Title: Tides Against Time
Rating: M (Language, Violence, and Adult Content)
Writers Influence: This story is a mix of the beloved Disney film, the original story written by Hans Christian Anderson and my own personal twist. I added in elements of mer-folklore found throughout history and around the globe. I later use this research to describe Merfolk's personalities, abilities and appearances. If you are looking for a Little mermaid story that is mirrored exactly to the original tale this is not for you. This story includes violence, death, use of dark magic and LEMONS. If you are looking for something new mixed in with a clasic treasure I highly recommend this read.
Music: The song I have selected for this chapter is: "The Little Mermaid OST - 12 - Jig" "The Storm (score) – The Little Mermaid OST" and "[Swedish Fundub] Part of Your World/ De av din värld Reprise." I love to listen to music on YouTube while I read to add to the atmosphere. You are welcome to listen along with my music selection if you want. It is not required. When you see these marks (***) that means to begin to play the selected song. When you see these marks (xxx) that means to stop the selected work. There is more than one song in this chapter so it is important to pay attention to these marks.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, The Little Mermaid or the original Hans Christian Anderson book. All rights should go to Inuyasha Inc. Disney and Hans Christian Anderson. I do not have ownership of either of these songs or channels.
Tides Against Time: Intro
The sun was setting across the vast open sea and the sky shadowed over in a burst of color. A galley ship with a seadog on the front sailed off into the distance; heading home from long journey. Fireworks shot up into the sky raining down its streams of color and their sonic booms roll like thunder into the air. Music, lights, and dancing could be seen from its deck. Its vibrant display soon caught the attention of a young water nymph. She broke the waters surface to investigate and to her annoyance was followed by her Father's retainer.
"Oh wow!" the nymph said as the fireworks continued to shoot up into the air. She giggled as a booming sound wave rippled through her chest. She had never experienced or seen anything like them before. Everything about them was beautiful and exciting to her.
"Princess! You should not be up here! You know your Father has told you how dangerous it is!" cried a red soft-shelled crab.
"Stop worrying Myōga! I just wanted to see what all these illuminating thunder circles were. Let's go check it out!" she said before quickly making her way towards the ship.
"Wait! Princess, come back! It could be dangerous! Oh that girl is going to be the death of me!" shouted Myōga as he began to swim after her.
(*** The Little Mermaid OST - 12 - Jig ***)
The little Princess swam up to the ship and began to climb the iron bars along the side of the ship. Using her arms to pull herself up; she went one bar at a time and uses her tail for support when needed. Once she reached the top she hid behind the hull's railing. Peeping around its edge she watched two legged creatures move about the deck. Some of them were drinking, eating and laughing while the others moved to the music. They were covered in plant life she had never seen before. On their feet looked like brown rocks decorated with a golden circle on the top. On each leg were white coverings that stopped just bellow their knees. Above that were brown coverings that went from there to tie around waists. Their tops were white and covered their entire upper bodies. The sleeves continued to the middle of their arms and in the center of the top was a V-shape cutout that showed their hairy chests. Loose strings hung down and swung about as they danced. Most of them had long hair that were tied low in the back or had a strange triangular shaped covering on their heads. Some even had a feather sticking out of the top.
Just then a small two-headed beast on four legs came running about the deck. It suddenly stopped and dropped its heads to the wooden floor of the deck. It began sniffing its way towards her and before she could drop back into the water the creature found her and licked her face. Its forked tongue was scratchy and it tickled against her cheek making her to giggle. The beast wagged its tail after finding a new friend. She tasted sweet and smelled of ocean breeze with tropical flowers. He happy smiled pulled at the lizard's lips and continued licking her face wanting to memorize everything about her.
"Ah-Un! (whistle) Here boy!" cried a young voice from across the ship.
