"Once upon a time, there lived a handsome prince. He lived in a large castle, but he was very lonely. Do you know the prince's name, Hermione?"
"James!" the five year old squealed.
"Very good. Prince James fell in love with a common girl named Lily, but Lily had been promised to another."
"Sir Sev'rus!"
"Yes, Sir Severus. Lily ran away and married Prince James. He later became king. The pair had a son, Prince Harry."
"And the didn't live 'appily ever af'er cause Lord Voldemort came!"
"Yes, Lord Voldemort murdered our king and queen and stole their infant son. This is why we hide, Hermione. This is why we pretend to be people we're not. Do you understand?"
"We are commoners, we farm the land. King William and Princess are no more," Hermione recited. Her mother nodded.
"Good girl."
"Mama? What happened to Sir Sev'rus?"
"He betrayed the crown, was banished from the kingdom and hasn't been seen since." The little five year old frowned. Even at her young age something didn't make sense, but she couldn't figure out what exactly.
Sixteen year old Hermione pulled another potato from the soil. Her hands were dirty and her hair was sticking in every direction.
"Found another one," she called tossing it in the basket.
"Good girl. We almost have enough to sell." Hermione nodded. She saw something move at the edge of the field.
"Something's over there, I'm going to see what it is," she announced grabbing her small knife. She hoped it would be a rabbit. Meat would make a good dinner. She crept, her feet making almost no sound. She reached the edge of the field and froze.
"Mama! It's a boy! He's hurt," she screamed rushing to the body laying on the ground. Her mother covered the distance between them.
"Is he alive?" Hermione asked as her mother leaned over the boy.
"Yes, barely. Here, hold this," her mother handed her the potato basket. She picked up the boy carrying him back towards their small cottage. Hermione hurried to keep up. Her mother laid the boy on the floor by the hearth. Hermione watched as the boy opened his eyes, deep green eyes.
"Don't move," mother ordered the boy. Hermione brought her a damp rag and watched as her mother cleaned the dirt from the boy's face, revealing a small scar across his forehead.
"Hermione, bring me the blue bottle from next to the bathing tub." Hermione grabbed it handing it to her mother.
"Is he going to be alright?"
"I don't know." Carefully the boy was stripped to his underwear. "He has some minor cuts, but nothing too bad. Here, take the liquid from the bottle and pour it over any cuts. It will help prevent infection." Hermione nodded obeying her mother. The boy groaned slightly.
"It'll be alright," Hermione whispered touching his dark hair.
"I'm Hermione. What's your name?"
"H..Har...Harry." Hermione heard her mother drop the bottle. It thankfully didn't break.
"Did you say your name is Harry?"
"Yes, ma'am." Hermione looked at her mother's pale face.
"It can't be," she whispered staring at the boy. "Hermione, can you bring Harry one of your father's old tunics? It'll be a bit big, but he'll be warm." Hermione nodded darting off.
"Harry, my name is Minerva. That young girl is my daughter, Hermione. Do you know where you are?"
"I...No ma'am. I was running for a long time. I fell."
"Do you know your father's name?"
"My father's name is James," Harry answered as Hermione reentered the room handing Harry the tunic. Minerva helped him dress.
"He's exhaused Hermione, can you prepare him a bed, there should be some extra straw in the stable. Harry's going to be staying with us for the unforeseeable future. He is an orphan."