-Chapted 3, As the days passed by-

Days turned to weeks as Naruto got to know his mother. Even through she has become a demon, and her... mannerism leaves a lot to wish for but hey, at last she's alive. Naruto even managed to learn something about the old Kyūbi, Kurama. Whe his mother hield some dislike for the old fox she still had some nice stories about her. Who would guess they really were close and on rather good relations?

Now we find Naruto laying on his bed with red fox on his stomach. "...And that's how I learned that she was female, my most embarrassing moment." Naruto chuckled at his mother's misfortune, it was like a bloodline. Durning second week he learned that science his seal was made to hold the Kyūbi and not two of them, his mother and even Kurama, even through he hasn't seen her yet. Can leave the seal for a day at max.

Knock knock.

Naruto grumpled and walked towards the door... with Kushina still on his chest. How? Hell if I know... Naruto actually didn't know who to expect especially not him. "Hello brat." "... Senku?" Now I know most wonder who the hell is Senku. Senku was one of the few civilians who didn't have a problem with him. Senku smiled, albeit a bit forced. "Yup! So... I heard you moved here. The thing is... can I buy your old apartment?" Naruto blinked. That was weird, for what anyone would need that ruin [1]?

The Seal, the same time.

In one corner of the cage, a lot of red chakra seems to appear. Then it slowly but surely forms a orange fox. The fox had nine tails and a long scar obove it's left eye. This being was Kurama Kitsune, queen of Biju and demons[2]. The fox seemed to be sleeping, at last for now.

With Naruto and Kushina.

The pair walked around Konoha, well Naruto walked. Kushina found herself a spot on her son's shoulder. They were nearing Ichiraku Ramen Stand {TM}.

Truth to be told, while Kushina was human she and her 'dear' husband often ate there. Those were... good times. Belive it!

Dinner they had there went... rather uneventful. Not counting some werido runing around screaming "YOUTH!" the whole time. Heck he even scared away all of Naruto's haters, no-one was able to stand the green beast of Konoha. No-one.

-Flashback brought to you by: Kushina!-

Thirteen year old Kushina Uzumaki returned from her long term mission/punishment. The mission was to help caretakers of Konoha orphanage control all children there. As she walked to her home she encountered a... unusual... sight. "YOSH! Tanu-sensei that was so YOUTHFUL! WHEN I GROW UP I WILL BECOME AS YOUTHFUL AS YOU! IF NOT I'LL RUN AROUND KONOHA ON MY HEAD FOR THREE YEARS WITH NO BREAKS!" Yelled the smaller kid in green spandex with very bushy eyebrows. The man who stood in front of him smilled and made a pose that will be later dubbed as "Nice guy pose".

"As belived to be done by my youthful apprentice!" (... here it comes... "Tanu-sensei!" "Gai!" "TANU-SRNSEI!" "GAI!" And then they hugged... long story short: it took two weeks to heal Kushina's mental scars.

-Flashback kai!-

Kushina shivered, she felt as if someone shared one of her most embarrassing stories with the whole world.(Consider it payback Ven!)

After thanking and almost giving Teuchi a hearth attack (we can't blame him, can we?) the odd duo left the ramen stand to have a "really important meeting with the Hokage" as Kushina put in with a really innocent smile on her snout. It didn't fool anyone, even Naruto.

Hokage's office, an hour later.

(Warning! The paragraph below has some scenes that may be considered as torture, I hereby inform all of you that no-one (other than Hiruzen) were hurt during writing of this scene, I wish you a good day.

Before Hiruzen's office Kushina hopped off her son's shoulder and turned human in burst of flames. "Alright Sochi, wait here I have a business with Hiruzen." Naruto nooded, who he was to disobey his mother?

After Kushina entered the old man's office he stiffened in an instant. "K-Kushina w-wha-what a pl-pleasant surprise! P-please take a se-seat." (Damn, so that's like writing Hinata huh?) The woman smirked and sat infront of him. While Sarutobi may or may not know, his ANBU already left the room to survive 'wrath of red blooded habanero'. "So, can you tell me... where the heck is old hag!?" Sarutobi let out a quiet whine, he will survive her wraith for his student. Kushina had none of that, she grabed his head and smacked it agains the desk. Smiling at the satisfying sound of flesh hitting wood Kushina repeated it few times. When she got tired of that, she grabed his neck and threw him at the wall to their left, let's pretend that the dead ROOT ANBU whose body fell after Hiruzen hit the wall didn't exist. "Now, now Saru-chan. Tell. Me. Where. She. IS!" Two chains grew out of Kushina's back and started to squash Hiruzen. The man started to squirm, yet it didn't help him it actually made it worse. "Look Hiruzen" She spat. "I will un-chain you only when you tell me where that hag went, otherwise... well, we have a lot of time before anyone will notice something right?" The old Hokage yelled out in pain as one of the chains cut his palm.

