Disclaimer: I don't own Sonic the Hedgehog and Dragonball Z

This is my another crossover of Sonic and Dragonball. Because I love Sonic but my favourite is Tails, because he's cute and base on a mythology known as Kitsune a famous nine tails fox. Although this just a AU world that Tails is a God of Destruction. So anyway, I'd hope you will enjoy this story.

Prologue: Introduction

Miles Prower, the next line and candidate as the new God of Destruction. He's already complete so many training and understand his ability without getting his way. Ever since he was little that he was abandon, afraid, and being bully by those people who hate him so much, because of his twin tails since he was born with it. Miles was once afraid and lonely when he met one of the angel name Vod, who found him and train him to become the next God of Destruction as the name candidate since the original owner was no more and already erase since what happened long ago.

Vod is his master and he taught him everything about material art and how to use godly power to withstand any opponent in clear distance. Even though his master is far stronger and much more advance from what he didn't expected that he thought he can over rank him, but he admit he wasn't strong against Verm. By the time he done so many training and withstand his ability. He endure his training to make himself stronger and much advance in each years since Vod taught him everything. Until he met other God of Destruction in different Universe that some of them makes fun of them, and make s joke of his tails. And yet he love that name, Tails, a perfect nickname since he hate that name Miles Prower, since everyone make a pun 'Miles per hour' since the gathering and yet he made the Grand Priest, when everyone bow down in front of them, and meeting with Omni-King Grand Zeno, the highest and greatest of them all. And no one shouldn't make a mess of him, that he could erase them, since that what happen long ago from Tails predecessor long ago.

Tails is already hate the others God of Destructions, who making a mess out of him, including those who hate them the most are Beerus and his twin Champa from Universe 6 and 7 and both of them got their own angels name Whis and Vados. Although he admire them both, but he proud to have Vod to be at his side, as a family to him to understand everything for becoming a God of Destruction.

He enjoy making fun on several species, and enjoying those lovely foods so that he can down a hatch. Yet, most food were terrible since he decide to 'erase' or 'destroy' the planets for good. Some time he battle against many stronger opponent, but Tails is highly advance against any stronger opponent including false god as well. But there is one planet, he did enjoy himself, his birth world, Mobius who stand to believe call Earth, the alternative name since Vod found the name of that planet with his staff. That Earth and Mobius are the same catalogue. Tails have decide to step foot and see that planet is gain higher advance and hoping there is enjoyable food so that he can taste it, if not, then he can destroy the planet for good.

But many species believe he's cute and adore, but he have to admit from what they have spoken about it. Because he have yellowish-orange fur with white and his blue eyes as well. But once he arrive at Mobius and yet he will already met his fate, a battle between three most powerful being on that system name Sonic the Hedgehog along with Shadow the Hedgehog and Silver the Hedgehog, that he would enjoy it to see their power, if they can withstand against his Destruction's power that all Mobian will bring fear upon a God of Destruction's wrath and power. That Miles/Tails of Universe 20 of Multiverses will bring Destruction of the planet Mobius, and thus the battle is already begin now.

This is just a prologue, okay. A prologue introduction that Tails is a prime and new God of Destruction. I know that many people make funny memes believe that Tails is Liquiir, but it not or just a plain funny memes suggestion that Liquiir got two tails, just like Tails from Sonic world. But this is AU world that Tails is a God of Destruction, and that would be all.

Also that Vod is an Angel was name after a pun alcohol name call Vodka, a colour drink from what it said, so that I thought name after a drink is still pun name. Whis base on Whisky and Beerus is base on Beer for example. That Vod is a Polish and Russian drink called Vodka - an alcohol drink. That Vod is an Angel OC character.

Anyway, the next story is going to take a while, you know chapter and everything. And please mess on my writing. look at my profile, while you look at it, thanks you.