Battle of Forbidden Mountain

Disclaimers: All Kingdom Hearts characters are owned by Disney and square Enix and are all copied without permission. I have made this story for fun and not profit.

Writer's Note: This is a story I had on my mind for a while now.. For once, this isn't taking place during any time of any game, but is just a legitimate story I wanted to write.. I do apologize if they are a bit out of character but I still hope you enjoy it (Rated for bloodshed and suspense)


Sora awoke to the sound of dripping water. He groaned as he then began to feel a throbbing pain on the side of his head. Sora looked all around the room, but due to the dim light, he could barely see. Sora slowly tried to sit up, only to find he could barely move at all.


He tried to move again, this time finding his movements were restrained. Sora's deep blue eyes grew wide as he saw the glint of metal in the dim light and immediately knew what had been holding him back.. Chains. Sora began to hyperventilate as he looked desperately around the room.

"Donald! Goofy! Riku! Kairi!"

His only response was the sound of his own shouting. That was, until he heard movement from somewhere in the room. Sora snapped his head in the direction of the sound.


The sound came again, this time it was much louder. Sora winced as a sudden light shown within the room. As it cleared away, Sora's eyes went wide as he saw a familiar tall woman dressed in black.

"Maleficent!? Where am I? How did I-?"

Sora was cut off as he was struck across the face.

"Silence you fool.. You will only speak when spoken to."

Sora glared up at her.

"Where are my FRIENDS!?" Sora demanded. "What did you DO to them!?"

Sora let out a pained grunt as Maleficent struck him in the side of the head with her scepter. Sora looked up at her and froze as Maleficent pressed the gleaming end of the scepter to his throat.

"I said to be silent.." she growled. Keeping the scepter in place. "You and your friends have meddled with my plans for far too long."

It was then Sora heard the noise again and snapped his head in the direction of the opposite side of the room. Maleficent soon smiled darkly as she turned around.

"Ah, I see one of them has awakened.."

She lit up the room with an eerie green glow revealing a rather familiar figure also secured to the wall by chains. As he saw the distinctive spiky red hair, Sora's eyes went wide in shock.


As Maleficent made her way toward him, Sora struggled against his chains. Axel lifted his head, a few bruises could be seen within the green glow of the room. He stared at Maleficent with a look of defiance on his face.

"So you're the one they call Maleficent huh..?" Axel said, a look of boredom on his face. "And here I thought you'd actually be a threat or something.."

Sora stared at him in shock. Did he just insult Maleficent to her face? It was then he realized Axel had never actually met Maleficent but had only heard about her from being in the organization.

Maleficent scowled.

"How DARE you mock me!" Maleficent snarled. "I am the Mistress of all evil!"

"'Mistress of Evil' huh? I'm guessing just locking us up in some room is being evil.. I've seen the organization do worse.."

Axel made a strangled grunt of pain as Maleficent tightly gripped his neck. Axel winced as he felt the burning sensation of green fire around his neck.

"You know nothing.." Maleficent growled. "You are a fool."

Axel tried to grab at her hand around his neck but found his arms could only move so far and he was finding in hard to breathe. Sora watched in horror and began to thrash at the chains holding him captive.

"Stop it!" Sora cried out.

Sora redoubled his efforts to try and break free, cringing as the rough metal began cut into his skin. Maleficent grinned darkly as Axel's struggling began to weaken. Axel continued to fight against her grip, soon managing to reach her arm with both hands. There was a flash of light as fire erupted from Axel's hands, causing Maleficent to let go in shock and pain. Axel hit the floor with a thud and he painfully gasped for air, trying to reach up to rub his neck, but couldn't reach it.

"How dare you defy me!?" Maleficent snarled.

Axel looked up, coughing painfully as Maleficent towered over him. Sora continued to fight against his restraints, the cuffs of the chains around Sora's wrists now stained a deep crimson red as the metal cut into him. The was a flash of green light and Sora froze as Axel's pain scream echoed throughout the room.


Author's Note: What will happen next? Review to find out..