Hello everyone! It sure has been a minute, hasn't it? Well, the semester got a bit stressful, then the world decided to have a pandemic and change everything about everyday life overnight. So, it's been weird. But you all know that. I'm sure you're feeling the same uneasiness I am. But I finally sat my butt down and finished this chapter. It's not super long, but conveys what I wanted it to. I hope it brings you happiness when it is hard to find some right now.

Feathers: TROS did hurt a lot of people. It's sad to see writers pull back on their stories, and that includes me. I hate that it has messed me up emotionally and hurt my motivation to write. I'm trying to get that back. I'm sorry to hear you feel similar. But I am getting my muse back, slowly. Also helps that the semester is almost done and I'll have a break from school for a bit. That has also been stressing me out. Paul Lenzen: Thanks for understanding how I feel and liking the previous chapter. I'll also be sad when this story comes to an end. And the end is soon! Thanks for sticking with me through the story, the ups and downs. I appreciate it! kcj041: That memory was so sad to write. Her and Poe really were a team! And Rey was so lost when he died. Thank you for loving the story so much and comparing it to actual published novels. I don't think I'm that good, but I appreciate you thinking so! SpunkyBookworm: My mom is the coolest! :) I love how supportive she is with me writing fanfiction. And I am doing good. Hanging in there during these crazy times we are living in! ldsrsc: Thanks for loving their convo! I love writing characters just talking to each other. I find it more compelling than action scenes, but that's just me. BrokenMentality: Thank you for liking it and enjoying the characters! I try putting a good amount of detail into characterization. It's one of the things I like best when reading a book. Thanks for the review! Tori: I know you left a review on chapter 10, but I hope you're still reading and loving it! Thanks for leaving the comment! Guest: I'm glad the story is tearing you apart in such an amazing way. I know what you mean by that, cause I have felt that too when reading something. Hopefully you're up for having more emotions coming your way! Carvertown: Gotta have a steamy sexy chapter for my mom on her birthday! *awkward laughs* Wasn't sure how she would take that, but she seemed to enjoy it! lol. Alphakatt12: I always love to hear that someone binge read one of my stories. I've been there, and it only happens to stories you really like. So, yea for binge reading! lol. The movie is great, and I hope you've been able to watch it. Bumbler93: It's been hard to push back my block, but I've been getting there. Damn you, TROS! That movie messed up a lot of people. Hope you enjoy the rest of the story! Guest: Wow to your review. Thank you for all the kind words you wrote and how much you love the story! I'm glad you could read my other Star Wars story and it brought you some happiness after the dumpster fire that is TROS. I do want to continue The Space Between Stars, with a continuation of their son Jacen as the main character. I have it outlined, but not sure when I will get to it. To be honest, writing in the actual Star Wars universe now gives me a headache after the last movie. But I do want to write it in the future. There is just not a date on it. Sometimes in the replies to reviews, there are little spoilers, so I understand why you skip this section. Hope you read this reply to you, though!

Ok, so there are probably a lot of mistakes in this chapter. My beta hasn't been able to look at it yet, and I'm getting tired of re-reading it. lol. So I'm just going to post it and ask that you all have mercy on me!

Chapter 23: The Dream

The completion of the gorilla habitat was a punctuation mark at the end of a very long and arduously written sentence. Months of hard work, copious amounts of caffeine, and an endless supply of stress had finally culminated into something beautiful. Something meaningful:

Poe's dream.

From her seat on the temporary stage in front of the new gorilla habitat, Rey had a good view of the seated crowd: regular donors, employees, close family and friends of the higher ups who ran the zoo. In total, a couple hundred people were out there, all here to celebrate something she designed.

Rey fiddled with the hem of her dress at her knees, her fingers reflexively trying to pull it down so it didn't ride too high up her thighs. It was both odd and kind of freeing to be wearing this particular white dress, the one she had been wearing the night of the accident. Well, it wasn't the exact one. The original had to be trashed due to all the blood.

