Hello! Welcome back!

Maiko stared at the intricately designed kimono hanging behind her, the strings that accompanied the sheer shawl moved slowly with the small breeze of air. Thin fingers thread through inky black hair as another pair of hands painted red across her eyelids. Today, she was meeting her new teacher. And as always, she needed to look her best.

"We're done, Maihime," her attendant flourished one last sweep of powder over her face, before patting her shoulder so Maiko could see her face in the mirror. The red eye shadow gave focus to her pale red eyes, and once again, she tried to think if she would have looked different if she had her mother's grass green eyes, or her father's pure ruby eyes.

She shook her head, the bells in her headdress chiming with the movement. She nodded her head in thanks, before allowing them to dress her.

The door opened, and Maiko instinctively toned down the flinch. The air became heavy, suffocating. It wasn't supposed to be. This was her domain, and air was her element. But it wasn't meant to be.

"Make haste, Maiko," she tried to remember a time when that voice had been soothing, but it felt as if they were too far away. "Don't make your teacher wait longer."

"Yes Mother."


A few months ago, before the idea of entering Yuuei was presented to her, Maiko thought she'd be spending her entire life within the walls of the family compound. She was what she was, the prized daughter of the Yukinokouji family. She had everything handed to her in a silver platter, not once needing to step further than the confines of her rooms to get what she wanted and needed.

It had been a lonely life.

If given the chance to choose a different life, Maiko would have taken it. Anything to escape the stifling feeling that almost always threatened to choke her.

Now though, she was on her own. Oh, she knew that there was a chance of someone watching over her under the employ of her family, but she couldn't get herself to care. She had her own apartment, even though she had more chances of burning it down if she tried to cook, and no one really knew her in her new school, no one to connect her face to the family aside from the last name.

She was considerably happier now. And she hoped it showed.

'You don't deserve it. You don't deserve them.'


Working with a team was something new to Maiko. She was raised with the knowledge that she could easily make people do things for her with a single word, effortlessly. Being home schooled also didn't give her any chance to socialize with children her age. What children in the family compound were all told to stay away from her, and wasn't that a sad thought? So now, she had no experience of working in a team. She did know that she had to cooperate in order to make it easier for all parties involved.

"Team A and Team D please proceed to the grounds!" All Might's loud voice brought her back to reality. Maiko watched as Midoriya shudder as he and Uraraka went in. Bakugou stomped his way to the designated building, with Iida following him with his choppy arm gestures.

Their own team would be second to the last to go. And while that was more than enough time to make a strategy, Kirishima and Sero seemed to be more interested in watching the first match. She had to admit, she was interested too, more curious than anything though. After all, a few days of observation gave her enough clues that there was something between Midoriya and Bakugou aside from being childhood friends as the green-haired boy claimed.

Pale red eyes stared at the monitors that showed what was happening out in the field. Bakugou had immediately gone to find Midoriya, with rage in his eyes. Violent. How a person with such temperament could become a hero, perhaps they'll see him mellow down.

Not likely, Maiko thought with a wince as they watched the fight. This wasn't simply between rival classmates. This was more personal. Something to do with the explosive teen's claims that Midoriya was Quirkless. Was he though? Or did he just pretend to be one because he couldn't control how self-destructive his Quirk was to his own body?

Not my business, she sighed. But something inside her twitched as she saw bruises upon bruises appear on the smaller male's body. She stomped down on her instincts to go and jump into the fray if only to prevent more injuries from showing up. It's not your place, nor is it your job.

'Isn't it, though?'

In the end, Midoriya's team won, and Bakugou's lost. Although, it certainly seemed the other way around, considering how the explosive teen had practically pummelled Midoriya down the ground. The green-haired teen had been creative in securing the nuclear detonator, but his plan had been too risky, too much collateral damage had been caused.

Lost the battle, but won the war. Had it been worth it though? The fight felt personal. It was more than simple rivalry. And Midoriya had looked like he was trying to prove something.

