"Are you eating those donuts or inhaling them?" Katie laughed, as she watched Castiel place his third doughnut to his lips.

"I can see why Dean consumes so many of these" Castiel grinned, as Katie shook her head fondly.

They had been on the stake-out for the past two hours, with Katie having to get them both some much-needed junk food. Her eight pack of doughnuts was being quickly decimated by the angel beside her, much to her own surprise.

"I didn't figure you would have such a sweet tooth" Katie pointed out, taking a doughnut before Castiel could finish the box.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Katie" Castiel smirked, in an almost flirtatious tone.

"I think all that sugar from those doughnuts has gone to your head…I guess humans are good for something huh?" Katie laughed, confused by the change in his behaviour.

"That doesn't sound like you classify yourself as human?" Castiel inquired.

"I don't think there's a word or phrase to describe exactly what I am" Katie muttered.

"I can think of a few words," Castiel said, with a teasing tone.

"Is one of them abomination?" Katie guessed as a guilty expression flashed over Castiel's face.

"…I never should have called you that. I feared you would be demonic in nature" Castiel admitted, making Katie frown.

"Well, I am a demon, it's kind of in the name" Katie pointed out, as Castiel shook his head, with a frown.

"You're more angel than demon. You have part of an archangel's grace" Castiel stated.

"Yeah, the devil's" Katie scoffed, not finding it very angelic.

"Who is still an angel, nonetheless. A very powerful one. Which means that your abilities will only continue to grow…you'll become stronger than me" Castiel explained.

"I doubt that. You're a badass angel, remember?" Katie grinned.

"I have researched this term 'badass'. The dictionary states it is someone who is impressive, or you admire…do you find me impressive?" Castiel questioned, his lips twitching into a smirk.

"Pretty sure it can mean bad-tempered as well" Katie teased.

"Amusing…that's one of the words I would use to describe you" Castiel clarified, as Katie decided to push further.

"Amusing? C'mon Cas, I think you can think of a better word than that" Katie went on, unable to keep the flirtatious tone out of her voice.

"Trouble…" Castiel trailed off, as Katie raised an eyebrow at him.

"Tempting" Castiel murmured, leaning in closer.

Katie's eyes dropped to the angel's lips, as he reached out to brush her hair behind her ear. Katie frowned at this action, wondering if she was reading the signals wrong. Castiel slowly moved his hand to caress her cheek, pulling her closer until they were only inches away. Katie felt her heart beat wildly in her chest as Castiel's lips ghosted over hers, letting her eyes flutter shut.

"Katie…" Castiel mumbled, in a breathy tone, as she closed the distance between their lips.

"Katie!" Castiel's voice exclaimed, much louder this time, as Katie's eyes shot open.

She looked around in confusion as she found herself leaning against the car window, with Castiel's hand shaking her awake. She had been asleep? God, of course she had, Castiel would never flirt with her.

"Oh no…" Katie whispered under her breath, realising the kind of dream she had just had about the angel sitting next to her.

"Are you alright? You were mumbling in your sleep-" Castiel began, as Katie's eyes shot up to his.

"Saying what?" She panicked, as Castiel frowned at her.

"Something about doughnuts…are you sure you're alright?" Castiel inquired, noticing her flushed appearance.

"Yeah…yeah, I'm good. Great. So…how long was I out for?" Katie stuttered, running a hand through her hair.

"A few hours" Castiel shrugged, his eyes trained on the building in front of them.

"What have you been doing?" Katie asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Watching" Castiel replied, his eyes darting from the street in front of them up to the roof of the building every few seconds.

"…Me?" Katie frowned, as Castiel turned to her with a confused expression.

"No. Dean has informed me that it is not seen as 'socially acceptable' to watch another person sleep" Castiel explained, using finger quotes.

"Don't ever change, Cas" Katie shook her head fondly, preferring the real Castiel to the one in her dream.

