Sorry this is late theres a lot on my plate as of late, for you guys I present the next chapter to whatever the hell I ended up naming this story I totally forgot don't get me wrong I like were its going and all but i have like seven different names for this in my head.
Well now for the music i had going on in the background while writing this.
Gemini by Tyla Yaweh, I cant pronounce his name but I listened to this and I was in a different state if mind and getting a rather seductive dance. It was great and a story for another time
Stay by Mac Miller, I spent a good portion pondering his lyrics for example when it goes will you stay just a little while. Is it "Will you stay, just a little while?" Or is it "Will you stay?" "Just a little while" like was it Mac asking a question? Or was it Mac asking a question and getting a response? I'll let y'all ponder like I have.
Secrets by The Weeknd, I dont know but it just be hitting hard like it bring up memories I smile on yet frown at it weird and I ain't saying I made memories with the song just that it brings up memories.
ZEZE but like the Denzel Curry remix that has been real good like real real good.
The way Things Change by Yellow Days has been good.
Florida Thang and Superman is dead and Void by Pouya has been keeping me on fire at the gym. Especially one part I really like in void which I'm wondering you guys could guess.
None of these songs are in a specific order at all and I do recommend them to you all. Give them a try and come back to me and tell me what you thought? Maybe you hated it all or liked it all. Or yo all just ignored this and it was point less. Its all right I know a few do read.
But yeah Read and review folks tell me where I can fix my writing or my flow and feedback is constructive feedback y'all dig.
Here's a fun fact about me on the side.
"I SlabKing love me some Coconut water"
"Ughhhhh" Naruto groaned as he attempted to open his eyes only to be met with a splitting headache along with the whole room spinning cause him to clench his eyes shut in attempt to center himself. For now he would rely on other sense.
The smell of the room was rather Abhorrent, a mix of the smell of a hot Sauna and rotting animal carcass, bot a smell he had experienced one from his time at gyms when on shore leave and the other from a campaign his company along with six others had taken part of on a farming planet were a band of Marauders know as children of the void and descend upon the planet and set farms ablaze and slaughtered livestock and enslaved people all in the name of their Void god.
The room tasted hot, the only thing Naruto was willing to taste not wanting to drag his tongue across something, he was crazy but he wasn't insane yet.
The room was oddly quite, aside from the sound of water droplets pattering on the ground at a steady pace along with the sound of air escaping pipe some were nearby.
Naruto once more attempted to slowly open his eyes his vision now significantly better. The back of his head throbbed with a dull pain as he took in his surroundings. The room was basked by the orange dull or emergency lights. The room was covered in the same black biomass that the Mess hall had been covered in. Naruto looked around some more to see bodies of the civilians stuck to the walls and ceilings with Face Huggers attached to them.
"How the fuck did I get here?" Questioned Naruto as the memories came flooding back as he made eye contact with a few hunters attached to the wall opposite side of the room.
A few hours ago... roughly a few hours
Naruto opened fire on the entrance cutting down Xenomorphs that attempted to run through the entrance.
But Naruto was suddenly flanked by the aliens from before, their armors and weapons rusted attempting to skewer Naruto. Quickly crouching before rolling forward before continuing to fire upon the entrance.
"HEY GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS!" Yelled Naruto as he parried a slash from one of the Hunters wrist blades with his pulse rifle. The blades cut into the barrel of the pulse rifle making it once more useless when it was most needed. Naruto quickly dislodged it from the Hunters wrist blade before swinging his pulse rifle like a bat into the Hunters face before one more dodging another slash.
By this time the rest of the hunters were engaged with the kiande amedha that had started pouring through. The unblooded rushed forward intent on killing Naruto even though they were putting their battle brothers and blooded hunters in danger.
Naruto dodged another slash from the hunter that he was fighting but before he could reach for his Scattergun, Naruto was struck in the back in the head knocking him out. The unblooded hunters descended upon the human ready to finish him off but were stopped.
The Large xenomorph that Naruto had thought he had killed came charging through the door and into the group of unblooded hunters launching them into the area around the bio dome. Some slamming into the ground or trees.
Back to Naruto
Naruto shook his head as he looked around to see what to do. Naruto noticed a knife in the boot sheath of one of the soldiers near him that was to his right. Naruto reached out and gripped the knife before he started to cut away at the black biomass. Naruto had cut away at the bio mass freeing himself from the wall that caused him to plummet to the ground. Naruto slowly pulled himself up before giving himself a quick physical.
