Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take so long. I mean I said a week and that turned into like a month or something so my bad. I've been busy with Work and College but my biggest problem was that I wasn't happy with what I was writing. Like I felt like I wasn't doing the source material justice. Had to re-read the parts of the light novels (I read the whole of Volume 10 btw) so I could get it right. I kept rewriting entire segments but I think I'm happy now. Hope you enjoy.
Chapter 3 - E-Rantel part 1.
Hiroto had been forcibly awoken from his slumber. Why would someone do that? Didn't they know that Dragons valued their beauty sleep? He hoped that it was his mind playing tricks on him as he began to close his eyes once more.
He was slapped full force across the face. There was no way that impact was forged by his mind. That was a real slap from extremely bony hands.
"What are you doing?!"
Ainz skeletal visage was suddenly above him. Hiroto was somewhat tempted to slap him back, to repay his debt as it were.
"Look, no time to explain, we have to go right now!"
"Really? Right now?"
"Yes. Right now!"
"Can I at least put a shirt on?"
"No need. You know you won't feel the cold anyway."
"I mean I gue-"
Hiroto didn't even get the opportunity to blink as he was forcibly dragged through the gate and outside Nazarick. Ainz was relatively level-headed, and in the moments when he wasn't his emotions forcibly suppressed anyway. At least, that's what he'd told Hiroto. So everything about this situation was ridiculous; What had him so worked up?
"Look Ainz, you need to tell me what's going on."
"Shut up and look."
Hiroto was anxious, what could be so serious to warrant such action? Was it enemies? Was Nazarick under attack? But when he turned his head, it hit him.
True beauty.
After the blackness of the night, Earth's star rose on the horizon, spreading her gold in every direction. She came in the way that all natural forces do, having no invitation yet being welcome all the same. The light was her gift, bold and free, for anyone who cared to open their eyes in the dawn and watch the world awake. The sky was all the colours he'd been yearning for, as if the sky had caught fire and became something new. This was his sun, a blazing inferno, ignited to bring warmth to creation and inspire him to seek his beauty within. He had come from a black world, a world shrouded in eternal darkness. And yet the sun had rose for him, to bring a new light for his new life. As he gazed over it, he realised that he now knew. At last he understood what it meant to find true peace. A tear escaped his eye, followed by a large smile that seemed to possess all the joy in the world. Ainz sat beside him, silent. No words could describe this moment, words only detracted from it.
"... Thank you."
It was genuine. One borne straight from the flames in his heart. The flames that had just been set ablaze by the sun.
Together they sat there, in silence. No game, no VR, no technology could replicate what they were seeing. The true form of nature, something they had been robbed of in their reality.
"Do you ever want to go back?"
Hiroto finally cut through the silence. But it didn't distract them from the sight, eyes still firmly fixed on the horizon.
"I have nothing there. No parents. I had a friend once- but everything I knew was in Yggdrasil."
"I don't want to go back either... Let's explore every region of this unknown world. Together."
"Of course."
2 weeks later.
2 full weeks had passed since their moment underneath the sun. Since then, Ainz hadn't seen much of Hiroto. He was busy forming plans with Demiurge and Albedo, as well as getting to know the various NPC's of Nazarick. None of them had taken to him in a heartbeat, each NPC showing a hint of cautiousness in their conversations. Ainz had apologized repeatedly for their behaviour but Hiroto had instead praised them for it. He said that 'their cautious nature would be important in the future' and that the fact no one had outright objected to his presence showed their 'intense loyalty' or something like that. Within these few weeks, Hiroto had managed to sway a few of the guardians to his side. He was extremely charismatic, as if it was second nature. In no time he found himself in the business of tutoring Shalltear in PvP combat, increasing her ability to create in-fight tactics. Ainz had previously tried to teach her himself but without strong opponents to challenge, it was hard for her to grow. Hiroto had fixed that. Not only did he spar with and train Shalltear, he had also spent some time sparing with Cocytus to the point where the guardian outright accepted him as an 'honourable warrior.' Hiroto and Sebas were both Dragonoid so they shared some kind of 'connection' as he put it. Ainz wasn't sure what he was talking about, so it was definitely in need of further investigation.