Katie's forehead wrinkled when she noticed a pained look flash across Castiel's face after her comment and wondered why it had upset him. Was he changing?

"Can you hear what the demons are saying?" Castiel inquired, as Katie closed her eyes and tried to focus on the voices in the back of her head.

"They know you've been watching them…they're talking about someone who's helping them? They're supposed to be arriving here soon" Katie announced, opening her eyes.

"I thought as much" Castiel sighed.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" Katie asked.

"The reason I haven't been able to apprehend the demon is because he has Enochian Sigils all over his abode. It prevents me from entering" Castiel explained.

"Like the carvings you put on our ribs? It's like Angel warding, right?" Katie guessed, watching Castiel nod.

"Can't I just go in and get it then?" Katie suggested as Castiel raised an eyebrow at her.

"You have Angel blood in you. It will prevent you from entering too" Castiel stated, as Katie all but pouted.

"How come these demons know how to ward against Angels?" Katie inquired, a moment later.

"I believe the person helping them may be an angel" Castiel admitted.

"Can't you just listen into angel radio and find out?" Katie asked as Castiel let out a long sigh.

"I haven't been able to listen to Angel radio recently" Castiel confessed, causing Katie's eyes to widen.

"What? They're blocking you out? Can they even do that?" Katie frowned, as Castiel nodded.

"The silence is becoming deafening…I've always been able to hear my brothers and sisters. For as long as I can remember" Castiel went on, with a sad expression.

"…Maybe you could travel with me and the Winchester's for a bit? There's never any silence in the Impala, trust me" Katie informed him.

"Become a hunter?" Castiel questioned, with a thoughtful expression.

"A supercharged badass hunter" Katie clarified, as Castiel's lips twitched into a smile.

Just as Castiel opened his mouth to reply, a car came hurtling down the road, loud music blaring from inside. A moment later, a man in an immaculate suit stepped out of the passenger seat, dusting off his blazer as he did. Katie could feel the power radiating off him as he shut the car door and instantly knew he was an angel. However, her attention was quickly drawn away as a young girl was thrown from the backseat, as she fell to her knees. A man jumped out from the car, grabbing her by the hair, and whispering something in her ear, that made the girl cringe. Katie felt her blood boil as the man then slammed her head into the concrete floor. Katie could see the man's true face underneath his meatsuit, the twisted face of a demon shining through. It must have been Chester.

"C'mon, we can't just sit here-" Katie began, but Castiel cut her off.

"We're outnumbered" Castiel insisted, reaching out to grab her arm as she went to open the door.

Katie quickly realised he was right as she watched another demon exit the driver's seat of the car, only to be greeted by four demons who were walking out of the nearby building. Six demons and an Angel? Those weren't good odds. Katie watched as Chester grabbed the unconscious girl on the floor and all but threw her towards the nearest demon. Katie balled her hands into fists as she watched the slimy creature's hand go under the woman's shirt. The Angel standing a few metres away seemed disgusted by the demon's actions but didn't speak up, instead moving to whisper something in Chester's ear.

"Cas, we need to…" Katie trailed off when she found Castiel was no longer sitting beside her.

Her eyes darted back over to the group of demons, her jaw-dropping open when she saw Castiel was now standing in front of the demon holding the girl, as he punched the creature with so much force he flew into a nearby wall. Katie quickly rushed out of the car, managing to reach the unconscious girl before she fell to the floor, and helped to lay her down. Katie moved to check the girl's pulse and was relieved to find a steady heartbeat.

"Castiel…I was wondering when you were going to make your entrance" The man announced, with a small smirk.

"Xaphan. What are you doing surrounding yourself with these…vermin?" Castiel questioned, a look of disgust on his face.

"You're one to talk, little brother. I'm not the one standing next to an abomination" Xaphan stated, his eyes dropping to Katie.

"Are all your brother's massive douchebags, Cas?" Katie scoffed, crossing her arms.

"You shouldn't have come here, Castiel. This is a fight you can't win" Xaphan explained.