"Alright both legs, arms head and balls, I'm good" spoke Naruto aloud as he checked his gear. Naruto had his headset along with handguns and a few spare magazines along with a fistful of shells and two grenades. His Scattergun gun was missing and probably still loaded some where down wherever they were. Naruto looked up towards the Hunters to see them staring back at him.
There was nine of them. Six of them were the same six attempted to overpower and kill him. These six had rusted armor and weapons and were over all under equipped. Of the six, four were female and two were male. An odd think Naruto had decide to notice.
the next two were heavily armored males. Their armor and weapons were noticeably in better condition and of better quality. These hunters seemed to be calmer compared to the other six that seemed to be on the verge of panic.
'Probably Veterans and these six are fresh recruits' thought Naruto to himself as he looked at the last one.
Another female with the lightest armor he had seen so far and if he could guess was a scout. Naruto walked forward and climbed his way up the wall towards the female with the scout armor.
The Yooman had figured a way to free himself. A prey species escaped before the ultimate hunters of the universe. The Yooman seemed to shock its gear before looking over at them. The Yooman seemed to be deciding their fate. The Yooman made its way towards their side of the wall and climbed up towards her before staring into her bio mask. She she had changed her vision mod into something similar to the humans. She took in his features. The Yooman's face was covered in scratches and cuts. Its eyes were as blue as a plasma caster shot. The Yooman seemed to stare into her own eyes before raising its blade.
'This is how it ends... May Paya guide my soul into the great beyond after my dhi'ki-de' the Huntress stared directly at her killer letting the Yooman know she would not go down easily.
Naruto cut away at the female's bio mass binding her. Naruto jumped down landing next to her before standing up. The female fell to the ground before quickly recovering and getting into a combat stance waiting for Naruto to make the first move.
'He had let her live? The Yooman had spared her life and in extension her comrades life, but why?' but before she could continue her internal turmoil the Yooman flipped the knife and grabbed it by the blade before offering it to her by the handle.
Not knowing what to do she reached out slowly before getting a grip on the handle and pulling it back from his now open grasp.
"Were even now" he spoke before turning around and leaving the hunters.
Back in Communications.
Communications was in turmoil, Asuma was on the verge of cutting loses and getting him and the civilians off this world, for his men and woman it was set up contact with civilians and offer assistance, not make contact with aliens and have three injured Marines and lose one twice who for all he knew was dead this time.
Lee, Tenten and Neji had return from their mission missing one of their members and covered in cuts and scratches along with Neji having acid burns in he chest piece and Lee possibly having a broken ankle and from what Asuma could see with Tenten clutching her arm could be broken or dislocated, Shikamaru quickly gotten to work on them and not a moment to soon because as soon as he had pulled them all towards the infirmary, Communications was assaulted on all side by the Xenomorphs the Ginger woman had told them about.
Communications had three entrance two underground entrances from the outside that lead into Communications. one that lead towards the motor pool and the other towards the landing pad that was currently occupied by wreckage of a cargo ship that had not been able to take off. The main entrance connected communications with the rest of the building.
Communications had been secured to the best of their abilities. The main entrance had a sand bag wall along with two auto turrets one on each side of the door tearing Xenomorphs into acidic bits.
But as the rest of Alpha Company kept the horde away from Communications, Asuma was currently attempting to make contact with Naruto.
"Alpha Nine do you read me this is Alpha one... Naruto can you Hear me?" Asuma slapped the console and decide to deal with the problem at hand as he reached for his Pulse Rifle before turning away from the center console.
"Alpha one this is ZZZZTZZZTTZ nine, making way to ZZZTZZTTZZ I'm Oscar Mike over" it was Naruto! The transmission may have been jumbled but it was him. However, Asuma never heard him and Naruto only kept up his radio silence.
"PRIVATE ABURAME! FIND US A GOOD LZ AND SET UP A BEACON WERE PULLING OUT OF HERE" Asuma knew damn well this decision would haunt him for the rest of his life, if he even got out of this one, what mattered now was getting out what was left of his Marines.
Now while the rest of Alpha company held of the Xenomorphs assaults and figured out the best course of action for escaping, Naruto on the other hand was making his way through the Ant hill.
