I do not Own RWBY or Transformers, this fanfiction is only made for entretainment
Chapter 11: The badge and the Burden
The night after they were given their teams Weiss could be heard voicing her opinions of Bumblebee being the only boy in a team of only girls, and she was kind of treating him that if he did something to her that she would personally strangle him
To everyone's surprise when she told all of that he just pointed at himself confused, clearly not knowing or understanding what Weiss was even talking about, so what he did was just to change into his sleep wear in the bathroom and after that he laid down on his bed fatly falling asleep
Weiss was still frustrated with Bee and Ruby, but decided to ignore it for the night
Hours later Bee woke up scared, after having the same nightmare of last time, he was confused, and he remembered how his body changed from human to giant Robot, just like the one he saw in his dream but with actual car parts he has seen, Bee noticed that everyone was still asleep and it was quite early still, so he took a shower as silently as he can changed into his uniform, and walked away to try and get some breakfast for his team
Hours later the sun had raised and it was a calm and bright morning as, Weiss is seen sleeping on her bed, she wakes up and she sits up and yawns, Ruby gets closer to Weiss and she blows her Whistle scarring Weiss making her fall of her bed
"Gah!" she scream as she fell
"Goooood morning team RWBBY!" Ruby said with a smile
"What in the world is wrong with you?" asked Weiss
"Now that You're awake we can officially begin our first order of business" Said Ruby with a smile
"Excuse me?" asked Weiss confused
"Decorating!" said Yang with a smile with a lot of stuff on her arms and Blake on her side
"What?" asked Weiss
"We still have to unpack." Explained Blake, Bumblebee was entering the room with trays of food, and when he entered he saw Blake's Luggage opened, with everything inside of it fell on the floor "And clean." She finished after that happened, Bee placed the food on a nearby desk
Weiss was unimpressed, and Ruby blow her whistle once again, making fall to the ground startle
"Alright! Weiss, Blake, Bee, Yang, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun the first mission. Banzai!" she said with a grin with an arm in the air
"Banzai!" Scream Yang and Blake with happiness doing the same behind Ruby,
Bumblebee was looking at them as he is eating his cereal and then does the same motion the other three did with a smile as he keeps munching on the cereal, and the four of then turned slightly to the right
Weiss was still on the ground and she simply sigh at all of this
Once with Weiss fully clothed, everyone started moving everything around Yang putting posters and Weiss putting paintings, and Blake was putting her books on the bookshelf but when she grabbed a book with the title of ninjas of love she panicked and had it closed to her chest, once finished, they look at what they have done and they saw it was a huge mess, but Bee's corner where his bed and stuff is looks much better than whatever they did
"This isn't going to work." Said Weiss
"It is a bit cramped." Commented Blake
"Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff." Said Yang,
Bee is sitting on his bed eating an apple with a smile as he looks at them wondering what they would do
"Or we could ditch the beds." Ruby gasped "An replace them with bunk beds!" she said with happiness
"Um, that sounds incredibly dangerous." Commented Weiss to Ruby's idea
"And super awesome!" Said Yang with excitement in her voice
"It does seems efficient." Added Blake
Bee shrugged, he wasn't that interested in their plans but he was willing to help them out if they needed it, and true to what Yang and Blake said, the bunk beds where perfect
"Well, we should put it to a vote." Said Weiss
They all turned to look at Bumblebee and they saw him calmly eating,
"Ha, I think we just did."
he nodded at them and gave thumbs up, Blake gave a thumbs up too, Yang putted her fingers like if she was in a rock and roll concert, and Weiss looked at Ruby angrily
They suddenly moved, and lots of construction noises could be heard once finished they were all standing in front of the door and ruby said
"Objective complete!" Ruby smiled
A bed was being held by ropes from the ceiling while the other was supported by a bunch of books that Blake owned, Bee was unsure about the structure of the bunk beds but he was the one that made the numbers and deduced that the beds would be usable for now, they just needed to tight up the ropes once each month and for the books to make sure they don't move until they get the wood they need
"Alright, our second order of business is!..." she said with happiness before she found herself on her bed with an open notebook on her lap "classes… Now, we have a few classes together today. At 9:00 we've gotta be-"
Bee's eyes widened when he looked at his scroll and he started walking out of the door, and once outside he heard how Weiss yelled at the others because it was already 8:55, Be started running as fast as he could and he was being followed by Weiss far behind, the other three girls poked their heads out of the door, as the members of their sister team, Team JNPR poked their head out
"Uhh, t-t-to, to class!" Ruby said as they entered back inside the room and ran after them,
Team JNPR fell on each other and Jaune got up before starting to run saying "we're gonna be late!"
Outside Ozpin and Glynda are seen walking and they see Team RWBBY and JNPR running to their class with Bumblebee extremely ahead of his friends, as they see them running, Glynda just looked at her watch and Ozpin simply sipped coffee from his mug
"Monsters! Demons… Prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names. But I, merely refer to them as prey" Peter Port , and old teacher with a large mustache was talking to his students
Ruby could be heard snoring, Weiss can be seen writing, Bee is sitting between Yang and Weiss and Blake is besides Yang
The man laugh when he finished his sentence and this made Ruby wake up, nobody was impressed by the man, and so he continued "Uhh, and you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy. Now as I was saying, Vale as well as the other three kingdoms are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world. Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces. And that's where we come in. Huntsman! Huntresses…" clicking of the tongue could be heard as he winked at Yang
"uhh…." Yang simply said not knowing what to do or say
"Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves. From what you ask? Why…. The very world!" Peter said
Bee just keep looking at the man unimpressed, and every student heard a boy exclaim with happiness "Eyyy-yeah!" and when he finished he sat back down, Be chuckled slightly as he rolled his eyes
"That is what you are trying to become. But first, a story" Peter said and he started talking, Bee by the point he said story he had already tuned out the man's voice and he could only hear him go "blah, blah blah" he sigh softly and he turned to look at his fellow Teammates, he could see Ruby scribbling something on a piece of paper
Bee saw how Weiss also noticed and then ignored Ruby to pay attention again to Professor Port, Bee just keep ignoring the man, Weiss then looked at Ruby when she heard her giggling, Weiss turned to and Ruby showed her drawing of a very childish looking and really fat Professor Port
Bee when he saw the drawing he started chuckling, with Yang and Ruby laughing, as Weiss looks at Ruby angrily
Peter clears his throat and everyone in team RWBY turned to look at him, he had an eyebrow raised, before he continued, and then he does a Bow, Bee interested starts listening to the man as he looks at Weiss and Ruby
"The moral of this story? A true huntsman must be honorable." Said Peter, Be could see Ruby holding a book with a pencil that was standing on one finger with an apple on top, Bee also watches as Weiss seems to be getting more angry, "A true huntsman must be dependable" the man continued as Ruby can now be seen sleeping slightly, "A true huntsman must be strategic… Well-educated… and wise" Peter said and as he said that Bee could see how Ruby picks her nose with her pointer finger, he was more confused and he saw Weiss angrily shaking in her spot, and so he moved away a bit, "So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?" Port finally asked
Weiss' hand shoots up "I do sir-!"
"Well then, let's find out." Peter said as growling could be heard from a cage nearby "step forward, and face your opponent."
Autors note:
Hello everyone!, welcome back!, here is chapter 11, i hope you guys like it