Loud Keybarer

Chapter 1

Reunited pt 1

Okay, time for my third attempt at a KH fic, now armed with knowledge from KH3. (Don't worry no spoilers.) Hopefully, this time, it won't be extremely mediocre and/or with people actually wanting to read it. Well, anyway... Let's kick it up!



On a cliff side over looking a canyon littered with swords shaped like keys stood a white haired young man wearing black pant, black and orange sneakers, a charcoal grey shirt, a black hooded jacket with orange zippers, lining and joint padding, a chain with crown shaped links, a white pendant with a crescent moon and three stars in the middle, a belt with two rows a notches and a buckle with wings, a crown, and a navy gem, and a black ring with two long gems along the circumference and a diamond shaped gem in the middle on his right ring finger.

"I have fought. I have lost. But what was lost may be found again." The young man's voice said.

:Breath, Should I take a deep: The young man stood on the top of a large clock tower in the middle of a city.

:Faith, Should a take a leap?" The boy jumped from the tower and began falling through the clouds.

:Taste, what a bitter sweet.: The boy landed on a tower in a dark void.

:All my, all my life.: The top of the tower was shown to be a stain glass depiction of the boy in the surrounding by orange with two circles in front of him one black with the head of a white Rabbit in the middle and one pink with a gold Fox head in the middle. Painted on the circumference, of the circle were ten objects. A phone, a sowing machine, a guitar, a pie, a baseball, a Bat, a Frog, a tiara, a beaker, and a baby bottle.

:Let me face, let me face, let me face my fears.:

The boy stood on a road and looked back to see nine girls of varying ages.

:Let me face, let me face, let me face my fears.:

He looked forward to see an army of shadowy monsters.

:Watch me cry all my tears.:

The boy lowered his head as a woman in pink robes with a hood that had ears on it and a Fox mask stood before him before disappearing in to sparkles.

The boy rushed forward with sword with an orange hilt, a circular hand guard, a chain that had a triangle at the end, and a white blade with a black saint symbol at the top, making it resemble a key. He then proceeded to slice at the monsters as they attacked him in a circle, resting his sword on his shoulder whenever he could.

:Watch me cry all my tears.:

There was a break in the attacks as the boy ran forward, reaching his hand out for three others before a large gust of wing pushed him back before he began falling, rapidly falling down to a dimly lit town.

(Opening in)

A black cloud hung over a small town as an elderly man walked to a slightly messed up house.

"Pop Pop!" The man heard as eight of the ten girls from the opening from the opening the door as he was dog piled their grandfather.

"Hey, kids." The elderly man said as he hugged his granddaughters.

"Hi Dad/Al." A man and woman said as they walked up and the woman hugged the old man.

"Hey, Rita. Hey, Lynn." Al said, hugging his daughter. "It's really getting bad out there." He commented.

"No kidding. Lisa even says that her weather instruments have never seen anything like what's going on outside.

"Speaking of Lisa. Has she been able to finish up that project of hers yet?" Al asked, gaining a shake from his daughter's head.

"Apparently, the materials she needs are in extremely short supply." Rita said with her head held low before Al placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry. We'll find him." Al said as Rita raised her head.

"Dad, it's been three years. I really doubt a way to find out where Lincoln is just going to burst out of nowhere." Rita said before suddenly a large bolt of black lightning stuck down and destroyed the front wall of the house. Everyone looked up to see dark portals opening up along the ground and sky, letting shadowy creatures out of them.

"What the hell is going on?" Lynn asked as Rita ran upstairs without a single word.

"Lisa! Lily!" Rita called as she rushed in to a room at the top of the stairs to grab her sweater clad second youngest and purple glad youngest daughter.

"Mother, what's happening?" Lisa asked before the ceiling broke apart and flew in to the sky. Rita on instinct jumped forward to grab and shield her daughters as all of them flew through the sky.

As the family flew through the air and in to a large , Rita looked around to see her daughters being tossed out at random points. That was the last thing she saw before passing out.

(In the town from the opening,)

The boy looked up to the sky as two stars went out.

"I have to do something about this." He sad before his eyes suddenly went wide and he gripped his chest. "It couldn't be." He said before sliding down the roof, and jumping down to an awning , bouncing of it and rolling as he reached the pavement and began running through the town.

(With Rita)

"Hey. Hey." Rita heard as she woke up to see a boy with spikey brown hair clad in in a red jump suit, yellow shoes, and a black jacket with white sleeves. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"My family." Rita said, shooting up with Lisa and Lily still in her arms. "We got separated in some hind of black tornado.

