I do not own the characters here in the story. I just included some OCs to make the plot more interesting...? At least I hope it did. Thank you Cassandra Clare for making such amazing characters :) #saveshadowhunters
After hearing a few rings from his phone he quickly answered the call, "Please tell me you have something."
"As a matter of fact, we do," Jace's voice echoed.
"We also know why Magnus got taken," Izzy said over the phone.
Alec placed the phone in speaker mode just in time for Nicole to sit on the other couch in front of him, "Okay. Spill."
DAY 4.2
"So that's how it is..." Jace finished telling his parabatai everything they've found so far. He waited for a few minutes but there was no reply or reaction from the other person on the phone. He got worried, "Alec...?"
"Yeah... I'm here..." the voice was shaky. The blond knew that the other man must be shocked about the new information about his boyfriend. Alec knew that he still has a lot to know about Magnus' past but to withhold this kind of information from him.
"Listen, we will keep trying to pinpoint Magnus' exact location so you stay put and just be ready to go when he have a ping big brother," Izzy said before ending the call.
"Why'd you hang up suddenly like that?" Jace argued.
The raven haired woman rolled her eyes, "You and I full know well that Alec needs this time to absorb the information. Heck you and I couldn't believe what we just read ourselves! It took us a few minutes before calling Alec."
Jace sighed as he scratched his hair in frustration, "We need to find him fast."
Izzy nodded, "That we do."
"I mean how could he leave out that part of his life to me?" Alec asked no one in particular.
Nicole observed the shadowhunter who was clearly in distress. She didn't know what to say in that moment but she had to tell him something related to the newly acquired information. "I knew," she confessed.
The young man quickly looked at the other occupant of the room, "W-What?"
She sipped her cup of coffee, "I knew that about Magnus."
"Why didn't you tell me?!" Alec practically shouted in frustration. His patience was running out and now he was releasing his anger towards her. He knew that he shouldn't but he couldn't help him. Not after finding out that she knew about the Silver Hunters.
"Did you honestly think that Magnus could take them down by himself?" she answered with a question.
"You mean... you were there?"
"I fought by his side," she clarified, "They were killing Downworlders. No one was ready to take their chances to confront there but Magnus. He gave a very persuasive speech so he faced the organization with me and four more other people. Some of them you may know about. If I remember correctly, I can only recall Camille Belcourt, Ragnor Fell, Theresa Gray, and Catarina Loss."
"But how come only Magnus' name is specifically mentioned in our database?" he asked the woman.
Nicole sighed, "He was our leader. And he is personally acquainted with Luxrov before everything went wrong."
"Luxrov was Magnus' lover."
"So why am I here Luxrov?" Magnus glared at the man with silvery hair that was towering over him.
The man just stared at first before smirking, "I told you didn't I? I'll come back for you."
The warlock rolled his eyes in disbelief, "You and I both know that what we had would never would've ended if only you didn't decide to kill everyone that threatened your position on my side."
Magnus knew then that the people, the Downworlders, that were killed was because they either had a close relationship with him or is powerful enough to be his equal in power. He was blind at first to everything that Luxrov has been doing for the first few kills. But as time went on, he had noticed something amiss whenever he was together with the taller man. It took the attempted assassination of Ragnor that Magnus decided to talk to Luxrov about everything the man has been doing.
"And then you left me," Luxrov commented.
The cat-eyed warlock laughed, "You were beyond saving then. You were trying to do some forbidden arts for who knows what."
"I was only doing it for you."
"To hell with that reason!" Magnus yelled, "You've only thought about yourself, you selfish prick. Honestly, I don't even know what I saw in you."
The taller man chuckled, "You said that you liked how I looked."
"So are you gonna tell me your secret evil plans now or what?" Magnus questioned with sarcasm.
"Don't you watch movies? After capturing the protagonist, the bad guys mostly spill their evil plans. Besides, I only know that you're trying to mess with black magic. You never did tell me what the hell those lives you took were for," the warlock stared at the other man carefully.
"Don't be melodramatic. You'll know soon enough," the silver-haired man turned to walk away. But before he did he grinned, "But let's just say, it's time for some payback to the Shadowhunters."
