Kagome stood eyes widen. Blinking, at the underwhelming sight. A child perched within a chair, pacifier in mouth. A stern gaze held the young miko. To the side awaited Team Urameshi.
"Who's that? I thought that I was meeting Lord Koenma"
Botan drew a drop of sweat off her brow. Yusuke snickering quietly as did Kuwabara. Kagome bewildered by their amusement. The toddler slammed his tiny fist on the table top.
"Quiet! I know you're still young miss Higurashi, but it's best to show your elders respect" the burst of anger surprised her. Off guard by the toddlers powerful voice. Fury evidently filling the room. "Anyhow, I am Lord Koenma"
Kagome shocked turning to Botan who nodded. Confirming that what he spoke was true. George enters placing a small jewelry box on his desk. Opening to present it to the miko. The jewel shards glowed brightly. "I'm sure you're aware what these are"
"Yes, Shikon Jewel" she whispered shy to speak those unknown to her.
"Right you are, now I wish to know how you acquired these" Koenma demanded. Anxious as these were missing for centuries. So how could a young woman possess them?
Kagome was again hesitant to tell her story. Demons and monsters are one thing, but a time traveling well? Now we're going over the moon. "It all started with the Bone Eater Well that sits on my family's home-"
"Did you say Bone Eater Well?" George abruptly asked
"Y-yes, why?"
Koenma and George glanced at each other. The young lord stared once more at Kagome.
"What's this Bone Eater Well?" Yusuke chimed in.
"The Bone Eater Well is a focal point of energy my father used it as a way to seperate our realm and yours from coexisting" Koenma answered. The well itself had unpredictable qualities before. Now after so long it remained a mystery. "So tell us exactly what happened with your encounter?"
Swallowing hard, Kagome began her take. How she fell within, displaced in the Edo era. Continuing to talk about her situation with said jewel. Shattering within the past and the pieces being scattered. All listened carefully, Koenma began to think. The room silent as she finished. "And now I'm here"
Not a word spoken as she awaited. All focused on her.
"Sounds like a tall tale" Hiei spoke abruptly.
"Not exactly, the Bone Eater Well has shown similar qualities, lost of time from 30 minutes to an hour missing from the day" George spoke as he held a file of the artifact. "Sir we'll have to seal it if it does this much damage"
Koenma growled in frustration, as his predicament had worsen. "No doubt, but first we must collect the rest of the shards"
"Wait, what!?"
"Yes, It seems we must help with your quest" Koenma replied serious in-tone.
"Due to the fact that this is an incredibly powerful item, we can't just waste time so tomorrow Team Urameshi will dive into the well with you" he instructed as she bit back a yelp.
Kagome sank, her life furthered in complication. The others began to talk about the mission. Worried on how the others would react. The meeting ended Team Urameshi remaining. Only Botan to escort Kagome out. The blue haired woman smiled seeing exasperation on her companions face.
"Lively meeting it sure was"
"You can say that again"
Botan grinned, but didn't want Kagome to develop a poor view. Especially of her friends.
"Ya know despite their brash, and idiotic behavior, the Team is really not that bad"
Kagome perked up now interested.
"May I ask, why are the named Team Urameshi?"
"It's Yusuke's last name, and it was him who basically brought them together"
"How so?"
"Kuwabara went to school with him, and had occasion butted heads with Yusuke" letting loose a giggle.
"And believe it or not, Yusuke was charged with hunting both Hiei and Kurama down" Botan cheerfully spoke, unaware of Kagomes uneasy expression.
Koenma sat with the four. They were his best and foremost accomplished team. Yet lacked subtlety and organisation.
"This mission is a doozy, it must done quickly before any damage is done"
"And if we can't? " Yusuke asked
"Then might as well kiss our world goodbye"