This story is complete X-Over fic you guys, this is story is Garfield Logan as Star Labs Wanted as he almost similar to a certain sega character. He's my favorite one cause he's can be either hero or villain...That's who he is...hehehe...let's do this!
Chapter One: Change
Am I just a joke...?
Am I just a tool for this team...?
Or am I just making a complete idiot in my whole life...
Here's the life of one living heroic changeling named Beast Boy, who is in his room. Seeing him having a ruined suit with torn and burns, got bandages on his face. Today had gone smoothly, having fun with his teammates, until Slade attacks. The Titans tried to stop him, but the leader's anger took whole of him; he just attacks without thinking. Everyone was screaming all hearing around him, until he saw his team on the ground. Robin told him to go chase after Slade, but Beast Boy had to save them. Robin saw Slade getting away, as he grew with rage and say the words that made Beast Boy's inner self break.
'Everyone...that green freak made Slade get away, it's he who wouldn't catch Slade! This would've been all over if not for incompetence!'
That drove everyone in the city giving him the most venomous glares at the green hero, who saved his friends lives, and he's awarded with punishment? Beast Boy just look down getting carried by Cyborg and Starfire while Raven patting his back. The three Titans carried their friend away from the people.
"This is what I get for saving them, and I've never been so much my life." Beast Boy said. Beast Boy walked to his desk, seeing both pictures of the past life's family. The African family who accepted him, even met a girl that's really close to him, The Doom Patrol who saved his life from his crazy uncle, and finally the old ripped off photo of his parents when he was a baby.
"What am I supposed to do you guys?" Beast Boy asked, looking at the photos.
Beast boy then hear knocking on the door, he walked to it. The door opens revealing to be Cyborg, Starfire, and Raven.
"What do you guys want?" Beast Boy asked, looking away.
"Grass stain, it's been three weeks since you've stayed in your room. You need some fresh air and probably video games." Cyborg said.
"Thanks, but no thanks." Beast Boy replied
"Please, Friend Beast Boy, you haven't been out of your room for a long time." Starfire told him.
"Plus, you haven't eaten anything for a while." Raven states.
"Look man, you can't let what Robin said get to you. Fuck him and fuck what other people think, they don't know how much more of a hero you are in saving our lives." Cyborg said, hoping to get it through to him.
"And what I am over the years in this city, a joke. Saving you guys because you three are the closest ones all the time. If you guys want me come out fine, I'll just take bites of food even if it's Stars cooking." Beast Boy said
Starfire is happy as she spins around. "Glorious!"
"I knew you'd come around." Cyborg state as he shoulder-hugged him.
"For once, I'm glad you out of your room." Raven said with a smile.
Beast Boy's at the corner, chowing down on food Starfire made for him. Star makes sure she going to make a great tofu food dinner just for him.
"Thanks for the food Star! You've really improved your cooking skills!" Beast Boy said make a smile.
"Thank you, Friend Beast Boy." Starfire replied, as she blushes.
"Hey man, it's great to see you smile once in a while." Cyborg said patting his green buddy "Without you here, this place will be full of dread."
"Dread is what I live for, but even I admit that it needs a little upbeat around." Raven said with a rare small smile.
"Thanks guys, it's great to see I have someone close to me. Wanna play some Highspeed Race, Cy?" Beast Boy asked.
"Oh, it's on Grass Stains!" Cyborg replied happily.
Both of them jumped on the couch, grabbed each controller and begins to play as Starfire sits and watch while Raven reads her book. In a few moments, the alarm came on which just makes them groan.
"It's just getting started." Cyborg complained/
Robin came in as he spoke. "Alright Titans, there's trouble in the S.T.A.R Lab! Let's move!" At moment, the changeling and the boy wonder lock each other eyes. By glaring at each other, the titans seeing this feeling a chill down their spins.
"Boy Wonder." Beast Boy said in anger.
"Changeling." Robin said in venomous
"Alright, let's get going to the S.T.A.R Labs, shall we?" Cyborg said grabbing Beast Boy's arm as he carried him as Raven go behind to make sure both of them don't start a fight.
Starfire's about to flew toward the exit until Robin stops her.
"Star wait, I just want to know... why did you break up with me again...I don't why you're mad at me?" Robin asked Starfire who turns to Robin, as she glares at him.
"If you don't know or admit your own mistakes, then you are no man in my eyes." Starfire told him as she flew in to follow the others, leaving a distant boy wonder.
Over at S.T.A.R. Labs, the scientists ran out of the building as a villain is seen observing an experiment the scientist were creating. "Ah I see, a rare strange energy from a bottom core. Interesting." The villain said as he is known as Professor Chang. "Perhaps I can use it just for safety. Bring me a test subject."
One of his minions bring a redhaired girl, blue eyes with freckles on the cheeks. Wearing a white bodysuit with a blue star, and black shoes.
"Let me go!" cry out the red-haired girl angrily.
