Chapter 1
Lion-o and Cheetara were out today exploring. This was a nice day to be out the sun was shining and the birds were singing.
Mum-Ra was looking into his cauldron. "Mum-Ra, take this, and use it on Lion-o, and it will do some thing to him, it will make him female, and if he's female she will be easier to handle, you can get through to her, by making yourself look enticing to her. You can trick her manipulate her. Do it Mum-Ra do it now," the ancient spirits of evil said.
"Yes my masters," Mum-Ra said grabbing the bottle.
Mum-Ra saw Lion-o was out with Cheetara now he had the perfect opportunity. "Ancient spirits of evil transform this decayed form to Mum-Ra the ever living!" he said. Mum-Ra flew off to the forest. He saw Lion-o and Cheetara together talking.
"Lion-o you know I'm sure you will be interested that soon you will be in for a surprise there are more Thunderian refugee's out there and they are wanting to meet you." Cheetara said.
"That's great," Lion-o said.
"Hey Thundercats I hope you are prepared for a little game." Mum-Ra said.
"Mum-Ra!" Lion-o said.
Mum-Ra pulled cork out of the bottle and threw it. It hit Lion-o and the contents got all over him. "Argh!" Lion-o said pulling out a shard that got embedded in his arm and he passed out.
"Lion-o," Cheetara said.
"Mission accomplished," Mum-Ra said.
Cheetara was about to go after him but right now Lion-o was her main priority. She turned around and saw Lion-o was no longer a man but a woman. She got her communicator. "Panthro come in and bring the Thundertank, we need to get Lion-o to the cat's lair infirmary ASAP." Cheetara said.
"What's wrong with him?" Panthro asked.
"It's something you have to see to believe." Cheetara said. She saw a small part of of bottle it had some of the liquid that changed Lion-o into a woman. "Maybe Tygra will know what this is," she said.
The Thundertank came roaring into the forest. Panthro saw Lion-o he was shocked. "How can this be? It's not possible," Panthro said.
"Mum-Ra did it with this," Cheetara said showing the broke piece of bottle holding the liquid. Panthro got out a test tube and Cheetara poured it in.
Panthro carefully lifted Lion-o and put him I mean her. Into the Thundertank. They rushed the lord of the Thundercats turned lady of the Thundercats to Cat's lair.
"I called in Pumyra she will be able to examine Lion-o to find out if she is fully female now and Tygra will be able to tell if it's reversible." Panthro said.
"Good because I don't know when she'll wake up." Cheetara said.
Once arriving at cat's lair Lion-o was taken to the infirmary and the other Thundercats were shocked. Lion-o was laying the bed and Pumyra was about to start the exam when Lion-o woke up.
"Ugh what happened." she said. Then she noticed the her voice sounded different and saw her hands looked different dainty and lady like. She saw her reflection in a reflective surface and started to freak out.
Panthro, Tygra, Cheetara and Bengali held her arms and legs down while Pumyra gave Lion-o a dose of sedative. Pumyra finished the shot. After a couple of minutes the sedative started to work. She was starting to calm down. "You can let go of me now," Lion-o said.
"Okay," Panthro said and they released her arms and legs.
"What happened to me?" Lion-o asked. "I'm now a woman," she said.
"It has something to do with the contents of the bottle that Mum-Ra threw at you." Cheetara said.
"I examined the liquid it's ancient potion, that turns a person into the opposite gender and a read all reports on it and once it's used once on someone it's permanent so now Lion-o is now the lady of the Thundercats and will remain that way." Tygra said.
"I guess I better get use to it," Lion-o said.
"You have no choice in the matter." Tygra said.
"Well I guess now I need a girly name." Lion-o said. "Father told me if I was a girl he would've called me Lionia, so I guess I'll go by that," she said.
"Okay then, I will let the others know and explain what happened to the Thunderian refugee colonies." Tygra said.
"This is going to take a while to get use too," Lionia said.
Pumyra came up to her. "Lionia I need to go over somethings with you and look at your new lady parts, to make sure nothing is wrong with them," Pumyra said.
"Okay," Lionia said.
"Okay Lionia you are all female now, so what I'm going to do is going to be quite unpleasant but necessary." Pumyra said.
"What are you going to do?" Lionia said.
"Well I'm going to well,' Pumyra said then whispered in her ear.
"Isn't that a little invasive?" Lionia asked.
"It kind of is but it let's me know your lady parts okay when I do it. Then I will test blood and other things to see on other things that will go over with you later." Pumyra said.
"Okay I'm ready," Lionia said.
"Okay brace yourself," Pumyra said.
Once it was over Lionia felt relieved. "Sorry I know that was unpleasant, it's unpleasant for all it happens too, I know from personal experience." Pumyra said. "Now time for me to go over things with you," she said.
Lionia listened what Pumyra had to say. Then Pumyra showed her a video that explain how female reproductive organs work. Then how females get pregnant and how they have children.
"That was a lot of information to take in," Lionia said.
"I know it is, but I hope you understand." Pumyra said.
"Don't worry I understand, I know you and Cheetara will help me understand about this and get use to it," Lionia said.
"Of course we will now get some rest," Pumyra said.
Lionia got comfortable in and went to sleep. While Pumyra went to meet with the others.
To be continued.