NOTES: This whole story started because I witnessed the most beautiful sky after a storm and just couldn't help myself.

The team was finally taking a much deserved break. Allura had wormholed the Castle of Lions to a secluded sector on the outer reaches of the galaxy to visit a particularly peaceful planet, untouched by the Galra's conquest. Coran had recommended the location for its peaceful scenery and gorgeous beaches that were presumably perfectly safe for swimming. Fortunately, after 10,000 years the information still held true and everyone was excited; even Pidge was chomping at the bit to get out and explore the new planet. The native plantlife swelled, obviously affected by her eagerness, flourishing with healthy looking bulbs and florescent blossoms in all manner of unusual colors.

Hunk and Lance were chattering animatedly back and forth about grabbing everything they would need from the castle for the ideal beach day. Together they concocted something of a list and then Lance was off, ensuring everyone had proper swimwear and towels, while Hunk disappeared into the kitchen to assemble a picnic of unprecedented proportions.

Even Keith was helping out – a rarity for non-training related activities. Hunk had assigned him the task of working with Coran to provide a close approximation to sunscreen. The Alteans were fascinated that human skin was delicate enough for sun radiation to be harmful to them. With more urgency than the situation really warranted, Allura commanded Coran to go through their topical reserves immediately in search of a proper protectant for the paladins. It was really too bad it looked like no one would be needing it. The sky had been steadily darkening in turmoil since the moment they had arrived, complete with big, ominous thunderheads and raging high winds. All because Shiro wasn't relaxing.

It really wasn't fair, Shiro mused as he tried taking deep, even breaths to calm his nerves. While everyone had to put up with their moods affecting the elements around them, nobody else had to deal with their emotions literally being on display in the sky itself.

If the need arose, the other paladins could be removed from their element. Forest, land, fire and water were all escapable. The sky was everywhere. It was also the most expressive of the elements, making it all too easy to figure out exactly how the Black Paladin was feeling at any given moment and Shiro hated it. He hated how all the others were giving him concerned looks and tiptoeing around him like he was made of glass. He hated how his emotions would never be private again. But right now, he hated how he was ruining everyone's fun just because he was uncomfortable showing a little skin.

He tried to ignore it, put the issue out of his mind and quit worrying so much. There were other issues he could concentrate on. The large body of water and nearby volcanic geysers meant Shiro needed to pull both Lance and Keith aside before they disembarked – separately of course. None of them truly knew the extent of the connection to their elements and with the reactions being so unpredictable, well, Shiro didn't want them to lose focus during a shouting match. Keith grudgingly accepted the reminder to keep his cool to prevent any volcanic activity in the near future, but getting Lance to agree to lay off the bickering for the day was another matter. Usually Shiro tolerated the odd rivalry-friendship between the Red and Blue Paladins, only feeling the need to interrupt their explosive arguments when they distracted from the mission, hindered training, or presented a real danger of causing natural disasters, like right now actually.

Lance immediately assumed Keith was somehow responsible for Shiro's request and accused the fire empath of being unable to handle his biting wit. He then proceeded to boast wildly about his supposedly mad skills at arguing of all things. Shiro didn't even have to say anything. His mounting frustration with the situation caused lightning to flash before the castle's monitors and thunder to roll in from across the lilac colored ocean outside. Lance was suddenly very cooperative.

But after noticing that along with making the sky look like it was about to unload a truly devastating storm he'd also managed to cause the tide to recede quite a distance – likely a result of startling Lance – Shiro decided it was about time for a strategic retreat to his room. Everyone else was already getting changed anyway or applying the useless Altean sunscreen, acting as though they had complete faith that he could keep it together long enough for one beach day. He really wished he shared their confidence.

Still, he plastered on his most reassuring smile and announced where he was headed.

Lance immediately perked up, seemingly recovered from his earlier sulk. "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, I put your suit on your bed. You should try in on and make sure it fits."

"Right," Shiro agreed with forced calm. His efforts at appearing unbothered by the suggestion might have even been successful if not for the way the wind picked up at that exact moment, kinda like his breathing. But no one tried to stop him and as soon as he was alone in his room Shiro slumped against the inside of his door, no longer bothering with the act now that he was away from the sympathetic stares. It wasn't like it was fooling anyone anyway. He sighed and breathed in deeply through his nose. Patience yields focus.