Maiko sighed, leaning back on her seat as they waited for the previous teams to come back to the observation room. Midoriya had been sent to the infirmary so Recovery Girl could heal him, hopefully he'd be back to see the rest of the matches. But considering his injuries, it might take him longer to replenish the energy that Recovery Girl will be using to patch him up.

It was strange looking at Bakugou right now. His quiet countenance was such a stark difference from the explosive teen from the match earlier. Had he realized something? Or was he simply brooding because he lost despite managing to beat up the one person who he's been targeting from the start?

No matter, Maiko huffed, turning her gaze back to the class again. Momo was explaining why Iida had been the MVP of the match. Despite Midoriya distracting Bakugou, and Uraraka capturing the fake weapon, Iida had been the one to adapt and plan accordingly. He had been prepared when Uraraka entered the room, and had been focused on his task even when his teammate had practically left him hanging.

She didn't really understand, if you won, you won, right? Wasn't that enough?

The next match was Todoroki and Mezo versus Hagakure and Ojiro.

"See you?" Maiko typed in her phone, showing it to the ice-clad boy as he passed by her. Todoroki only nodded at her.

"Maiko-san's friends with Todoroki, huh?" Kirishima piped from behind her. "I hadn't noticed before but you usually have lunch with him, right?"

She nodded. "We… met prior to the first day. We talked a bit." It wasn't a lie per say, but she didn't mention the meeting between the four recommended students before the first day of classes. Sero sent her a curious look, but she ignored it, focusing on the screens instead.

She knew that Todoroki was powerful, considering he was a recommended student and had passed the placement test. Mezo, she was still figuring out, but seeing his extra limbs turn into ears, it seemed that he was a tracker and a fighter as well. Hagakure was mainly for stealth, her Quirk allowed for her to disappear in plain sight. Ojiro, on the other hand, was a martial arts specialist, if his costume was any hint. Perhaps his tail was more powerful? Or did it act as an extra limb that he could control?

So many Quirks, so many questions.

Pale red eyes stared at the monitor showing the building encased in thick cold ice. Impressive. Elemental based Quirks really were something else. And for him to be able to create ice from nothing was even more so.

In the end, it was Todoroki and Mezo who won, with the icy teen ending up as the MVP through sheer strength alone. It was rather anti-climactic, and Maiko was sure her classmates would agree. On the other hand, it was efficient. After all, if you could finish a fight in one move, what's the use of prolonging it? Save energy. She approved.

The next battle was Momo's. She was paired with the boy with violet balls for his hair. Somehow, his presence repulsed her, it reminded her of something vile and Maiko didn't know how to react. She would just have to avoid him for as long as she can.

"Good luck," she smiled at Momo as the taller girl passed her. She was repaid with a demure smile of her own.

The match was quick, not as fast as the previous one, but it was done without much fanfare. Momo was intelligent and very creative. She was a natural leader, able to think on her feet quickly to adapt to the situation at hand. Not that their opponents were bad, but with Momo's Quirk, she had an endless arsenal of things to counter their attacks.

In the end, the Villain team won, with Momo as the MVP. She was the brains of the operation, after all.

Maiko zoned out on what All Might was saying. Suddenly, the thought that she was about to enter the battlefield just came to her and now she didn't exactly know what to do. Kirishima and Sero were a comforting presence, waiting for her so they could all head out to strategize.

A cold hand on her wrist made her pause. She looked up at Todoroki's rather blank eyes, head tilted. For a moment, she thought he was going to say something. Or that she would be able to talk and reassure him that she'd be fine. But as he released her wrist and she was finally walking towards the door with her teammates, she realized he understood her.

'Some people can understand you without the use of words, Maiko.'


In another life, Maiko would have been chattering away with a soft voice perfectly suited for her petite image. She would have made friends so much easier, knowing how to socialize with people from a young age. She would have embraced herself, her Quirk and everything that came with it. In another life, Maiko would have been a great performer.

But that wasn't the case. Here, she wasn't able to talk, communicating only with her hands and written words. She had been chained down, despite the fact that Air shouldn't be. She had been secreted away, hidden from the prying eyes of the public. She learned to doubt herself, not knowing if she should really be pursuing something she wanted for herself. But one thing remained the same. She was still a great performer.

