Hello ! I am Kaemise, and I am proud to show you this new story ! Well, I hope you like it !
Disclaimer : I do not own Fairy Tail, or any of his caracters ! They all belong to Hiro Mashima !
A black and blue dragon was walking in a cavern. He seemed worried, in fact, that's stupid : what can worry a dragon king, strong enough to destroy a town with a single breath ?
« Natsu » he said in dark voice.
« Yes, father ? » The answer came from a boy training. He was doing push-ups, and even if he only was 14 years old, he could easily deal with most of the strongest men in the world with his pure arms. He had black hair and blue eyes, who were shining bright to the happiness of the dragon. His left eye was hidden by his hair tho.
« Today is July 7 (x777). »
« I know, father. Is there something special ? » the boy asked, getting up, with no facial expression.
« Actually, yeah. Since ever, I raised you far away from humans. That's normal, my boy, after all, you're a dragon. And not a simple dragon, who thought I would have a son ? »
The kid stayed quiet. Indeed, he was a dragon, and had a dragon form. But for no true reason, he has always preferred his human form. It was much easy to move with, and easier to train. Doing push-ups while being a dragon wasn't easy, and by doing it in human form, he would keep the strength won when he would pass to dragon form.
« But yesterday I got a call with Igneel. » continued the black dragon. « He told me that the dragon council was going to do something important, and as the Dragon King that I am, I have to take part in it. He told me that Grandeeney and Metalicana are going to release their slayers in the wild, because even if they have Dragon Slayer Magic, they're not dragons and cannot take part in our business. So Igneel asked me something... »
« I'm listening to you, father. »
« He asked me if you could deal with them. They need a leader, and having a true dragon with them, even if you're half human, would be great. Also, you could train them while we are trying to solve our problems. But if you don't want to do it, I can understand. They will not be as strong as you. Actually, only King Dragons could beat you easily, normal dragons could lose to you, that's why I'm proud of you Natsu. But I think visiting Earthland could help you becoming again more strong. Then you will succeed me as the Chaos Dragon King. What do you think about it, my boy ? »
Natsu thought for 30 seconds. Going with his father could be cool, but boring.
« I think I'm going to accept Igneel's proposition. I could see the world like that. And after all, going with you for many years of reunions is going to be so fucking boring. » Natsu then replied, as cold as ever.
« Perfect then. » said the dragon with a smile.
« But what will do Mother ? »
« Haru is coming with me. She's not like you, even if she was one of the strongest wizard in earthland, she doesn't want to see the world anymore. »
« Yes father, I understand. »
« Now, Natsu, fly to Grandeeney's cavern. She would be here with Metalicana and Igneel. »
« Sure. See ya', father. » said Natsu. A black and blue round of magic appeared in front of him, and he jumped in. On the other side of the seal, a dragon similar to Acnologia appeared, but he was smaller. He was only doing 4 meters high and 15 meters long. He was still a kid, after all. The big black dragon looked at his son leaving, with nostalgic in his eyes. "Be careful, Natsu. Outside, people will think that you and me are bad, juste because our element is Chaos. But change their minds. Become the strongest mage who Earthland has ever seen. I will be waiting for you." And Acnologia, with a final powerful roar, flew away.
« Where is the Chaos dragon, mother ? » asked a blue-haired girl to a blue dragon.
« He's coming, don't worry. » She then heard a roar coming from the outside of the cavern. « You see ? He's here. »
Natsu entered the cavern. Immediately, he used the same spell as before, and turned back into his human form. Transforming into a human or a dragon didn't cost him magic, after all, this forms were both his bodies.
« Masters. » said Natsu, saluting with his head down.
« Get that head up, son of Acnologia. We were waiting for you. » answered Grandeeney. With that answer, two other dragons came : Igneel and Metalicana.
« So you're Natsu. » said Igneel, more in a sure tone than a question.
« Yes, Master Igneel. » answered the boy with black hair.
« Don't use that prefix. Call me Igneel. »
« Yes Master Igneel. » answered the boy. It made the fire dragon and Metalicana laugh, and Grandeeney smiled.
« You're indeed the son of Acnologia. That damn chaos lizard know how to create decent sons. I'm Metalicana, an Iron Dragon. Nice to meet you, Natsu. » said the grey dragon.
« Nice to meet you too, Master Metalicana. » The iron dragon smiled. He could tell by the boy's aura that even him could lose to him. Natsu could be stronger than him, it woudn't even surprise him.
« So, let's get to business. We need you to take care of the children just here. » said Igneel. With that being said, a boy with grey hair appeared behind Metalicana, and came near Natsu. The blue haired-girl left her mother, who pushed her with her nose. They came in front of the black-haired boy, who hasn't show any facial expression since the beginning.
« I-I'm Gajeel... Gajeel Redfox, nice to meet you. »
« I'm Wendy... Wendy Marvell... »
The two dragon slayers were scared of what would the boy say. They smelled his aura. He was damn powerful. If not stronger than their dragons.