Not one to own a lot of fancy shmancy clothes, Rey had gone on the hunt for a dress to wear for the dedication. It was at Nordstrom Rack that she came across the dress. The Accident Dress, her mind had fittingly dubbed it. She had stared at it for an hour, going back and forth on whether to get it. But while the dress held some bad memories, it held good ones, too. One, Poe had bought it for her, doing so because his taste in fashion far surpassed hers – a fact Rey never contested. And two, she'd had a lot of fun at the donors dinner while dancing, receiving plenty of compliments on her outfit throughout the evening.

And according to Poe, she looked like a million bucks while wearing it.

So, Rey made the decision to buy it. A small part of her still thought she was insane for putting it on. Kay had given her this you're-crazy-but-I'm-not-going-to-say-it-outloud kind of look when she told her what she'd be wearing. But she didn't need her friend to understand. Rey's reasons were personal, and as long as she understood the choice she had made, that was all that mattered.

"Stop fidgeting," Kay whispered to her, nudging her knee. Rey tightened her hands into fists, trying to wrangle in her nerves. Didn't work.

Her eyes roamed around the stage, peering at the large photo of Poe and Shara draped in the background. Joining the line of chairs behind the podium were various members of the Board of Directors for the zoo and some of the really high donors, one of which was busy giving the opening speech.

Mr. Ackbar had already been talking for ten minutes, even getting off on a tangent when he and the Misses had gone on a safari to Africa. Predictably, he found a way to round it back to the sizable and generous donations he'd been modestly giving the zoo over the past decade.

Pinnacle of humility, everyone. But at least he wasn't an asshole like a lot of other rich people.

"... but my money is not what we are here to talk about..." Mr. Ackbar stated, a few people chuckling. Rey sat straighter, sensing he was getting close to the end of his 'speech'. She glanced to the crowd again, seeing Han and Leia in the front row. She zeroed in on Han's hand on her knee, seeing the glint of a ring.

Two days after Ben came back, his parents had gotten hitched at the local courthouse, only inviting a small group of close friends and family. It had been simple, leaving the vows short and sweet because, according to Leia, when it came to big weddings: "Been there, done that." Of course, wedding standards were different for her son. While celebrating at the restaurant, Rey overheard Leia telling Ben that his own wedding could be small, that's fine. But if he eloped at a courthouse, she would kill him.

Fortunately for Leia, Rey wanted an actual wedding as well, equipped with a stunning dress and an aisle to walk down and lots of flowers. But any talks of tying the knot had been mute. She had skimmed the subject with Ben while in Hawaii, but since then, it hadn't been brought up. At this point, Rey kind of felt like the ball was in Ben's court if he wanted to continue that particular conversation. So far, nothing.

Patience was never a virtue of Rey's. She would have to take matters into her own hands.

To be fair, though, the time they could spend with one another had been extremely limited since Rey had a deadline to meet within a couple weeks of Ben getting back to Chicago. Either their discussions revolved around the habitat, or she fell asleep on the couch or at her desk and Ben was left with the job of tucking her into bed.

Rey felt like 'the marriage talk' should be done in person, which was why she never brought it up during any of their Facetime convos while they were apart. But, c'mon... most of their texts and video chats revolved around more NSFW topics.

Turned out missing Ben made Rey very, very horny.

Her eyes scanned down the row, passing Finn, Rose, Luke, Chewie, and Lando in their Sunday best, before settling on Ben. He was unabashedly handsome, hair perfectly coiffed and styled, his massive frame covered in an impeccably tailored black suit, paired with a black dress shirt and black tie. Black upon black, with a touch of black, a great combination on him.

He dripped pure sin and sex, and what killed her was he didn't even know it. He was by far the most overdressed person here and he didn't even care, which added to his appeal. When Rey had asked him earlier why he was wearing his Tom Ford three-piece, he just said, "A special day deserves my best suit."

In his lap was an added accessory: an oversized bag for small dogs, BB's little head poking out of the top and watching the procession. Rey had pulled some strings to make sure BB could witness the dedication.

Rey gave Ben a wink. He smiled.

"... so it is with great pleasure that I introduce you to the woman who is responsible for this beautifully designed gorilla habitat, Ms. Rey Dameron."

A nice round of applause came from the crowd as Rey made her way to the podium, straightening out her dress, legs slightly shaking. Good thing she wore two inch heels.