Naruto had been once more cut off from the rest of the company thrown in an unknown area with broken equipment and to top it off weapon less aside from his handgun and combat knife that he knew wouldn't do jack shit and a snow ball had a better chance in hell then he did stabbing one of the acidic fuckers to death. He could attempt to stab the walking lizards to death but remembering how the last fight went he knew this would would be worse and last time he was armed!
Speaking of armed, Naruto was currently tracking down his Scattergun with the locator that went to the beacon that was hidden inside the Scatterguns grip.
Naruto's pistol, a simple thing but useful in those tighter situations that he knew the scattergun was of no use. Sounds strange doesn't it? A shotgun not being useful at close range. Well when things get to close and you cant swing that shotty around then that when either the Pew Pew pistola kicks in or the good ol fashion knife, a shiv or shank was also a good substitute for the knife but not the best, but if none of those are available, then a near by item can be used as a makeshift club or shank. However, theres always your handy dandy fist-tu-cuffs, may not be great but sometimes you cant beat a classic. Well unless that classic hits something harder then bone.
Naruto looked down to his small tracker no bigger than a tube of mini M&Ms that had a small screen that displayed the distance between it and the tracker and gave off a ping when going in the right direction.
In Naruto's own words he was basically playing a very dangerous game of hot and cold in some damp and moist, black bio mass that infected the walls, floor and ceiling of this once great building.
'Okay greats pushing it for a building, sex is great, shit even amazing in some instances, but not this building or on this building would it be great' thought Naruto as he made his way towards his scattergun.
Launching himself off to a side room before sliding under the table.
The footsteps sounded rather metallic in nature, almost if someone was walking around in a loader? Naruto stood up from his hiding spot and slowly made his way towards the door. What greater his sight was rather awesome.
It seemed to be like a loader, standing about two feet of a normal one he guessed. The loader had a completely enclosed chassis made of metal with a glass viewing port. It was a gun metal grey with yellow wearing sings plastered on various parts. The loader also seemed to carry around a large flamethrower on its left arm that with closer inspection seemed to be fed by tub connected to its back that said napalm in bold red letters. On the other arm the Loader carried a twenty millimeter Vulcan cannon that also had its ammo attached to the back. Naruto also noticed the Loader seemed to be holding the weapons with what seemed to be hands, the weapons also seemed to be droppable.
"Soldiers of the future... shit at least I don't need batteries" spoke Naruto aloud and immediately regretted it as the Loader turned towards him and took aim.
"Combat Loader B321... IDENTIFY YOURSELF OR BE MET WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE" the combat loader aimed its weapons at Naruto as it waited for his response.
"Corporal Uzumaki USCM Alpha company, were here to rescue civilians" spoke Naruto slowly as he got ready to dash in case B321 didn't like his response.
"Combat Loader B321 acknowledges USCM Corporal Uzumaki as currently commanding officer due to being only highest ranking personnel in immediate area... Awaiting orders" The Combat loader seemed to stare back at him.
"B321, report your ammo percentage" Asked Naruto as he stepped around B321 as he pulled his tracker out before getting his bearings again.
"Vulcan Cannon reserve ammunition- 67%... C7Z MK34 Napalm thrower reserve ammunition- 13%"
"Alright... lets find my Scattergun and find you a ammo dump down here... where ever we are" spoke Naruto as he continued to play hot and cold as the combat loader followed him.
The Yautja that we're currently navigating the labyrinth that was the serpents lair. The Yautja had to resort to sticking to the shadows and avoiding the larger serpents in fear of being overpowered and forced to bear an abomination.
To add to the growing pile of problems, they were also avoiding the bad bloods that were on this world and in the labyrinth with them.
And to top it off, the patrolling mechanized machine that had spewed death at all that got near, including a group of bad blood that had been cut down by its main gun.
"Do you think the Yooman is dead yet sister?" Spoke the one of the heavily armored males as he took point making sure it was clear before heading forward.
"Paya knows the Yooman only had his side arm, he's as good as dead" spoke the huntress as they made their way up a flight of stairs. The hunter was about to ask another question but was cut off by
WITH NARUTO 15 minutes earlier
Naruto along with B321 had arrived at the armor station for the killer mech and Naruto quickly got to work on topping off the ammo supplies for B321. After that Naruto scrounged around the armor station searching for spare shells for his now retrieved Scattergun. But luck seemed to be on his side.