And for the first time, the boy smiled. « I'm Natsu, if you want my full human name, then I'm Natsu Nightfallen. Nice to meet you. We're gonna make a great team ! »
It made the two kids' hearts warm. They could tell that this guy was nice, and that they didn't have to be afraid. The three dragons smiled to themselves : they made the good choice.
« So, kids, time for us to leave ! » said Igneel. The dragons began expending their wings, and the two dragon slayers immediately cried.
« Mommy ! » yelled Wendy, who ran at the blue dragon.
« Metalicana ! » shouted Gajeel in fear.
« Shhhh... You have nothing to fear, Wendy, we'll stick together when I'm done with dragon business... »
« Y-You promise ? » asked the girl between sobs.
« I promise. » answered Grandeeney.
Gajeel stared at his dragon. He then sighed. « Take care. » he said.
Metalicana smiled. « I will. You should too. Listen to Natsu's order, you will learn. »
Igneel smiled. « Natsu ? »
« Yes, Master Igneel ? »
« Did you think about doing something special on Earthland ? »
« No, Master Igneel. »
« Then, go to Magnolia. Just go full north, you'll find it. There is a guild named Fairy Tail there. They will welcome you, and treat you as family. You could train and work, by doing quests. »
« I will, Master Igneel. Thanks. » said the black dragon kid with his head down.
« Take care. » said the Fire dragon. And with that final answer, he flew away with Metalicana and Grandeeney. The kids watched them leave in the sky.
« They're gone... » said Wendy.
« Yeah... » answered Natsu.
Gajeel sighed. « So, how are we going to Magnolia Natsu ? » he asked.
The black-haired boy smiled. He knew what will please to his new friends.
« Do you want to fly ? » he asked.
Wendy gasped. « We can't, we're not like you Natsu... » she said.
« I didn't say fly by yourselves. » A black and blue seal appeared in front of him, and he jumped in. Now, he was in his dragon form, and Gajeel and Wendy looked at him with admiration.
« So, do you want to fly ? » asked Natsu again.
« YES ! » yelled the two dragon slayers. They jumped on Natsu's back, and he flew away, direction the north. Igneel, Metalicana and Grandeeney looked at them from the sky.
"See you soon, Natsu."
Two days later :
An old man was currently walking in the forest. He was here due to an old friend, who told him he should go here. "You will not be disappointed, he said... My ass ! There's nothing here !" Thought the man. He sighed. Why did he listen to him ? Suddenly, he heard some noice around him.
« You ! Old man ! Give us everything you have ! » said a man, nearly followed by 20 other men.
« Why ? » asked the old man.
« We are members of the dark guild Eisenwald ! We want your money ! Quick ! »
« Do you know who I am ? » asked the old man.
« Huh ? » said the man back.
« My name is Makarov, and you should not attack m-... »
« So, what I am seeing ? » said an unknown voice. The dark mages and makarov looked around, not seeing anyone. Then, from the sky, something began flying above them.
« A...A-...! » muttered Makarov.
« A DRAGON ! » yelled the dark mages.
« Heh. »
Makarov was dreaming. A dragon, near Magnolia ? He had to put it down. But the dragon was speaking, he could try to just tell him to leave.
« Mister dragon, what are you doing here ? » asked the old man.
« Don't worry, mister. I'm here to put down this dark mages, even if you could do it by yourself... » said the dragon. Makarov smiled. So he wasn't bad, and he smelled his power. "Let's see then" he thought.
« They're all yours. » said Makarov with a smile.
The dragon smiled, and fell to the ground at high speed. But during the fall, a seal appeared in front of him, and now a boy was falling. He fell on his legs, and quickly got up in front of the old man, turning him his back.
"A kid ?" Thought Makarov.
« Let me introduce myself. Natsu Nightfallen, Black dragon, son of Acnologia. Do you have a last word before being punished for your sins ? »
« Kill him ! » shouted one of the dark mages. They immediately threw attacks at him, except the leader, who was quiet. Natsu sighed. It will be fast. Before the attacks could touch him, they disappeared in black flames.
« ...Chaos Aura. » said Natsu.
"Who is that boy !" Thought the dark mages and Makarov.
« Chaos Dragon's Pulse ! » yelled Natsu. A pulse of dark and blue fire escaped his body all around him, and hit every mages, except Makarov and the leader of the men.
« What... What are you... » said the man, falling to his knees.
« A pissed of Dragon. Now answer me. Will you continue to steal money to honest people ? »
« N-No... Mister... »
« I didn't hear. »
« I said No ! » the man was now in tears.
« You're young. And you seem to have a good reason to steal. You don't seem to just do it for fun. And you don't want to attack people. You're not a coward. Why are you stealing then ? »
« It-It's my wife... She's sick, and will probably die if I don't collect enough money to save her !... So I joined Eisenwald two days ago... I'm sorry... »
Natsu sighed. He walked to the man, who didn't move. He couldn't escape his destiny. But Natsu didn't attack him. He fell to his knees in front of the man, and hugged him.
« Don't worry. I'm gonna help ya. »
The man was shocked. "What ?" He thought. Makarov was watching everything quietly.