"Don't worry Ms... April O' Neil. It's just a little test that I'm going use it on you." Chang replied with a grin.
"!" April shouts as suddenly, Chang's minions were hit in the heads, knocked out by a large green sasquatch, who transforms into Beast Boy.
"You alright?" he asks her.
"Y-Yeah, I'm good. Thanks." April replied.
"The Titans?!" Chang shout as he sees the group made it in.
"You're going back to jail Chang, for a very long time." Robin said held up his staff.
"Not yet, minions! Get them!" Chang shout as his minions running towards the titans.
"Titans, protect the girl and attack them." Robin orders.
The Titans begin to fight off the Chang's minions, unaware to them Chang trying figure out how the cannon works.
"Hmm, ah yes... High level of strange new Xenothium, even if the power be gone, but I'll still destroy you Titans. Good bye!" Chang shout as he charges the cannon.
Beast Boy see this as Chang target his friends and the girl. Even if he tried to warn them it'll too late, plus seeing them getting tired of fighting. So, there's one thing to do, even if it kills him but still let them live on. He charges at them; turning into an eagle making him go faster. In slow motion, the cannon fires an energy blast. The blast is about to hit the titans and April.
But Beast Boy changes back as he got in front of them. The blast hit Beast Boy, making full of scream. "AHHHHHH!"
That's what he saw for a long while.
It felt shorter than he thought it would be.
The beeping noises from the monitors didn't help either. Slowly, the changeling opens his eyes to notice his surroundings. He appears to be in some kind of white room. A room with no doors, no windows, nothing but a small vent on the wall.
"Hello?" he calls out as he looks around "Raven? Starfire? Cy? Robin? Where is everyone?" Suddenly a mirror appears in the wall, he walked to it revealing himself that his face completely turns into shock as he almost fainted.
His whole skin turned back into tan skin, but way different is his hair which is red with black streaks, and his eyes are also red. He's wearing a white bodysuit with a blue star on it, and black shoes.
"I've changeā¦ what's going on here?" Beast Boy asked, looking around until he spots a camera.
"Looks like you're finally awake Beast Boy or may I call you Mr. Logan."
"Who are you and where am I?" Beast Boy asked,
"This is S.T.A.R Labs, and you are in a room that cancels out your powers."
"Why am I here, I don't get it?!" Beast Boy said with angrily.
"Mr. Logan, that beam that hit you changed you. It increased your powers and made you too powerful."
"Too powerful? But that doesn't explain my skin!" Beast Boy told while pointing at himself.
"The beam that hit you also changed your powers. You do not have the same shape shifting powers before, but you're something else entirely."
"Then why am I locked up here?!" He demands.
"It was an agreement made by my superiors and your leader, Robin."
Beast Boy was shocked to hearing this. "He actually put me in here out my own free will?! What about the others?!"
"Naturally the members don't really have a choice, it's all in the contract by you from the leader that's all."Shocked, Beast Boy knew Robin had it with him, but to lock him up? This was a joke, Robin may as well seemingly plan this just to get rid of him.
"Robin..." he snarled as he looks around "Hey, can you hear me? If you're interested, I know his secret identity! But I'll tell you if you free me!"
"Do you really think I'd fall for that?"
Beast Boy shocked heard that. "W... what?"
"What you think of S.T.A.R Labs was created. This facility was created by the government and the top hero groups. We're here to help those like you to control your powers. Plus, I'm a computer you're talking to." With that realization, Beast Boy looks deflated. He looks down, seeing the floor with hate in his eyes. He stares into nothing, as he shouts.
Meanwhile, back to the Tower, a long going argument was going on between the three members of the Titans, and Robin.
"How can you do this to him!?" Raven snarled at the boy wonder "We could've helped him!"
"S.T.A.R. Labs is the perfect place to control his new powers. Plus, that was some dumb move he did back there." Robin argued.
"He saved us from getting blasted from that cannon. We have a training course here for him!" Cyborg said in anger
"What he did was a noble act of heroism. We'd all do the same thing as he did." Starfire states.
Robin scoffs "Heroic act? Can't you see that beam could've killed him?"
"And what, let it kill us?" Raven countered. "If this is the way this team operates," she brings out her T-Com, and throw it to the floor. "I quit."
"W-What?" Robin asked in shock, not believing what he heard.
"Me too, Boy Blunder." Cyborg said as he throws his T-Com.
"And I too, Blunder of the Boy." Starfire also said as she smashed her T-Com.
"You guys can't quit! The Titans aren't the Titans with you!" Robin shouts at them.
"The Titans aren't the Titans without Beast Boy. He's more of a true hero than you'll ever be." Cyborg told him as he, Starfire, and Raven turn their backs on him as they walk away.
"Then where are you going? You've all got no places to live!" Robin shout angrily.
"I'll be joining the JLA, until Beast Boy gets out, I'll be coming to visit him." Cyborg said.