The beast turned away from her and ran towards the call. As she whipped the kisses from her cheeks she watched in fascination as the little beast ran in circles jumping up and down on what appeared to be a young boy. He looked to be a few years older than her but still held onto his youthful appearance. She could not understand what the boy was saying to the beast but he was laughing and had the most beautiful smile she had ever seen. He had similar pant bottoms as the other male creatures but his white top had a blue over covering and had golden rocks up the middle pulling the covering together. There was also some type of red seaweed tied loosely around his neck and its ends were tucked into the blue covering making it bunch out of the white top. She couldn't quite figure out what his covering was made from but she thought he looked nice in it. There were two magenta stripes on his boyish cheeks and a blue crescent moon in the center of his forehead. He had long silver hair that shined in the moonlight and was tied in a low ponytail showing off his pointed ears. His eyes were a rich amber color and she thought he was the prettiest boy she had ever seen. She loved watching him play with the four-legged beast and hearing him laugh.
(xxx stop music xxx)
"Silence! Everyone gather round!" shouted a tall male creature. He had his silver hair like the boy and it was tied up high on his head. There were single dark blue lines on each cheek and his eyes were the same rich amber color. By his aura alone she could tell he was the leader of the group. He stood proud adorned in some type of armor with authority and strength. She noticed those around him immediately submitted to his power. He was definitely the alpha. Then the music stopped to her disappointment and everyone began to gather around him and the small boy.
"We are about an hour away from port so I wanted to say thank you for your hard work. Also to celebrate the successful betrothal of my eldest son and being present for his 13th birthday!" he shouted with celebration.
Everyone shouted and cheered in the air as the alpha male grabbed the boy in his arms and messing up his hair when he rubbed it beneath his hand. She giggled when the boy lightly smacked away his father's hands. His rounded cheeks had a cute blush to them from his embarrassment.
"Father…" the boy whined shyly as he tried to fix his ruffled locks.
"Come now Sesshomaru open your gift your Father made for you," said a beautiful female that had come out of the crowd.
In her hands was a long skinny box. She wore a light pink covering that went all the way to the floor and it flared out just above her hips. The neckline had white ruffled tips and the length of the sleeve reached just bellow her elbow. She had warm brown eyes and long, black hair that was braided down her back. She was well-rounded in the belly and the Princess could only guess that she was expecting some time very soon. She had never seen anything like this covering before but thought it made the female look very pretty.
"Happy Birthday my Son!" shouted the alpha male as he stood closely to the female and wrapped his hand around her swollen waist lovingly.
They both had anticipating smiles on their faces as they stared down at him. The boy smiled up at them before taking the gift and unwrapping it. His eyes lit up as he pulled out a thin blue and black rod from the box. The Princess had no idea what it was but it sparked her interest. The boy then lifted it into that air, pulled the black and blue rod off of to show a thin shiny stick inside.
"Myōga, what is that thing?" whispered the Princess. Her Father's retainer had finally climbed his way up the hull of the ship and was watching the celebration with her.
"I'm not sure Princess but it looks like it could be some kind of weapon. Such a strange gift to give to a youngling. I'm sure if we describe it to Totosai he will know. That scroungy bird knows everything about these land dwellers." Myōga whispered back.
They watched as the boy stared in awe at his gift. With every flick of his wrist it gleamed in the torchlight. The alpha male then came up behind the boy and laid his hands on his shoulders. The boy looked up with a huge smile on his face. The alpha's eyes twinkled in merriment as he looked down at him. The boy then put the stick back inside the blue and black covering and turned around and hugged him.
(*** The Storm (Score) – The Little Mermaid OST ***)
"Thank you so much Father!" the boy said happily.
"I'm glad you like your gift my Son!" his father chuckled. "I had this sword made especially for you! It has the ability to protect you from danger as well as bring back 100 souls in a single swipe! The sword holds great responsibility but I know you will use it well to protect our people one day."
"Save 100 souls? How would saving a 100 souls protect our people Father?" the boy asked curiously as he subcontiously looked at his father's belt.
There resting at his side was Tessaiga. The blade that could take 100 souls in a single attack. His father knelt on one knee and placed his hands on his shoulders. As he looked into his innocent amber eyes he knew something important was going to be taught and made sure to give his father his undivided attention.
"Sesshomaru, there is much more to protecting than just taking life. One day you will understand." he said. "Until then, continue to work hard and as time passes like the tides I know it will come to you."