"Yeah. The same thing happened with me and my friends. I'll help you look." The boy said before turning back to Rita. "I'm Sora, by the way." He said.

"I'm Rita. This is Lisa and Lily." Rita introduced herself before she said before she got up, still holing her unconscious daughters when suddenly, dark portals and the shadow creatures appeared alongside variant that seemed to be soldiers of some sort.

"Stay behind me." Sora said as a key shaped sword with a yellow guard, blue hilt, a keychain in the shape of three circles that almost looked like a head, and teeth that showed a crown between them and he ran forward to face the creatures.

(With Al and Lynn)

"Where the heck are we?" Lynn asked as he and Al walked through the alleyways of the town.

"I have no idea. I can't even tell from the stars." Al said before shaking his head. "It doesn't matter. We have to find Rita and the girls." He said, gaining a nod from Lynn as they kept looking.

Just then, four of the soldiers appeared along with a large bodied creature.

Lynn and Al both took a step back as the creatures approached them, seeing no way out.

"Aero!" A voice called as a green tornado appeared and picked up to of the soldiers before the boy from the opening jumped up, slicing the air born soldiers before slicing down at the large bodied creature that had already been damaged by the wind cutting it and destroyed it before turning to Al and Lynn. "Are you guy o..." He began to say before dropping his weapon in shock as tears welled up in his eyes. "Dad? Pop Pop?" He asked to the equally surprised men.

"Lincoln?" They both asked as the white haired boy ran to hug them

(With Rita and Sora after a short fight with Leon)

Lisa's and Lily's eyes both fluttered open as they looked up to see Rita sitting over them.

"Mommy? Where are we?"

"We're in a place called 'Traverse Town'. I don't understand a lot of what's going. But these two seem to." Rita said, pointing to a brown haired man wearing a black jacket with a red Lion symbol on the back and an insane amount of belts and a girl with black hair wearing a green halter top, yellow short shorts, blue straps on her waist and shoulders, white thigh high socks, orange gloves and shoes, and a headband with a forehead guard.

"Hey! He's waking up." The girl said as she looked back.

"Kairi?" Sora asked in a groggy voice.

"Kairi? Sorry. I'm the great ninja, Yuffie." The girl introduced herself before turning back to the black clad man. "I think you might have hit him a little to hard there, Leon." She said.

"I had to make sure the Heartless wouldn't follow us." The man defended.

"Speaking of, you said that you would explain what those things are." Rita said.

"Putting it simply the Heartless are creatures of shadow that take the souls and even worlds both to sustain themselves and increase their numbers." Leon explained.

"On top of that, you need more than your garden verity of weapons to take them out." Yuffie said as she took a seat next to Sora before a gust of wind appeared in her palm before a large four bladed. Shuriken appeared in her hand. "You need something like my Shuriken, Leon's Gunblade, or of course..." She led.

"The Keyblade." Sora reasoned.

"Especially the Keyblade. That's why they attacked you." Yuffie said with a nod.

"The Heartless have a great fear of the Keyblade and will attack anyone who wields one." Leon explained.

"So, they won't attack him if he doesn't happen." Lisa reasoned before both Yuffie and Leon shook their heads.

"Not holding it is only a temporary measure." Yuffie said.

"The Keyblade is bound to him now. His only option is to train so he's ready when the Heartless." Leon said,

"Thankfully, we happen to know another Keyblade user who can help you with that." Yuffie said with a smirk before noticing something. "Leon!" She called as several soldier Heartless appeared.

Leon quickly stepped forward and called forth his weapon, a large sword with a revolver for a hilt, and sliced the Heartless, destroying them.

"Yuffie, take these three to Aerith. Sora with me." Leon said as he and Sora ran out to the balcony and jumped down to the street.

As Sora landed, both he and Leon sliced down a couple heartless. However, neither of them noticed when one more appeared behind Sora. Thankfully, he was saved from the sneak attack by a single slash from Lincoln who appeared, Keyblade in hand, ready to aid the other warriors.

"Good timing, Lincoln." Leon said as he and Lincoln shared a hand clasp. "We need to demoralize the Heartless. Any chance there's a boss around?" He asked before Lincoln closed his eyes.

"There's a strong darkness nearby. Feels like... District Three." Lincoln said before turning back to Lynn and Al. "You two head up stairs and wait for us to come back."