"Well, he's not on his own anymore. And I really want to wipe that smug smile from your face" Katie exclaimed, taking a step forward.

"I'm going to enjoy wiping you from existence, demon" Xaphan sneered, raising his hand.

Katie's eyes widened as a burst of flames came from his palm, which would have hit her if Castiel had pulled her back at the last moment.

"…Okay, wasn't expecting that" Katie gulped, as Castiel held a protective arm in front of her, much to Xaphan's surprise.

"W-what's happening?" A scared voice questioned, as Katie looked down to see the kidnapped girl was waking up.

"It's okay, just-" Katie began, but was cut off by the woman's scream when she saw one of the demon's black eyes.

The woman's high pitch screaming seemed to irritate Xaphan who rolled his eyes and clicked his fingers. Katie gasped as the woman's neck suddenly twisted, as her body flopped to the ground in a heap.

"You didn't have to kill her!" Katie cried, angrily.

"She was only human" Xaphan shrugged, dismissively.

With a furious expression, Katie shoved past Castiel to march towards Xaphan, who immediately sent a fireball flying towards her. With a flick of her wrist, she sent the flames hurtling away from her, as Xaphan backed up a step.

"Nice trick" Xaphan muttered, as she came to a halt in front of him.

"You want to see a trick? Well, watch this" Katie announced, closing her eyes.

Xaphan's eyes widened as she raised her hand, as all the demons that surrounded them stiffened. Suddenly, she balled her hand into a fist, as the demons' bodies sparked, and they dropped to the ground one by one. Xaphan looked around at his fallen allies, a flash of fear coming over his face. Clearly, she was more powerful than he had realised.

"I'm getting really tired of you sons of bitches underestimating me" Katie spat out, sending a hard punch to Xaphan's face.

The angel was thrown onto his back, hitting the concrete below him with a groan. His eyes fluttered open as he saw Katie with her hand raised out to him, as he began to clutch at his neck, feeling as if he was being choked. Katie's eyes turned black as she closed her hand, causing Xaphan to let out a choked cry.

"Katie?" Castiel questioned, taking a step forward.

"You killed that girl like she was nothing…now you're going to know what that feels like!" Katie cried, squeezing her hand, feeling her nails bite into her own skin.

It seemed as though she would really be able to kill the angel for a moment, but only a moment. Castiel watched as Katie suddenly clutched at her chest, her hand dropping to her side, releasing the angel. She would have fallen if Castiel didn't rush forward to catch her, helping to steady her before she could pass out. Katie's eyes quickly returned to their blue colour, as she tried to catch her breath.

"You've used up too much power" Castiel theorised, as Katie gripped onto his arm.

"She shouldn't be able to even touch an angel" Xaphan muttered.

"Clearly you've underestimated her. Where's the Colt?" Castiel questioned, looking down to his brother.

"…I sold it" Xaphan replied, spitting out some blood that had risen in his throat.

"To who?" Katie asked.

"The highest bidder" Xaphan deflected, as Katie stood up straighter, feeling able to stand by herself.

"And what did you get in return?" Katie inquired.

"My own personal corner of hell. Which is where I plan to ride out the Apocalypse" Xaphan informed her, making Katie scoff.

"Who did you sell it to? We want a name" Katie told him.

"It won't do you any good. Lucifer will destroy this world...and personally, I can't wait" Xaphan smirked.

"Don't make us ask you again. I may not be at full strength, but neither are you. Do you want your wings plucked, brother?" Castiel threatened as Xaphan turned pale.

"Crowley, okay? A demon named Crowley" Xaphan confessed as Katie and Castiel shared a look.

"Are you still watching that Dr. Handsome crap?" Sam laughed, seeing Dean peaking over his laptop at the T.V.

"It's Dr Sexy…and no, I'm just channel surfing" Dean shrugged, pulling his eyes from the screen.