Maiko always knew she hid behind a mask. One she had crafted herself, polished by the way she was brought up. Her dance instructor had once said that she had the perfect face, not giving away any of her real self, always maintaining emotions needed for a dance. She grew up with it, and she didn't know how to function without it.

She didn't even know herself anymore.


They entered the battlefield first, being the Villain team, to scope out the landscape and figure out a plan to make sure that the other team, composed of Tokoyami and Asui Tsuyu, wouldn't catch them off guard.

Maiko had used her phone to communicate with the two boys, it was easier than having to sign with them not understanding it at all.

"Tokoyami-kun's Quirk is Dark Shadow, he's sentient and strong," she tapped her finger against her mask-covered chin. "I am unsure about Asui-san's Quirk aside from it gives her characteristics of a frog."

She hasn't had the chance to talk to the other girl aside from when they were introduced to each other back at the Quirk Assessment Test, and that seemed so long ago now.

"Frog, huh? Can she climb on walls?" Sero hummed in contemplation. "She might attempt to climb the sides of the buildings if she can."

"Maybe Yukinokouji-chan can stay here and guard the weapon?" Kirishima blurted out, before his arms flailed about. "I mean, you have an Air Manipulation Quirk, right?"

Maiko nodded.

"I'm more of a tank because of my Quirk, and Sero here's useful in capturing because of his tape," the red-head added. "We can maybe take care of Tokoyami. That's if he decides to storm through the front door."

She thought about it. But it was true. Maiko was more of a long-range fighter with her Quirk, and though she knew self-defense, it wouldn't be of any use against a Quirk like Dark Shadow. So she nodded her approval.

"I will handle Asui-san if she gets here," she paused a bit. "I can track them using the air, if there's any disturbance at all. Perhaps we can settle on signals so we can communicate?"

They settled for taps on the communicators over their ears. Corresponding taps for corresponding floors, a slide of a nail for Tokoyami, and a scratch for Asui. It was rough, but it would work. No one knew Morse code anyway, and Maiko certainly couldn't speak.

"BATTLE START!" All Might's loud voice made her jolt from her position. Sighing, Maiko set to work.

She closed her eyes and focused.

Her Quirk, Air Manipulation, allowed her to utilize air whichever way she wanted. Wind gusts, whirlwinds, air pressure, removing air from a spot, there was limitless possibilities because air in itself was endless. Air was her domain, it was hers to use, and it was hers to own. With that in mind, Maiko's hands reached out, her mind mapping the building using the air currents within.

She could feel Kirishima and Sero in the second floor, their figures disrupting the air flow just slightly. Tokoyami was walking up the stairs, his cloak billowing in the wind. Quickly, she tapped her communicator, getting a small "roger" from her two teammates as she did so.

With that part done, she turned her focus in finding Asui. She was… not in the building. So perhaps she was outside? Maiko's brows furrowed. Mapping the outside was harder to do, since she had to isolate the air around the building, but air currents from the entire battlefield was rather distracting and she needed to focus.

Now, where was she? Oh. Asui was indeed climbing the building. But to Maiko's luck, she was on the other side.

A small explosion brought her out of her thinking, but her mind was still latched on to Asui's presence slowly climbing up. Sero and Kirishima were engaging Tokoyami and Dark Shadow, and as much as she had her own task to do. The two boys were strong, and she trusted them to know what to do to win.


Sero Hanta was a plain boy with a slightly interesting Quirk. Just slightly because no one really expected tapes to come out of a person's elbow. He knew he was plain, he wasn't that interesting at all. His hair was plain, his face was plain. The only thing not plain is his triangular mouth which ran in the family.

But if there was one thing Hanta knew, it was to utilize his plainness to blend in his surroundings and simply watch.

From the moment he entered the testing center during the Entrance Exams, he had watched his fellow examinees. And when he met his new classmates, he observed and took in the different personalities, taking note of who to befriend easily, and who to approach carefully. One person in the former category was Kirishima. A sunshine incarnate. And easily into the latter category was Bakugou.