Rey placed her notecards in front of her. "Thank you, Mr. Ackbar, for the introduction and your donations," she started off saying, glancing at him.

Behind her, Mr. Ackbar took a quick bow before sitting, receiving some laughter from the crowd.

Rey rested her hands on the podium, taking in a deep breath, glancing at the notecards. "I'd like to thank everyone who has contributed their time and energy: my incredibly dedicated crew, Lincoln Park's Board of Directors, all those who have donated to the cause, and the supervising veterinarian, my dear friend, Kaydel Connix." Rey paused for the courteous applause. "The dedication for this new home for Shara and her family has great meaning for me… personally. My brother… Poe… Dr. Poe Dameron, spent many years with Shara. She was found wounded by poachers, and it was Poe who nursed her back to health." Her gaze went to Ben. His smile was tender and supportive, his fingers going to scratch behind BB's ears.

"But most importantly," she continued, "it was his uncompromising passion that brings us all here today. Ever since Poe and Shara met, he had dreamed of expanding the habitat for the gorillas. Not just for Shara, but for her whole family. In the beginning, we thought we were building an exhibit for people to look at gorillas, we found out we built an exhibit for gorillas to look at people." Softs laughs came from the audience. "Some of the gorilla's you'll see today are being rehabilitated before being released back into the wild, others are permanent residents. No matter which group a gorilla falls under, they all deserve a comfortable home to relax and play and roam free in. And while my brother was first and foremost an ape specialist, he believed all animals had a right to live comfortably."

Rey waited for another round of applause to die down, swallowing back the lump that was lodged in her throat. Public speeches weren't really her thing. "If you ask a child to draw a picture of a zoo, most likely they will draw an animal behind bars. That image needs to change. It's not enough to keep animals in an exhibit just for people to look at. There has to be a higher purpose. And I am so glad that Lincoln Park Zoo's primary mission is conservation of a species in the wild and rehabilitation. Because of this mission, I am proud to announce that over the next three years, I will be the chief architect of a massive rebuilding campaign to update the habitats and to make them larger and more functional for both the staff and the animals." Those in the audience excited over the news clapped with vigor, which caused Rey to grin. "For those animals who can't go back to the wild, a zoo shouldn't feel confining, but should be a warm, welcoming home. That was always my brother's vision. So it is with great honor that I dedicate this new beginning and newly built habitat in the loving memory of Dr. Poe Dameron."

There you have it, Poe, she thought. It's done.

The crowd applauded and even went to their feet, tears pooling in Rey's eyes as she went back to her seat. D'Acy finished the dedication by reminding everyone that refreshments would be served in the viewing rooms and to enjoy the next two hours of privacy throughout the habitat before it was opened to the public.

Everyone dispersed at their own pace, but Rey was caught up with shaking hands and speaking with those on stage. One. By. One. Of course she knew that without the donor funding and the Boards approval, getting the habitat built would have been impossible. So Rey made small talk and smoozed and laughed at the jokes. She did slip away before Mr. Ackbar could get to her, though. She needed to have some food in her system to be able to endure a conversation with that man. It could very well last an hour.

Kay fell into step beside her as they made their way inside. "Nervous?"

"I already gave my speech in front of a crowd." They walked through the propped open double doors, the refreshing cool air from the AC gliding across Rey's warm skin. It was mid morning, but with it being the beginning of September, the heat climbed quickly once the sun was in the sky.

The inside of the viewing room was designed much like the last habitat: walls painted to resemble a jungle, vines strategically placed around the glass partition, immersing all visitors into a different ecosystem.

"You know what I mean," Kay told her. Rey stopped at the table filled with refreshments, thankful that there was still some food left. She grabbed a plate. "You brought the ring, right?"

Rey snapped her attention to Kay, giving her a harsh, "Shhh…"

Kaydel and Rey both glanced around, thankfully no Ben in sight. Rey wondered where he was. Probably talking with his family.

Her mental awareness was briefly drawn to the ring hidden at the bottom of her purse, as if it were pulsating its own special energy that wouldn't allow her to forget it was there.