"What do you think of Dean's new obsession, Katie?" Sam chuckled, turning to Katie who was staring off into the distance from her bed.

"Huh?" Katie questioned, rubbing a hand over her face.

"You okay? Are you still thinking about what that Angel said? About this Crowley demon? Because we'll find him soon enough" Sam pointed out, as Katie shrugged.

"I'm just tired. No biggie" Katie mumbled.

"What did you and Cas get up to before your angel encounter anyway?" Dean smirked, sending a wink her way.

"I don't know Dean, what do you and Dr Sexy get up to in your dreams?" Katie retorted as the smile fell from Dean's face.

"You two done? Let's get back to the case" Dean muttered, as Sam bit his lip to stop himself from laughing.

"Sure, Dean. We'll stop torturing you…what have you got?" Katie questioned, coming to stand by him.

"You know what guy who got killed by…well according to his wife, the Incredible Hulk? It turns out that he had quite the temper. He's got two counts of spousal battery, bar brawls, and court-ordered anger management sessions. You might say you wouldn't like him when he's angry" Dean explained.

"So, a hothead getting killed by TV's greatest hothead. Kinda sounds like just desserts, doesn't it? It's all starting to make sense" Sam stated, a sudden realisation hitting him.

"How is it starting to make sense?" Dean scoffed, lost.

"Well, I found something else at the crime scene…Candy wrappers. Lots of them" Sam went on, dropping the wrappers on the table.

"Just desserts, sweet tooth, screwing with people before you kill 'em—we're dealing with the Trickster, aren't we?" Dean groaned, as Sam nodded.

Could it really be that they just happened to stumble over Gabriel? It seemed way too much of a coincidence.

"Good. I've wanted to gank that mother since Mystery Spot" Dean announced, as Katie's eyes widened.

"Are you sure you wanna kill him?" Sam questioned, surprising Dean.

"Son of a bitch didn't think twice about icing me a thousand times" Dean pointed out, with an angry expression.

"Yeah, but he did bring you back a thousand times too. No lasting damage" Katie stated as Dean raised an eyebrow.

"Sure, I'll just add him to my Christmas card list now" Dean scoffed.

"Maybe he could help us, Dean. We could at least try to talk to him. Think about it. He's one of the most powerful creatures we've ever met" Sam went on, but Dean didn't seem convinced.

"Sure, sounds like a good plan to get dead" Dean shook his head.

"Okay look, Trickster's like a Hugh Hefner type, right? Wine, women, song—maybe he doesn't want the party to end. Maybe he hates this angels and demons stuff as much as we do. Maybe he'll help us" Sam. explained

"You really want to ally with the Trickster. A bloody, violent monster, and you wanna be Facebook friends with him? Nice, Sammy" Dean muttered.

"He doesn't sound that bad" Katie stated, as Dean turned to her.

"Are you seriously forgetting all the crap he put us through?" Dean asked, dumbfounded.

"Maybe he's changed-" Katie began, but Dean cut her off quickly.

"Guys like that don't ever change" Dean insisted.

"The world is gonna end, Dean. We don't have the luxury of a moral stand. Look, I'm just saying it's worth a shot. That's all. If it doesn't work…we'll kill him" Sam theorised.

"How exactly are you gonna' do that? You've never been able to in the past" Katie pointed out.

"So, what? We should just run away and let him keep killing?" Dean questioned.

"Maybe the only reason he killed that guy was to get our attention. Besides, he sounded like an asshole" Katie exclaimed.

"Since when are you the Trickster's number one fan?" Dean frowned.

"I'm just saying let's not make any rash decisions…" Katie trailed off, as she watched Dean grab a stake from his duffel bag.

"This is so not going to end well" Katie sighed.

Katie was quickly proven right when they followed a shady lead to a nearby warehouse, only to find themselves transported to a different location when they entered. Katie frowned as she looked around their surroundings and realised they were in a hospital, the whole place buzzing with energy. Her frown deepening when she saw the scrubs and white coats both Dean and Sam were wearing.

