It was a well-known fact among the newsies that a newsie who stayed at the Refuge for any amount of time would suffer from a myriad of physical and mental issues. So well-known, in fact, that they had a list of said issues and how to solve them. The list had been given to them by Brooklyn newsie Spot Conlon, who was interestingly quite adept at first aid. The list went something like this:

Basic First Aid for Newsies

By Spot Conlon


— Clean thoroughly with hot water and disinfect with alcohol. Make sure no dirt remains in the wound before binding it with clean bandages or fabric.

Change bandages and clean wounds daily.

Severe Bleeding

Apply pressure with a clean cloth or shirt until bleeding slows, then follow cuts instructions above.

Broken Ribs

Nothing much to do here. Rest for at least two weeks and preferably longer (that means DON'T sell any papes, Jack!).

Dizziness and Headaches

If after a hard blow to the head, rest for at least two days (again, DON'T sell any papes Jack!) and drink a lot of water.

The list continued for a few pages this way. If the newsies were lucky, the list wouldn't be needed.

However, they knew that they probably would in the next few days.

Romeo and Racetrack had been missing for nearly four weeks now. And there was only one place they could be for this amount of time—the Refuge.

"Jack?" a voice whispered. "Jack, wake up." Jack Kelly blinked and pushed himself up on his elbows. As his vision cleared, he made out the concerned face of Specs.

"Specs, it's the middle of the night," he groaned. Specs put a finger to his mouth, which Jack grumpily pushed away.

"It's Race and Romeo," he whispered. Jack sat up instantly. "Shh, don't wake up the others, but they're back." Jack swung his legs out of bed and into his boots.

"How bad are they?" Specs's face fell, telling Jack all he needed to know. "Alright. Where are they?"

"Race is in the bathroom, he won't let anyone in. Romeo is in his bed at the moment."

"'Kay. I'll go check on Race first, see if I can get him to come out of the bathroom. Make sure Romeo's alright for now and I'll be comin' to check on him in a sec." He made his way over to the bathroom and knocked on the locked door as quietly as possible. He was met with a quiet 'go away.'

"Race? Race, can I come in?"

"No, please don't!" He sounded like he was having a panic attack, and Jack frowned.

"Race, it's Jack, I ain't gonna hurt ya. Can I please come in?"

A muffled no was his only response.


"I's fine! Just… go away."

"Race…" he sighed, stepping away quietly. He made his way over to Romeo's bed and almost gagged when he saw how badly he was beaten up.

"J-Jack?" Romeo asked, then broke into a coughing fit. He gasped, refusing to show any pain. Specs, sitting next to him, gently rubbed a hand on his back, his hand coming away with—blood? Crap.

"I's right here, Romeo. Yer safe now," Jack said. Romeo took a deep breath. Has he always been this little? "Can I help you with your shirt?" Romeo shook his head.

"I's fine." He wiped a stray tear from his face, wincing at the effort. Jack nodded to Specs to get a first aid kit, and the other boy tiptoed off to find one.

"Romeo." He bowed his head.

"I's sorry, Jack."

"You don't have anything to be sorry for, kid." He slowly made his way over to the bed and sat down, pulling off Romeo's vest. He pointedly ignored the blood on his vest and shirt and instead focused on causing as little pain as possible. Specs came running up with a clean shirt, some water, a towel, and a few bandages.

"This's all I could find," he whispered, defeated. "All the supplies're in the bathroom, and…" He trailed off. Jack nodded.

"Thank you," Jack told him.

"'M sorry I's such a burden," Romeo whispered. Jack looked him dead in the eye.

"You's not a burden," he said firmly. "Don't say that." Romeo sighed and nodded. He sat still as Jack unbuttoned his shirt and pulled off his undershirt, dropping the clothes on the floor out of Romeo's line of sight. Oh.

"Sorry," Romeo whispered. All trace of his trademark cockiness was gone as Jack saw just what the Spider had done.

The boy's entire torso was bruised, and Jack was pretty sure that at least one rib was broken. A long cut made its way down his left arm, and another wrapped around his stomach to his back—where there were even more cuts and blood. Jack couldn't even tell where the skin was broken, there was so much blood.

"Kid…" How is he still alive?

"'M sorr—"

"Nuh-uh. You don't need to be sorry for anything." He poured some of the water onto the towel and nodded to Specs. The boy sat down on the bed next to Romeo and took one of his hands, placing his other hand on Romeo's shoulder, prepared to hold him down should the need arise.

"You's ready?" Romeo nodded, and Jack began cleaning off the blood. He could tell Romeo was doing his best not to wake up the others, and he was holding Specs's hand so tightly that his knuckles were white. As Jack finished cleaning off the blood, he took in the cuts all across the boy's skin.

"How many times did he beat you?" Jack asked without thinking. Romeo swallowed hard.

"I-I dunno." He started to silently sob, tears soaking the sheets. Both Jack and Specs hugged him, Jack running a hand through his dark hair. When he calmed down, Jack finished cleaning out all the cuts and bandaged everything as best he could.

"Alright kiddo. Ya think you can get some sleep now?" he asked.

"Will you—will you stay here?" His voice cracked.

"Of course I will." Jack cradled the boy in his arms, and Romeo fell asleep instantly. "How's Race?" Specs shook his head.

"Door's still locked."

"Alright. First thing tomorrow, we need to find Spot."

A/N: Hey y'all! I hope you enjoyed this and I'll hopefully post more soon. Those plot bunnies are conspiring against me I swear….

Never fear, I'll keep working on my other fics as well. However, I hope you enjoyed my first Newsies fic and please leave a comment! Constructive criticism is encouraged!

Also, the Broadway recording of Newsies and Panic! At the Disco was all I listened to while writing… Miss Jackson rocks y'all. And so does This is Gospel. ;)