It certainly wouldn't hurt to try to befriend the explosive teen though. Who knows, his prickly personality might dull if he had friends. Kirishima would be a good instrument to start that mission, no one can ignore a pure child.

Back to what he was saying. He could catalogue where to categorize his classmates in the few days that they've been classmates.

But there were two mysteries in his class: Midoriya Izuku and Yukinokouji Maiko.

The former was as skittish as a puppy, but he was friendly. He hid a strong personality, if what Hanta had seen during the Quirk Apprehension Test and the previous battle with Bakugou were any hints. He'd be easy to befriend though, if not an easy nut to crack. But that's fine.

Yukinoukouji, on the other hand, was harder to read. She was a quiet presence, like Todoroki. But unlike their resident Ice Prince, there was no way to understand her. Her eyes were expressive, but at the same time, closed off. The only times Hanta would see emotion on her eyes were when Tokoyami and Yaoyorozu would scold her about Yukinokouji and Todoroki's food choices, and when she was around their small circle of friends.

Outside of confusion and small bouts of happiness, nothing else showed.

So when Hanta and Kirishima were grouped with who they dubbed Little Kitten for the battle simulation, he had thought it an opportunity to watch the small girl closer. He was right and wrong at the same time.

He managed to see that she can communicate better than Todoroki, but at the same time, she was as socially stunted as the aforementioned teen. Hanta didn't know how to make of her, but he adapted. He could see she was trying her best, and if there was something he admired, it was the drive to be better.

So Hanta dragged Kirishima to face Tokoyami, leaving Yukinokouji on her own. He trusted her enough to know what she was doing. She seemed to have a good grasp of her Quirk, what little they've seen anyway.

For now though, they had to focus on the fight. Yukinokouji had signalled that Tokoyami was on his way to the second floor. She was currently in the fifth floor with the weapon, the higher ground gave her more advantage being closer to open air. How she tracked the opposing team would remain a mystery to them until she explained. Kirishima was standing in the middle of the corridor, his arms hardened by his Quirk. Hanta himself was hidden behind a pillar. He would be key for capture, his Quirk was made for it.

Tokoyami was a difficult opponent, if only because Hanta and Kirishima couldn't get close to him because Dark Shadow was powerful in the dim lighting of the building. But they'd stall, because the Little Kitten was facing off with Asui and—

"Asui Tsuyu has been captured!" yeah, that. They only had the signal a few moments ago, but Yukinokouji sure did a quick job of that.

From across the corridor, Hanta saw Tokoyami give a small look of incredulousness, before it settled to acceptance because surely he knew that his friend was a powerhouse in that petite frame of hers.

"It seems that I am alone now in this pursuit of stopping evil," the corners of his beak seemed to curl up a bit, and that was all they had before Dark Shadow was moving again and this time, Tokoyami also burst into action.


It started as a small tingle on her temples.

Maiko knew that Asui was nearing the room where she was in. Sero and Kirishima were already fighting with Tokoyami, the small shakes in the building was testament to that.

A quiet croak coming from just beyond the doorway got her attention. Maiko hid a satisfied smile, scratching her communicator to tell her teammates that Asui was already in her floor. Now, what to do…? She knew the other girl wouldn't come barging in like a hothead. She was more likely to wait out.

There was a sudden change in the air. Maiko's brows nearly furrowed, keeping her eyes shut. Oh. Asui probably thought she was asleep, or tracking the other two. The other girl's footsteps were quiet, barely there. Anyone aside from Maiko, or someone with great senses, wouldn't have heard her enter the room. Maiko would have sighed if she could. Underestimating people would lead to one's demise. But it played for her advantage, so she wasn't going to complain.

In a snap, Maiko reached out again, catching Asui in surprise. The Capture Weapons on her arms swirling in the air, one of them rushing to grab the other girl's legs. She had to give it to Asui though, she was quick to dodge.

But if there was one thing Maiko prided herself in, it was her speed.

Just as Asui moved to perch on the wall near the weapon, Maiko's Capture Weapons turned to a different direction, the winds aiding it. In a single second, the frog-like girl's legs were wrapped with the white material. Without hesitating, Maiko flung her to the far end of the room. Quickly following after her, she prepared the capture tapes.