The boy had a confused look on his face but nodded anyway. All of a sudden lightning lite up the sky and a crash of thunder was heard in the distance. Startled by the unexpected roll of thunder everyone looked towards the heavy storm in the distance. The night sky covered over in dark storm clouds, hiding the moon and the water's dangers bellow. The winds whipped through the sails and a steady rain began to beat down on the passengers bellow.
"My Lord! A hurricanes a comin!" shouted a crewman from the crows nest.
"Quick secure the rigging's and everyone get to your stations!" shouted the alpha male.
Everyone began to run about the boat shouting orders and moving barrels and items bellow deck. She watched as the alpha male ushered his family inside the captain's quarters before he returned to deck. He moved quickly tying down ropes along the sides and shouting out more orders. The Princess wasn't sure what was happening but she knew this storm was going to be a nasty one. The winds continued to pick up and lighting and thunder filled the air around them. The rain continued to pour down on the ship making it hard to see and the deck's boards slippery. Waves swept up onto the ship and the men began to be flung about from its power. The Princess and Myōga tried to hold onto the railing but the winds and the waves pulled them away and flung them into the stormy water bellow.
Seeing Myōga making his way to the sea floor for safely she swam back up to the surface. As she whipped the water from her eyes lightning struck the main mast of the ship. The sails and ropes quickly caught on fire and its heat rapidly spread across the ship. As they tried to put out the fires they did not see the rocks rapidly approaching. The boat hit the rocks with a crushing smash. The front of the ship cracked all the way down the hull and water began filling the lower decks. The ship taking in more and more water steadily sank deeper into its depths. With each pounding wave it chiseled away at the broken hull braking it further apart.
"Abandon ship!" cried the alpha male. "Grab the lifeboats!"
Men began to lower the lifeboats into the story water as the alpha male ran into the captain's quarters to grab his family. He then loaded them into one of the boats and began to make their way to safety. They just passed the lip of the deck when a blast of gunpowder and remaining fireworks exploded behind them causing the support ropes to snap. Their tiny boat hit the stormy waters bellow and broke apart from the impact. The alpha male swam up to the surface and saw the ship smashed into pieces. He quickly scanned the waters surface for his family and sees his son's pet dragon swimming towards another lifeboat in the distance. Turning around he calls for his wife and son. Seeing his wife struggling to keep afloat with her swollen belly and heavy dress he swims over to her as fast as he could. Reaching her side he quickly helps her to get on top of a broken piece of wood to safety.
"Izayoi, have you seen Sesshomaru?!" he shouted over the storm.
"No! I haven't seen him!" Izayoi cried.
Fear gripped them as they frantically scaned the waters surface for him but did not find him. They called out for him but no answer came back. Suddenly a rope from under the water tangles with his foot and dragged him under.
"TOGA!" Izayoi cried as she watched her mate sink deeper into the water. She continued to cry out to him while on her hands and knees but was helpless to stop him from disappearing into the darkness.
(xxx stop playing music xxx)
(Princess view)
The Princess sees the ship catch on fire and hit the rocks. The ship began to break apart and smaller boats lowered from the ship into the water. She was relieved to see the alpha male and his family get into one of the small ships and begin to lower to safety from the sinking ship. Suddenly an explosion fills the air and the small boat hits the water and breaks apart. She quickly swims over and sees that the boy is sinking into the water. His eyes were closed and saw he was bleeding from a small cut on his head. Grabbing the boy by the hand she quickly swims towards the rocks. Finding a safe place she checks to see if he was breathing. Seeing that he was she swims back to see if anyone else needs saving. When she returned she witnessed the alpha male get sucked under water. Swimming as fast as she could she follows him into the darkness.
Reaching his sid she grabs hold of the rope and tries to help him untangle it. The alpha male's eyes bug out of his head when he sees her. But he quickly gets back to his task at hand when he realizes she is there to help him. They struggle with the rope but it refuses to let go. Before they could untangle it he looses consciousness and begins to drown. Seeing him dying she scans the water around her and grabs a nearby sharp piece of wood and saws it away. The rope breaks free from around his foot and she swims as hard as she can. He was heavier than she realized and struggled to keep hold of him in her arms. Breaking the surface she sees he is not breathing. Panicking that he might have already died she quickly makes her way over to the rocks and lays him next to the boy. After pounding on his chest a few times water thankfully rushed out from his lungs and he took in a large gasping breath.