Rey perused the table, snatching up anything that appeared appetizing. Kay followed her, keeping up with the questions. "You gonna pop the question today? It would be so cute if it were today."

"I'll ask him when the moment is right."

"You keep saying that. You've been carrying the ring around for weeks, waiting. Just do it."

Rey sighed. "I want it to be special."

"It's already special because you're asking him. You could ask him while he's brushing his teeth and he would still think the moment was precious."

Plate full, Rey looked at Kay. "He just… deserves something great. Like him." Kay gave her a flat stare. "I'll get to it, okay? Stop pestering me."

"I'm not pest–." Kay perked up, gazing past Rey. "Oh, here he comes." She started backing up. "Just do it, okay? Do it." Then she was darting away, getting swallowed up by the various groups of people.

"No veggies?" Rey felt her heart speed up and turned, already knowing the owner of that cavernous voice. Ben cracked a smile at her as he eyed her plate. "Not that I'm judging or anything."

This was one of those moments Rey had to remind herself to breathe.

Ben was sexier, better, smarter, fitter, prettier, lovelier – every -er that you could tack onto an adjective that was used to describe the man of your dreams. Rey had literally seen him in the crowd twenty minutes ago, but missing him even after five minutes of his absence was becoming a common occurence to her.

The flush that went through her body in seeing him this up close in the suit was… hot damn.

"Vegetable matter is a waste of perfectly good plate space," Rey retorted. "Ask yourself, would I sacrifice the surface area needed for mini muffins and pita bread for carrots?"

He chuckled and dipped down, his lips pressing against hers. "You're amazing," he whispered, face lingering close before he straightened to his full height.

"That I am." The fingers of her free hand glided up and down his lapel before going back to her plate. "But just so you know, I was about to grab some vegetables." She grabbed a few carrots. "I am trying to be healthier."

The corner of his mouth twitched. "I've noticed."

The carrot gave a resounding snap as she bit it in half, cocking her head. "Are you going to reward me for being such a good girl?"

His lids lowered slightly. "What would you like?"

"Mmm… a cupcake."

"How about a carrot cake cupcake."

She swallowed, face scrunching up. "Ew."

"Zucchini cake cupcake?"

"I don't know if that's a thing–"

"Rey!" She gazed around Ben, seeing the guys coming for her, Han helming the group. Each one took turns giving her a hug and a congratulations, bestowing her with so many compliments she was starting to blush.

Ben informed her that Finn and Rose had to leave right after the ceremony since their sitter couldn't stay for long. They took BB back with them so the little guy could get some rest. But they planned on coming back during the week to really check out the habitat in full.

"It's just," Han began to say, stare bouncing around the room. "It's so beautiful. The design and how open it is and all the windows. Natural light really is the best way to go. And the outside even has that bridge you can walk across and get a really good view of the entire habitat. You've got some real talent, Rey."

She kept telling her face to stop heating up. It wouldn't listen. "Thank you. So much. Thank you all for coming. It means so much to me." But there was one noticeable face missing from the group. "Where's Leia?"

"Her headache was getting worse, so she left early. She's going to coordinate with Finn and Rose so the three of them can come back together." Han's hand dipped into his pocket. "But she wanted me to give you this."

With an open palm, he offered her a small, rectangular teal box, the words Tiffany&Co. printed on the outside. If the word EXPENSIVE! could be conveyed with an inanimate object, this box surely fit the bill.

Rey shook her head, her free hand going up. "Oh, no. I really shouldn't–"

"You don't want to refuse a gift from Leia," Luke said, giving her a knowing look. "Trust me."

"Trust all of us," Lando added with a laugh. Chewie nodded behind him.

Ben took her plate to clear up her hands.

Swallowing the thick ball of saliva, Rey grabbed the box and reluctantly opened it. Inside was a teal pouch. She emptied the contents into her palm. She couldn't stop a gasp of air from entering her lungs.

It was a gold bracelet, real from the weight of it. Micro gauge links were connected to form the sleek piece of jewelry, its design elegantly subversive in style. It wasn't overly feminine, no diamonds or pearls incorporated into the chain.

Leia had chosen something that perfectly matched Rey's personality. That woman really was a master at gift giving.