She heard a groan from where Asui had fallen, but there was no time to hesitate. Maiko crouched, the Capture Devices still holding the other girl down, and secured the tapes around her wrists.

"Asui Tsuyu has been captured!"All Might's voice echoed in the arena. Asui sighed and slumped in defeat.

"I thought you were asleep, kero," she stated, sitting in the corner.

"I was focused on tracking all of you."

There was another impact shaking the building, someone was probably thrown against a wall, or something. Maiko wanted to go and help her teammates. Should she though? Asui was here safely captured, she was out of the battle already. She could risk it, but she was also tasked to watch over the weapon just in case. There were a few minutes left of the exercise, might as well.


"What's she doing?" Ashido asked as they watched Yukinokouji fling both of her arms in front of her. Her fingers were moving daintily, as if they were grasping something non-existent in the air.

"She's tracking them, I think," Yaoyorozu answered, her eyes intently watching the screens.

"She can do that?" the pink-hair-and-skin girl muttered.

"Isn't her Quirk Air?" Uraraka asked from the other side.

"Air Manipulation, to be exact," Yaoyorozu nodded in response. "She hasn't explained the entirety but I know she can create strong wind gusts to whirlwinds, and even create airless pockets."

They watched as Yukinokouji on screen tapped her communicator, and they watched as both Sero and Kirishima muttered something in response.

"They must have talked about codes earlier," she said thoughtfully. "Maiko-san's not able to communicate verbally, and I highly doubt any of them know Morse code, so simple taps are a good compromise."

"Oh, there's Tokoyami-kun!" Uraraka's chirpy voice echoed in the fairly silent room. Sure enough, Tokoyami was entering the second floor through the stairs. Kirishima and Sero were waiting for them.

It was a rather typical face-off between men. Kirishima was good in rushing forward, Sero was as well, but he had the element of surprise and capture. It didn't surprise any of them that this fight was taking longer though. Tokoyami was, after all, one of the strongest in their class in terms of Quirks.

"Oh, there's Tsuyu-chan," Hagakure muttered from her spot near the back. "Is she going to sneak around Yukinokouji-chan?"

"Is she asleep?" came Uraraka's question just as Hagakure finished.

"I… don't think so," Ojiro trailed off. "She does look like it though."

All Might kept an ear out for what his students were saying about the fight currently happening in Ground Beta. So far, this had been the longest fight. Not as explosive and destructive as the first, and dear gods, Midoriya was in the infirmary again not because of One for All but rather because of his friend – is that even the right term for it – Bakugou, and not as anti-climactic as the second.

This team had a rather solid strategy. Leave Yukinokouji with the weapon, her Air Quirk allowed for long range fighting, and Sero and Kirishima can handle Tokoyami to match his strength. So far, it was working.

"Tsuyu-chan's entering the room!" Ashido's voice made him focus to the other screen.

The class watched as the frog-like girl crept in the room, quickly and quietly. There was no movement from Yukinokouji aside from a small shift in her frame. Until she burst into action. The Capture Weapons on her arms waved in the air, before they slid towards the other girl. Asui was quick to dodge.

But the other girl was quicker. Her arms reached out again, the cloth wrapped around her left arm surging forward, capturing Asui's legs, and with a strength that her small body surely didn't have, Yukinokouji flung the other girl back to the other side of the room. They watched as she turned into a white blur as she followed, capture tape ready in her hands.

"Asui Tsuyu has been captured!" The monitor room was quiet as All Might announced that Asui had been captured. No one really knew how to react at what had happened in the fifth floor where Yukinokouji had been.

It happened so fast.

One moment, they were looking at Asui creeping past the other girl. The next, she was flying across the room, a white flash following her. And then she had been captured.

"W-What happened?" Kaminari stammered. No one answered him.

No one could even answer as they watched Yukinokouji close her eyes, before disappearing from the screen and appearing on the other screen where Sero and Kirishima were.

"WAIT WHAT?!" The class practically exploded after that. And really, All Might could relate.


