Chapter 12
Getting into the castle when you have a werewolf in tow was a lot harder than Edward and Jasper has expected. They filled Carlisle in on their idea once they'd tracked Jacob Black down. Alice had recently discovered that she was unable to see Bella when she'd been with Jake. Jasper had figured that it'd be a safe bet. It would, however mean that Jacob would have to accompany them to Italy.
The Volturi had anticipated their arrival, and the castle was guarded even more than usual. They were taken from one room to another as they waited for approval to see The Masters. Edward was fretting, Jasper was silent and Jacob was just visibly pissed.
Jacob had initially laughed in Edward's face when he begged him to travel with them. Edward had begrudgingly pleaded with the shapeshifter, explaining that Jacob might actually be the way around Bella. He was her friend, and whilst his thoughts about her made Edward want to rip the head off his shoulders, he would be an asset in getting Bella back again.
"Just so you can kill her and make her a disgusting monster like you?" He'd asked.
Edward looked forlorn. He didn't need to reply. It was true.
Finally, after an entire day, Edward, Jacob, Carlisle and Jasper were told that they would be able to take a meeting with Aro. They were marched by several young vampires into the throne room. Edward whimpered when he caught a familiar scent.
It was Bella's aroma, but different. He was too late.
Edward dropped to the floor, Carlisle and Jasper pulled him back up, tugging him along with them. They were escorted through the double doors into the bright room where Aro, Caius and Marcus were waiting.
"How wonderful! This is indeed a treat. I feel like all my birthdays and Christmases have come at once!" Aro exclaimed happily as he stepped forward to greet them. "This is such a pleasure!"
Carlisle smiled at his old friend - if one could refer to him as that - and took his offered hand. "My dear Carlisle. It has been far too long." He said as he looked into Carlisle's past. "I am glad to see that Esme and the rest of your family are well. Remarkable...just remarkable…and my dear Edward - I was expecting you, but I am delighted that you've bought your family. My oh my, there really is a treat in store for you."
"Where. Is. She." Edward demanded.
"Now now, we must get reacquainted. There is much to discuss. All is well with our Isabella. And Jasper, finally we meet. You know, there's always space for an empath in our Guard...and with your vast experience you would be most treasured."
Edward was sick of the small talk. Aro knew that but wanted to play him along for a bit longer.
Jasper, always the solder, looked as though he were standing to attention. His mind was spinning, his thoughts were concentrating solely on Alice. He could smell that she'd been there and he was certain that she was still close by.
"And this is another face I recognise - but have not had the...pleasure." Aro said, with a slight sneer on his face - no doubt because he found the odour terrible. "You are Bella's Jacob. The wolf. Isabella has enjoyed your company. You were a loyal friend to her. I hope you shall continue to be."
Jacob was about to open is mouth and say something that was likely to get him killed on the spot, but Carlisle stepped in. "Jacob and Bella are good friends - we had hoped her seeing him will help her understand what she wants.
"It's too late for that." Edward growled. "I swear if one of you changed her, I'll…" he stopped dead when Aro shared his thoughts with him.
Alice. Alice. His sister had changed Bella. She had bought here to Volterra of all places and turned her. Whilst Edward was glad that a filthy, evil being like Aro hadn't have been the one to do it, but his well meaning sister, he was still utterly devastated.
"It was Alice." Edward murmured to the rest of his family and Jacob. He looked up and made eye contact with Aro. "I need to see Bella and Alice."
"Why of course you do. And you shall, but we must remind you to be on your best behaviour, Young Edward. Bella, being in her brand new newborn state could be very volatile as you are aware. We mustn't upset her." He then turned to Jacob. "And whilst I don't think she would be tempted by your blood, she has fed today, so don't worry."
She had fed? Wondered Edward and Jasper. Aro saw the cogs working and completed their thoughts for them. "Oh, it was very fast - she didn't let him suffer much. It was a little on the messy side but that's no huge shock from a newborn.
A human. She had fed from a human. Edward has always assumed that once she had officially been made a part of the family that she would partake in their own ways. He was disappointed - more so with himself for not being there with Bella to help her.
Aro was watching Edward carefully. He knew that the mind reader was being eaten up on the inside. He had never wanted her to become a vampire. Although he desired to have her with him forever, he hated the idea of taking her soul away and ruining the lives of those whom loved her. He was excited to see how this was all going to unfold.
Moments later the doors opened and Alice and Bella entered. Alice was dressed in her usual attire, but Bella had been presented with a black short sleeved dress. Although not her normal style, she'd been glad of it. Her body had changed shape a little during her transformation and her jeans and blouse had been bursting at the seams.
Edward could not believe his eyes. She had been beautiful before, but at a vampire she was perfection. Her beauty and scent literally bought him to his knees.
Bella turned and looked down at him, her mouth agape.
"Bella, my Bella." He murmured as he stared up at her