There was a stunned silence from the group after Izuku said what he said. "W-what?" Shinso stammered.
Izuku had his head down. "It makes sense, doesn't it? It's why he freaked out. It's why my Quirk relaxed when my Dad was around. He's… All For One…"
Todoroki looked back. "As someone who has a monster for a father as well, I can clearly say that you two are vastly different from each other," he responded.
"T-that… man… is your father!?" Momo exclaimed.
Izuku nodded. "I didn't know… but it makes sense. Look around us. The whole area is devastated, except for where we are. The blast avoided us," he explained.
"Trust me, it freaked me the fuck out as well. When the man behind the weirdos who just kidnapped you is your honorary uncle… how the fuck did my dad frighten him!?" Bakugou exclaimed.
The battle continued. Gran Torino, who had only just arrived, knocked out several of the villains who were looking at the spot where Izuku went. "Toshinori! You're too quick! And it seems like your student is here too!" Torino grinned at All For One. "And I bet you don't like that. Not. One. Bit," the old man smirked, before turning to All Might. "You know what I'm getting at, right?" he inquired.
"So… it seems like a quick, reckless move turned the tables… I would've preferred a more strategic move, but no matter." All For One activated Magne's Quirk, and used it to throw the members of the League into the portal he made. He then used his warping Quirk to teleport Torino into the path of All Might's fist, and redirected the force of the blow back at All Might.
"I'M SORRY, TORINO!" All Might grunted out, horrified that his former master had been hit like that.
"You see, All Might, I only came to save Tomura. But if it's a fight you want, I'll oblige you. You crushed one after another of my comrades, slowly making your way to me. Was the view from the mountain of sacrifices beautiful, All Might?" All For One mocked.
"DETROIT… SMASH!" All Might roared. All For One blocked it.
"And yet, in spite of the massive threat I pose to you and everyone in this city, you refuse to fight at your full power, since it will endanger the people you swore to protect," The Symbol of Evil pointed out.
"SHUT UP!" All Might roared. "YOU MOCK THE WEAK! YOU'RE ALWAYS TOYING WITH PEOPLE… PROBING THEIR WEAKNESSES… YOU STEAL, MANIPULATE, BREAK, AND DISCARD THEM! I WON'T LET YOU RUIN THEIR HAPPY LIVES!" he howled, punching All For One in the mask. "And you lie to everyone… even your wife and son. So much for a 'business trip', huh?" he whispered, mocking his opponent.
All For One twitched in fury, and looked up at his opponent, who was half Toshinori, half All Might, and sneered. "You know… I've heard that line before. The first one, that is. Nana Shimura spoke those words, did she not?"
The UA students, save Izuku, had left. He had instructed them to leave him here. They had protested, but Izuku had insisted. Izuku hadn't been able to look away… his father… and substitute father figure… were fighting to the death. He couldn't leave. How could he? Everyone else, however, was blending into the crowds.
"Well, All Might… you have quite a bit in common with Shimura Nana… that woman was an embarrassment to One For All… completely unable to live her dreams…"
"SHUT UP ABOUT HER AND KEEP HER NAME OUT OF YOUR FILTHY MOUTH!" All Might roared, punching down. All For One redirected the blast, flinging All Might towards a news copter. Torino caught him, however.
"This is just how it happened last time! He got under your skin, made you lose focus, and put a hole in your stomach! Can you still fight!?" Torino shouted.
"YES… YOUNG MIDORIYA GAVE ME FIFTEEN EXTRA MINUTES… BUT THAT'S RUNNING OUT TOO!" he gasped out. Torino was shocked, but nodded.
"Well… Tomura has done so much to chip away at how society sees heroes… so is it fair for me to put the final nail in the coffin? Well, I think it is, in this instant. You see, All Might… you can never hate me more than I hate you… you see… that day… six years ago…" All For One clenched his fists. They were trembling with rage. "You. Took. EVERYTHING. From me," he growled in a downright homicidal tone. "And you know what I mean. My empire? That is easily replaceable. It would take time, but I have that. What you unjustly STOLE from me is beyond measure… and I will sink Japan if I have to if that's what it would take to reclaim it!" he roared, charging another blast.
"Dodge!" Torino instructed.
"Not everyone is as fast as you are!" All For One spat. There was a civilian in the blast zone! Summoning what he could of One For All, he deflected the blow… but at a price.