The pulsing in her temple grew in strength, but Maiko ignored it in lieu of focusing on where her two teammates where. Closing her eyes, Maiko grasped the moving air around them. She only had one shot at this.

"Y-Yukinokouji-chan?!" Kirishima's screech hurt her ears, but Maiko was already moving. The Capture Weapon on her right arm flying around Dark Shadow towards the exposed pipes behind Tokoyami. With another flourish of her hand, the other Capture Weapon wrapped around Tokoyami's legs. His current predicament surprised Dark Shadow who turned back to his user.

Sero and Kirishima took the opening, Sero's tapes coming out to wrap around Dark Shadow's claws. Maiko moved with them, capturing Tokoyami with the capture tape she had on her person.

"VILLAIN TEAM WINS!"All Might's voice rang around Ground Beta. The silence in the building was only broken by their own rasping breaths.

And with that, the barely there pulsing on her temple came back with a vengeance, stronger than before. It was probably a mistake trying to watch over all of them while she was also in a fight, no matter how short it had been. It was also a mistake to teleport when she knew she hasn't grasped the technique yet. Her stomach rumbled in protest, what was left of her lunch threatened to come out.

"Asui-san's upstairs," she tapped Kirishima's arm to tell him. With a grin, he bounded to the fifth floor to release the other girl.

"I didn't know you could teleport," Tokoyami rumbled as Sero released him. Dark Shadow looked like he was pouting.

"I usually can't. It makes me nauseous, but it was quicker than going through the stairs."

"WE WON!" Kirishima's yell came from the stairwell, Asui following behind him. "Good job guys!"

Maiko smiled, hidden behind her mask. Her first battle, with a team no less, was a success. Sero and Kirishima's arms were around her shoulders, singing a makeshift victory song as they headed back to the monitoring room. Maiko liked it.

This is my life now.


Sorry the ending seemed kinda forced ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Once again, welcome to sporadic updates ahaha…ha

This is so far my longest chapter, I got carried away. Also, I was exploring with using other characters' POVs since I figured it would also be nice to see what Maiko's doing using other people's eyes. Should I continue with that? Tell me in the reviews!

I hate writing action scenes because they never seem to come out the way I want them to. I might have to do a short comic for this if I get the time and motivation? But ehhhhh I'm lazy (laughs nervously)

But we're getting somewhere! Next chapter might be a filler one, since I don't want to rush into the USJ arc yet. Perhaps another basic Hero Training Class (STC, anyone?) and a glimpse of Maiko's weekend. Might bring in some of the other kids in too, I nee s. (I'd also like to take this opportunity to say that I love pure boi Kirishima, he's a good boi.)

REVIEWS MAKE MY DAY AND THEY ACTUALLY MOTIVATE ME. Thank you so much for the support!


dolpene Thank you so much! I try my best to keep it detailed but not so much to make it boring, I'm glad you think so too! We'll see more silently pouting Maiko here and there uwu

Emberstork and Reversus12 Thank you for the review! Don't worry about the shipping, there won't be any this early in the fic. There's still a lot of things to go through and I'd like to see some development first before doing romance.

I'm also a firm member of the church of Slow Burn is Good for the Soul. And the pairing for Maiko isn't really fixed yet since there are still a lot of people she will meet, so there's that. Once again, thank you for the support and I hope you liked this chapter too!

bbymojo Thank you again for the review! And yes! I totally agree with you! Like I mentioned above, I'm a firm believer of Slow Burns and considering how Maiko's a bit socially stunted, we have quite a long way to go before romance comes in. I hope you liked Maiko here! I tried my best to keep her overpowered within reason uwu

hourglass eternity OH MY GOD I am suddenly shy ;;;;;;;;;; I know I've been shamelessly plugging my IG and FB but heck now that I know you've seen it aaaaaaaaaaaaaI'm shyyyyyyy. BUT THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Your question about Maiko's Quirk should be answered in this chapter, but of course there's still more in development ;) I can't say much anymore but SHINSO WILL BE HERE YES, I love that child.

bisexuwhaleThank you very much! I hope you like this newest chapter too!