Seeing that he was ok she swam back to the boat. Not seeing anyone else to be save she swam back to the rocks to check on her demons. By this time the sun was just beginning to rise and the storm was now slowly dying away. The sun's rays were behind her as she pulled herself up and looked into the boy's face. He was beginning to wake up and she couldn't help but lightly run her hand over his cheek. When his golden eyes dizzily fluttered open it took her breath away. They were a warm honey amber color and burned like the sun. As she looked into his eyes he looked up at her with fascination, confusion and pain. She could tell he was disoriented so she smiled down at him and ran her thumb over his cheek to try and calm him down. His hand held hers to her surprise and could help herself as she softly began to sing to him. As she finished her song she heard shouting coming their way. Knowing she needed to leave she took one last look at the boy before diving back into the water to safety.
([Swedish Fundub] Part of Your World/ De av din värld Reprise." Only play first 35 seconds)
(Sesshomaru's view)
Sesshomaru had a pounding headache and didn't want to open his eyes. Feeling a light touch on his cheek he lifts his hand up and finds a smaller hand in his. Not understanding what was going on he opened his eyes despite the pain and looked up into the most beautiful angelic face he had ever seen. She had dark, wavy black hair that was warmed by a sunny halo from behind. Her eyes were a deep ocean blue, had soft coral lips and creamy sun kissed skin. She smiled down at him and his heart was stolen in the single moment. As she began to sing warmth spread through his entire being making his heart fluttered. She had the most beautiful voice he had ever heard and he never wanted her to end.
He did not understand what she was saying from the language she spoke but he could tell she was speaking only to him. Hearing calling in the distance he tried to get up to see who was coming. However this caused the angelic face slightly panic and turn away from him. Before he could say anything to stop her from leaving his side she took one last look then disappeared from his view. He tried to roll onto his side to see where she had gone but he lost his breath from his pain that flooded up his side. He tried to call after her to come back but his throat was sore from sea water and constricted with every attempt. Turning his head towards the approaching voices he finds his father lying next to him. Recognizing the men running towards them wearing his family seal he relaxes and closed his eyes to try and relieve the pain. Knowing he was safe he soon passes out just as the men arrive to save them.
(xxx stop music after 35 seconds plays xxx)
(Two days after his birthday)
"Uh… my head." Sesshomaru said as he sat up in his bed holding his head in his hand.
"My young Lord! Ye have awakened!" cried his nanny. She ran to his side and put a couple of pillows behind his back to help him sit up.
"Wha… what happened?" he asked.
"My Lord, there be a terrible accident! The ship went down in a storm and ye washed up on the beach. We thought we almost lost ye!" she said as she patted his hand in hers.
Sesshomaru began seeing flashing images of when he was on the beach. He remembered his birthday celebration, the horrible fire, the explosion, the beautiful girl, his father and his fathers men approaching them before passing out.
"I want my Father." He croaked as he rubbed his bandaged head. When he touched it his face laced in pain.
"Oh... I'm so sorry my Lord," his nanny said gravely. "Ye Father has yet to wake up. He was found on the same beach as ye with a terrible wound."
He did not remember seeing a wound on his father. "Maybe I missed it when I was having trouble keeping focus?" he thought to himself.
"Take me to him miss Kaede. I wish to be with him." he commanded.
"As ye wish my Lord. Let me go find someone to carry ye. I do not want to risk ye strength." Kaede said as she went out the door, leaving no room for argument.
A male servant came in shortly after and picked him up despite his embarrassment. They then made their way down the hall towards his father's bedchamber. Once they were inside Sesshomaru noticed his stepmother had given birth to her child with the period he was knocked out. She was in a rocking chair near the bed holding the swaddled child in her arms. His father was lying deathly still and was bandaged all across his chest and abdomen. He could see he was sickly pale, had blood peeking through the bandages and had a feverish sweat on his brow.