"What the hell?" Dean questioned, noticing his doctor's outfit.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Katie screeched when she looked down at her own clothes.

She was now wearing a sexy nurse's uniform, that left little to the imagination from where it finished high up her thighs. She was wearing netted stockings along with far higher heels than she was comfortable wearing. Katie was quick to zip up the uniform higher, which was showing off way too much cleavage.

"Oh gross…cover up!" Dean grimaced, covering his eyes with his hand.

"Here" Sam mumbled, taking off his white doctor's coat and blindly throwing it towards her.

"He is so dead! You hear me, you're dead!" Katie yelled as patient's and staff around the corridor looked at her oddly.

"…She's had a tough day, folks. Nothing to see here" Dean exclaimed, as Katie finished pulling the coat around her shoulders.

This seemed to grab the attention of a pretty doctor who marched over to the group, her eyes on Sam alone. Dean turned to open the door they had come through, his forehead wrinkling when he found it was now a storeroom with a pair making out inside. Why had Gabriel sent them to a hospital?

"Doctor" The woman nodded, as she came to stop in front of Sam.

Katie's jaw dropped open as the doctor sent a hard slap to Sam's face, missing the look of recognition on Dean's face as he looked at the doctor up and down.

"Seriously?" The doctor questioned, as Sam gave her a confused look.

"What?" Sam retorted, rubbing his sore jaw.

"Seriously? You're brilliant, you know that? And a coward. You're a brilliant coward" The doctor told him, as Sam blinked a few times to keep up with the comment.

"Uh, what are you talking about?" Sam asked, as the woman slapped him once again.

"Alright, enough mate" Katie insisted, getting in between the pair.

"As if you don't know" The doctor cried, before storming off.

"Wow, I'm suddenly so glad I never finished nursing school" Katie mumbled, as Dean turned to look at her.

"You went to nursing school?" Dean inquired, surprised.

"Yeah, didn't even get to finish my first year before you know…everyone thought I went crazy with the voices in my head" Katie explained, with a pout.

"Do you think that's why the Trickster sent us here? Considering you're his fangirl and all" Sam pointed out, as Katie rolled her eyes.

"Actually…I think it's because of me. That was Dr Piccolo" Dean realised, taking a step forward.

"Who?" Sam inquired, completely lost.

"Dr Ellen Piccolo. The sexy yet earnest doctor at…Seattle Mercy Hospital!" Dean exclaimed, when he saw the sign above the nurse's station.

"Dean, what the hell are you talking about?" Sam insisted, even more confused.

"The getups. The sexy interns. The seriously's? It all makes sense" Dean all but grinned.

"Yeah, sure…nope, I still don't get it" Katie pointed out, with an exasperated sigh.

"We're in Dr Sexy M.D" Dean informed them, as Katie groaned.

"Okay, so this isn't a TV set…but it's definitely not a real hospital either" Katie told the brothers, after looking around the nurse's station and treatment room.

"How'd you figure that out?" Sam queried, as Katie through a vial at him.

"Penicillin?" Sam mumbled, reading the name on the label.

"You'd think right…" Katie trailed off, taking the small vial from his hand and smashing it on a nearby table and then wiping some of the powder inside onto her finger.

Dean and Sam grimaced as they watched Katie place the powder on her tongue, as she spat it out a moment later, almost gagging.

"Yep, thought so. It's salt" Katie announced, as Dean raised an eyebrow.

"It's fake. It's all fake" Katie pointed out, reaching out to touch a fake fire alarm that was actually painted on the wall.

"Why? It's not like the Trickster's not powerful enough to create all this" Sam frowned, as Katie nodded.

"Something must be draining his power elsewhere" Katie suggested.

"…Oh boy" Dean all but squealed when he noticed something behind her.

Katie turned around to see a handsome bearded man walking towards them, his hands in his white doctor's coat. Dean looked like he was about to pass out, causing both Sam and Katie to wonder what was wrong with him.