He had even managed to gain the favour of Demiurge. The two had faced each other in a game of chess a few times, and although Demiurge had won, he had seen that he was worthy opponent. In terms of pure intellect, Demiurge surpassed Hiroto. However Hiroto's knowledge of even the acute factors the Yggdrasil world, plus his intense understanding of political warfare, were enough to bring him onto equal footing. In terms of Yggdrasil knowledge, Ainz also far surpassed Demiurge. If Hiroto had only displayed this ability, Demiurge most likely would not have seen him as any sort of an equal. But the political knowledge had given him that edge. He had told Ainz that politics was a big part of his job in the real world and that's why he was adept at it. Ainz of course had no reason to deny it, he was a simple 9-5 office drone but he knew a genius when he saw one.
That's why he feeling this way again. The cold isolation of being out of the loop.
A long and hard sigh escaped Ainz non-existent lips as he rested his forehead on the desk. He knew that everything Hiroto was doing was of upmost importance, and so he wasn't upset about that. Rather, it was because Hiroto was exceptional. A great warrior but also ridiculously smart? If there was anything that could diminish Ainz' confidence, it was that among all these elite characters he was exceptional at being normal.
"You feeling sorry for yourself again?"
There in front of him stood Hiroto. Ainz had suffered much in this world under the 'loving' watch of his guardians and he had believed that this man to be his salvation. Wrong! This man only added fuel to the fire.
"Please, what can I do to help you my Lord!" Hiroto spoke those words in the most sarcastic way possible.
"Shut up. I hate you."
Jokes like that would have been impossible to say to the Guardians. They would have taken it literally, even offering their life for their "unworthiness."
However Hiroto laughed warmly in response. This man sure was happy a lot. He never seemed to be upset about anything that went on here. The only time a hint of seriousness would arise is when he spoke about the real world. It seemed as though he hated everything about it. It hadn't crossed Ainz' mind to ask him about it, best not to cause any problems this early right?
"So, what do we have planned today your majesty?" Hiroto excessively bowed as he spoke.
Ainz wanted to groan. This man caused nothing but headaches.
"We have to get you registered with the Adventurers Guild and then the ceremony you planned is this evening."
"Right. We went to the liberty of inviting the royalty of Re-Estize to attend the ceremony. Princess Renner and Prince Zanac have both been sent. Demiurge had the princess acquire the services of Blue Rose as extra Body Guards. The king gave some long and ridiculous excuse as to why he couldn't attend so he isn't coming."
"Okay. I guess the pressure I had on me wasn't enough. Now I have to act in front of commoners, NPC's and Royalty."
"But this is important, it'll change how the world views you."
"Yeah okay, whatever you say Hiroto. Are we setting off now?"
"Sure why not."
"Urm L-Lord Ainz?"
"What is it Twelfth"
"Do you wish for your servant to accompany you?"
Ainz looked at Hiroto as if he should have the answer. Instead he simply shrugged his shoulders like a fool. Was he ever going to help him? Meanwhile Twelfth was eagerly awaiting a reply from Ainz and he knew he had to just go with the flow.
"... Umu."
"While we're at, might as well have him wear something else don't you think twelfth? If he were to wear the same garments everyday, the people would look down on him."
Hiroto was having way too much fun.
"Yes of course, you're right Hiroto- Sir! We should hurry and prepare worthy attire!"
30 minutes Later.
Twelfth had said they should 'hurry' but in the end it had taken 30 minutes for Ainz' clothing to be finished. He wore a dark blue robe with long white sleeves. He wore a black belt around his waist and a 3 large diamond necklace to finish it off. Simple but effective. He looked like some sort of experienced martial artist.
"Okay... Is it done yet?" Ainz said.
He had never been one who spent much effort on his physical appearance. It was yet another thing he was forced to do once he came to this world. He waited for Twelfth to nod before he put down his arms. He couldn't deny it though, he definitely looked good. But he was glad it was over, now he and Hiroto could go and see the city as they had planned.
Ainz summoned a set of angels to follow them and guard them. He had noticed that last time the people took much more kindly to him when the Angels were around. Plus, Ainz had enjoyed the shocked faces that the people from the temple had shown. To them, it was impossible for Angels to protect an Undead. And yet here he was. Proving idiots wrong. It was one of the few things that made Ainz feel better about himself.