"Why is Father not healing? His demon blood should be fighting this!" Sesshomaru asked as the servant laid him next to his father on the bed.
"We are not sure. The healers are looking into it," said Izayoi gently as she looked at him with tearstains on her face. She then walked over to his side of the bed. "Would you like to meet your brother?" Seeing him nod his head she adjusted his arms and carefully laid the babe in his lap.
"He's so… tiny." Sesshomaru said as he looked down at his half-brother in his arms. His little doggie ears fluttered lightly as he listened to the world around him while he slept. "What is his name?"
"I have not named him yet. I was waiting on your Father." Izayoi said as she sat next him on the bed running her hand lightly over her baby's velvety soft, silver peach fuzzed head.
"Inu..ya...sha…" a whispered voice said beside them.
"Father!" Sesshomaru cried as he carefully handed his brother back over to Izayoi.
He then quickly turned back around to look down at his father. Toga opened his eyes mer slits; too tired to open them any further. His breathing was ragged and had a tight wheezing sound as he exhaled. He looked up at his family and tried to speak again.
"His name… shall be… Inu..yasha…" He said before coughing leaving a trickle of blood to seep out of the corner of his mouth.
"Easy my love. You are injured." Izayoi said as she kissed his forehead before whipping the corner of his mouth. Seeing her mate wake up brought fresh tears to run down her cheeks.
Toga turned to look at Sesshomaru and shakily lifted his hand up to rub his cheek. Sesshomaru leaned into his father's touch. His eyes shimmered with unshed tears.
"My Son… be strong. Learn to love… and find someone… to protect." Toga said.
"What do you mean Father? You sound as if you're leaving!" Sesshomaru cried as he leaned in closer to his father.
He had fear and confusion written on his face. Toga tried to sit up to comfort him but was laced in pain from his wounds. Giving him a small smile he then looked towards his wife and newborn son.
Taking his other hand he laid it on his youngest's head and said, "My second Son… will have… my sword. For I could not… have made… another. This way… he too is... protected."
After he had finished speaking Toga looked into his wife's eyes. An unspoken understanding of what was happening gripped them both. Izayoi quickly leaned forward and captured his lips in a searing kiss. Tears ran down their cheeks as they shared in this last moment together. Soon his left fell away and he took his last breath surrounded by his family.
"Father! No, please you must wake up! cried Sesshomaru. Not reciveing a response back from his father or from his sobbing stepmother he suddenly remembered his gift. "Where is my sword?! Please! Somebody fetch it for me! We must bring him back before its too late!"
"I'm ss..sorry my Lord, but ye were not... found with a sword. It must have... gone down.. with the.. ship." said Kaede from the doorway with tears streaming down her face.
Grief unlike he had ever experienced gripped his young heart. He and his family laid together in the bed taking in their last few moments together before they would take Toga away forever. However, Sesshomaru's cries of anguish soon turned to bitterness and anger. What use was a sword that could save a life when it wasn't even there when he needed it the most! Some inheritance that was! His best friend, mentor and loving father were gone and there was no longer a way to bring him back. He had never felt so alone. News of the Lord's death spread across the land and all grieved his passing. A week later Sesshomaru was crowned Lord over the land at age 13.
He was educated and supported by his Councilmen, Elders, Advisors and Priests. Gaining responsibly at such a young age and in such a traumatizing way caused the boy to become a man very quickly. No longer was he the joyful, energetic, bouncing boy who loved to play and pull pranks. He became emotionless, cold and strict. He did not want to show any form of weakness. He expected respect and honor like father had and he worked hard to keep it that way. Everything changed and there was no going back. Over the years many tried to bring him down or lead him astray but all failed. He eventually earned the name "Killing Perfection" from his lethal fighting abilities. As the years ticked by he tried to keep that terrible nightmare of that night out of his mind but no matter how hard he tried the angelic face and beautiful voice of the girl who had saved him would never disappear.
(End of Intro)
(Oh no! What happened to Toga? He was not wounded when the Princess left him! So what happened? What will happen now that Sesshomaru has become Lord and is growing up to be cold and heartless? Only time will tell! More chapters to come! Please write a review of what you thinks so far! Thanks for reading.)