Objectively Shiro knew that if he could just hide away in his room he'd eventually calm down enough for the sky to return to normal. But the others would be disappointed if he didn't go out with them soon. He really didn't want to do that to them. They deserved this break. It's just the beach meant swim suits, which meant showing skin, and for him that meant showing scars.

He had so many. Even taking a light shirt wouldn't make too much of a difference and anything less than quarter-length sleeves tended to show off the horrible mess of ruined skin around his prosthetic port. Then there was the nasty looking tracks crisscrossed over his left wrist, evidencing he'd struggled desperately while cuffed. The restraints had viciously bit into his skin, permanently damaging the area around the joint. He didn't even want to be able to look down and spot the crooked bite mark along his right thigh or see the ugly burn curving unevenly around his left shin.

It probably seemed so silly to everyone else. The others would swear up and down that the gruesome markings on his body didn't bother them, and Shiro could almost believe them. They certainly tried to seem sincere, but he noticed the way they all very carefully didn't react to the scars he'd had no choice but to reveal. And that wasn't even all of the problem; just looking at some of the markings on his skin drug up murky sensations of horror and hysteria to the surface.

It's over, none of that can hurt me anymore. With another shaky breath, Shiro tore his thoughts away from past traumas and instead focused his gaze about his room. The small, spartanly decorated space looked almost just as he'd left it earlier that morning, a bundle of black fabric haphazardly folded on the neatly made bunk the only evidence of otherwise. Swallowing the dread building in his throat, Shiro held up the source of his beach anxieties – it's not a pair of swim trunks.

Shiro choked on a surprised gasp, having to hold the fabric up higher to keep it from dragging the floor. It looked like a full body wetsuit. The flexible material was predominantly black with stylish details in white, red and yellow running down the torso and long sleeves. Something about the color scheme reminded him vaguely of the Black Lion's calming presence settled comfortably at the back of his mind. Moisture gathered in the corners of his eyes when he realized his team had done this for him.

When he joined the others on the sandy beach he's almost entirely unnoticed because everyone was busy staring at the sky. Unsure of what he'd find, Shiro reluctantly glanced up to witness rays of golden sunlight piercing through the gloomy clouds and shining down to shimmer over the surface of the purple tinged waters below like glittering stardust. The waves were no longer choppy as the gale force winds had died down to a pleasant sea breeze that tousled his white bangs while he watched the sky unfold into a vast, blue canvas, the massive clouds not dissipating entirely but instead building up into impressive, complex formations that inspired the search for familiar silhouettes contoured within the masses of suspended water particles and no longer looked quite so somber. Something loosened in Shiro's chest at the sight.

"Shiro, we're glad you could make it."

Shiro tore his eyes away from the spectacle in the atmosphere to find Allura offering him an encouraging smile. She was wearing a wetsuit similar to his own but with shorter sleeves and pants, the colors were the same as her flight suit. "Me too, Princess."

"Whoa! Looking good, Shiro!" Hunk gave him an enthusiastic thumbs up from where he's setting up a blanket closer to the alien waters. He was wearing a pair of long, dark-yellow swim trunks and an orange t-shirt that looked to be made of some kind of waterproof material.

Pidge had a similar get up but in differing shades of green while Keith wore a red version of Shiro's suit. The two of them waved at him from where they're trying out some type of hovering bodyboard in the surf.

Shiro ducked his head shyly. "Guys, thanks."

"Alright, stand aside, everyone! It's time for some razzle dazzle!"

"Just a tick, Lance, you forgot to put sunshield on your hideous, round ears!"

Still, nothing quite prepared him for the unexpected sight of Lance and Coran sprinting onto the beach lathered in some kind of teal lotion, wearing nothing but speedos.

END NOTES: You're welcome for that image XD

I'm also just gonna pretend like Shiro never considered just going to the beach fully clothed.

Thanks so much for reading to the end, I hope you enjoyed!