"What?" Sam asked.

"It's him. It's Dr Sexy" Dean mumbled, unable to keep the shy grin off his face as the man approached them.

"Jesus Dean, don't cream your pants" Katie nudged him, as Dean rolled his eyes.

"Doctor" The bearded man greeted, coming to stop inches away from Dean, who couldn't meet his eyes.

"Doctor" Dean smiled, bashfully.

"Doctor" Doctor Sexy said to Sam, who nodded in his direction.

"Doctor" Sam muttered after Dean kicked him in the leg.

"Nurse…I love the outfit" Doctor Sexy whispered, sending a wink her way.

"Why do all the hot ones like her?" Dean grumbled under his breath, as he looked down to his shoes.

"What can I say, Deano? Must be my natural charm" Katie shrugged smugly, as Dean seemed to notice something off about Doctor Sexy's outfit.

Before anyone could stop him, Dean had lunged at his idol, slamming him into a nearby wall, with an angry look on his face.

"You're not Doctor Sexy" Dean announced, keeping his arm pressed tightly against the man's chest.

"Just because he likes me doesn't mean he's not the guy from your wet dreams-" Katie began, as Dean shushed her, a blush growing over his cheeks.

"That's not…I didn't…it's his shoes, okay? Doctor Sexy wears cowboy boots that's…that's what makes him sexy" Dean stuttered, as Katie burst out laughing.

"Yeah, you're not a fan, huh?" Sam mocked, as Dean glared at him.

"It's a guilty pleasure," Dean said, through gritted teeth.

"Call security," Doctor Sexy told the nurses who were walking past them.

"Go ahead, pal. See, we know what you are" Dean exclaimed, as all the people in the corridor came to a sudden halt.

Katie's eyes widened as she watched Doctor Sexy morph into Gabriel, who was grinning from ear to ear. She had yet to see him using his Trickster powers and had to admit she was impressed…but still pissed.

"Get us the hell out of here" Dean insisted, as Gabriel scoffed.

"Or what? Don't see your wooden stakes, big guy" Gabriel grinned, as he pulled Dean's arm away from his chest easily,as he was far stronger.

"Change me out of these clothes right now" Katie commanded, taking a step forward.

"Oh I don't know, Katie, I think you look…tempting?" Gabriel smirked, making Katie frown at the familiar words.

"Hey, don't flirt with her!" Dean warned, angrily.

"What can I say? I've always had a sweet tooth" Gabriel went on, wiggling his eyebrows mischievously.

Katie's jaw dropped open as she realised where she had heard the words before. Her dream about Castiel! It must have been Gabriel. It wasn't really too farfetched to think an Angel could intercept a person's dreams.

"You little-" Katie began, but was cut off by Gabriel, who noticed her furious expression.

"Alright, it's time you and I had a chat" Gabriel stated, placing his hand on her shoulder, as the two vanished.

"Oh, son of a bitch" Dean grumbled.

Author's Notes: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry about the hiatus on this story, but work got crazy and I couldn't keep writing all my fanfics. I absolutely love this episode, and can't see how there is doubt in people's minds still about Dean being bisexual, haha. I liked the idea of this chapter, but I'm not sure how well it all came together, it might take me a little while to get back into writing these characters. Please leave a review:)

YaoiLovinKitsune: I will definitely bring Jesse back at some point in this story, and still hoping he could come back in the last season of the show. He could have been one of the most powerful creatures for sure, and having him on Dean and Sam's side could have really helped them...which is probably why he never came back, haha.

teenwolfismylife101: Aw, that's great to hear! It feels like a lifetime ago I wrote that story.

Babyface18: Aw, thank you so much! I'm really glad you like this story so far, sorry about taking so long to update. I hope you like this chapter:)

emilylillian: Thank you for the review:) Wow, that's so great to hear, I hope you continue to enjoy this story!