With a click the door of the windowless room that he was in closed and left him alone. Magnus never understood the thinking of people like Luxrov. From what he knows, Luxrov may be attempting something like independence or revenge against the Shadowhunters for the mistreatment over the years. He leaned back to the cemented walls and decided to preserve his magic for now just in case.
"Please be safe, my dearest Alexander..."
"Please be safe, my dearest Alexander..."
Alec jerked up and looked around the room to see any traces of his boyfriend, "I swear I thought I heard his voice just now..." He shook his head and stood up to look at the time.
4 a.m.
He sighed before collapsing back at the make-shift bed. He couldn't help but keep on worrying over his warlock. He knows that Magnus is strong enough to protect himself but he also knows that being strong doesn't mean that he neither can't get hurt nor did it mean that he cannot die. Magnus' magic isn't also eternal. The more Alec thought of how Magnus suffered in the hands of other people - Downworlder and Shadowhunter alike, his heart pounded louder and louder.
"Surprised to see you up this early." Nicole emerged from her room with her raven hair tied up like a bun. She was wearing some blue pajamas with sleeping cute porcupine as the design and a big "DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE" print on the top. Alec had also changed into a new white shirt and some loose pants. He can't exactly sleep properly in clothes that were full of dirt and sweat.
Alec sat and turned to the source of the voice, "Can't sleep properly."
"Ah. But neglecting sleep will affect your performance when we rescue you glittery boyfriend," Nicole replied before walking towards the kitchen. "Coffee?"
The shadowhunter nodded. There was silence for some minutes until Nicole came back with two cups of coffee. She handed one to her visitor, "Magnus is stronger than he looks you know."
"I know."
"You know..." Nicole started, "Magnus has touched a lot of lives than what one would think. And he won't die that easily specially with you waiting for him. It's actually a fresh take to see someone other than me and the others that have known him for too long to be worrying about him. We usually worry about the enemy rather than him to be honest."
Alec's brow rose in confusion, "What do you mean?"
"Well, when Magnus first found out about glitters, he went insane for them. You know how he likes to 'badazzle' everything he owns?" Nicole smiled warmly while recalling her past.
"He still does it with every clothes that he owns," Alec admitted. "He is also beginning to influence my choice of clothes which I always feared.
Nicole let out a heartly laugh, "Well what if I told you that when he was captured by some terrorist wannabes, they were found by the cops all shimerry shinning?"
Alec couldn't stop himself from smiling as well, "Well if you put it that way, I do pity them. Those glitters won't come off easily."
"So as you can see, Magnus is one force to be reckoned with. Besides..."
Alec saw some hesitation from the woman who was obviously having a mental fight of whether she should tell him something or not. Honestly, it only made him more curious about what she was hiding from him. He tried to push he to telling him what it was, thinking that it was just one of Magnus' embarrassing moments.
"Magnus... before everything was actually scary."
"Scary how?"
Alec couldn't believe that he doesn't know another part of his boyfriend's past. But with the way the woman was looking and hesitating, he knew it was something big and personal to the missing warlock.
"He had this phase when he would...kill," she whispered the last part as if if she said it out loud, something was going to kill her.
"Isn't that normal specially if someone is also trying to kill you?" Alec asked. He has killed before and so has the others. He had seen death come to his family so how strange would it be to hear that his boyfriend has also killed?
"You don't understand," Nicole shook her head, "There was a time in Magnus' life when he would ruthlessly kill anyone even without any good reason. Why do you think the Downworld both fear and admire him? There are a lot of powerful beings. It's because of his past actions that others mostly fear his name."
"W-What happened?" Alec knew that this was getting to personal but he had to know. He knew Magnus won't tell him anything once they get him back.
Nicole stood up sadly, "I'm sorry. I've already said too much. If you want to know that much, you need to hear it from the horse's mouth."
"I understand..."
The shadowhunter grabbed his phone but saw that the ring didn't come from his phone. He watched the other occupant of the room stare at her own phone.
Nicole turned to look at the younger man and smiled, "It looks like we know where Mr. Glitters is."
OMG! Thank you for being so patient with this. I think the story is beginning to be... dull. I am so sorry for the poor quality. I just didn't want to just leave those who followed waiting for too long. Thank you for those who liked, followed, and has supported my story/ies. Hope you stick til the end.