikamaru, cause I don't like the thought of her being sick at all" the blonde at his side nodded with a depressed air about him, he looked as if he'd lost his puppy really but only because Sakura was his best friend out of his other friends.
In the row below them Sasuke nodded as well "It just doesn't suit her to say the least" the second Uchiha heir grunted, uncomfortable all because Sakura wasn't there keeping them in line and so began the longest day of their lives it seemed.
By the time it was lunch they just didn't have the will to do anything else, Sakura brightened the academy up for them surprisingly and they'd only just realized it sadly "Care to play shogi with me Shikamaru" Naruto asked once he'd finished eating what the other two had shared with him.
"You'd willingly….never mind lets just play" Shikamaru began in an incredulous tone but stopped himself as he saw the determination in the blondes eyes, apparently it just wasn't lunch if someone wasn't playing shogi as he set up the board and they began their game.
Naruto got utterly destroyed to say the least "Mind if I go a round" Sasuke interrupted when Shikamaru went to reset the board for a third time, Naruto shrugged and so Sasuke took his turn getting beat at shogi until lunch was over and it was time for their physical lessons.
During this time Sakura had woken up "There you are Sakura-chan, do you feel any better after sleeping" Sakumo asked when he came in to check on her for the millionth time probably, sue him he was very worried.
She sat up slowly no longer as exhausted as when she'd originally woken up, then nodded slowly "Little bit Tou-san, the headache's gone" Sakura hummed quietly leaning comfortably back into Kaori who slipped into place behind her as sneakily as possible to help support her.
It brought a small smile to her face actually "Good, then this should make you feel even better, tomato soup, with peppermint tea boiled with feverfew to help bring down that fever" the Hatake Patriarch declared.
Procuring a tray from the hallway as if he'd been waiting for her to give him a positive response just as her stomach rumbled in hunger seeing as she'd missed breakfast completely "Thank you Tou-san" the pinkette murmured softly.
Taking the tray and settling it in her lap carefully to eat, the tomato soup was delicious and light enough to not upset her stomach as she ate slowly and the peppermint tea tasted sweet but not overly so with a slight bitter aftertaste.
Fourteen minutes later she was done and the tray was taken away "Right then, try to get a little more sleep okay Sakura-chan, we'll see how you feel in a couple hours yeah" Sakumo smiled kindly, though somewhat amused.
As Sakura shooed Kaori from her bed and the giant schnauzer whined like a pup as Sakura lay back in bed and pulled the blankets up to her shoulders "Come on then Kaori if you want to snuggle that badly" Sakura huffed at the whining.
Drawing a laugh from Sakumo who stayed until he was sure she was sleeping peacefully again, surrounded by her ninken who all decided they wanted to cuddle to and a few hours later thirty minutes shy of the academy being let out.
Sakura was awake again feeling much, much better, enough to join him out in the living room "Feel better do you Sakura-chan" Kakashi who'd also returned to the house after a somewhat boring mission asked when he saw her padding slowly towards them.
Ninken on her heels but not crowding her just in case "Much…that peppermint tea really helped Tou-san so thank you, and you as well Kakashi-ni" the rosette thanked the duo, sure that Kakashi had been involved somehow.
Their answering smiles were all the answer she needed really as she climbed onto the couch Kakashi was occupying and cuddled into his side "Not up to full strength though I can tell, even if your fever has gone" the younger silver haired male put a hand to her forehead, checking.
"Well by tomorrow you should feel completely better just try to take it easy for the rest of the day that's all I ask Sakura-chan" the White Fang of Leaf requested and Sakura nodded her head then got comfortable as she grabbed a book to read.
Less than half an hour later several people came barreling through the door "Sakura-chan, Sakura-chan are you okay, how are you feeling, do you feel better at all" Naruto was unsurprisingly the first one to her.
Having been the most worried since he'd never seen her sick either, on his heels were Shikamaru and Sasuke, followed by Obito and Rin who would once again be staying "Yeah how are you feeling Sakura" Sasuke grumbled looking her over in concern.
"Better not at a hundred percent though" Sakura relented to their questions as she slid from the couch and to the floor to sit at the low table with the boys glad that they were her friends out of all the others in their class.
Naruto and Sasuke eyed her carefully before sighing in relief "We brought your homework that Iruka-sensei collected for you and notes" Shikamaru held out a packet, having also given her a look over for himself and was pleased to see that she was okay.
Sakura smiled lightly and took the packet to get started on her homework, Obito and Rin were quiet watching the kids work except for Shikamaru who just looked bored out of his skull to their surprise and when it was dinner time, more tomato soup, he sat on the opposite side of the table.
By the time it was bed time Sakura looked extra exhausted again so she got another glass of peppermint tea with feverfew boiled with it and went to bed Shikamaru on her heels Kaori served as a buffer that night to keep them apart and the weekend was quiet to everyone's surprise.