The two players walked side by side around E-Rantel. All the while Ainz was showing Hiroto different points of interest. As they talked and travelled, the atmosphere around them had the feel of two lifelong friends. Ainz didn't even behave this way with the guardians, and yet he felt a deep connection with this man already.
"So why did people call you the 'Cheating Mercenary' in Yggdrasil?"
"Well, I spent more money than anyone else on the game. It gave me an unfair advantage. Most players had to struggle to get even one set of divine gear... Yet I own 12 sets. Not to mention the 7 pieces of World Champion items I've got."
Ainz was stunned. He too only had one set of divine class gear. It had taken his entire bonus just to get one item in the lottery. Seriously, how much money did this man possess?
"You've got to be joking.. Right?"
"No I'm being serious. I didn't just buy in-game either. I used to pay players in real life to get access to certain assets and knowledge"
That was beyond ridiculous. With access to that kind of money, no wonder Hiroto had won so many world championships. It gave him an unfair advantage against the majority of the players in the game.
"How come you never decided to join a guild?"
"I was a 'mercenary' remember. I would temporarily join guilds and participate in quests and raids for payment. It was a small loophole in the game that allowed me gain most of the benefits of being in a guild or clan. My reputation was pretty good so even the human players sucked it up and asked for my help from time to time."
"I guess that makes sense. You could of joined Ainz Ooal Gown you know, you'd have fit in perfectly."
A strained look made its way onto Hiroto's face. Unlike Ainz, he couldn't simply hide his emotions. Ainz didn't know why, but every time he mentioned the guild or the real world he'd show that face. There was no point dwelling on the point however. Best thing to do was to look toward the future.
"We're here. Twelfth and Angels, stay here."
They stood before the Shining Gold Pavilion, the most luxurious inn in all of E-Rantel. Also known as the home of the hero Momon. Or rather this is where Pandora's Actor was residing. They would need his presence to get Hiroto an Adamantite plate. As they were about to knock on the door, Ainz stopped Hiroto.
"Umm.. Just so you know, Pandora's Actor is a bit, how should I say.. Extravagant. So keep that in mind okay?"
"Yeah okay..? Why are you stressing this, it can't be that bad?"
"Uwah.. No reason"
Ainz resigned himself to his fate. Hiroto loved to mock him, and this would be infinite ammunition for the rest of their existence.
"Mein Vater, Mein Schöpfer, Mein Meister ewig! I had not expected to see you again so soon!"
Ainz face palmed. Hard.
Pandora's Actor threw his arms into the air as he said that. Every one of his actions was so extreme that Ainz had no choice but to face palm. He felt a deep pain in his chest. No matter how many times he counselled him, he never changed. He slowly looked at Hiroto to see what his expression would be. The initial expression was shock, but it slowly changed form, into a smirk.
Oh no. I'm never going to be able to live this down.*
"Your MAJESTY," Pandora's actor took another dramatic pose and then paused for maximum effect, "What can I do for you today." He lowered his voice as he bowed. It was ridiculous. The stunned look on Hiroto's face said it all, this was beyond torture.
"Urgh.. Sorry, Yes.. Err. Yes, we're here for 2 reasons. First is to introduce you to Nazarick's latest 'employee,' Hiroto. Then after introductions are over, we will require Momon to carry out our plans regarding the adventurers guild."
Ainz had barely been able to speak those words. The embarrassment he felt was beyond anything. If he could avoid Pandora's actor, he would. But his abilities were far too important.
"I see. Hello there. It is A PLEASURE... To be working with you."
"Oh god~" Ainz was seriously struggling to keep his emotions in check. Even the inhibitor had abandoned him. It didn't think that the intense embarrassment he was feeling was worth being supressed.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Hiroto."
The two shook hands. Ainz was wondering how Hiroto was keeping from bursting out laughing. But when he looked at him, it seemed as though he was quite fond of his creation. Ainz dismissed this idea. It must have been his mind playing tricks on him. He instead prepared himself for the mockery to come later.
After they had explained their plans to Pandora's Actor, they left the hotel. They said they'd wait for him at the Guild building. As soon as they got outside Ainz began squirming. Hiroto's face was home to a sadistic smile as he turned toward him. Ainz was prepared for the psychological beating he was about to get...