Naruto had busted open a rather suspicious locker and was rewarded.
A rare worn and well used but not mistreated RE45 automatic handgun greeted Naruto's sight. The pistol looked like it seen better days but after closer inspection Naruto saw that it was in near perfect condition and better yet was loaded and had a few extra mags and a simple holster accompanied it. Naruto quickly added it to his meager arsenal but as he pocked his extra mags he noticed something else. Under the RE45 was something metal. Searching through the locker more produce yet another weapon that he feared could shatter his wrist if improperly wielded. An old weapon as well and in mint condition.
A Smith & Wesson model 500 Bone collector. An all black gun with the ammo cylinder being Crome with a custom wooden grip. A beautiful sight to behold but the bitch was heavy and only had seven shots, six already loaded and one just sitting their. How odd but how's no the time. Naruto found a holster for this to and quickly clipped it to the only open spot on him. His chest, were Buddy went, hope buddy wouldn't mind.
After the armory was cleared to the best of his ability Naruto and B321 made their way out with B321 hot on his heel but as they walked Naruto spoke.
"Alright B, were going to look for some friends of mine and under any circumstances your not allowed to shoot unless I say otherwise alright?" The mech didn't respond but seemed to ready it weapons. Naruto turned around to see this and thought that B321 was about to turn on him but this was proven false.
Naruto turned around once more and saw seven aliens different ones from before, these seemed to have some kind of red war paint and seemed almost feral, but as Naruto was about to yell at them a blue pall of flaming plasma was fired straight at him which he barely dodged and had missed by a monkeys nut hair.
"B321 ENGAGE!" Yelled Naruto as he himself charged forward with Scattergun in hand. Three seemed to focus on firing at the Combat loader and keeping it fire focused on them while the rest charged forward.
A thinner Yautja was the first to get with in CombiStick striking reach and readied to spear Naruto to the ceiling but was mistaken that the Naruto would be an easy kill. Naruto dropped to the floor and slid under the initial thrust and gave back his feedback to the terrible attack with one of his own with buckshot firing right into the Yautja's mask. The Yautja recoiled in pain and was thanking Paya that his Biomask had taken most of the damage, but as he recovered Naruto fired another shell into the back of the hunters head causing the Biomask to fly off its face with bits of gore sticking to it.
"COVERING FIRE" yelled Naruto as he dived towards B321 as the combat loader fired a barrage from its Vulcan Cannon killing two of the charging Yautja, the other consider themselves lucky as they tucked into a roll to avoid the gunfire but were instead met by a stream of napalm.
Naruto had stood up and turned around in time to witness the Yautja being barbecued alive.
The last two Yautja had decide to cut their losses and attempted to flee the scene with their tails tucked between their legs. But before they could the original group that Naruto had been trapped down here with appeared and cut them down.
Naruto seemed oddly fascinated as the bad bloods were held down and rather violently executed, it also had proved his hunch right of them being feral in a way or a rival faction.
"B321, hold fire and analyze them, these are friendlies" spoke Naruto simply as he looked around to take note of the carnage the combat loader had been apart of.
'Wouldn't of minded these on the frontlines during Operation Fallout, month of trench's and jungles wouldn't have been week with a few of these around'
"Friendlies will need classification to avoid friendly fire" the Combat loader had pulled Naruto out of his train of thought and looked at B321.
"... Hunters... or... Naw will stick with Hunters" spoke Finn as he looked back over towards the hunters. The female from before seemed to cock her head to the side as she clenched her hands open and closed as if she was anticipating a fight now that he had made a friend... but she seemed more like a curios kid watching a dock worker, for the first time. But Naruto only nodded in response as he motioned for B321 to follow.
Naruto's next objective now was to return to Communications and link up with his Platoon to see if they could possibly get exfil off the planet. But as he looked for any possible marker or map to give him a sense of direction but before he could get far in his search a man seemed to emerge from the shadows which startled Naruto causing him to aim his Scattergun straight at him.
"Who the hell are you?" Asked Naruto, as B321 turned his cannon on Naruto.
"My name is , and it is unwise to point weapons at me in front of my creation" spoke the man know as Orochimaru who was currently wearing a navy blue jumpsuit along with a lab coat and a pair of reading glasses.
Well that took a turn