« Yesterday, I saved a rich man from being steal by some bandits. He game me some money... RE-EQUIP ! » yelled Natsu. A big bag of money appeared in his hand.
« Take it all. You need it more than me. » said Natsu with a smile, getting up. He began to walk to the old man, who had a big grin on his face.
« WHY ! »
Natsu turned his body to look at the man who was to his knees, crying.
« Why did you help me ! »
« Shut up already. Just save your wife, and go back to your normal work. Join a legal guild. »
« Kid... Or Dragon, I don't know ! Where can I found you in the future ?... »
« Well, my Master told me to join a guild named Fairy Tail. I'm searching it. You can found me there. » told Natsu with a smile. The man got up, and took the money.
« I will never thank you enough ! » he said, still crying.
« What are you still doing here ! » said Natsu ironically with a grin. The man smiled and ran away with the money, waving at Natsu.
« My boy, you're a strange person. I like you ! » said Makarov. Natsu laughed.
« Probably, but I'm a dragon, not someone normal ! Everything's alright ? » asked Natsu.
« Yeah... So, you knew for him ? That's why you didn't let me fight ? » asked Makarov.
« Yes Mister, I smelled despair on this man, but nothing evil. He was disgusted with what he was doing. I couldn't let him be like that. » answered Natsu.
« I see. You're someone, Natsu. »
« Yes ! Now, I have to leave, I was happy to help. » said the black-haired boy. His dragon-transformation seal appeared in front of him, but before he could transform, Makarov interrupted him.
« Wait ! » said the old man.
« Yes Mister ? »
« Do you know who I am ? »
« Absolutely not. But I don't need to know who are the people that I help. Now, if you excuse me, I have to hunt to eat-... »
« I'm Makarov Drear, Master of Fairy Tail. » he said, his eyes closed. It surprised Natsu.
« What ? » he said.
« So you didn't know. You really helped that man just because of your kindness... »
« Yes, of course ! I'm not someone interested ! »
« I see that, my boy. So tell me, I heard that you wanted to join Fairy Tail, is it true ? »
« Welp, Yes. One of my Master told me to. But, you see, I am with two friends. They're competent mages, I swear. Do you think we could join your guild, Mister ? » asked Natsu, saluting with his head down. Makarov had the biggest grin he ever had since a long time.
« I was going to invite you ! Of course you can join, and your friends too ! »
« Great, thanks Master ! »
« So where are they ? You can join the guild now if you want ! » said Makarov, excited as ever. Natsu transformed into a dragon, and lied down on the ground.
« Ride my back ! We get them and you lead us to your guild ! » said Natsu in a much deeper voice. Makarov was already loving the boy. Without asking anything more, he jumped on the boy, for his first Dragon Fly.
« LET'S GO ! » yelled the guild master, excited as a child. Natsu let a powerful Roar escape his mouth, and began to fly.
"You're not going to regret it." Remembered Makarov. He wasn't.
Ten minutes later :
Natsu was falling on the ground, with Makarov on him. The man was laughing hard. When they touched the ground, Natsu transformed into a human. Makarov was laughing hard.
« Natsu, I will never regret making you join my guild ! » he said, in tears.
« You'll see, Master. WENDY ! GAJEEL ! » With that call, a girl and a boy came in front of him. They looked at the old man dying from laugher, and looked at Natsu.
« Who is that man, Natsu ? » asked Gajeel. Wendy Nodded.
« Gajeel, Wendy. This is our new Master. The Master of Fairy Tail ! »
« I'm Makarov Drear. » said the man, who was trying to stop laughing. « Are you dragons too ? If yes, it's the best day in my life ! »
Wendy and Gajeel calmed down, before saying :
« No. We're Dragon Slayers. We are humans raised by dragons, so we can't transform like Natsu. Only him is a biological one. »
« I see. It's not a problem ! Being a dragon slayer is as surprising ! » said the master of Fairy Tail.
« So, can they join ? » asked Natsu. Wendy looked at him in surprised, and the dragon with one visible blue eye told her the story.
« It was generou to give him money, but we don't have anymore now ! » said Gajeel.
« I still have, don't worry Gajeel. I just gave him 10.000.000 jewels, so he could help his wife. » it seemed to calm the dragon slayer. The rich man gave them 30.000.000 jewels.
« So, we're gonna join Fairy Tail ? » asked Wendy, excited.
« Yeah, my girl. We can go to the guild now if you want ! » said Makarov.
« Yes please ! » yelled Wendy and Gajeel.
« PERFECT. NATSU, CHANGE INTO YOUR DRAGON FORM. QUIIIIICK ! I WANNA SCARE MY GUILD MEMBERS BY RIDING YOU. » said Makarov with stars in his eyes. The one-eye dragon laughed, before transforming. The Master and the dragon slayers jumped on Natsu's back.
« TO FAIRY TAIL ! » Yelled Makarov.
« ROAAAAAARRRRRRR » roared Natsu before flying away.
That's it ! Thank you for reading ! Don't forget to review, if you liked it... or not ! See ya !