"I think he was cool."
"... Huh?"
"Yeah he was cool, I don't know why you're so embarrassed. He has an endearing personality."
"... Huh?"
Ainz was beyond confused. Pandora's Actor was lame, why on earth would he find him 'endearing.' Before he could fully come to terms with it, Hiroto had began walking away.
"Why you still stood there Ainz. Let's go."
".. Ye- Umu."
Ainz had no reason to dwell on this. Future Ainz could deal with it.
Guild building.
Pandora's actor, or rather Momon, along with Nabe teleported to just behind the guild building. He had just been given a mission by his glorious leader Ainz Ooal Gown, and there was no time to waste. He had to get the Guild master to accept a new member into Darkness, and instantly give him an Adamantite plate.
Pandora's actor quite enjoyed playing the role of Momon. It allowed him to be dramatic and stoic at the same time and he loved it. As he opened the doors of the guild building, he saw a group of 5 stood at the counter. 3 members of Blue Rose, Lady Lakyus, as well as Evileye and Gagaran. And then 2 people he had never met before. He still knew of them though due to the information gathered by Sebas, they were Climb and Brain Ungluas.
"Lord Momon!"
Evileye leapt toward him at an abnormal speed and gripped him around the neck. For a second, Momon thought he was being attacked and almost countered. But from what he could see, this wasn't a hostile attack so he allowed it. For such a powerful mage, she sure was small in structure. Was it possible that she was but a mere child?
"Lord Momon? Lakyus, is it possible that he is under some kind of spell?"
Nabe quickly jumped in front Momon, Sword in hand and ready to protect. Chop. Momon smacked Nabe hard in the middle of her head.
"Don't over react to the smallest of things."
"Greetings members of Blue Rose, as well as Climb and Brain. A pleasure to meet you today."
"It doesn't seem like he's under any magic Evileye, but perhaps the level is too high for me to divine."
Momon let out a hearty laugh. It was unlike Momon to laugh, he was meant to be stoic and powerful, but Pandora's Actor thought it best to diffuse the situation right now before it spiralled out of control.
"Please Evileye, I am under no such spell. Do you really believe I could be bested by mere mind control magic?"
"I- I guess not.."
"But if you're not under a spell, why have you sworn yourself to Ainz Ooal Gown, you realize undead hate the living right?"
This time it was the warrior Gagaran that spoke up.
"Well, at first I thought it was the best way to protect the people of E-Rantel. However I have come to realise that he is truly a magnanimous and kind ruler. Have you not seen how his Undead work to improve the city?"
"To be honest.. You have a point."
"But how can we forget what he did to the Kingdom's Army and Gazef!"
That was Brain who spoke. He seemed to be unable to forgive Ainz. It was understandable, he lost a war and his best friend in a single day.
"I apologize Lord Ungluas, but that was in the middle of a war."
With the helmet on, no one here would be able to see the facial expressions on Momon's face. Instead, Pandora's Actor softened his voice to express a deep regret for the loss of Brain's friend. Of course the remorse was completely fake, but everyone present- except Nabe- fell for it. Playing Momon really allowed him to display the full array of his acting skills.
"I- I understand." Brain said.
"We'll have to see at tonight's ceremony if he really is as kind a ruler as you say."
That was Lady Lakyus. She was both a cleric and a priest, therefore her dislike for the Undead was much greater that the others. But at the same time she was reasonable and kind, that is why she gave Momon the benefit of the doubt in regards to his Majesty Ainz Ooal Gown.
"By the way Momon," Gagaran and her coarse male like voice cut through the temporary silence, "I've been wondering, who is stronger between you and the Sorcerer King?"
This was a difficult question to answer. He could say they were equal, but that would undercut his masters strength. But at the same time, saying he was weaker could lower the morale of the people.
"I do not know, but his Majesty's power is almost boundless. I was able to beat Jaldabaoth but I had Nabe and Evileye to watch the Demon Maids. Lord Ainz had no such help. In a one on one fight, I would have to be at my very best to stand a chance of attaining victory."
"Oh.." It seemed Evileye wasn't particularly happy with Momon's assessment.