"Wow," Rey muttered, eyes glued to it. "I… it's... stunning."

"Getting her jewelry is more my job," Ben grumbled next to her.

"No one's stopping you, kid. You can still put something on her finger." She saw Ben tense out of her periphery, and there was probably a heavy glare being directed at his father, but Rey was too entranced with the gift to check.

Han carefully took the bracelet from her palm. "Here, let me help you put it on."

Once Han clasped the chain around her wrist, Rey could feel her throat tightening, those pesky emotions making her eyes sting. "Tell Leia thank you for me," she was able to get out. "I love it. I really do."

The group talked a bit more before the men excused themselves to wander throughout the rest of the habitat.

Once the men were gone, Ben gently took her wrist so he could get a better look at his mother's purchase. "My mother really went all out on her gift for you."

Rey narrowed her eyes, unable to read Ben's face. "Should she not have?"

"Oh, she definitely should have." He let go of her wrist, running a hand through his hair. "I just… didn't think she'd go to Tiffany's since I…."

"Since you what?"

Ben opened his mouth, but didn't speak right away. His gaze went around the room, then refocused on her. "Wanna go somewhere more… quiet?"

Her mouth curled upward. "I know just the place."

Hand in hand, Rey guided him outside and around the building, stopping at the employees entrance. Having caught onto her plan, Ben scanned his ID to open the door without needing an explanation as to where they were going. Rey guided them through the sterile hallways and up the stairs till they were on the roof. Railing lined the perimeter, allowing a viewing point for the keepers and staff to toss the gorillas their food and watch them safely.

Rey took her plate from Ben, devouring the mini muffins while they searched for Shara.

She came into view after a few minutes, plopping down underneath one of the trees and playing with a stick she had found.

Rey called out to her. Shara stopped what she was doing and looked up at them. Rey put her plate on the ground and gave her a big wave, to which Shara mirrored. Then Rey noticed how Shara was staring at Ben, waiting for him to do something.

She elbowed his side. "Say hi to her."

Ben hesitated before holding up his hand, bending down the two middle fingers and giving Shara the universal sign of 'I love you'. It's how Poe used to greet her. How did Ben know? Rey had never told him.

Shara copied him, even giving out a few grunts. But it wasn't long till her newly found toy demanded the entirety of her attention again.

"Do you think Shara likes it?" Rey asked. "The habitat?" .

"Are you kidding? Of course she loves it. All the gorillas do. And I'd say the jungle gym is a huge hit." Indeed, it was. Most of the gorillas were perched at different points of the structure, basking in being able to be so high and to look over their new home.

A small breeze tousled her loose hair. Ben curled a portion of it back behind her ear. "I'm so proud of you, Rey," he said so tenderly. "If there was a stronger word than proud, I would use it. Because you're such an amazing woman, envisioning all this and making it a reality. No matter what got in your way, you just bulldozed right through it and kept going."

Rey sighed, thinking over the whole journey that led to this moment.

Man, it really had been a crazy couple of years – as if fate had put her in a blender and was dead set on making salsa out of her ass. Especially during the last few months. With deadlines and truths being unraveled… it had been a lot to handle. Physically, mentally, emotionally. And out of those three words, there was one she had struggled with the most.

Rey'd never been good at the whole emotion stuff. Anger was her number one go-to, after all. But then Ben came into her life and bam, she was no longer able to just leave the inside of her skin. Just check right out. No, she had to deal with all that sticky oil in her heart, the kind you procrastinated on flushing out cause you knew it would start to spread everywhere once you opened a valve, forcing you to inspect every facet of who you were. It would make you worse for a while… but then you would start to get better as it was cleaned away.

And Rey felt so much better.

Ben steepled his fingers together, leaning against the railing on his forearms.

Rey placed her palm atop his arm and gently said, "Thank you… for being there for me towards the end of it." Their eyes met, and his were so gentle. So caring. "If I had never met you, I don't know how this day would've gone for me. I probably would be more emotional, and not in a good way."

"But you would've gotten it done either way."