"Now then… show the world how truely pitiful you really are… Symbol of Peace!" All For One snarled.
As the crowds and reporters tried to make sense of everything, Shinso had only one thing to say: "M-Mr. Toshinori is All Might?" he gasped.
Iida slowly pulled his head away. "W-what?" he asked.
"T-that's Yagi Toshinori… the homeroom teacher of class 1-C… and All Might's secretary… or so I thought… us General Studies kids were taught by All Might… just like the Heroics students… but we didn't know…" he stammered, shocked.
"And now, your true form is exposed for the entire world to see! So much for 'The Symbol of Peace'," All For One gloated. "Your move, All Might,"
"Even as my body rots… fails… and falls apart… in my heart… I'll always be the Symbol of peace!" Yagi Toshinori snarled.
"Is that so, All Might? If that's the case, I could just give up. If I cannot destroy your spirit, I have accomplished nothing. However, if I were to surrender, I'd like to impart one last bit of information to you. Tomura Shigaraki? He's Nana Shimura's grandson!" he declared. All Might's pupils shrank to pinpricks. "Ahh… I was wondering what would shatter your heroic heart so much… so I found him. I groomed him to hate you, and watched as you smiled so proudly as you beat your master's descendant!" All For One mocked.
All Might's jaw dropped. "T-that's a lie…" he gasped.
"Oh, come now, All Might. You know it's the truth. It's clearly something I'd do, is it not?" All Might's fist lowered. "And yet, you one-upped me on turning family against the other. Oh, and what's this? You're no longer smiling? Have I finally broken you? And with what? The truth about my disciple, or how you did something more villainous than what I did!?"
All Might was having a complete mental breakdown. "How would she feel if she could see us!?" he wailed. And then it happened.
"Don't… lose… All Might… we need you!" It was one of the civilians. She was in the line of fire, and badly wounded, yet she was cheering him on. That broke the dam. Soon, the crowds were roaring for him to defeat All For One.
Izuku decided to add in as well. "All Might! Beat him!" he roared, knowing that it would help All Might more than almost anything. All For One reared back as if struck.
"You stole my son from me…" All For One muttured under his breath.
Toshinori focused One For All into his right arm. "Thank you, young lady. I won't let him harm you anymore. You know, All For One… you're right. A hero has so much to protect in this world… which is why I will defeat you!" the Symbol of Peace roared in defiance.
Torino watched as All Might's right arm bulged. 'He should've run out of power long ago… it must be Midoriya's add-on… he's conserving it… but still… that deformed form doesn't look good…'
"So… there it is… the last gasps of your power. A wounded hero is one of the most frightening things I have encountered. I have been defeated only twice. Once by the Vigilante Heartthrob, who spared me because she thought I was a low-level lakey, and once by you. The defeat at your hands still brings me nightmares. That moment when you're charging at me, entrails strewn about. How many punches do you have left? Two? Three?" Before All Might could shoot back with a witty remark, a column of fire erupted around All For One.
"Are you fucking serious!? All this time… and you're nothing but a skinny little weakling?!" Endeavor roared. This was an outrage! This… thing… was the Symbol of Peace!?
Edgeshot also dropped in. "The Nomu are contained. We're here to provide support," he explained.
"Hmmm… those Nomu weren't my best work, but I'm impressed with your timing. Edgeshot, you show great dedication. No wonder you are so admired. And Endeavor… It really shows your dedication to being the best- at the expense of what truly matters. Tell me, are you aware that your bastard child still lives?" All For One mocked.
"SHUT UP!" Endeavor roared. He didn't need to hear that! He heard about who attacked the camp, and his potentially working tool!
All For One sighed. "If you're here to provide any form of support, I'd request that you leave. I'm not planning on killing any of you… except for Endeavor. After I'm through with All Might, I'll take you next!" he snarled.
From his hiding spot, Izuku remembered Endeavor's threat towards his mother at the sports festival. 'Dad must know about it' he thought.
"If you are here to collect the remaining heroes, feel free to do so. It would only make sense that the battle between me and All Might should remain clear," All For One stated. Kamuni Woods immediately rushed in, and grabbed the pros.
"You all came…" All Might gasped out, shocked that the other pros were risking their lives for him.