The conversation was quite long after that. It was basically a back and forth where they asked Momon questions and he would answer. Many of the questions were pointless and unnecessary but Pandora's Actor had to keep up appearances. Therefore he answered each question to the best of his ability. That was until Brain dropped a bombshell on him.
"Do you know of a Vampire called Shalltear Bloodfallen?"
The question came from nowhere, completely blindsiding Pandora's Actor or rather Momon. How should he answer? He knew that Lord Ainz had mentioned Shalltear as a sister of 'Honyopenyoko' to the Guild master. However, if he was to use the same story here and Brain was to see her in E-Rantel at any point, their whole charade would fall apart. It was also possible that Brain had something to do with when Shalltear was brainwashed, in which case knowing the details would be imperative to the survival of Nazarick. He didn't know what to do, if only his master was here. He'd know what to do. In the meantime, maybe he should stall before giving an answer.
"How do you know of Shalltear Bloodfallen?"
Lord Ainz and Hiroto burst into the Guild building. Pandora's Actor almost leapt for joy. Now that his creator was here, they could capitalize on this situation. And without missing a beat, Lord Ainz was already asking Brain the important questions. However...
"Why are you here?!"
Brain shot out of his seat, and immediately became defensive. All the other humans present also jumped up as well. It could prove difficult to gain answers now. At least, it would be for Pandora's Actor. Contrastingly, he had the upmost faith that his master could still get the information he wanted.
"Please, be at ease. I do not wish to harm any of you. In fact, I recognize some of you. You two. You were present for my duel with the late Gazef Stronoff."
"That's right. It was a truly terrifying experience." Climb said.
"Exactly. That is why you can be forgiven for actions just now."
Brain and Climb apprehensively sat down again. One by one the others followed their lead. It was clear to see that none of them trusted the Undead King, but they couldn't possibly be rude to him in his own city.
"Now sir.."
"The name's Brain. Brain Ungluas."
"Okay sir Ungluas, how is it that you came to know of Shalltear Bloodfallen. And please, do not lie to me."
Brain looked deeply into the sockets where Ainz' eyes should have been. The last part of his request sounded like a threat. With a human, Brain could discern if they were being serious by looking into their eyes. But the Sorcerer King had no such eyes to look into. But he was undead. So the threat had to be serious.
"We fought once before the appearance of Honyopenyoko and then again in the capital during the attack of Jaldabaoth."
Both Lord Ainz and Nabe balled their first as they heard these words. The killing intent basically radiating from Nabe in particular.
"Is that so? And how did these fights end?"
"Both times I managed to run away from her."
Ainz loosened his clenched fist. If he ran away, then it's obvious he couldn't have had anything to do with Shalltear's mind control incident. And he was positive he wasn't lying, most humans wouldn't be brave enough to lie to his skeletal face. Of even the times they did was because of undying loyalty or desperation. Brain had neither.
"Hmm. Is that so-"
"The truth is, we subjugated Shalltear a while ago and she has now sworn loyalty to the supreme one."
That was Hiroto, interrupting Ainz. At first thought, telling the humans this fake story could quite easily lead to trouble down the line, but telling them the truth would have greater consequences now. Granted, Hiroto Demiurge and Albedo had come up with these backstories together and let each of the guardians know so there shouldn't be any harm in telling these humans now. In fact, giving them answers now should prevent further questions from being asked. At least, that's what they were hoping.
"I see. So she's alive?" Brain asked. Why was he so interested anyway?
"She is. Why exactly do you care so much?"
"It's my wish to someday reach her, to gain even a sliver of strength brings me closer."
His eyes. Those were the eyes of a warrior. With a conviction strong as steel. It moved both Ainz and Hiroto.
"So you wish to get stronger?" Hiroto said.
"I do. As a human, I thought I had reached the pinnacle of strength when I faced Shalltear, and then I was utterly defeated..." Brain shuddered as he spoke those words, "But after meeting Climb, Gazef and Lord Sebas, my faith was renewed. And then I saw how Momon, a human, defeated Jaldabaoth. I realised greater strength was still possible. I was set once again on path to find more power."
The denizens of Nazarick had to admit, it was a rousing speech. Pandora's actor seemed the most moved by it, for obvious reasons. After he concluded, the others repeated the sentiment, it was clear to see that each of them coveted strength beyond what was in their reach.