"Yeah," she agreed, gaze going back to the habitat. "But the emotional payoff wouldn't be the same. Not nearly. Cause at least I know there is a part of Poe here right now. Standing next to me."

Saying his name, remembering him, it didn't hurt like a bitch anymore, but a dull ache. Didn't cripple her like a paralysis, but maybe a very mild limp. She'd always miss her brother, she'd always hurt a little bit, but that was okay. It meant she had loved him.

"He'll always be with you," he told her reverently. "And so will I."

"And that makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the entire world."

A soft silence blanketed over the atmosphere between them as Rey basked in the feeling of having everything she needed right beside her.

She glanced at Ben and found him staring at her, a little smile on his face.

Rey arched a brow, taken by his focused gaze. "What are you thinking about?" she asked. Cause Rey was seriously entertaining the idea of going to Kay's office for some very frisky alone time. She was pretty sure it wouldn't take a lot to convince Ben that she deserved it.


Ben was quite aware he was staring, his eyes refusing to go anywhere else that wasn't Rey. As he saw her eyes dip to his mouth, he knew exactly what was on her mind, and holy hell, he tried to put a stop on his libido. There was a purpose to why he wanted to be alone with her, and pulling her into the nearest closet and ravishing her was not one of them. Well, it would be later on. Hopefully. If all went well.

"Remember when we first met?" he asked.

Rey winced, embarrassment quickly replacing lust. "Oh, god… don't remind me."


"Why?" Her stare was incredulous. "You do remember how I wasn't nice to you, right?"

"Eh." Ben brushed it off with a wave of his hand. "I understood your reasons. It was easy for me to get past all that, because honestly, I was lost to you the moment I saw you, even though you were this little tornado of spite and anger."

"Which happens to be my two worst qualities."

He chuckled. "I mean, on the outside, that's what people see. But I could tell that it all stemmed from how passionate and dedicated you were to something you held very close to your heart. It's one of the reasons I admire you so much: you're so loyal to the things you love."

Rey nudged him softly with her shoulder. "I love you."

With the knuckles of his hand, he caressed her cheek. "And I love you, too."

Their eyes locked, and they both knew what was coming. Both leaned in as Ben pulled her closer and their lips met. It was magic, the way Rey's lips connected with his, warm and soft and unrushed. His hands splayed on either side of her neck as she opened her mouth with a low moan.

Staying like that, kissing and feeling each other, they were both focused more on the intimacy rather than devouring.

Becoming drunk on endorphins, Ben had the strong desire to touch her, to move his hands under her dress and to feel the perfect softness of her skin. But seeing how they were outside and her dress was hugging tightly to her body, his hands roamed across the fabric of her back.

He didn't want any of this to end. But even sensual moments slowed, their lip-lock ministrations morphing into Ben holding her.

Nose brushing against the top of her hair, he breathed in the flowery fragrance of her shampoo. "You know, you look absolutely stunning in this dress. It accentuates one of your best"–he gave her ass a firm squeeze–"qualities." She wiggled against him and giggled. "Is it new?"

It took a moment for Rey to answer, sighing into his chest. "Yeah, I… I bought it for the dedication." She laughed a short burst, but it wasn't something funny. This was her nervous laugh, Ben could tell. And then she got serious. "It's, uh… it's actually the same dress I was wearing that night. The night my brother passed away. The original was beyond repair, of course, but I found the same one at Nordstrom Rack on sale. So… yeah." She slipped away from his hold, her back leaning against the railing. "I know it's weird. Part of me thinks so, too... it's just… Poe thought this was the best dress I owned. So…."

A jolt went through his body at hearing her explain, something clicking into place in his mind and in his heart. He could feel his face pale and his lips vibrate, heightening the possibility he might pass out.

Rey must have noticed how something had changed within him. "Are you okay?"

Ben didn't know how to answer that.

The first thought that popped in his head was that God was really peculiar.

As Ben stood there, unable to articulate a word, he knew he should probably rephrase that thought before lightning came careening down upon him from a cloudless sky. But c'mon, after his synapses had fired on all cylinders, funneling in the answers to a past mystery and dream, how could he not be struck dumb with how bizarre this sudden realization was. The realization of where he had first seen Rey… curled up on the floor in her foyer… in a dirtied white dress.

