
Red flames that burned the horizon as the thickened black smoke engulfed the night sky; ominously.

The land soaked in puddles of red: Blood.

All from bodies that laid lifeless almost everywhere on this battlefield tonight.

This is no ordinary war.

It's massacre.


Standing domineeringly on a heap of bodies, a woman. No. Someone. No... But definitely a she. Turning around with eyes flashed brightly in red, she came to meet with a man who called out from below.

She gazed without expression.

"You traitor...," his brows frowned deeply before shouting out loud, "SAKURA, YOU TRAITOR!!!"

His cry echoed into the distance; agony, distress, disappointment as he glared at the woman-like person he 'made'. Whose limbs were of automated steel furnished with flawless synthetic skin and the face in resemblance of his wife.

A robot which single-handedly wiped out an entire battlefield.

"Traitor?" Her red eyes softened into greens as she muttered. "If I am. Then what are you?"

The man of jet black hair and eyes stared speechlessly in return. He did nothing but preserve his frown.

"Enlighten me, Uchiha Sasuke," the female robot spoke. "Who created me to destroy?"

He clenched his fists as he was bitten by the truth she reminds.

"I made you to serve the nation and eliminate its enemies! But you!" He swallowed, "You colluded with the enemy!"

"I was unwanted."

She cut in unhesitatingly.

Sasuke couldn't argue. It was a fact.

"I shouldn't have...," his voice sunk from the lump growing in his throat. The regret, the remorse blending together within him.

Who would have thought the being that he brought to life, a machine that he hoped to serve a greater purpose for his country would ended up taking sides with their greatest enemy, Bu'Lan. A country of outcasts and outlaws.


The sound of blade being unsheathed drew his attention back towards the female. He feared not even when the silvery metal was directed at him.

What's left on this fallen battlefield was just him...and that robot.

Only one will stand.

So be it.

This was the consequence he had to face, embrace his sin and take responsibility for the malfunction of his creation.

To die, was just another like many others. To cut him if it's her duty.

Then so be it.

She was afterall meant to kill.

That's the origin of her purpose to be 'alive'.

She is,


Author's shout out:

Hi ya hi ya everyone!

It has been very long ever since the last entry. I've been busy and with all that ban thingy and all (well...that shouldn't be an excuse right...) Anyway, I'm back and here with a new chapter. Definitely SasuSaku!

I think I'm kinda rusty and all so feel free to give me some pointers to improve.

If ya have any comments pls put them in the reviews;

Or if ya wanna say 'hi' also drop them in the reviews. I love to listen to ya all.

Been miss in' those active writing days. I'll try to slip in and update as soon as I could.

Many loves and thanks to ya all. :D