"Alright. Just be careful." Al said before he and Lynn went up in to the hotel before arriving in a Chinese themed room that was connected to the room Sora and Leon jumped from to find Rita and the girls along Yuffie, a girl clad in pink, with a Duck man and a Dog man.

"Rita!" Lynn called as he ran to his wife.

"I don't like this waiting around. We should be helping." Yuffie said in irritation.

"Relax, Yuffie. There are two Keyblade wielders out there." The girl in pink said as the Dog man and Duck man looked at each other before leaving the room.

(Back with Sora Lincoln and Leon.)

The three warriors arrived at a stair case overlooking a vacant area where a large group of solider Heartless.

"Alright, by my count we got five a piece." Lincoln said, still sensing that something bigger was on the way. Just then six large bodied Heartless appeared behind them before the Duck man and the Dog man were thrown from a nearby roof as six blue bell shaped Heartless appeared above them and somehow walls raised at every exit of the area.

"New plan. I'll handle these guys. You two help them." Leon said, gaining a nod from both Lincoln and Sora before they jumped down to aid the other two.

"Keyblades!" The Duck man and Dog man exclaimed in excitement. But quickly got their heads in the game and circled up with the two Keyblade wielders.

Lincoln and Sora leapt up to get rid of the flying Heartless, Sora with two wide strikes, taking two and Lincoln with use of his wind magic taking out three before a calculated stab to the last one.

Upon landing Sora and Lincoln began aiding their new companions, Sora taking out four of them with his wide slashes, the Duck man taking out four by shooting blasts of fire out of a staff that had a blue wizard hat on top, the Dog man eliminating four by throwing his blue shield with a symbol that looked like the Keychain of Sora's Keyblade through two before it bounced off the wall, through two more and back to his hand, leaving Lincoln to use his quick and precise slashes interspersed with several punches to take seven of the Heartless down before the last of them leapt at his back only for him to spin his Keyblade and stab it backwards to kill it.

"Well, that was easy." Sora said as he lowered his Keyblade.

"Dude, never say that." Lincoln said as he placed his hand to his forehead.

"Why not?" Sora asked before an extremely large Heartless made up of floating armor pieces.

"*That's* why not." Lincoln said as he and the others readied for battle again before Lincoln looked down to the Duck man. "Hey. How much magic you got left in you?"

"One spell." The Duck man responded.

"Okay. Wait for my signal." Lincoln said as he rushed forward, sliding under a swipe from the Heartless and jumped up getting a solid six hits on the torso before falling back and doing a one handed back handspring just before Sora and the Dog man ran forwards throwing their weapons at the torso, the two of them recovering their weapons by the Dog man getting his shield on the bounce and Sora simply making his Keyblade appear back in his hand.

Responding to the assault of the four enemies, the Heartless sent its limbs at them. This however, only gained a smirk from Lincoln as he raised his Keyblade up.

"Aero!" He called as the limbs were sucked in to another green tornado. The Duck man took this to be the signal as he shot out a fire spell, causing the limbs to be destroyed. Lincoln then looked to the Dog man before calling "I need a boost!" He called as he jumped on the shield with Sora right next to him as they were launched up and both came down on the head and torso with a powerful downward slash before the two of them landed with Sora point his Keyblade down and Lincoln quickly moved his thumb, index finger, and middle finger along the blade of his Keyblade before the Heartless dissolved with a heart flying off in to the night and walls around the area falling.

"Everyone alright?" Lincoln asked getting a nod from the other three. He then looked up to see that the fat Heartless had been taken care of by Leon. "You know. In all that chaos, we never got a chance for proper introductions. I'm Lincoln." Lincoln said holding his fist out.

"I'm Sora" Sora said as he did the same.

"Donald Duck" The Duck man said joining his fist with the first two.

"Name's Goofy." Dog man said, fining the four way fist bump before the group decided to head back to the hotel. However as they were leaving, Lincoln felt something behind him and looked up to see a Raven staring at them giving Lincoln they clear message that what he and his new companions had just face was only the beginning.


Well, I'm gonna call it there for now. I hope you enjoyed it. Next time, the quest begins as the two Keyblade wielders with Donald and Goofy to find those they have lost. One thing before I go. Should the Key chains be divided between Sora and Lincoln or should Lincoln get separate Keyblades depending on the world or sister he finds there in? Please leave your thoughts in the reviews and until next time and as always... Keep on keeping on.