It was an odd internal feeling, to be jumping for joy while simultaneously left off-kilter.

He grasped onto the railing tightly, eyes scanning over the zoo and his mouth forming words with slow deliberation. "You ever realize or, I don't know... just remember something, and it feels like the world just shifted beneath your feet?"

"Well, finding out about your heart was a moment like that."

"Yeah… yeah, it was." He glanced at her, then went back to watching the gorillas, even though he wasn't taking in anything he was seeing. "But that was, like, a devastating realization at the time. What I just experienced… feels like destiny. At least to me."

Her hand rested on his back. "Tell me."

He rubbed his lips together. "It's going to sound strange. Like, Twilight Zone strange."

"Even better."

Alrighty, then. Here it goes.

He took in a deep breath. "The painting you have that I did, of the woman in white?"


"I haven't told you much about it, have I."


Ben nodded, expecting her to say that. "The reason I painted it... is because I dreamed it. Multiple times. The last couple of years, I've tried and tried to remember when it first started, but I just couldn't figure it out. You know how dreams can be, like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands. Certain parts of it becoming blurred." He paused. He was getting closer to the truth, and was nervous how she would react. "And I've wondered why you were so drawn to that particular painting, my mind trying to find an answer when I didn't even have a clue. But now I know."

Shara muscled her way up the jungle gym, perching herself at the top next to Dinah. They grunted in greeting, the other gorillas joining in.

Ben continued. "It's amazing how quickly the human brain can just connect everything together. Within seconds of you telling me about your dress... I remembered when I first had the dream and I remembered all the details and…." His voice trailed off.

Why was it so hard to just say it? Probably because it sounded so impossible and insane. And yet, he knew within his soul that it was real. It had happened.

Rey moved closer to him. With her forefinger on his chin, she urged him to look at her, capturing his eyes with her own. "And what?"

There it was, that tug that happened on his mind and heart, that connection growing between them. Not the short-lived kind from a good round of orgasms, but the concrete kind. The foundational kind. The we'll-be-together-for-the-rest-of-our-lives kind.

"The woman," he began to explain, "she was in a white dress, lying on the floor. But her dress... it was dirty. Stained. Bloodied. And near her was a small dog, fluffy and orange." Rey's frown deepened as he spoke, but her eyes remained upon him, steady and attentive. "And it wasn't just an image; it was like I was seeing a scene. She'd been crying, curling into herself. Then she looked up, like she heard–"

"Beating drums."

Ben blinked, as if he took a mental step back in surprise. "What?"

Rey looked at him for the longest time, like she was weighing everything in her mind. Everything their relationship was. "I'd been crying and drifting in and out of sleep when I looked to the ceiling because I thought I heard drums." Her eyes widened. "But it wasn't drums, was it."

With tears starting to form, he shook his head.

Her chin quivered, brows twitching. "Ben…"

When Rey's voice cracked, she threw herself at him and hung on his neck so hard, it was difficult to breathe. But was he about to complain? Nope. Just having her against him, smelling her familiar scent, feeling her close… not just physically, but in his heart? Oxygen was overrated.

Ben embraced her back, her body shaking and the first whimpers of her cries escaping her mouth.

"It was you," he declared fiercely, adjusting his hold on her so she was closer. "I know it's crazy and it doesn't make sense… but when I was having my surgery, I saw you. I know I did and I know it was real–"

"I believe you." She nodded against his chest, her fingers digging into his back. "I felt it."

"We belong together," he said as he also began to tremble, the water works dripping down his cheeks. "Fate couldn't be anymore obvious about it unless it slapped us both in the face."

She muttered her agreement, and something about how it practically had.

As the seconds ticked by, still in an embrace, he could feel every ounce that he was press into every ounce that was her. It was moments like these that really made Ben feel fully awake – mind, body, and soul. This was life, real life.

He wanted this forever.

With a heavy reluctance, Ben dropped his arms. Now was the time. Rey furrowed her brows as he backed away, confused that he broke off their contact.