"I'm going to Azarath, so that I can come to join with my mother." Raven states.
"And I'll be joining S.W.O.R.D." Starfire states "They need help in defeating alien threats, well I can help them fight off against those threats for Earth."
And just like that, the three now former Titans march out away from Robin. Not even turning back as they went to their rooms to pack up.
"You all are making a big mistake! Who's going to help stopping crime in this city?!" Robin asked.
"Ask those who actually listens to you." Raven told him while not looking behind.
Robin was enraged, seeing them talking down at him. He just wants that green hero to be in control, so he puts him in S.T.A.R for that. "Fine! I can get new recruits! I don't need you three talking to me like that. For now, on, The Teen Titans are disbanded!"
Garfield banging on the door, while screaming. "Let me out of here! I help many times in this city and you've all locked me up just because I got new powers!"
Then the wall opens just to make Garfield fall down.
"You guys finally letting me go?" Garfield asked look at the camera.
"No, it's time to meet the others as it's time for dinner."
Garfield sigh of despair. "Well, at least I don't be alone here."
Garfield walked in the halls, seeing a big room that is white, but the ground is gray. Even seeing few people at his age perhaps even older or younger here. Until one he knows that coming towards's April.
"You're finally awake, I'm was getting a little worried." April said as she introduces herself. "Well since you are new here, I'm April O' Neil."
"Hi April, since I'm here my named is Garfield Logan." Garfield said as looking around. "Guess all of us eat at the same time."
"Yup, same place we've been trained, eat, and sleep. These scientists are always watching over us. Want to meet my friends?" April asked Garfield who nodded, as he followed April to her friends, once they arrive at the corner round table. Having two teen girls, one girl, and two young boys.
One teen girl is completely blue skin, eyes, and smooth hair. Wearing a white bodysuit with blue star, and blue sandals.
As she's playing with a young boy, having peach skin, black curly hair, and black eyes. Wearing a white jumpsuit with a pink star, pink sandals.
The girl and boy are exactly alike with white skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. The girl has her hair down, red cheeks, and having bracelets. The boy only has a blue and white hat with the star bodysuit. Both has black shoes with white socks.
Another teen girl having white skin, purple eyes, and purple lips. Wearing the white jumpsuit but tie up the upper body part to tie up on her wait, only seeing her black tank top. Wearing a black steel boot.
"So, these are your friends?" Garfield asked.
"Yep." April replied "Guys! I want you to meet Garfield. Garfield, this is Lapis, Steven, Dipper, Mabel, and Sam."
They all turn to see Garfield. They all give different looks.
"Hi! You must be new here." Steven ask him in enjoyment.
"Hi." Lapis said dryly.
"Hello there, my name is Mabel. I like unicorns, boy bands, and set fireworks!" Mabel replied excitedly.
"Hey man, I'm Dipper." Dipper greets while shaking Garfield's hand.
"So why you guys here, you all look normal?" Garfield asked.
"Believe or not, my mom is the leader of the Crystal Gems. I've freed Lapis from a mirror who kept her imprisoned thousand years ago. For some reason I got captured by strange, uniformed men and so did Lapis. They bring us here and that's about how we've ended up here. My power's my shield and Lapis' power is she can control water." Steven said summoning a pink shield.
Lapis smiled created her water wings. "Believe this kid, because he's never lied in his life."
"Me and Dipper got caught by a radioactive reaction blast from one of our adventures. Our parents have no choice but to bring us here to control our new powers. My powers are my sweet partners: Hurt & Pain, and Dipper's powers can float him around like a boy from outer space!" Mabel shout exciting.
"Meaning I can control gravity, as Mabel can use her super strength." Dipper explained.
"Alright, and what about her?" Garfield ask pointing towards Sam, who just brood and turn away.
"Sam's...not the social butterfly around here." April states. "She controls plants."
"Ah but we're still friends! Right, Sam?" Mabel asked as she and Steven grins at her.
"The more you smile, the more I'm likely to become diabetic." Sam said as she reads her gothic catalog.
"So, what do you do, April?" Garfield ask her.
April rubbing her arms in nervously. "I... have telekinesis, but sometimes I can't control it. I'm here because I might hurt someone."
Garfield placed his hand on her shoulder. "No, you'll just have to control it that's all. I might stay here until I get it under control, so does the rest of you guys. Who's with me?"
"I am!" Steven/Mabel shout with excitement.
"Count me in." Dipper said.
"Whatever." Lapis/Sam said in union.
Garfield nodded as he looks up, seeing the roof that has a big window. Seeing the whole stars in the sky, he might be alone but still...this place is not their home. He wants to escape but he can't leave them here.
'Until I control my new one will be in a prison like us ever again.' Garfield thought as his eyes starts flashing red.
I know it's short but don't worry, things are coming in the next chapter. Why Rated M, cause moment be lemon and dark sign out!