"Fine." Hiroto said, "I will help each of you gain a strength beyond what you already possess. On one condition."
"Anything!" Brain exclaimed. It seemed that the possibility of new strength had lit a fire in his belly. He could barely contain his excitement.
"We shall battle. All of you, against me. If you manage to inflict even the tiniest bit of damage, you win."
"Don't you think you're being a bit too overconfident?" Evileye said. Until recently, she was widely accepted as one of the most powerful people in this region. That was until Momon, Nabe, Jaldabaoth and even the Sorcerer King had outshined her. She couldn't allow people to start looking down at her. She was a force to be reckoned with, and Hiroto couldn't just casually declare his dominance.
"I don't believe I am."
A smug grin found its way onto his face as he boldly proclaimed his. It annoyed Evileye to no end.
"Fine! We'll fight you." Evileye said as Gagaran held her back.
"Slight problem.." Climb who had been quiet for the most part, began to talk, "We don't have our weapons on hand."
"No problem, I'll have one of my Undead get them for you." Ainz stated. "In the meantime, me Momon and Hiroto must converse with the Guild master."
The three of them went upstairs together, where they came face to face with the Guild Master Ainzach.
"Good day Ainzach."
"Oh Master Ainz, how great to see you. And Lord Momon, always a pleasure. I'm afraid I don't know you in the middle."
"My name is Hiroto, I'm a warrior in service to his Majesty Lord Ainz."
"Uwah.. Yes! That's right. He is here to be inducted into Momon's Adventurer group, however we need you to approve of him gaining an Adamantite plate."
"Is he truly that strong Master Ainz?"
"Don't worry, we have the perfect way to prove it."
"In about 10 minutes, I'll be fighting against 3 members of Blue Rose, along with Brain Ungluas and the bodyguard of Third Princess Renner."
"Yes alone. That should be enough right?"
"Of course Lord-"
Ainz spent the next 10 minutes writing up the paper work in preparation for Hiroto's inevitable victory, but it seemed Ainzach was not convinced he could pull of such a feat. The four of them eventually stepped foot outside, where they were greeted with the determined faces of Blue Rose, Brain and Climb. Each one refused to lose this fight.
"Okay, are you ready?" Hiroto proclaimed.
A resounding "Yes" was sent back in return.
"Yes young master. Do you wish to know their Abilities?"
Yes, but keep it brief. Also, if any of them possess what Ainz called a 'talent,' highlight it please.*
"From right to left: Brain, possesses a talent for swordsmanship which doubles his xp gain. He is considered a genius swordsman, Approximately Level 30."
"Climb has no innate talent, clear to see he's using the wrong weapon, Guardian, Approximately Level 16."
"Gagaran, 'superior strength' talent, Knight and Air Rider, Approximately Level 28."
"Lakyus, 'Heroic Abilities' talent, Cleric and Warrior Priestess, Approximately Level 29."
"Evileye, Vampire Princess, Negative Energy Ability, Unknown Innate Ability, Arcane Magic Caster (Earth), Approximately Level 50."
So they're all exceptionally weak... This might be unfair, it's impossible for them to damage me.*
Before Hiroto could make his thoughts known to everyone present, Ainz yelled "begin!" Evileye was the first one to react, quickly letting loose an Attack.
Evileye closed in on Hiroto in an instant and then activated her second spell.
[Shard Buck Shot].
It was too fast, there was no way anyone could avoid such an attack and from that range. The others looked on in anticipation as the dust cleared...
He was gone.
To Hiroto and Ainz, the move was slow but also far too predictable. In the instant Hiroto cast a Teleportation spell of his own and then a fly spell so that he could watch on from the sky.
"Heh. Foolish..."
Hiroto appeared behind Evileye in an instant. He placed his arm on her shoulder softly. A shadow formed over Evileye as she turned to see those electric blue eyes. Before she could even blink, a spinning kick landed full force into the center of her back and it sent her flying.
[Translocation Damage]!
Evileye crashed into the nearby home. She struggled to get up as she coughed out blood from that brutal attack. There was a limit to how much damage she could convert to mana loss, and it had been heavily surpassed. If she had not used her magic, that attack may have killed her.
"Hiroto! Take it easy, don't start destroying my city!"
