6. Sunshine

Four months later

The rain seems to be gaining force; it's coming down faster than before. I sigh and rub at my chest absently. It reminds me of that morning, over four months ago. I was driving back from Jasper's that day, too, when a freak rainstorm hit.

Oh course, she hit me much harder than the rain, and that was before she had even touched me.

I draw a deep breath and release it, trying to ease the ache in my chest that appears each time I think of her. It's so strange, because thinking of her is also the only thing that truly makes me happy anymore. Sometimes, I talk to Jake about her. He barks and whines at the right places, so I think he commiserates, and he definitely doesn't judge me.

I smile slightly at the thought of the toys she sent him in the mail just yesterday. I haven't had time to give them to him yet, and he's going to go wild when he gets them. Maybe he can smell Bella's scent on them, because he treats the toys she sends differently. He plays with whatever I get him, but he fucking cherishes the stuff she sends.

Just like I cherish every text, every phone call, every picture she's sent me.

I take the bend carefully and frown, because there's someone by the side of the road waving me down. They have a ridiculous yellow umbrella and a smile so bright I can see it even through the downpour.

It's sunshine in a raincoat, and I can't believe my eyes. I bring the truck to a stop and jump out into the rain. She laughs and tries to pull me under her umbrella, but I don't care about the rain. It's really her.

"Hi," I finally say. "You're here."

"I'm here," she agrees. Her eyes are sparkling just the way I remember.

"Found what you were looking for?" I ask.

"Yes," she smiles serenely. "I found my home."

"Where was it?" I frown, because she hasn't mentioned anything in her texts or calls.

"Right here." She steps forward and lets her umbrella go. The rain soaks through her hair and clothes, and I instinctively draw her into my arms. "I realized that it wasn't my past I was seeing in my dreams, it was my future. It was you, Edward."

This kiss tastes of rainwater and promises. It tastes of forever, and of coming home. It's the kind of kiss I never want to end.

Something pushes against my chest and I step back a little.

A small white head pops up from the opening of her coat, and I can't help but laugh.

"A kitten?"

"I found the poor thing near the rental car place. I couldn't just leave it there!"

"And where's the rental car now?"

"Oh, I changed my mind. It was only a few miles and I thought I'd enjoy a walk down the country lanes."

"And you knew I was over at Jasper's and would leave early to go back," I add.

"That too," she agrees, following me to the truck and climbing in. "How's he doing now?"

"Much better. Ever since he finally broke it off with Maria, he's a different man. It's like I got my brother back."

She sighs, but it's a happy sigh. "I'm so glad. I don't think he would have liked me very much if I'd torn his girlfriend's hair out. Now I won't need to."

I throw my head back and laugh. "Yeah, you're probably right. Anything else you'd like to tell me before we go home?"

"Just that I love you," she says casually, petting the tiny kitten who's still nestled inside her coat.

"Oh, just that?" I ask, equally casual though my heart's racing. "That's good. Cause I love you too."

She blushes, and nods to the road. "Let's go home."