The blood frenzied woman growled. "Don't scream!" And at the moment, red chakra swam around her and turned into a sword. A sword which she... used to cut Sarutobi's stomach again. [3] The man tried his hardest not to scream but his body betrayed him. The last thing he saw befire failing unconscious was Kushina's fox like grin. Uzu no Kitsu has returned.

(The scenes are aver!)

Kushina left the room without even sparing a glance towards Hiruzen's downed form. She knew he was alive, barely.

The god's realm

Kami and Yami looked at the mortal real with glee. Sure Kami was supposed to be all good and stuf, while Yami would be all kill people etc. In truth both of them could agree on one thing, the decison to turn Kushina into Youkai was certantly worth it's cost.

Back with Kushina

Kushina turned into her fox form again, but as she was to jump at her son's shoulder she sneezed. Weird, ne?


Oh, it's good to be able to write for future and not at a moment. Through I wonder when I'll publish it.[1] - Thank you Zose, thank you

[2] - Well, we all know that the creatures that Tayuya had summoned are at last listed as demons, but ninja also call other things demons.

[3] - ...spoiler alert?

And there's one more thing I have to ask about: can anyone tell me why I see empty reviews or I'm unable to see statistics? I would appreciate it.

The Omake down there has been made by member of my discord, so thank you MRT!

And for something special:

-Omake 1: Kushina's biggest shock-

Uzumaki Kushina was bored. And it was never a good sign. Sure, had beated "The Great Uchiha Prodigy", Fugaku but he was weak, at last in her books. The girl smiled randomly as an trough came to her. She'll piss out Kyūbi! Kushina closed her eyes and her mind's representation opened it's eyes. Kushina looked at the wheel where the demon was almost always chained, but to her shock... "AGH! MORE!" Kushina paled and did the unthinkable, she had fainted in her mind. The Kyūbi turned towards her downed form. "... I knew I should have used privacy seals..." But hey! At last her jailor knew she was female unlike Mito!

-Omake 2 to Her's, only Her's by Inzumi-

Minato Namikaze was supposed to be a seal-master who's on level of great Hashirama Senju, but in truth he made a lot of stupid mistakes when he was learning the art.

His first mistake was making a too thin line on explosive-tag, which detonated it in his hand.

Second, well, that's a long story.

"- and then put your chakra into it." Finished Uzumaki Kushina, future secred wife of the future Yondaime. The blond nooded at attempted to skip all parts of het explanation to reinforce the Kyubi's seal. "Shoka [1]!"

Kushina's seal

Both youngsters appeared in front of the demon's prision. But it was openec and the demon was looking at them like a predator at it's prey. "Minato-kun~. Why is the Kyūbi free~?" Sudently both Kushina and Kyūbi were looking at Minato with murderous intentions, ready to kill him.

And situations like this one, teached Minato how to properly seal... but he will never forget that ass-kicking he recived from them.

-Omake 3 by Malefic76, let his soul be at peace-

Mito Uzumaki never knew what it meant to "reach a limit of your abilities". She often went against her husband's wishes, only to make a lot of stupid mistakes. Now the Uzumaki woman tried to summon a legendary beast, Nokami {1} to their world. Why would she do that? Not many people knew, but in truth most of the members of Uzumaki Clan tried to recreate magic.

Most sane and intelligent members of other clans used this to distance themselves from Uzushio's insane population. Well, most but Senju. The cousin clan tried to learn why their relatives tried such a crazy act but didn't question their cousins sanity. Now Mito made a final step in recreating magic! "Finally! Dad's gonna be proud of me!" She yelled as the seal was ready.

Mito started to make handseals to activate it, and it worked. Before Mito could explode in happines she fainted.

Unknown location

Mito opened her eyes, what proved to be mistake! In front of her stood a Cerberus. Yet, Mito and the whole Uzumaki Clan was known for it's... unique mentality. "YOHO! I DID IT!" She cried out only to realise. "... so, you're going with me?"


After that day Mito was always accompanied by her new pet. When she was asked what it was she would reply that it was ony a dog. But some people knew the truth. And they take it to grave. Belive it!

{1} - Name of Malefic76's first dog.

End of Omakes

And before I end this. Each of next chapters of HoH is going to (Finally) become longer and will have three Omakes at the end. With that I wish you a good day or night, whenever you are.