Hiroto placed a hand at the back of his head as he released a hearty laugh. "Sorry, maybe I went a bit too far.."
"He's laughing..?" Gagaran faintly muttered, "After such a brutal attack, he's laughing?"
"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh" Gagaran let out a large battle cry as she charged forward.
[Martial Art Ability Boost] [Martial Art Smash].
Hiroto simply span and avoided the rash attack. She charged again and again and again but each time he nimbly avoided the attack. A truly pathetic onslaught.
"Are you just going to keep avoiding me or are you going to fight back!"
"That vamp- Girl is far superior to you and yet look what happened to her when I attacked."
Gagaran angrily clicked her tongue. She didn't like it, but she couldn't argue with his logic.
"But if you want a fight... I'll give you one."
Hiroto charged forward at breakneck speed, at least by the human standards, and closed in on Gagaran.
[Martial Art Fortress]!
Climb came quickly to the rescue, taking the full force of that attack. Even with the Martial Art, it sent him skidding down the road.
"Are you okay Climb?"
"Yes Lady Gagaran."
"Why on earth would you do that! What if he had killed you?"
"Pfft. That was little more than a love tap, no way he could die." Hiroto exclaimed.
Even so, for a someone in the teen levels to block my blow... Was it the Martial Art? Or is his defensive stat unreasonably high?*
"Answer: For a Level 16, his physical defence stats are unrealistically high. And then the Fortress Martial Art boosted this stat, but how much it was boosted still remains a mystery."
"Hmm, I see..."
At this point, Hiroto had completely zoned out. He had even assumed the 'thinking' pose where one hand was placed under his chin and the other was crossed over his chest.
[Dark Blade Mega Impact]
Hiroto had gotten complacent, therefore exposing himself to a quick attack. The attack was aimed at the middle of his chest, and there was no time for him to move left or right. Even crouching or jumping were out of the question. Instead he jumped back, out of it's range.
Unfortunately this was exactly what they wanted to happen, because now he was inside Brain's Field.
[Sand Field: One].
Hiroto's feet were now encased in sand which restricted his movement thus making it impossible to dodge.
[Martial Art: Ability Boost, Cutting Edge, Heavy Blow, Severing Blade] [Martial Art Nail Cutter]!
[Twin Maximize Penetrate Magic- Crystal Lance]!
Hiroto was trapped. He had three attacks all coming at him, each one equidistant from each other. He could easily get out if this bind, but that would mean putting in a little effort. He decided against it, after what happened to Evileye, he realised it wouldn't be fair to use more power than he already was. But that didn't mean he had lost..
All three attacks landed with devastating accuracy. But something felt off, none of them felt like they had won the battle. It was made painfully clear why. After the dust cleared, Hiroto still stood there, smile on his face. Undamaged. The two magic attacks, Crystal Lance and Dark Blade Mega Impact had been rendered null and void. Causing no damage whatsoever. And Brain's attack...
His sword was shattered, thousands of pieces were scattered all over the floor. Brain fell to his knees. He remembered this feeling, the feeling of dread. It was the same as when he fought Shalltear the first time. As he looked up towards Hiroto, he saw a sparkle in those lightning blue eyes.
"He's enjoying my pain.." Brain muttered. If not for the crushing defeat and then grogrowth he had received due to Shalltear, he may have lost all hope again.
On the other hand, the members of Blue Rose had all dropped to their hands and knees and a devastated expression possessed their faces. Lakyus and Gagaran had spent years honing their craft, and they were do easily defeated. Evileye, who had spent the majority of her existence as a force beyond hunan comprehension, was now reduced to an oversized fly. She was barely able to call herself a nuisance at this point; so utterly outmatched.
Ainzach watched from beside Momon and Ainz. He couldn't believe his eyes. 4 Adamantite level fighters, rendered completely useless. Such strength, could such a thing be possible? Was everyone from the Sorcerer Kingdom, who came here with his Majesty, capable of such power? His mouth was dry as he spoke..
"He.. H-he's a Demon..."
Chapter 3! Fight scenes are tough, and this was a super short one so I don't know how I'll handle longer ones?!
Anyway, just wanted to say that this long break helped me find my love of Overlord again. However I'm hoping I never have to take a break like that again. Reviews are welcome, especially any pointing out spelling and grammar mistakes.