"We can't do much, but if we can help, even a little…" Tiger explained, fishing out the woman who had encouraged All Might, "Then we have fulfilled our duty!"
"Enough," All For One declared, firing a blast of compressed air at the ground. The blast shook everyone, although there were two eyes: One where All For One was, and one where Izuku was. "I used the shockwaves to tire you out. They wouldn't kill you. However… this will." The smoke cleared, and everyone gasped at the massive, deformed right hand All For One was sporting. "I know that you're fighting me with a ghost! I know you passed One For All onto my son! That Quirk has put him through hell and back! And he's here! You obviously have as much control as I did when it came to getting him to eat his greens! You'll die here, All Might, full of regrets! And not only as a hero, but as a teacher!" With that, the two titans clashed. Fortunately, none of the pros had heard anything All For One had said.
"You're right… I failed as a teacher! I didn't reprimand him for coming here! Therefore, I'll win for him!" Toshinori roared. However, All For One's use of the impact recoil Quirk made all of his bones break in his arm.
"So… how does it feel to have your bones broken after using One For All? How does it feel to know the pain you put Izuku through!?" All For One growled.
"I don't care… I will do as my master did for me! I won't die until I have finished training Young Midoriya! Until then…" All Might dodged the blow, and pushed One For All into his left arm. "I REFUSE TO DIE!" he roared.
"I miscalculated…" All For One muttured, slightly reeling from the blow. "That style of attack wasn't like you… you're picking up my son's habits of unpredictability! You're still still weak!" the Symbol of Evil mocked.
"That's because… I didn't put my back into it at that time!" Yagi roared, clenching his right hand into a fist. The full power of One For All was in his arm at that moment. "Goodbye… All For One!" Toshinori grunted, punching him in the face. "UNITED… STATES OF… SMMMAAAAASSSSSHHHHHHHH!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, forcing All For One into the ground. The force of the punch created a truly massive tornado around them. 'Goodbye… One For All…' Yagi thought to himself, feeling the last embers going out… save for one. It was only giving off a faint black light… but it was still there. He immediately knew that was from when Izuku had healed him.
The smoke cleared around the battle zone. Toshinori was dripping blood, severely weakened, and barely able to stand. All For One, however… was unconscious. Yagi slowly raised his hand up… and gave a thumbs-up. The reporter in the helicopter was openly sobbing. "All Might wins!" he declared, voice full of emotion. The crowds were cheering. "The villain is unconscious! All Might is still standing! He's done it! All Might beat him!" the reporter continued. Toshinori tried to turn into his muscled form, and to his surprise, he still could. 'Thank you, Izuku,' he thought to himself. He raised his fist into the air.
"He shouldn't push himself…" Edgeshot observed, worried for his fellow pro.
"Let him be. This is his last job. It's his final act as the Symbol of Peace," Gran Torino stated.
Endeavor was watching and celebrating internally. 'With All Might out of the way, I'll be Number One at last!' he thought gleefully. 'But… how did he know… about that failure…'
As this was going on, the citizens were chanting all over Japan. "All Might! All Might! All Might! All Might!" they shouted as one, fists raised.
Rescue operations began almost immediately. All For One was led into a holding area, and would be shipped to Tataurus. As the reporting was going on, All Might pointed towards the camera. "Now… now it's your turn…" he gasped out.
At this, the citizens resumed cheering, thinking he was warning other criminals. However, Izuku knew what All Might meant. Toshinori was telling him that he had used up everything he had, and it was up to him now. 'All Might… I won't let you down… I'll become the new Symbol of Peace… and the world's greatest Hero!' Izuku thought to himself, crying.
At UA, the teachers who were watching the battle let out a sigh of relief. "He won… All Might won…" Vlad King gasped out in relief.
"Indeed. However, it appears that several of my students decided to engage in their own rescue operation," Aizawa scowled.
"Now now, Aizawa, don't be like that. They obviously used strategy in their efforts," Nezu reprimanded. "And they had permission. From me." Everyone turned to him. "Officially, I couldn't do anything. Unofficially? I told them to give the villains hell, and it appears they have done so. Katsuki Bakugou is safe, and none of the students are harmed. In fact, had Midoriya not pulled that stunt, I daresay that All Might may have lost the battle. Therefore, you are not to punish them, Aizawa. Do you understand?"
Aizawa grumbled. "I understand, sir."