Ben held her gaze for a number of moments, watching as she swiped under her eyes to clear her running mascara. The anticipation he felt was a nervous kind of energy, like electrical sparks falling and settling into the tips of his fingers and the ends of his toes.

Before he knew it, he was down on one knee, hand sliding into his slack's pocket and presenting a small teal box. Tiffany's, of course.

He popped it open, presenting his offering to her. A round two carat diamond sat atop an 18k slim, yellow gold band. Simple, but elegant. The highest quality when it came to color, clarity, cut, and weight. Price tag didn't even matter. Rey was worth it.

Rey gasped. Took a step back. Did a whole lot of staring.

"There's always been a part of me," Ben started to say, voice slightly shaking, "that's known since the first moment I saw you, that you were the one. Rey... as long as I'm with you, I'll always be on the right path. You're my true north. And that will never change. I don't know what you think about soulmates, but that's what I believe we are. We were always going to find each other, love each other." He lifted the box a little higher. "Spend the rest of your life with me. Marry me. Please."

Rey opened her mouth. Closed it. Did another re-blot beneath her eyes. Then: "You've got to be kidding me."

Hdbvg:IWaub;gk e;wg' w0ur-t 3u29r5.

Or Ben felt something to that effect, because he had not been expecting Rey to say… that.

What happened next seemed to transpire in slow motion: Rey carefully going down on her knees and adjusting the tight dress, pulling something out of her purse, a little black box–

A large, gold band. That was… it was a gold wedding band… for a man.

For... him?

Annnnnnnnnnnd cue Ben not being able to breathe again. Which was what happened when something unexpected happened.

Rey's smile extended all the way to her eyes, dimples setting deep in her cheeks. "I didn't think you'd beat me to this, but I'll marry you only if you marry me first."

A weird kind of tunnel vision came upon him, reducing all outside distractions to just the two of them on the roof.

He rested his hands on his thigh, balancing the ring box in his grip. "How…" and that's as far as he got when it came to making sense of the situation.

Rey chuckled, as if she found his confusion endearing. "I got it a couple days after getting back. Been carrying it around with me everywhere, waiting for the perfect moment to do this. Didn't get the memo that your family has a thing for Tiffany's, so I hope you don't mind something from one of the local jewelry stores."

Ben looked from the ring, to her, and did a few more rounds of that before saying, "You've… you've had this with you… while you've been with me? The last couple of weeks?" She nodded. "Why haven't you asked me sooner?"

A tinge of anxiety shot through her face. "I wanted this to be special. Memorable. Perfect, even. Because Ben… for the last couple years, I was just so stuck within myself, drowning in regret and sadness and anger. And when I tried to reach past all that, tried to get to the other side, you were the one who helped me to safety. And for that, you deserved to have this moment be extra special for you."

He looked at her as if everything that mattered to him was exactly what he had right in front of him. And he wasn't talking about the rings. "Rey… the circumstances surrounding a proposal isn't what makes it special. It's the person. I would've said yes to you if you had asked in the middle of us watching a movie, or playing Elder Scrolls, or while taking BB for a walk. I don't care where we are or what we're doing, you're what's memorable. You are what's perfect."

Rey' mouth twitched, as if she were trying to hide what was lying underneath. But then a smile broke through, brilliant and radiant and heart-melting.

It was hard to say who scooted forward first. Most likely they met in the middle, both needing to touch the other. Kisses were given, tears were wiped, and rings were exchanged as their joyous laughter filled the air.

Neither said anything when they embraced. Sometimes words only went so far, the construction of sentences or the cadence of syllables unable to hold the immeasurable sentiments of the heart.


As a disclaimer, part of Rey's speech is from the opening monologue of the show The Zoo on Animal Planet. I love that show and what the zoo director says in the beginning of each episode, and really wanted to put some of it in Rey's speech. If you love animals, you should check the show out on Animal Planet's website!

And now we have one more chapter to go! It will be a look at Ben and Rey's life over the next few years, little peeks into what they are up to. Knowing me, I will probably write too much and have to split it into two chapters. If that happens, they both will be posted at the same time. Just know the next update is the last. I'm getting emotional just thinking about. It's been one helluva journey. Hopefully I can stick the ending and make you all proud!